The FDA and the Pharmaceutical Industry

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(upbeat music) - We're delighted to have Dan Carpenter from the Harvard Department of Government. Dan is the Allie Freed Professor of Government at Harvard University, and he's developed some of what I personally think is the most interesting work that we've had on bureaucracies and in the discipline of political science, and this is related to that kind of work. Dan has done a book, which I probably should have had here to hold up, but I bought it on a Kindle, so that kind of shameless promotion is not possible anymore. - I'll do that. - All right, excellent, excellent. A book on the FDA a couple of years back, and he's here to share some insights from that work and some projects going forward. So Dan, welcome to USC. - Thank you. So thanks for having me. I was invited to talk today about the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry as kind of a general theme. So this talk will have basically two components and two purposes. One is to kind of give you a general overview of the stuff that I've done in this area and to sort of pass along some general lessons, including those in the aforementioned book that Tony just mentioned. And the second is to present some new results that we're working on with my research team at Harvard. And that's the part, so the first part is kind of in red here, and the second part is after including. The first part is largely published, and so you should cite that. It's really the second part where I'm asking you to be perhaps a little careful with the citation patterns of what I'm conveying today. So why is pharmaceutical regulation of interest to students of public policy, to students of political science, economics, things like that? Well, by comparison with a wide range of other industries, there's actually much heavier governmental involvement in this industry, both in the United States and worldwide. So states and by which I mean nation states, although sometimes in some cases as you've seen in California and Texas with some of the bond issues and referendum passed measures on funding basic things like stem cell research, states fund some of the basic research that goes into this industry. Most of the applied research and most of the money that is spent on pharmaceutical and biotech R&D is in fact private money, but still it's fair to say that there is a kind of a complementarity and a kind of a mutual dependence between that work, which is often built off of some of the basic things that are funded in part by pharmaceutical companies and private foundations, but also in part by government agencies like the National Science Foundation or the National Institutes of Health. The state regulates much of applied research, what I'm going to refer to as the conceptual power of the regulatory state. Basically the ability of the government to define the vocabularies, methods and concepts that people use in research. And so much of the history of the pharmaceutical industry in the 20th century is actually the history not so much of science developing exogenously from government regulation, but science often developing endogenously within government regulation. I'm gonna show you one example of that, okay. And so just, for instance, if you want in the United States to test a drug and to basically transport that drug across state boundaries, you have to get an exemption from the FDA, which is called an Investigational New Drug exemption or IND, all right. And that is basically a prerequisite in order to engage in medical research with clinical subjects, which is to say human subjects in the United States. By virtue of the diffusion of those rules worldwide, that is now basically a global order of regulation, right. The state is also a veto player over R&D, so if you're a car company and you design a new automobile, for the most part the government is not sitting there at the end of the line with the ability to veto whether that project enters the marketplace or not. Right, I mean, you can talk about different ways in which a wide variety of markets the state enters: licensing, land use permitting, environmental permitting, things like that, but again here it's quite strong and it's product specific, it's not licensing firms. So Pfizer in some way or Merck are not licensed by the FDA, although they're kind of certified with the way they produce drugs, but each and every drug that they would wish to introduce to the market and on which they would seek to generate profits has to be approved by the FDA, all right. And finally less so in the United States, but increasingly worldwide, once those products are on the market, the state also regulates their post-market life, the prices they can charge, all right, which we see sort of in Europe, say for instance, in the United Kingdom through the National Health Service or for that matter in Canada, but also the way they are distributed. So there's been a couple of recent developments at the FDA with the distribution of opioid related drugs and the FDA basically trying to induce pharmaceutical companies to less tamper resistant drugs. So that hydrocodone and oxycodone based medications can't be kind of mixed into a soup that is more addictive, right. Now the general theory that I've been working on, which kind of functions as a background to this is what I call the theory of approval regulation. And the idea is, is that the state is, again, in this capacity of being a veto player over R&D, and that there is kind of a simultaneity between firms, which seek to kind of develop profitable investments, but those investments are kind of, the value of those investments is known only with a great degree of uncertainty, and that the firm is also regulating those investments, but again knows perhaps even less than the firm does about them. And so it's a world where basically companies are trying to bring these products to market, they are not sure that their product is profitable, all right, they need to in part test the product through the R&D process to be sure of its quality or at least to gain more information about it, but again, there's this veto player, right. Now, so the regulator is a decision maker under uncertainty, which I described as kind of stochastic, all right. Part of what we do is that we then model an estimate, statistically a set of political constraints on the regulator, and when I refer to the regulator, just think FDA in its approval behavior, all right. So some of the work that we've done, and this is work that other people have done too is to describe how even in the absence of political capture or political protection, large firms are often gonna do better under this process. Why? In part because they're more familiar to the FDA, all right. People who enter a certain market niches earlier often do better, not again because there's some capture dynamic, but because the regulator can approve drugs for say a new cancer therapy as a way of kind of throwing a bone to patient advocate groups and things like that. So this is summarized in some work that I've done with the title protection without capture where one gets protection for larger producers, older firms and older or first entrance to a marketplace without there being any degree of kind of political purchasing or bribing of the regulatory process. And then finally, in some other modeling that I've done with Mike Ting, who I referenced on the first slide, we've looked at the endogeneity of R&D decisions and regulatory approval. And there's been some subsequent development where we've looked at what happens in this world to consumer confidence. So basically people coming into a marketplace, in which there's a certain degree of screening. So in theory bad products might be screened out, the products that you do have that enter the marketplace, there's a lot of data produced about them, such as randomized clinical trials, summaries of those data, make it into the label. And so the question is, what happens to consumption? And then there is a more general model that seems to be applied to more to antitrust by two economists, Ottaviani and Wickelgren, all right, but one problem. Do I have this here? I don't have that. One problem here is that we actually lack, we have a lot of data in theory about this problem, which is basically how the regulators decide. We have a lot of data and theory about how firms develop their products in R&D. We have very little data, although now again just some emerging theory on basically how R&D and regulatory approval strategies respond to one another. Question, yeah. - So like my impression was that the FDA approval was they have more objective process