The Final 15 Secrets in the Demon's Souls Remake

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when you defeat the bosses of boletaria take a closer look at the dissipation effect that they leave behind traced really briefly in their soul remains is an imprint of their human form the tower knight the penetrator and true king allant all have this fairly straightforward imprint but what helps to mark these as truly special are the soul remains of phalanx take a look here we see a bowman or perhaps more specifically a bow woman since phalanx is a demonic reflection of a character called longbow ullan who is one of the legendary boletarian heroes king alant led boletaria with a round table of the bravest knights the noble twin fangs falafax and bjor alfred the tower knight metas the penetrator and the brave tribesmen longbow ullan and his fearsome legions so despite being a more monstrous demon than the others phalanx too leaves behind a human imprint as she is one of four boletarian heroes that inspired the old ones demons and as far as i've tested it's only these four bosses that leave behind a human imprint but it is also interesting to note that some boss soul icons do have shapes that correlate to their character like the lightning bolt of the storm king the winged dragon god and false king the searing demon soul and you can even see spider legs in the hard demon soul for more secrets like this listen on and thank you to expressvpn for sponsoring this video so while it's easy to assume that these heroes were transformed into demons bio suggests that these boss fights are more accurately reflections of these heroes that the old one is creating instead in his japanese dialogue he calls penetrator a brazen sham of a knight and we can trust beeo's opinion on this because he too was a hero of boletaria alongside metas the knight that is reflected by the penetrator if we're looking for the actual souls of these heroes perhaps we should refer instead to their black phantom forms who bjor calls the black souls of great knights now you might have noticed earlier that ostrava called longbow ulan ahi but this has long been held to be a translation error since the original japanese doesn't ever specify their gender what does clue us in to phalanx or ulaan's gender though is one of the three black phantoms that you fight in 1-4 one is the black phantom form of alfred the knight of the tower carrying the tower knight shield the next is metas the knight of the lance carrying the penetrator's sword and the third female phantom is logically the tribesman longbow ulan who carries a white bow and a killage which are weapons that actually have connections to other tribesmen of the shrine of storms so all of these characters are interwoven from their boss forms to ostrava's dialogue to their red phantom forms as well so similar to old king alant who is a demonic reflection of the true king of art writhing beneath the nexus the demon phalanx tower knight and penetrator are all demons that the old one modeled off of boletaria's existing knights who are more true to their form in the black phantoms of 1-4 in fact it's actually these exact black phantom models that make up the imprints that are now left behind in their boss soul remains i can tell this because penetrator's imprint doesn't have a helmet and the tower knight's imprint is wielding a scraping spear and phalanx's imprint is obviously ulan the bow wielding red phantom but if you're still not convinced that phalanx is this female red phantom listen to the pain and death sounds of phalanx added into the remake bluepoint has gone so above and beyond with their sound design i like it because they're really expanding that from software creed of adding details to their game that so few will notice but that add wonderful value and depth all the same another great sound example though can be found when you approach a few select gates in the tutorial through which you can hear the tormented screams of humans and the gluttonous growls of the demon vanguard on a less immersive note if you look carefully through the credits screen you can actually see a bunch of goofy looking goat faces some of them very well hidden and blue point has a bit of a history with this in their shadow of the colossus remake four goat paintings were found around the enormous world and again they were very well hidden to the point where players still aren't quite sure if there's a fifth goat lurking somewhere nothing has come with these discoveries to this day so in my opinion it's pretty likely that this is just an internal joke for the company or maybe we're the internal joke and they're just laughing at how desperate we are to find everything hmm the thing is you never really know with bluepoint because sometimes they deliver real results in one of my recent videos we talked about the 11 ceramic coins that you need to find if you want to unlock the secret door to the penetrator's armor but we speculated that there might still be two more coins to discover still hidden within the fractured world well a few hours after that video released those two coins were found one is in pure black world tendency halfway through the third stage of boletaria castle requiring you to jump over this ledge onto the platform below i can see why no one found this until now putting it over a ledge jump that wasn't in the original game is just so genius the other coin is in the second stage of the valley of defilement which is one of those areas that must have had like 100 players going through it at one point and we found nothing then but after seeing the coin i understand why in pure white world tendency you need to fall through this tiny little gap on this non-descript piece of scaffolding to land on a platform that contains the coin god damn this brings our total to 13 coins per new game cycle and since you need to trade 26 with snuggly to get the rusted key that unlocks the door in 1-3 that means you can actually get the penetrator's armor set in new game plus now which is a huge improvement over going to new game plus plus one of the funnier quirks with these coins was that they break if you try to trade them to other players which is something that prevented players from duping the coins by rolling back their saves but what it seems bluepoint didn't realize is that players can drop the coins for their hosts crow instead so in this way if someone drops their coins here for you as a host you can reload your game as if you dropped an item for sparkly and you will receive the other players coins back from sparkly instead maybe they'll patch this soon so if you want the penetrator armor in new game this might be your only opportunity before we knew that ceramic coins were needed to open the secret door players also speculated that it might have had something to do with the odd sharp echoes that you can sometimes hear when you're playing through the game even now it is kind of hard to know if these are a glitch or something more user yojimbo the despised has this great post on reddit breaking down how and where a lot of these sounds appear