The Festival with Natsuki. | DDLC Purist Mod - Part 1

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oh wait oh uh huh what what did you do what have you done to me why is this place back here huh huh didn't I tell you now the toy of my heart like this I didn't want to come back I still came back to save you once they already started to lose it she's crying no this is a good way to start I don't know what you intend to do but I really want you to be happy but there's no happiness to be found here I don't want you to be unhappy this is for the best okay I still love you after all but you deleted me so I know you don't want anything to do with me goodbye no no no what Oh what it's not gonna work baby I don't know why why can't I do anything oh no what have you done or what are you doing no matter what I try nothing's working well I get it some permission error again and again did you lock me out of being able to change things you're the only person that could do something like that why what are you trying to hide from me why did you drag me back to this cursed hell I know you might hate me for what I did but isn't this just too cruel or is this my punishment for what I did to them are you enjoying throwing me around like this just why did you bring me back here I'm going to make things right what when you mean make things right do you really think it's even possible I told you already there's no happiness to be found in the literature Club you'd be doing so much all for nothing it might make you a little happy for a short while but nothing will change and I know I hurt a lot when you realize that so please I don't want to see you in that kind of pain you won't listen to me won't you I guess if I told you not to do it and you'd be more likely to do it after all you don't want anything to do with me right I'm not seeing as I'm stuck eat now I want to know really why are you doing this is there something is there someone you want to be with or is it because you want to be the good guy tell me nobody deserves what happens there's someone I want to who I want to save [ __ ] ah I mean I love not ski but I no one deserved that actually it's not even just about loving not ski no one deserved what happened you weren't wrong I want to wish that anyone be dragged into this game so you want to make things right huh fine I'll play along maybe no never mind just remember nothing will truly change I guess it's the title screen after this well haha oh wow there no not even there so anyway hey guys what is up zero here and welcome to d DLC purist mod this mod is a mod it's all kind of cleared but Logan's the deal asleep URIs mouth this might has been in development like it started development after D DLC released in September this mods almost this man's been developing for almost a [ __ ] year so this very well has the potential to be like one of the best mods like this actually might top exit musical my list depending on how well-made this is so yeah I was I've been looking forward to this [ __ ] mod so let's just let's just go I don't know how long we make these episodes I don't know if I'll make it like exit music hour long or like 30 minutes I don't know tell me what you guys want my comments something if you want in our long episodes or if you're found with 30 minutes but yeah other mods normal VN I might put on hold for this I'm sorry cuz I just I've been really waiting for this mod this mod is like Jesus hey it's an annoying girl running toward me from the distance when her arms in the air like you stole their Bolivia if any attention she might draw to herself that girl is say Ori my neighbor and good friend since we were children you know the kind of friend you never see yourself making today but it just kind of works out because you known each other for so long we used to walk to school together on days like this but starting around high school oversleep more and more frequently I would get tired of waiting up she's going to chase after me like this I'm almost feel better off running away however I just sigh and idle in front of the crosswalk and let's say already catch up to me hey hey I overslept again but I caught you this time maybe because I decided to stop and wait for you and you say like you were thinking about ignoring me that's mean zero well if people stare at you for acting weird then all of them to think we're a couple or something okay so this is very act one listen fine fine well you did wait for me after all I can't guess you don't have it in you to be mean even if you want to whatever you say sorry he across the street together and make our way to school as a drawing near the streets becoming kind of a crest link and create increasingly speckled with other students making their daily commute by the way zero have you decided on a club to join yet club I told you already interested in joining any clubs I've been looking either yeah that's not true you told me we're join a club this year did I - I have what I do - but - but - who you wanna hang out during this weekend zero you get to decide because