than your clinical trial shows your drug was statistically significant, and that there is not much subjectiveness or discretion, but these stories suggests that, are you suggesting that trials for social diseases that more advocacy or something, even if they don't show they have a different special for approval? - Yeah, so if it were really that objective, I think you'd find less disagreement within the FDA and less disagreement within the advisory committees that offer their counsel to the FDA than you see. So I guess I would kind of disagree, it's not that I, basically, yes, the process is very scientific. Yes, there's a lot of data that informs it, but science, number one, doesn't eliminate the uncertainty. And sometimes the science generates more controversy than in fact reduces. So I think the process is shot through with science and in fact, rigor. I mean, what we know about these products coming into market probably is greater than just about that for any other sort of form of industrial organization. That said, sometimes that information can generate controversy and subjectivity. For instance, we'll know a lot about these products because they've been tested in randomized clinical trials with thousands of patients, right, but from those trials we might get a safety signal that suggests that, well, wait a minute, sometimes after 18 months, there's some hepatotoxicity, right, that's developing in the liver, right. How do you interpret that? Do you interpret that as something, which is so important that we should thereby reject the drug or something that we should thereby or thereafter attach a warning to the label, right. That's a controversy which actually is generated by the scientific process, and which is actually not so much reduced by it. Does that kind of...? Yeah, okay. So the book that I've done, and so if Tony had had the hard copy here, he would have been able to give you this. It was published in 2010, which tries to unify both historically, theoretically in a conceptual manner and empirically a large number of these observations, all right. And so let me just give you two before I get to the sort of newer work. Let me just give you two kind of lessons from this book that I can sort of talk about. The first is, is that it's commonly thought that basically the way that the FDA evolved was in sort of three kind of crucial enactments. Number one, the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act, which gave to the FDA, actually was then a bureau in the US Department of Agriculture, power in interstate commerce to govern food and drugs. In 1938, it got this pre-market approval power, but only for the question of safety, not whether drugs actually worked, all right. And then along comes the thalidomide tragedy in 1962, which essentially didn't occur in the United States because this woman, Frances Kelsey, held up this drug which was Contergan, thalidomide, which made its way into Germany. There were thousands of birth defects, things like that, but the usual story is, is that only in 1962 after that tragedy in Europe that the FDA begin to regulate efficacy. And in fact, people have used that sort of before and after comparison in a wide variety of studies and economics and political science to try to essentially estimate what the effect of efficacy regulation is versus safety regulation. Well, basically one historical lesson of this book with a lot of time spent in the FDA archives as well as pharmaceutical company archives is in fact that the FDA was regulating efficacy more continuously in kind of an upslope from the late 1940s all the way up until 1962. So there's no sort of tight boundary pre and post, right? So here's just an example. Erwin Nelson, who is the head of the drugs division in the FDA in 1949 gives a speech to pharmaceutical company representatives, in which he says, look, we want proof of safety. That's what the law says, but we also want proof of efficacy. This is one of those cases where simply by communicating things in a speech, a federal agency manager or bureaucrat or regulator can often go beyond what the law says, not in a way that's illegal, right, but in a way that's kind of non-statutory, right. And so nowhere did the FDA's rules say that you have to prove efficacy to get it, your drug approved, but increasingly in speeches they're trying to giving this message. And if you look at sort of the trade journals during this period, industry trade journals where they're talking about, what's the best new investments in the world of chemicals, pharmaceuticals drugs, foods? They're basically complaining that the FDA is making a lot of these kinds of statements. Like, all right, now we don't know what the criteria are because we thought it was safety 10 years ago in 1938, but increasingly it seems to be efficacy. And if you want lots and lots and lots of those quotes with lots and lots of lots of sites, consult chapter three of my book, which is about 100 pages long, all right. Too long, but it's got all that data available for you. As evidence of also of this, basically the FDA began to use, refuse to file or RTF judgments, which is to say we're not even going to review your drug application unless it meets certain minimum criteria, and I've sort of listed those here. And this was a draft federal register document in '54, the new drug application form was finalized in 1956. That's five to six years before thalidomide hits, and again, the drug efficacy amendments were passed. And it says, an application, I'm just gonna read this for you, may be incomplete or may be refused unless it includes full reports of adequate tests by all methods reasonably applicable to show whether or not the drug is safe for use. That was a way that they enabled efficacy regulation by saying not just safety in terms of toxicity. Like do you explode when you take the pill, but safe as used, right? And that was a way of getting into how was the drug gonna be used and for what purposes, and with what effects? The reports ordinarily should include detailed data derived from appropriate animal or other biological experiments and reports of all clinical testing by experts. Those experts must be qualified by scientific training and experience. That was code for you better have a PhD in clinical pharmacology on your team, otherwise we're not even gonna look at your application, all right. And it should include detailed information pertaining to each individual treated, including all these variables, results of clinical and laboratory examinations made. So if you took a blood sample from this person at the beginning and/or in the middle of a clinical trial, the results of that had to be available on paper, not just in sort of a summary statistic, and a full statement of any adverse effects in therapeutic results observed, all right. So you have to tell us the therapeutic results in order for us to even look at your drug application, right. This again was six years before thalidomide occurred. One of the things that the FDA was doing about three decades before it occurred in Europe was literally getting the raw data from all these new drug applications. What happened in Europe was companies would send statistical summaries from their clinical trials, often highly observational, not randomized. In the US and this predates thalidomide, you'd not only have the raw data in the sense of the numerical dataset, you would have all the paper data from which the numbers were coded, and they would literally go back and recode and examine the sensitivity of assumptions. They were literally decades ahead at least in terms of statistical methodology, replicability of where Europe was at that time. If you actually look at the approval time distribution, how long did it take from the time that a drug was sent in for those drugs which is approved, we're only looking for drugs which were approved here. How long did it take them to get approved? Okay. You see that in the early 1950s, and these are quantiles of the approval time distribution. So this is the time by which down here 25%, the first 25% of the drugs are approved, the first 50% of the drugs are approved, the first 75% of the drugs are approved, and here 90% of the drugs are approved, right. So this tells you something about, if you will, the tail or the outer tail of that distribution, right. If you look in the early 1950s, it's very quick. And in fact the statutory standard is, they're supposed to be approved within six months, all right, or reviewed within six months. So if approved, then approved within six months, but you can see here a sharp uptick, not only in the median, but also the tails, right, whereby by 1960 before anybody knows what thalidomide