and they even managed to get some great audio of it happening in the nexus have a listen i recommend you read their full post because what if there is something more to these wait [Music] i mean that kind of sounds like one glitch that i hope they don't patch is the ability to continue wearing body type locked armor after customizing your character at the statue of reflection what's also weird is that they did remove the body type restrictions on some armors you can wear the binded set from miralda on any character now for example shortly after release notorious souls expert illusory wall tweeted i wonder how long it'll take for the community to discover a new glitch in the demon souls remake that was actually just undiscovered and in the original this whole time it turns out not long when i told him about a tweet that i received claiming that enemies in the remake were less alert to sounds based on the weapon that they were holding he tested it in the original and it was there as well if you are two handing a large weapon over your shoulder like the dragon bone smasher then enemies that are supposed to be able to hear you have their sound impeded for some reason by contrast this character holding a smaller dagger is detected far earlier we discover so many things as a community and one thing that my chat pointed out while i was fighting the storm king on twitch was the amazing way that the rain particles work in this fight so when the enormous storm king passes over you the rain particles are actually completely blocked and it stops raining on your character isn't that crazy similarly when you shoot a blast from the storm ruler it shears this path through the rain and blasts the particles away with force this game man the first stage of latria here has a very different tone to the original thanks to the noble woman's singing and while i personally prefer the haunting tone in the original which i consider canon i can't help but think about the implications of the song that she's singing in the remake it's a song from the demon soul soundtrack returned to slumber it makes the atmosphere here melancholy even calming return to slumber is basically a lullaby after all it's the song that plays after you choose the good ending at the end of the game after the maiden in black lulls the old one back to sleep an interesting thing about her singing it is that it does make some sense for the once royal mistress to be singing such a song her and her fellow nobles were imprisoned in latria after all and she complains that the demons feed upon their souls so of course they'd want to end it by putting the old one back to slumber but even if it's not a reference to the old one and it's probably not it does still make some sense for her to be filling the dungeon with a calm atmosphere when you talk to her she speaks of how her fellow prisoners are lured above by talk of redemption but it's a lie by the demons to lure them out of course but by singing a comforting song not a haunting one she is perhaps encouraging her fellow prisoners to stay below to stay sane it's a song of solidarity with them so again while i feel like something is lost from the original atmosphere that doesn't mean something else can't be gained i actually find this applies to a lot of changes in the remake if you think about them critically and even if you dislike something changes do spread awareness about what made the original demon souls so great one thing that definitely wasn't in the original was a dragon ball z reference choose this phrase to be offered a number list and hidden at the bottom is this very cool reference deserves a chuckle at least right and now you can even laugh in game you laugh when you put on the fat official's cap and you grin evilly in the character screen i love this additional flavor it's great but i will say i miss the old fat official laugh there was just something so unsettling and inhuman about it while i don't agree with every change bluepoint just bought themselves so much goodwill by responding to fan feedback and changing some things before release like the flame lurker's design another example though is when we all saw a preview of the fluted set we all reacted pretty negatively since the helmet in the previews looked way less fluted than it did in the original but the original helmet is in the game i don't know if they added it in as a response to this feedback but you can get it it's just pretty hidden so when you start up the game opt into the journey to the nexus and defeat the vanguard the trick is to bait his short range attacks and then get behind him indefinitely if you die here you can never return but if you defeat him the game takes you to the unknown egress in this area you can pick up the fluted helm which is a really special reward one of the main reasons that the vanguard design has grown on me is the attention to detail with its design so you probably know there are two demon vanguards in the game one in the tutorial and one in the shrine of storms and you might not have noticed this but there's actually a design discrepancy between the two of them the one that inhabits the castle is shackled it has cuffs on its limbs and it has chains that are designed very specifically for its upper torso this proof of past imprisonment or restraint is a part of its story here because it links it to the environment and sort of tells a story that you can imagine about the soldiers in this place maybe they once restrained it but now it seems like they guard and possibly even feed it alternatively the one in the shrine is entirely free of shackles perhaps suggesting that it encountered less resistance when it was at the front of a demon army going through this place we should all be free of shackles like this and that's kind of what it feels like to use a vpn so having expressvpn is also kind of like being in the nexus 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starting gift but someone just figured out where it is in the game you have to go to sparkly the crow and trade a large sword of searching with her in order to receive it from her and you get the large sword of searching from upgrading a plus 8 curved sword with the hero demon soul which you get from the old hero boss in the shrine of storms so that's it don't feel pressured to choose this ring in the starting menu anymore and yeah i'll see you guys next time
Channel: VaatiVidya
Views: 1,276,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guide, walkthrough, lore, dark, souls, remastered, dlc, two, bloodborne, story, vaatividya, vaati, vidya, videos, (video, game), shadows, twice, from, software, sekiro, combat, tips, tricks, attachment, elden, ring, trailer, demon's souls, remake, remaster, ps5, playstation 5, exclusive, xbox series x, phalanx, tower knight, penetrator, hidden, black phantoms, goat, ceramic coins, location, weird sounds, storm ruler, ost, return to slumber, unknown egress, iron helm, fluted helm, demon vanguard, providencial ring
Id: FLWW14qEBt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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