it's just like hey Natsuki Monica see or you cannot hang out with URI what wait what you I can't choose URI that's weird what you can't choose Yuri oh okay then I mean not that I was going to it's just there's no URI okay I'm going not Sookie I think they're still very generic dialogue yeah you said before when I was having this chance I was I have to be that way at all I had fun today she showed me off much fun baking can be like you wanted but aside from that I think you can come over any time okay I think that's possible I like this one more time like like this if you want to read manga or go out somewhere um you really mean that actually it looks at me tensely she's trying to hide her expression yeah I wanna spend more time with you zero so I only cared about getting this done I'm sorry I had to leave so early today I really didn't want to I won't really stay here longer if I could I feel the same as you so how does he suddenly gets closer to me wait Natsuki standing it just from me nasi looks up at me I feel her fingers gently clutch at the clincher clutch at the sides of my shirt as of holding on to me rosco cheeks and matching eyes fill my vision a lot of they're slightly parted lips what is happening and it starts to go dizzy as I feel her soft breaths against me I felt it for a while now whoa what the [ __ ] that's not say Ori Wow nasi suddenly jumps back alright I think the new stuff is happening Monica hmm don't mind me Monica Siri said she was just helping you online I changed my mind and decided to come over anyways Monica just now we worried don't worry your secret's safe with me I was just on my way to say orys house since our work for the festival and get itself done especially if I'm not actually online right you're going to help her anyways I'm right on my way out so oh really I was hoping we could talk it's a orys it's been a while since it's been just us girls yeah well you can talk at the festival tomorrow so it's fine just don't need a my cupcakes for then zero anyway later clearly flustered Nazi hurries off and Monica waves goodbye not say Orie hmm I she's already told you what she's going through right I tried open my mouth but nothing comes out I was about to ask how she knew but it's like Lucy always told Monica about things they seemed like close friends after all I don't worry about it what if you're going to go after someone or something don't do it half-heartedly so don't worry I'll take care of things so you can focus on what's ahead of you he mana gives an enzymatic laughs even if you try to save everyone you can only do it one at a time huh I guess even you have your limits or maybe that's how you wanted things what the [ __ ] wait do I have to save everyone Oh No is this am I gonna have to go through different routes I'm gonna have to save the ball that's how you wanted things but it hardly matters I'll handle what you can't oh really it's not like I have much to do anyways Monica hmm I don't know what to say but thanks Hey All Right see you tomorrow at the festival zero I've asked my gives away but she goes towards a auras house alright I guess I better go rest for the festival tomorrow it's the day of the festival and my alarm clock going off I'm often while yelling if such my arm is out look at the time okay so I had to play through all of Act one I just skip through all of it but it's fine now we're fine we're all fine now is finally the new stuff gets to happen or you guys didn't get I didn't want to show you guys a bunch of Act one so yeah I hear my locker girl Boyan if she's wrong as I look at the time I also learned something else when looking through the files I think there's a readme and the readme is interesting the readme says something about the [ __ ] Konami code it says I wonder if you can use the Konami code in this mod and I don't the Konami code give you extra lives I think in contra or something like that I forgot what it did exactly in Contra so I don't know what the [ __ ] that's gonna do here I'll see what happens but yeah the Konami code is in this game apparently or maybe it's not maybe it's lying but I feel like there's a reason oh yeah anyway let's continue supposed to be this late is it could've sworn asan my alarm clock correctly let's check my phone to see nearly 50 unread messages and a dozen missed calls all of them from Natsuki my heart sinks I wasn't about to be there an hour later than I was supposed to I get ready as quickly as I can and hurry over to the kitchen to grab the cupcakes knots can I picked hastily stacking two trays I can carry everything all right out the door and head towards school thanks to how much this mallet much this might hurt our clothes activity today oh [ __ ] new music now rushing to the school and head towards the classroom making sure not to drop the cupcakes I walk into the room and see a decent decent number of people already there for the festival seriously I turn to the sides he Nazis glaring at me as nervous as I was sorry my alarm clock wasn't set correctly and planned on being late honest I put the cupcake