is, all right, before there's any idea about officially adding efficacy, the FDA is already at the median, all right, going through, it's the congressional standards which were not binding, all right, but at least were recommendations. Now is this proof of efficacy regulation? No, right, but is it consistent with the story that the FDA was getting more stringent during this time period. So worth keeping in mind that if you just estimate this in a sort of regression model, turning out like basically how long does it take the FDA to approve these drugs, and you control for the amount of staff that the FDA had at this time, right, the effects get stronger, not weaker. Why? Because actually the FDA staff was tripling during this period, right. - [Man] (indistinct) the volume of application (indistinct) - Yeah, yeah, so if you control for all those things, this is, it's pretty clear that this is something other than backlog and/or resources, right. And, again, I'm just showing you some statistics here, this is not just from an estimation here, right. And again, this is not efficacy per se, it could be a whole bunch of things, but basically it's consistent with the story, the procedural story that you can tell elsewhere, all right. Second lesson, so that is, if you will, kind of gatekeeping power, all right. When we talk about the veto power, the gatekeeping power that the FDA has over the marketplace, this is one form of it, and they get to define what standards are used separating the wheat from the chaff, right. And in so doing they're actually able to define other kinds of standards. So if you read the financial pages, say of The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times, and you refer to a biotech stock, right, something you're kind of interested in, you'll often hear this, okay, Verolta Pharmaceuticals had a candidate promising for non-small cell lung cancer that failed in Phase 2 trials. You might ask, so where does this Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3 stuff come from, right? Well, again, this is a general lesson of the book, consult chapters four and five, if you want more, but basically this is a creation of the regulatory state imposed upon medical research and scientific research, not the other way around, right, and there's a long history that goes into literally when these phases began to get drawn up, all right. If you look at, for instance, and the key rules were written in 1963, right. There were a few phase trials before that were actually sanctioned by the National Cancer Institute. In fact, most of them run by the National Cancer Institute. So the story of the development of phased experimentation, the idea that one not only runs a test for a drug, but you run one set of tests, successful passage through which becomes a sufficient hurdle to go to the next set of tests, sufficient passage through which becomes the sufficient hurdle for the third set of tests, right. This idea of sequential experiments, right. That is a regulatory imposition, not only on the pharmaceutical industry, but in fact, on the entire medical industrial university complex in the United States, and in fact worldwide. Every human clinical trial now that involves a drug, all right, of any sort is essentially going to be classified into one, two or three. Now there's four, and there's technically a zero, but those are just further glosses on this basic structure, all right. - [Man] And the origin of that was the FDA? - FDA, yeah, and you can find original documents in sites there. Again, some ideas about this were thrown around by the National Cancer Institute as well in the late 1950s, but the original idea for this idea of sequential experimentation actually comes out of a pharmacologist, animal pharmacologist in the 1940s looking at how to test for the safety and nutritional value of different feeds for livestock. And part of what they're interested in is what's the acute effect and what's the chronic effect? And if you think about Phase 1 and Phase 2, it's kind of a development from that. You're looking in Phase 1 at kind of, all right, do people explode when they take this pill? Do they basically fall over? Phase 2 and Phase 3 are what are those longer term effects? You're moving from acute to chronic, all right. Well, again, this is not only or not purely endogenous to science. In fact, if anything, it's imposed upon science. And if you follow the pharmaceutical industry, you'll know, for instance, that if a company is not publicly traded and it's getting its money from venture capital, the people in that company are often paid by benchmarks, right. Have you met a certain benchmark? Then the money comes in. Well, the benchmark in a lot of these cases, which is by the way the money that people make in the biotech industry is often the successful completion of a phase. So literally the way that pharmaceutical payment contracts are structured in the biotech sphere, for those companies that are not publicly traded is in fact shaped by these regulatory categories. So it's not simply conceptual power in science, it's conceptual power in science that shapes the structure of industry and payment contracts. So too if you want to look at where the big movements occur in asset prices for pharmaceutical companies, it's often on the announcement of Phase 1, Phase 2 or Phase 3 results, often are also approval, advisory committees and things like that. So the major pivots for stock prices, for those companies that are publicly traded also observe at some level this conceptual structure. It's been a very powerful, it's a simple idea, right. Let's just set up a set of experiments in sequence in seriatim, but it's affected not only science, everything that goes on, not everything, but most of the things that go on at the Health Sciences Institute here, but it also affects the structure of business, right. Again, read the book, if you like more on that. So now I wanna shift gears a little bit to talk about a claim that's commonly made about pharmaceutical regulation and innovation, and sort of here is the more speculative part of the talk and also the part that might be more relevant for pharmaceutical, public policy, excuse me, communities. So there have been numerous claims made about the effects of this kind of regulation on innovation. What do we mean by innovation? The number of new drugs, particularly new molecular entities, molecules never before marketed, never before used in widespread treatment in any other capacity. And the claim has often been made that this regulation has reduced those, that innovation. Not necessarily by the way in a way that's net cost beneficial negative because you could say, well, look, we're getting rid of all these safety problems, we're getting rid of the crap, could be that we're better off. But the argument has been nonetheless an observational argument, an empirical argument that in fact, after the imposition of this regulation things went down, I'll get to that in a minute. So claims have been made comparing things before and after major laws, including some of the work that I've done. Claims have been made internationally, so there was this old literature called "About the Drug Lag" in the 1970s about how these, many of these drugs were reaching England in particular and some other countries in Europe before they were reaching the United States, particularly with things like beta blockers, cardiovascular treatments, right. The claims again are usually about reduced innovation, although there are arguments that go the other way and say, actually innovation or the larger sort of properties of the health system are improved, that sort of go off the lemons argument in Akerlof. The argument sort of loosely stated as, well, once you start getting rid of quack cancer treatments or once you yank tranquilizers off the market as the FDA did in the 1970s, you start to improve the market for cancer treatments because the bad stuff doesn't crowd out the good stuff, all right, but again, these are just a set of claims. The problem with a lot of these claims is twofold, and I'm gonna separate what we usually refer to as endogeneity into two senses here. Strict endogeneity in the sense that basically regulation often responds to patterns of economic activity, which themselves respond to regulation, right. That's the endogeneity of the kind that we can model and that I have modeled with Mike Ting, all right. So in approval regulation, all these things coming to market, right, only the FDA can't regulate, or at least can't sort of make a decision on something that hasn't been submitted to it, right, but firms develop and submit according to their expectations of regulatory