The fieriest moments from Peter Strzok's hearing

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the testimony that you are about to give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I testify today with significant regret recognizing that my texts have created confusion and caused pain for people I love not once in my 26 years of defending our nation did my personal opinions impact any official action I took between July 31st and August 8th how many interviews did you conduct related to the alleged collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign congressman as you know counsel for the FBI based on the special counsels equities has instructed me not to answer questions about the ongoing investigation asking for unknown russian attempts to you are under subpoena and are required to answer the question are you objecting to the question if so please state your objections the Chairman I object I do not believe I am here under subpoena I believe I am here voluntarily Jeremy will you answer the committee's question has directed or do you refuse to answer the committee's question mr. Chairman I move to adjourn second you're not recognized for that purpose and you will be subject to recall to allow the committee to consider proceeding with a contempt citation your testimony is Bob Muller did not kick you off because of the content of your text he kicked you all because of some appearance that he was worried about I'm stating to you it is not my understanding that he kicked me off because of any bias that it was done based on the appearance if you want to represent what she said accurately I'm happy to answer that question but I don't appreciate what was originally said being changed I don't give a damn what you appreciate agents truck I don't appreciate having an FBI agent with an unprecedented level of animus working on two major investigations during 2016 to suggest somehow that we can parse down the words of shorthand textual conversations like there's some contract for a car is simply not consistent with Meyer most people's use of text messaging I can assure you mr. chairman at no time in any of these texts did those personal beliefs ever enter into the realm of any action I took and the proposition that that is going on that it might occur anywhere in the FBI deeply corrodes what the FBI is an American Society the effectiveness of their mission and it is deeply destructive I'm gonna just go to go to a date and then ask you to read your own words March 4 2016 you want me to read this yes please yes sir oMG he's an idiot October 20th 2016 I can't pull away what the and I defer to the Chairman well you can just use like one letter if you don't mind why the f what the f happened to our country lease okay read it again that way I sure did you not you just want me to repeat it please okay sir sure happy to indulge it you have come in here and said I had no bias and you do it with a straight face and I watched in them in the private testimony you gave and I told some of the other guys he is really good he's lying he knows we know he's lying and he could probably pass polygraph it's a maze mr. chairman mr. chairman I'm sorry I lost this point of order gentleman from Rhode Island no the disgrace mr. what this man has done gentleman from Texas will suspend for a moment is the disgrace and it won't be recaptured anytime soon because of the damage you've done to the justice system and I've talked to FBI agents around the country you've embarrassed them you've embarrassed yourself and I can't help but wonder when I see you looking there with a little smirk how many times did you two look so innocent into your wife's eyes and lied to her about mr. chairman it's outrageous you know chairman horrible harassment with medication I have always told the truth the fact that you would accuse me otherwise the fact that you would question whether or not that was the sort of look I would engage with in a family member who I have acknowledged hurting goes more to a discussion about your character and what you stand for and what is going inside you it's your credibility and a gentleman from Texas will suspend this hearing is a kangaroo court it is a three-ring circus you've been out of control since you've been on this committee why don't you leave it alone this is not Benghazi I cannot express to you my love of the FBI enough the men and women who make up that work force their ethics their integrity are unmatched anywhere in the world and I think that's important one because it is who we are two that none of them would accept any of the behaviors that are being alleged any more than I would accept it in him and three this entire exercise comes at a cost we are doing things that are going to in the future tear down the underpinnings of what represent law and order in this country
Channel: Washington Post
Views: 840,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a:politics, peter strzok, fbi, house judiciary committee, house oversight hearing, peter strzok hearing, bob goodlatte, trey gowdy, president trump, anti-trump texts, anti-trump text messages, fbi text messages, justice department, fbi agent, mueller investigation, russia investigation, t:Original, s:Politics, Washington Post Video, News, strzok, white house, donald trump
Id: XXuOUCXweoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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