J's on a nearby table and people start rushing towards it sure that's not the only reason they'd come right well you were struggling to figure out how to use basic technology people have already started arriving we didn't have any cupcakes I mean do you know how hard it is to get people to stick around for something like this when there's no food I look at my phone again any time she tried messaging me yeah I could see you're concerned I'm really sorry you tried pretty hard to get ahold of me though you were really worried about me huh I was worried about our club's activity were turnout dummy sure I was a little worried about you two but Nazca looks off to the side look it doesn't matter hey I walk over a bit close I'm not Sookie we're here now people are going to eat some of the best cupcakes on the planet what we're going to be enjoying the festival I promise it'll be fun sound good hmm you better not disappoint me then how she crosses her arms I could tell she was still excited or at least the very least interested thankfully the poem reading activity wasn't scheduled to happens earlier today so it seems I didn't mess up too badly the club and I spent the log reading everyone who came in and telling them about our club but few of them seemed interested I noticed that's a notice that a good number of people came and solely for the purpose of taking a cupcake which I should have expected I guess it wasn't the most exciting thing ever but it wasn't that boring either after all I was doing to stop the club and for some more time past her Monica's voice in the distance okay everyone it's time to read poems I'll be starting by having our literature Club members read their wonderful selections first everyone mine starting us off say Orie oh my gosh she's alive right I'll try my best so her looks nervous going up to the podium once you actually begin reading it's clear she becomes more and more comfortable as the poem goes on when she stands at her poem we all clap as Monica starts speaking again thank you for that great poem sorry next up is for Monica finish URI runs up to the poem tightly foe diem tightly clutching her poem yeah URI take it away URI starts reading her poem there's there soon an air of confidence in her voice showing that showing that she had definitely prepared for this with your his poem finished everyone claps again as Monica's ready to the next person to read their poem next up will be myself and Monica takes our poem starts reading everyone who came to check out the festival were blown away by her poem maybe it was just her they loved just not nonetheless most thorough Monica was an expert at this well I hope you enjoyed my poem actually having zero read his poem not right I guess arriving now to go last I was hoping I'd be able to go last it's now or never hey everyone my coffin have two glanced over my poems few times make sure I'm ready luckily the awkward silence doesn't last long as I begin reciting my performance some high ends up being worse than when I practice most people clap out of pity does he not see clapping just a bit harder oh to be fair was also probably out of pity but I appreciated the gesture I step down from the podium I walk over to Natsuki why are you so sad you could have done so much worse almost surprised you didn't actually yeah that's true wait you don't have that little faith in me do you I'm just saying that you did better than anyone else at anyone outside this club could have done it's not see giving me a genuine compliment grant it that's not saying a whole lot but it's better than nothing oh oh I turned towards Monica she speaks up again last but not least not ski we'll be reading her poem now she gets on the podium a prepares her poem of course I'm not least I'll even prove it not that I need to no see reads our poem this time being noticeably more enthusiastic than when practicing with the club members her writing style shines through as her usual as usual making up for entertaining experience once she's done we all clap well though I draw a bit of attention by clapping a little longer after everyone else stopped the ossicles down from the podium walks over to me that was incredible hey what did you expect I thought that would be obvious but there's no harm in accepting your compliment anyway so thanks I guess not the lyric club members are done would anyone else like to Monica start starts boat looks around to see that most people were already leaving oh I mean we kept our attention longer than I thought we would yeah and we have fun didn't we I suppose that went well enough hey there's one person that's still here to take the last cupcake but yeah there's another hour before the festival ends though not what we all brainstorm for a few moments we could try drawing you more people why not we don't want to give up we don't have to give up it's not like we have any more cupcakes though I'm sure we can think of some reason for two more people to visit I don't know to be honest I don't think it's worth to keep dragging this out don't be so pessimistic