behavior. And those expectations are probably correlated for what it's worth with a lot of other things that change around the time of regulation. So if you're looking at the late 1930s, early 1960s, a wide range of scientific changes going on in terms of pharmacology, applied chemistry and things like that, all right. The other problem is non-random assignment, which is the usual thing we care about in these kinds of questions, right. I'm separating that from endogeneity because, again, endogeneity is something at least partially we can model. Non-random assignment, I don't know everything that might be correlated with the application of regulation in the new deal in the early 1960s, in early 1990s, but suffice it to say if our research design is premised up on a before and after comparison, well, lots of things might be correlated with that, right. So here's an example from one of the most famous studies of Sam Peltzman on the 1962 amendments. And so what he did is he looked at 1962, which was when these efficacy amendments passed. And he said, well, look, the actual number of NCEs, which is this series right here, went down. Now if you, by his production function the way he sets it, it shouldn't have gone down that much, it should have stayed higher. And so he has a counterfactual, which is the higher one here, and the split between these two functions occurs in 1962. And he wants to argue that difference after 1962 can be attributed to regulation and he finds or claims in other work that the cost of this is not made up by better therapeutics, right. Now, this is a pretty influential article, and to give him his due, this was published in the 1970s, but one might worry about essentially basing policy on a 14 point time series followed by a 10 point time series, right, and estimating two different production and functions there. But the second problem is, is that this isn't really kind of a treatment or an intervention in any way that we can plausibly call experimental, all right. And again, this is where I think an historical perspective actually helps to matter. For one, as you notice the sort of new chemical entities are falling from a peak in the late 50s, early 1960s, before 1962 happens. And perhaps my chapter and some of my work on the application of efficacy regulation in the 1950s might explain that, but at the very least we don't have a clean before control after treatment kind of world here, right. If in fact the numbers I was showing you earlier that basically the FDA is beginning to regulate efficacy here, and we really can't trust a lot of the kind of judgements that we're making by comparing things before and after a given date. Again, to be fair, he was writing something three decades ago. - Does this in some sense coincide well with your previous figure, which showed that there was a structural break few years before probably sometime in 1960, '59. And this kind of shows that, yes, there is also a structural break in the- - Yeah, right, so I think mine could explain that, right, in part there's two other problems here. One is he doesn't nor do I control for industry concentration, and there's some emerging evidence from the literature that actually suggests that one reason we've seen a little bit less innovation in recent years is precisely because of merger and acquisitions activity. I can reference that separately, and that was occurring heavily in this period as well. Now you could say, well, that's endogenous to regulation because people are facing a tough regulator, they wanna develop regulatory affairs departments, get big to basically be able to handle all this. That's quite possible, it's tough to kind of disentangle and sort that out. I agree actually that if we're looking for the reason of why we come from this rough mean down to this rough mean? Probably that smoother regulatory function is probably a plausible candidate, right, but the point still remains that than a before and after comparison using 1962 is not valid. - Yeah. - Right, yeah, so, okay. So what to do? Well, here's where we have an idea, and this is a story that's actually taken from in part the first chapter or the introduction of my book, "Reputation and Power" but I'm repeating it here and actually talking about some features that I don't talk about in the book. So you may know of Genentech, it's kind of a darling of the California biotech industry. It's now a quite big and profitable firm, goes up and down, but it used to be a tiny little firm, and it had a very small drug called tissue plasminogen activator or Activase, and it submitted it to the FDA and was quite confident in fact that it was going to be approved, all right, but a Food and Drug Administration panel in June 1987 basically said no, voted against approval of the drug, right. And basically it wasn't, and it's important to keep in mind when the FDA says no to a drug, it never says we will never accept this molecule ever. All right, they wouldn't even do that for cyanide. I mean, legally they can't. What they say is, and it's kind of like if you're an academic and you submit papers to journals, it's like getting an endless R&R, again and again and again and again without the certainty of ever getting an approval, right? So sometimes when the journal editor comes back to you and says, look, next time, I'm gonna give you an up or down decision, the FDA never says that. And that's actually a huge source of complaint among pharmaceutical companies, like give us an if then statement, so that if we provide you this evidence, we're gonna do that. Now with some work I'm doing with a game theorist and another work I'm doing with an historian, we're actually trying to tease out why the FDA follows this kind of strategy of ambiguity. And the difficulty is, is it's very reluctant to kind of commit to a certain model of saying, all right, if you do this, then we'll do this because then they feel that the firms or other firms can, number one, gain that and just basically come up with a weak satisfaction of the if part of the hypothesis; and second, that they're setting, and this is I think the real reason, they're setting implicit and sometimes explicit precedents for other firms. And that's the other reason they do it. I'm not saying by the way that's good policy, I'm just saying, that's the rationale. I think that we think was going on, but this was bad news for Genentech, all right. This happened on a Friday, and if you follow government agencies, particularly in Washington they often announce these things after the market closes, this was one such example, but when the market reopened for trading on Monday, right, Genentech stock dropped by about a quarter and about a billion dollars vanished, just like that, right. And so, this is kind of interesting for two reasons. One, there were kind of surprises to this, right. A lot of people did not see this coming, including a lot of people who had bet a lot of money on Genentech, not just people at the company itself, but Genentech was publicly traded, right. So, and you can insert if you want your snarky reference to the Romney victory party in Boston here, but they actually had planned a company executive victory bash, right, which wilted, and I just wouldn't be able to write this as well myself into a combination wake and strategy session. Try that sometime after your next professional difficulty, okay. And then the other thing is, is there's kind of, if you will a peer or alter effect, a lot of other firms are looking at this and saying, oh, crap, Genentech just got shot down, now what are we gonna do? Right. And so here's one of these people quoted anonymously. It's like, well, wait a minute, now the FDA has kind of changed the ball game here. Something that we thought was a sure thing they've kind of raised the bar or we're not sure where the bar is. So you see what we're getting into. So here's the idea, all right, it doesn't solve every problem that I just talked about, but it gets at how to assess the effects of regulation or regulatory decisions on innovation. We're going to use events like this, they come with a certain degree of surprise. We can measure that surprise in a general equilibrium financial market, all right. We're then gonna use those surprises as weights. So every time the FDA makes one of these decisions, it's going to be weighted only to the degree that it moves the market. We're going to filter that price to try to get rid of other contaminants, all right. And then we're gonna use that essentially to affect what other firms do, not what Genentech does after it gets its drug shot down, but what other firms do with that? Okay, that's the strategy. And by the way, I think this is at some level consistent with the larger story that the book tries to tell because gatekeeping power, and for those of you who are in political science who study vetoes, right, the power of the veto is not simply the power to say no to something that comes your way, it's to induce everybody else who would send something your way to begin thinking twice about whether they want to send it in the first place. All right, so gatekeeping power is not simply the power of decision, it's the power of induced anticipation. Question? - Doesn't this kind of regulation or regulatory change? It's not just like the FDA changed its stance instead Genentech might have disappeared, and that influences the behavior of competitors. So competitors are responding both to FDA getting stricter about antibody agents, but they're also responding to the fact that- - Right. - Genentech might no longer be in the market, right. - So there's a set of complicated effects here, and so for purposes of statistics, what I'm presenting to you is an average across all of those. It's what a statistician would call an average treatment effect of this. That is gonna combine both the response to the FDA, right. It could be the higher bar, it could be FDA uncertainty, and it's going to combine the fact that other people might see opportunities, which means that if anything, I'm probably underestimating these effects upon innovation, right, because what I'm gonna show you is an average, it's a composite of all those things, but one of those composites is probably, I can't say for sure because we'd have to net this out, and we're in the process of doing that, but one of the building blocks of that composite is probably positive, which is to say other firms might see an opportunity here and might actually continue with their development projects, not pull them back. I do tend to think actually that the way that most firms respond to these things is that the regulatory effect washes out any like market opening. You see that quite commonly because the bottom line is all these other companies, right, who would wish to get into the market, who say, ah, Genentech might no longer be there, but if they're gonna be where Genentech was, take up that niche, they're gonna have to pass through the regulator too, right. So, again, so what you're saying is very interesting and useful, and basically it's gonna depend on defining the set of competitors quite exactly. What's the therapeutic marketplace or niche? What's the mechanism of action? And we're doing that in a further extension to this, but right now what I'm giving you is essentially an average across all those. - (indistinct) when its decision comes through, other firms in the industry, if they're in Phase 1 or 2 or 3, they're not pulling their drug at that point, are they? - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - Voluntarily? - Oh yeah. - They're not going through that phase and seeing how the results. - No. So I'm in Phase 2, I'm plucking my- - People drop midstream all the time. - They simply not on the results of that current phase. - The external factor by the way doesn't have to be regulatory. It could be we had a bad budget shock, we had a new sort of Chief Financial Officer come in, looked at our portfolio of active projects and said, we don't like this. And if you're going to make that decision to kill, why wait until something is done. If you think you have enough evidence already and you're just gonna, you're gonna make a business decision to say, all right, stop this clinical trial. Now there are issues about human subjects protection and things like that that might extend the clinical trial a little bit further in today's environment, but again, this does happen midstream. - [Man] But there's plenty of evidence of drug doing well in Phase 1 or Phase 2 and still being pulled. - Oh yeah, absolutely, absolutely, yep. Now that's anecdotal, I mean, it's kind of hard to sort of quantify drug doing well in Phase 1 and Phase 2, we've got some ideas about how to do that, but plenty of examples where that's occurred. - So when you look at these events, are you looking at events where the FDA decision was a surprise? Because in this Genentech case, it seems like they actually showed that their drug reduced this particular enzyme or whatever thing it was. And they just (indistinct) that means improved survival. And FDA didn't buy the data (indistinct) versus a clinical trial where it just failed because there was- - We're not looking at those because those would have happened anyway, right. So we're looking at cases where it's the regulator associated with an event and we're using the stock market shift as an indicator of the surprise, right. And the idea here is if we're trying to sort of be kosher with our statistical estimation, we want something that's both non-anticipable, which is another way of defining randomness, and two, conditionally not correlated with all the other things that we're worried about that might be correlated with that, right? So I don't have a background model here today, but basically here's the kind of approach that we're talking about. So imagine that a firm is choosing dynamically every moment, okay, in time, DT, if you will, between a certain drug that it's developing, and this is by the way not Genentech, this is Genentech's competitor, right. Between a drug and a safer investment, which gives you a known return, which we're just gonna call a put option, all right. And it values this, the value of its investment is stochastic, and it basically is a function of an initial state followed by an exponentiated X, all right. So this is basically always positive, think this as kind of analogous to a stock price, right. And this X is gonna be a what I call a Levy process, what we call a Levy process, all right. And that means it can have these more continuous things like a Brownian motion or Wiener process. It can also have jumps, which are these kind of very discontinuous up and down movements, all right. Now if I give you the following, and there's a, I'm just gonna wave my hands at the French mathematician, Paul Levy, if I assume the following things, independence of the increments from one another. So given any given history, the next movement is independent of what came in the past, all right. Stationarity, all right, so basically the idea that the expectation of these movements at any time is itself moving in a stationary way. And the continuity, when I mean continuity in probability of the increments, obviously there's discontinuity in the jumps itself, but the probability function describing them as continuous. There's a something called the Levy decomposition theorem and a set of other results that basically anytime you make just these three results, you always get a Levy process. The Levy process in turn is essentially described by, and I'm just gonna wave my hands, I'm being kosher to give the kind of full equation here, but it's a linear trend, all right, which could be zero, right. Brownian motion, which is this kind of little thing, butterfly popping around. And then, again, I'm just doing this to be kosher because there's a knot at one that is, and again in the kosher theory, you can't integrate over it, jumps, so all this stuff here is just discontinuous jumps, all right. So every Levy process is a sum of Brownian motion, a trend in jumps, and each component, the trend, the jumps and the Brownian motion are independent of one another, all right. So the idea here is this, again, what we wanna do is focus on these jumps, again, just I'm gonna wave my hands at all this kind of, lovely math and say, that's jumps. What's left over is something that at least in a reasonably functioning general equilibrium financial market is already priced in, right. And then noise, right, which means actually there's, every time we observe one of these jumps, a little bit of it is due to this, right. So we actually have a little bit of measurement error, but we can plausibly claim that measurement error is itself random or not anticipable, okay. So that's what's happening for a given firm, but maybe the firm, and this is, again, one of Genentech's competitors, okay. So let's call it genome therapeutics or something, all right. Maybe its decisions depend on its observations of another firm like Genentech, right. So that the value, alpha is a function, both of its own product, but also some function of another product, not its own, whose success or failure, and that includes success or failure in the regulatory domain tells that firm something useful about its own product, right. Now we don't see that other product as analysts, right, as somebody crunching the numbers, I don't see what's going on