Natsuki there's always a chance to bring what we're doing in here back to life I think maybe we could just hang out for a bit more people want to come then they'll come it'll be a shame and not look at the rest of the festival that's true we just try to have some fun when we're here well if everyone else agrees if you guys want to do that and I don't think I should be the one to stop you I'll stay here in case anyone does come Marga comes up to me a whispers in my ear go with not go with Natsuki I hope it's a are you like I said don't worry oh my gosh Monika best wingman now Monica's my wingman Monika winks and walks away wait is it that obvious she's like I'll handle say or II think it's no reason not to take her advice I go up to not ski not ski check out the rest of the festival with me nasty clearances arounds he's everyone else looking at us well sure only because I have nothing better to do he knows he strolls the hide a smile on her face sure thing not ski they walk outside the classroom I tried going getting through the hallway which is fill with the groups of students chaos makes it difficult to tell where we're going but it doesn't take too long for us to get a grip on things oh [ __ ] eventually managed to make it outside the school there's a lot of stands Muslim carnival games anything look interesting to you now it's key I guess I could try one of those games they have at some of those stands to our left you see a stand with a game we have to throw a ball and knock over milk bottles walk over and see what I assume is a first year she places some balls on the counter you have three shots to knock over all the bottles want to give it a try I turn to Natsuki who should go first you'll probably miss I don't mind giving you the chance to have some fun at least trying that's very nice of her I think I pick up a ball and get ready to throw I take a deep breath and lob the ball at the bottles three out of nine bottles not bad now she picks up the ball as well a stern look of concentration envelops her face she looks for best angle I'll throw from however sounds like it's passed she still hasn't thrown Natsuki everything all right Shh I'm concentrating I see stairs the bobbles for a few moments and finally throws well straight hard to throw it should be more impressive she didn't only miss the bottles but threw the ball so hard that bounced off the back of the stand and nearly hit one of us geez whoa be careful fine you can have the last shot I forgot the last ball and throw we knocking off one bottle this time oh that's a shame thanks for playing though that's can I walk away might be approached by a third-year who looks like he could he could pass for a door door-to-door salesman how would you like to have your compatibility with each other measured excuse me no thank you I try saying no no only for him to join oh I say I try saying no only for him to drag both us and ask you to a small table no 30 years since the end opposite of us is the other 30 er walks away please have a seat nice can I try to sit down only to bump into each other realizing a small problem there's really only one chair for your love measure thing you two have to be close together for this to work after all emotional my hands were not asking to take the seat now each of you need to hand me your palm I'd rather leave Thanks foreign I was gonna try getting off the third-year grabs our palm anyway I'm pretty that's not allowed that's not allowed but as long as we're stuck doing this I put on my palm as well hmm yes wait a minute if you're already a couple how am I supposed to measure compatibility uh-huh what no it's not like that it's nothing to be ashamed of but please do not waste my time frustrated not to gets up and walks away grabbing my arm and dragging me along in the process oh geez the nerve of her should be fair I could see why she'd make that mistake yeah but people shouldn't jump to conclusions like that even if it's true that not stops mid-sentence oh she said even if it's true Natsuki whatever let's just get some food okay I haven't eaten all day oh he doesn't want to admit it Oh it over to a stand that appears to be serving hamburgers to hamburgers please hand over some money to the person serving when fortunately we're out of buns for regular hamburgers we do have some delicious robbing burgers however hmm not so sure about that he found with the Natsuki turned back look at the server again I Ciera money's already gone I'm also pretty sure that's not allowed but it isn't particularly expensive in the first place so I let it fly what's happening in this place is very legal Wade over to a nearby table and sit down the luxury of sitting down for once feels nice I have to admit that's how these past few days have been that's admit they were kind of fun you're not a terrible Baker so I can give you credit for that come on there's no way they would have turned out as well as they did without you yeah but besides that I meant what I said I meant what I said yesterday about I was hanging out more often by the by the way if you ever want to meet up just send me a text I sent you 50 text messages early and you didn't respond but I'll keep it in mind she's right but I got here in the end didn't I well you're not wrong I was just skip Oh boss he quickly changes expressions don't oversleep next time okay oh she was scared for me okay I need to drink some water [ __ ] and I burp okay I burped on [ __ ] camera no unprofessional but she was worried for me I've never really been that worried about me when she didn't just see me responding to any of her messages I thought she would have guessed I overslept maybe she thinks definitely not expect I'll try sorry again for being late the server comes over to our table it gives each a burger that has ramen as the buns instead of a traditional bread actually tastes okay so I guess I'm at least getting my money's worth I mean I'm not going to go and claim this festival as professional in the slightest but it is a school festival so I can't complain too much after talking a bit more we finish eating and get up again I'm exhausted you yeah I'm a little tired too [ __ ] home huh I think I'd be fine with leaving the festival now that I got to spend I got glad I got to spend it with you hand okay time to better than if I didn't go with you probably somehow and found herself staring into each other's eyes for a brief moment but it happened no it definitely happened yeah well see you tomorrow you too there I did it I went to the festival recited my poem you got to spend time with Natsuki I'd say today was a success hope things can continue to go as well as this did it's probably more likely to happen if I actually set my alarm clock correctly this time though oh I like that little fade that that up-down fade oh my god my alarm clock again well at least I set my alarm clock correctly that's a decent start for the day as I'm waking up I check my phone and see a text from Natsuki it's from this morning and appears to be important bad news to expand at the lurcher club oh [ __ ] what happened this doesn't sound good what could have happened hi what what what what's wrong are you paste oh she's pacing I arrived at alergic club for with anxiety not skis is pacing around with her head down I was oh she's waiting for something or maybe someone not ski she perks up dating looks over at me zero what's up that's what I'd like you to tell me come on my phone for my pocket or the message she sent me this morning oh that yeah did you hear how she looks at me expect me already know what she's referring to it's say we're [ __ ] dead I'm going to assume I haven't whatever parfait girls got cancelled they did nerve to stop a volume 76 to right before the finale oh dang sorry to hear that nasty [ __ ] manga got kids are you serious wasn't there supposed to be a movie coming out at some point what's gonna happen with that since they put so much time and money into it plus it's an original story I like the anime adaptation family they're still going to release it I mean I like to see it at some point it's just a movie the manga is what matters most and now it's gone even though it wasn't nearly a big fan of parfait girls as Natsuki was still sad to hear since that's me look so disappointed well at least you have the other series to read right yeah but none of them are peripheral then how about I pause trying to have an idea this is only something that needs to be solved in the first place there's no point backing out now why don't you make your own manga oh not Ziegler's at me very funny you know you know I thought you'd have a bit more sympathy for me I'd be sorry I'd be sorry for you if your favorite mom I'd be sorry for you if your favorite manga ended I'm serious I'll help you too seriously sometimes you really don't get it creating a manga isn't nearly as easy as are making it sound hey that's it would be easy gonna have to do it all at once either as long as we've work on it a little at a time I think it's possible it doesn't have to be some bestseller either or something we'd even sell in the first place something we do for fun besides how do you know it's that tough anyway personal experience I see us off to the side that's besides the point oh she tried to make her own manga before I adorable you won't be you won't be on your own as he thinks it over for a few moments fine boy you only so you'll stop bugging me about it all right where should we start then can you draw zero I'm not terrible at drawing I guess depending away your definition of terrible is anyway okay I'll handle the writing there's an awkward moment of silence so what should our ma gonna be about then well what's your taste in manga anyway I usually gravitate towards Shonen manga although I'm willing to branch out sometimes yes I am too this is me I do mostly gravitate towards Shonen don't make fun of me we can probably make this work you already know that I prefer slice-of-life but we can figure something out more silence okay this is going to be harder than I imagined the best writing material comes from real life right why not draw inspiration