with that other product, but I do see a stock price that's based in part upon that product, right. And what I'm just gonna focus here is on the negative jumps. And I'm gonna do the same Levy decomposition I did earlier. Right. If again, it has these properties, I can reduce it to linear trend, noise and jumps. I'm sorry, yeah, noise and jumps, all right. So those jumps in theory, and we can actually test some of these things, should be not anticipable, you can't tell they're coming ahead of time. One sufficient but not necessary way of getting there is just to assume a perfect market. If you could know you'd make a lot of money, therefore you'd make a lot of money, and all that information is already priced in, all right. But again, it's also, if not anticipable, uncorrelated, given the information up to that point in expectation with other bases of firm information, all right. So I'm gonna make the claim this is plausibly random, it's not an experiment, but as you know, plausibly random. So here's the idea, the research design is, we're gonna use Wall Street Journal stories on FDA rejection, request for more data, for drugs under NDA submission, but not yet approved. Right, so we're gonna take these stories, we're gonna compute either the day those stories come out, the day the FDA makes the announcement or sometimes the company does or the day after, if that's the trading date that's relevant like the Genentech case, just the one day shift in the asset price for that sponsor, the stock price, right. You could say, we should do more, and we've done a little bit of that and we're looking at other filters, but the idea is we want to capture only what that event had and not some other event that might happen like somebody got fired or somebody came in, there was a some new sales figure that came in, we wanna capture only that event, right. We apply that as a predictor to whether all other firm's development projects, which is to say all the thousands of drugs they're developing happened to get dumped in the months following or continued, okay. So we observe from the early 70s to December 2003, and this is actually for the most part 1987 to 2003 or 1985, most of our analysis is focused in those 18 years, about 187 of these, right. And if we analyze basically what's the correlation of those shocks, right, that the shock in the stock movement with a set of things that we can measure, we tend to find not much correlation. So do the shocks get bigger over time? No, they don't get bigger or smaller. Are they correlated with the beginning price? Because one of the ways we're measuring these things as the percentage change, so you might be concerned about a denominator effect. Again, 0.05 correlation, not statistically significant. Are they partially correlated with the size of firms that are developing drugs at the same time? Again, they're not. Are they correlated with the general movement in the stock market that day? Well, not surprisingly, yes, because on the same day it could have happened. The Labor Department could have come out with a report that said unemployment is going up or down, it could have been some major market shift. It is correlated, although not a ton, and one might, but one thing we can do in which we do do, and I can describe this as we essentially purge our estimates of this general movement. So what we're looking at is essentially the specific firm's movement purged of the general market movement, right. And we're working on tests, whether these satisfied Levy properties. So some threats to inference might occur. Let me just sort of give you a little bit of the soft underbelly of the research design here, okay. What finance specialists will call volatility clustering is a possibility. And that's the idea that, well, you can't predict whether the stock is going up or down on a given day, but if the stock is moving around a lot, one week, it's been shown that it's more likely to move around a lot the next week. So there's first moment, independence, but there's not second moment, independence and stationarity in many cases, right. And we are, again, still working on a purge. Again, what that would do is not so much change. If this were a problem would not so much change the sort of the validity, it would change the interpretation of our estimates from one of sort of the FDA is changing its bar, raising its bar or lowering its bar to the FDA is becoming more uncertain, but that's a significant enough change in interpretation that we want to track that down. The second course is, the FDA does not report on all of its negative decisions, so you actually have to go to new services, all right, including The Wall Street Journal or others to track when the FDA hands out a negative decision. And the reason is, it's a complicated exception to the Freedom of Information Act. If you ask the FDA, is a drug from Pfizer currently under review at your agency? The FDA cannot answer yes or no. That is considered proprietary trade information. You cannot request information about that application under the Freedom of Information Act. Again, because it's proprietary trade information, whatever whether that's a good policy or bad, it sticks, right. So we actually have to look in the news for reports of this sort, and it could be that only surprises of a certain magnitude are likely to get reported. That does not change the fact that the day before they're reported, they're not anticipable, right, but it might change something about the distribution of what we're observing. And then finally there is someone who actually knows that these decisions are coming, right, and that's the regulator or the regulators themselves, right. So you might know of Martha Stewart and the time she spent as a guest of the state. I hope she doesn't watch the YouTube here. She was actually brought up on charges of insider trading, but actually got convicted on charges of perjury in that investigation. Sam Waksal was also, I believe indicted, I don't know whether he went to, I don't know the exact story, but he was also part of that case. Here's a case where an insider, a chemist at the FDA, all right, knew that drugs were going to be turned down or delayed, all right, often focused on small biotechs, right, and bet on shares falling after negative decisions and sold shares to avoid losses. So exactly the kind of thing that were occurring. If this occurred a lot, all right, like this was an everyday occurrence, and people like this didn't get caught, that would be a big problem for the research design I'm presenting you because essentially it would mean that a certain part of that surprise is essentially priced out or priced into the market before it occurs because of all this kind of trading, all right. Reason I don't think that that's, but I'm presenting it because it is a concern, but the reason I don't think it violates the sort of validity of this research design is twofold. First off, these people do get caught. Mr. Liang is now serving five years in a federal prison, all right. Second, the extent to which they can make money off of this, right, is limited by the degree that if they traded so much as to cause me as an analyst problems, they would be all the more likely to get caught. So they can make a lot of money for an individual, right, they can't make so much money that they begin to really change the stock price. If they do, they're far more likely to get caught, right. If this couple of days before this and you see like a 2, 3, 4% swing in a stock price due to one individual's trading, even the SEC, I'm sorry, but the SEC has been getting a lot of criticism lately, a seven-year-old with a spreadsheet would probably be able to pick up that kind of activity and detect the insider trading, okay. So here's what these asset price shifts look like. This was a fraction change, so if you're looking for percentages, just multiply by 100, all right. So the mean is about a 10, 20% drop in stock price after one of these things occurred. Sometimes there's just not much of an event, so these are the kinds that get essentially weighted to zero, it's as if they don't occur, those rejections don't occur. Some of them are companies losing 75% of its value. Now one of the things you might be concerned about, again, is that some companies might be more likely conditioned on this happening to lose more their value than others. So one of the things we do, in addition to using the raw value purged of the general movement is also to binarize the treatment, which is to say, let's have a cutoff say right here, all right. Did the stock price fall more than this amount as opposed to that amount? For what it's worth actually, that does reduce the error and