from there I've got idea what I'm saying now they think about it yeah but what inspiration my supposed to get from there my life's pretty boring anyway why not make our manga about this literature Club put this lerczak Club is boring to hear Monica's disappointed oh thanks Monica we don't have any other ideas either so so not sure how good this idea is I hope it sticks all right we need a title any ideas it's gotta be doki-doki literature Club oh my god how about we name it the doki-doki literature club title was painfully cheesy but I was the last person asked for advice for foreign a slice of life story are you kidding me this is some kind of romance novel what was on your mind to come up with that anyway some romance novel hey painted up on the spot or some ideals would be good I hear snickering come over somewhere else in the room see you know Monica's laughing at it but hey more romance elements in it that badly and actually won your romance involved it's too late you're the one who suggested it now it was clearly having fun messing with me but for real what were their characters be named we're basing this off our literature Club aren't we maybe like in Reverse everyone's names or something like EW Stan economic I are Rory and iris iris I think it's houston i konami i Ruis come on you could at least try to make this good more seriously all res oh my god they reverse the name you could do that you could reverse their name that's so cool to be fair I guess my name backwards is south to great you're working on a manga I turn around to Yuri pass by although manga is not one of my interests I do Excel writing you know maybe I could help Maus can't drop sir that won't be necessary Thanks that's me I'm not a big fan of Yuri but that's mean Erik while he walks away slightly offended what was that for we don't need any distractions of working on this distractions what are you talking about Yuri Yuri I don't need you paying any attention to her are you jealous of Vernadsky I got a nasty clench your fist a bit and then taking a deep breath no so there'd be no issue adding Yuri to the team right I won't go that far I clearly wasn't going anywhere this okay if anything we know why she's doing this was just because she wants it to be just her her and me she wants to bond so fine we'll leave it at that you're the boss Natsuki feel that strongly I just feel kind of secure sometimes she's openly admitting something like that that's weird yeah it was weirdoes about the sad so I was like woah she just [ __ ] said that Oh attention all students they've heard her eyes to the speaker from the school's PA system due to technical issues that were risen for the festival yesterday school will be closed tomorrow okay wait so they did so did they finally notice the damage the pyrotechnics did wasn't because of the wall was broken down to the bull fighting match what happened at this festival bull fighting match pyrotechnics huh huh well guess there's no school tomorrow then you should probably think of something else to do in that case now it looks like she's deep in thought about something oh you want to come over to my house Natsuki zero I need to a shopping for food tomorrow want to come Oh huh are you asking me on Mouse he reacts quickly I need help shopping that's all I'm pretty sure you don't need a second person to go grocery shopping but whatever I think I'm free then let me check my schedule I looked at my phone to check what I was doing for the rest a week to make sure I was able to go you don't have plans with anyone do you not that I know of good I think I figured it out nice he seemed to get jealous easily but I just wish she knew she doesn't have to do that what's she so scared of anyway tomorrow then yep let's get back to this manga yeah where are we again an hour passes and we're feeling good about what we've accomplished we've gotten pretty far with this right well last time I checked we finished one page finish one page for a [ __ ] hour I could have sworn we did more than that nope all we did was the title page the title page it wasn't even an actual page of the bad guy nope all we did was the title page house holds up the page I drew it featured poorly drawn versions of the literature club members and myself all in dramatic poses at the top was our title the literature Club friends I wish there was a drawing of this I just a bad you like poorly draw like stick figures dramatic poses had been colored in yet either man who's never going to work sorry walks by hey sorry what's this really funny a mistake it's this dumb manga project I'm working on it's a mistake I think it looks great you don't have to sugarcoat things say Orry I'm serious you guys did your best and that's all what matters what's important is that you're styling feelings going to what you make I mean so he makes a point a [ __ ] at perfect riding an art might be nice but if it's soulless then what's the point well I guess you aren't wrong there's something I give advice on it be the title it's a bit generic yeah how about sorry pauses the songs come up with anything let's work on the title another time Monica walks by actually you're going to have to work on the manga another time period it's time to go after all what we were only getting started after now skip jerk she puts her head down yeah can't we stay a bit longer well you technically could but I not stay at a place a bit cozier you're working on a romance novel alright now see you quickly interject no and we don't need to work somewhere cozy we could work on in a prison cell and we'll be fine whatever you say Monica's trying to get me guy get not to get in my house Monica wing so she walks out the door would say re not see Glenn's the rest of the room in season nobody else is here anymore alright let's go to your house oh wait what working the manga duh come on before it's too late house he pulls him out the arm out of the classroom turns out we were going to keep working after all before I know it and we're in my house ok let's get back to work then actually I'm kind of out of ideas what the heck are we here for to think how else we get ideas for the manga besides I can't let you set alone to do nothing but watch anime on a tiny computer screen for there's a day like some meat when you suggest we do then you wouldn't be a neat if you watch the anime with more than one person so I want to start with that huh no you watch the anime you're fair to assume though it's reading manga and watching anime kind of go hand in hand yeah this paradise soon that's right I'll have you know my taste in anime is as good as my taste in manga in that case what you decide we watch perfect because actually just 15 to help us joint spiration for a manga Steven stopa or manga just taking a few secs and search throughout through her backpack mouse key pulls out a set of blu-ray dvds i take a moment I think I recognize the cover the parfait girls anime more importantly you brought that with you to school sure in most cases I recommend to read the manga but you're already read a lot of it so nicely the subtle differences that are in the anime plus it's more parfait girls ami doesn't have any filler episodes either so you want to watch let's do it I'll go set it up first afternoon was a lot of fun I think we ever actually worked on the manga at any point that's fine My Fair girls anime was good actually it was interesting to see that the nuances in this version and it was something even I could appreciate crap I just tries it's time for me to go now now she gets off of the bean bag we sat on while watching her show I rushed just to the to pick up all her stuff I wish I could stay longer but we stopped tomorrow don't we yeah I'll see you then I'll see you later she walks on my room only for a backpack to get called by the doorknob causing her to trip I'm fine now she gets up and I soon out of my house I'm left with a satisfied smile on my face there's a nice song too it'd be nice if I could keep goofing off with not speed not having to worry about the burdens of life very nice of both of us could oh okay this is we're gonna have to end the episode okay we'll stop the beeping though and wake up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping grab disable it so this is no school right now but I didn't remind me of how I was going to spend time at Nazi today well more like we're not spent time we not ski tomorrow so yeah I had to skip a lot of act one to get to the [ __ ] but yeah so far I like this mod this is well written the jokes are funny at least a B I find them funny and well written it's really cool I like this I feel like this is really nice so um I guess I'm also asking you guys if you want like hour-long episodes like I did with exit music or if you're fine with just regular length episodes like 30 minutes 40 minutes or if you do want an hour long each time tell me if you want that in the comments cuz I mean I'd be fine for doing hour-long episodes of this because this is a really fun this is really this is really fun I really like this I really like this mod and I don't know if I'll do another route in it I might because I mean it seems like this I don't know if this seems like this mod has a good ending I don't know if it has a good ending and if it does then it's like I still don't know if I want to go through everyone's [ __ ] route cuz that's gonna be a pain in the ass but it's like I might do another route I might do like Monica's because I mean Monica is my second favorite so it might be interesting to see what her route is but say I might do hers or might not even do her it might just do not skis if anything who knows I'll see what happens and yeah so tell me do you guys feel about this in the comments below but anyway yeah that is it I'll see you guys next time this is zero peace [Music] Harlan both facing you
Channel: AfroZer0
Views: 48,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DDLC, Doki Doki Literature Club, Sayori, Monika, Natsuki, Yuri, Zero, DDLCMods, Purist Mod, DDLC Purist Mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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