the models that we estimate quite a bit, all right. So that might suggest that there's a lot of extreme bouncing around this distribution, all right, but we do both, all right. And the other thing we do is essentially we observe a list of thousands of drug projects that are undergoing development at a given point in time. And essentially if you've used Cox models before, we essentially use a Cox model of duration, how long does it last before it's abandoned, all right, but it's a little different, in that the analysis is conducted not only across drugs, but within drugs. And the idea if you're sort of into kind of epidemiology is this is kind of within subject treatment, all right. So we're controlling for all the features of the drugs themselves that are under development. The non-Genentechs, if you will, all right, but we're looking sort of what happens within those drugs. As a supplement, one of the things I'm gonna do is use a linear probability model, all right, which is basically zero when the drug is continuing, one when it gets abandoned, all right. Just gonna run a simple generalized Least Squares Regression on that and include a fixed effect for each and every drug, which is namely 15,000 of them, so it's kind of highly saturated model. And, again, that's gonna turn this into a differences in differences estimation. And that's also gonna be a within the subject treatment, all right. So here's what it looks like, I'm sorry, here's the data. So if you will, the dependent variable is, we wanna find out whether companies are moving on with their projects toward further testing or submission to the FDA or whether they're ditching them saying enough of this, right. We have about 14,000 projects under development between the mid late 70s and December 2003, and these are followed monthly. So we've got about a half a million observations in our database. The coverage is better after 1987 because this is a proprietary database produced by pharma projects, right. This is a private company that's been following the market for a long time that aggregates a lot of these market reports. The coverages, again, gets better, and so one of the things we wanna do is say, all right, let's only look at the data after a certain amount of time and then change that, just to see whether our results still hold up. One limitation and I'm sort of trying to get a grant for this, this is all before the Vioxx tragedy, which by some estimates contributed to 20, 30, 40,000 excess deaths, things like that. There's an argument that the FDA got more procedurally conservative after the Vioxx tragedy that I think needs to be tested, but we're not gonna see that in these data, right. We have two different measures of abandonment, right. One is when the company just says, we're done with this, and they come out with an announcement, right. Often companies don't wanna say those things, in part because they wanna sort of keep their options open and things like that, so we have an implicit one, which is where this database reports no development reported, all right. Once that happens for two years, we go back and code it from the time it originally started being coded as such and say the drug was abandoned. We use each of these alternatively and then we combine them. All right, so that we're not dependent on given one measure. We allow the effects then of these shocks to be generic which is to say applying to every firm or applying to a firm, which is a rough competitor or an entrant into the therapeutic niche, say cancer drugs, central nervous system drugs, cardiovascular drugs, in which the bad events or the negative news for one company happened, right. We're defining this class very broadly, this gets to your question about the competitive effects. So one of the ways we're gonna do that here, and we could do it much more narrowly with kind of a refined data on the mechanism of action. Right now I'm just gonna use the division structure of CDER. Now in part CDER by the way is the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. It is the FDA bureau that makes these decisions on the drugs. And so, one reason we might wanna do that is because if, the extent that these folks are making inferences about the FDA and saying, oh my goodness, the FDA is getting much tighter, they're not just making a judgment about the FDA generally, but about the particular rule, the particular decision makers in the oncology division or in the cardiovascular drugs division who may have changed their standards and said, oh no, no, no, P less than 0.10 is no longer statistically significant, we're gonna say that's P less than 0.05. Or we're gonna demand another different kind of clinical trial with another different kind of treatment arm or control arm before we send something onto the next stage or approve it, right. They might be making in other words decisions or inferences, not about the bureau or the regulator writ large, but about sub-regulators within that bureau, right, which is one way of actually thinking about possibly a way of kind of quantifying agency reputations and sort of de-compartmentalizing or compartmentaling, decomposing the agency writ large. Go ahead. - I'm still not sure that this is, if you could interpret this solely as changes at the FDA, this could just be scientific surprises. So we're doing a clinical trial for a certain drug and you were hoping it will work, but it didn't work, and that changed science and the stock price plummeted for this company because everyone thought it would work, but it didn't work, and it's got nothing to do with how FDA validated it or in some sense it's a mixture of, (indistinct) exactly, I don't know whether I would interpret this solely as changes within the FDA. - Well, so it's always true, I mean, so here's the problem, right, is that every regulatory decision is a decision about the merits of a given drug, right. Now if it's a decision about the merits of a given drug, right, then we should clearly see a within firm effect, which is to say Genentech got this bad news about its drug, they should drop it there. It's not clear that that logic extends to everybody else including outside of the therapeutic area. - [Man] Like same mechanism of (indistinct) - Right, so that's, that's exactly why we're doing this. If you're right, we should observe a lot of class specific effects. - Or it could also be like a financial shock. I think you're a VC and Genentech stock plunges, you're like, I'm out of all biotech, I'm investing in cars instead. - [Dan] Yeah, you're out of all biotech precisely because the FDA ruled against your (indistinct) - No, but not because the FDA rules against you because the science was bad, then there's a lot of hope that biotech is gonna produce great medicine and Genentech trial fails, I changed my expectations about biotech more generally. So this is bad science, I need to invest in nano technology or something else. - Yeah, first off I don't think in sort of a general equilibrium market, that's gonna happen. I mean, basically especially with a publicly traded company, right, there's enough other people to say, look, there's a possibility here, and it's possible there's gonna be an overreaction and things like that. To the extent that it's about purely, it's picking up purely like a scientific development, first off, that's not inconsistent with my story, right. Basically this is, the science is being produced, but the science is being produced and judged by the regulator, by the regulator's advisory committee. So you can view this as a scientific revelation in many cases, right, but again, this revelation would not happen in the absence of approval regulation because we've already had the announcement of Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials. This is all after all of that, right. So it can't just be, it could be a further scientific signal, but it's a scientific signal from the regulator, right, and I think that's the key. The other thing, again, is, is to the extent that it really is about mechanism of action, I'm not worried about like the whole world abandoning biotech. I'd be much more concerned about saying, look, in this market like the FDA is being too tough or we've had this failure, we should see basically high degree of class specific action and not non-specific action. It turns out we're gonna see both. - And I think since you're basing this on The Wall Street Journal stories, maybe if you have someone read through those stories and try to say how many of these stories were about, people complaining that the FDA made the wrong decision or made a very strict decision. - [Dan] We do that actually. - Okay, I think that- - Sure. So some evidence for (indistinct) these are very large estimates for when the FDA has an advisory committee and the advisory committee votes it down surprisingly, right. And that is consistent with the idea that it's not simply the FDA, but also the scientific advisors giving a negative judgment on the drug, right, but again, that's not the only place we observe a lot of these. So if the FDA says, no, look, we want another test or, no, we want a set of other things. And, again, remember, keep in mind, all three phases of clinical trials have been completed for almost all of these, at least two have, right. So it can't be just that a clinical trial previously when... You're right that there may be some revelation of scientific information still left, but again, that's only coming because we have this regulatory process. So here is the effects of one of these shocks, right, and I'm just gonna generalize this to say, all right, let's just imagine one of these shocks is 10% drop in the (indistinct) stock price. What happens to the hazard rate of abandonment for all other firms? That is to say month by month by month, what's the increased rate at which companies abandon their drugs given that 10% shock? Now one thing I do here is, is T plus zero is the month of the shock. So one of the things we do is actually we include some leads here, and that's a test of two hypothesis. One, it's kind of what you might call a placebo test. The idea that these shocks should not be predicting something that they really can't predict, which is abandonment ahead of time. And it's comforting in this respect to know that these by the way, these reds are the parameter estimates, these are 95% confidence intervals, both individually and jointly these are zero, okay. The second is, is this is a test of anticipability. If in fact, these things could in fact be hedged ahead of time, you should see other companies adjusting their development strategies in the months before. And again, this is statistically zero, all right. Where one sees the effects is essentially beginning in the second month, and continuing roughly if you want to sort of judge that as on the margin of statistical significant until about the sixth month. It takes time, in other words, for these to filter their way through firms and their decision processes to make judgements about that. This is by the way generic, this is both therapeutic specific effects and non-therapeutic specific effects combined, all right. Once you get out here, there's just enough noise that there's really just not much going on. If I run that linear probability model, I talked about earlier, okay, so this is not, this is a little less interpretable. Basically, if you will, this is, what's the change in the probability of abandonment? Again, we have to adjust the things. It's for lack of a better term, essentially the same results although a little bit less statistical significance we get these two, T plus two and T plus four. If you actually compare these two, they have the essentially the same shape, even though basically nothing going on early, right around T plus two to T plus four arise, oops, and then down to where there's just a lot of noise, all right, which is comforting in the sense that basically the linear probability model relies heavily upon these fixed effects to generate a within subject treatment. So it can't be any feature for the linear probability model, excuse me, it can't be any feature of the drug that's currently under development, right. It has to be only the shock that's generating this response, all right. And, again, notice that the lead values are all zero. So there's not anticipability here. If I, again, just get rid of all the leads and everything past six months, things bounce around a fair bit more, all right, but the average of this is quite positive. If you will, each 10% shock, if I integrate over these distributions, each 10% shock leads to about four to six drugs abandoned in the six months following, okay. We can't say that those drugs would have eventually become approved, we can't say that they would become useful treatments, so that they would have been marketed well, all we can say is they have an increased probability of the firms themselves pulling the plugs in response to that. Okay. So now if we look within therapeutic category, we look at this division chart, these are the therapeutic categories we're going to use. Essentially there's 14 and not 15 because this one is OTC, over-the-counter drug products, we're not looking at those. So it could be skin and dental, it could be antiviral, it could be anesthetics, it could be pulmonary, things like that. Some of these names maybe recognizable. Robert Temple is one of the most influential people in the history of 20th century pharmaceuticals. Again, he's got a, now a kind of a top level deputy commissioner post, but at this point he was the head of one of these drug reviewing divisions. This guy is often very controversial, is often taken to task in The Wall Street Journal editorial pages as being sort of a drag on cancer treatments. And so some of these names are kind of very well-known. If we look at the effect of the 10% shock in therapy targeted, we get stuff that's very similar to what we had. It bounces around a bit, but very much similar to what we observed before. The second thing we can do is say, well, what happens when we kind of break these events down by what was happening? So let's just examine five categories. And for those of you who do work in statistical text analysis or coding or content analysis, this would be a great application of those kinds of methods. Basically look at what kind of decision this was and try to classify it, but it could be a case where a company abandoned the drug on its own incited FDA regulation as a reason for doing so, so we code that separately; it could be an FDA request for more data; it could be an advisory committee voting and saying no; it could be the FDA saying, we're not ready to make a decision on this yet. Okay. Each of these outside of the FDA saying, we're just rejecting this, all right, doesn't seem to have an effect. Now remember, one reason might not have an effect is because this is probably the easiest one to anticipate where the FDA on the deadlines says, we've made a decision up or down, and that the firm is kind of communicating, oh, we're not getting great signals from the FDA, so it's not surprising essentially that that's zero. Technically it might be statistically significantly negative, but I don't put much in it, all right. The biggest effects are from when an advisory committee suggests no. There's a bunch of reasons for that, I would bet or hedge. Number one, that's the first read on the FDA's thinking and outside committee, which is going to advise the FDA after these phase trials, all right. Sometimes there's a public today and often there's a public report released by the FDA review or the FDA review team in advance, but the period we're dealing with, that report was often released at this meeting, right. So there's a whole bunch of things that are folded in here. Second, this is a sort of a judgment, not simply about what the FDA thinks, but what a panel of sort of independent cardiologists who advise the FDA thinks. So this gets in part to your question about to what extent is this a signal from science? Well, again, it's both, but here again it's where we're letting the sort of advisors speak a little bit independently of the FDA as well, right. It turns out that a fair degree happens just from the cases where the FDA says, we're not ready to make a decision on this yet. And it's tough to figure out the reasons for that, it could be that we'd like more data, so we don't think that, we think that it looks good, but we'd like more proof, a bigger sample size, a smaller confidence interval, or we're just, we're not ready to make a decision yet. So it could be, the mail room isn't working, we need a plumbing repair on floor three, something like that, but that also generates a higher degree of company abandonment and other companies abandoning and citing the FDA as a reason or citing regulatory factors as a reason also leads to about a 4% increase in the hazard rate. These by the way are summed across six months, I'm sorry, seven, the month of plus the following six months. And here's what we do if we binarize the treatment, right. So this is where we've taken that stock price shock and we purge it, all right. And then we say, all right, we're gonna assign a one, if it drops by more than 3%, and zero if it doesn't drop, I mean, it doesn't drop by more than 3%, and then we're gonna sum across 12 lags. And essentially most of this effect is occurring within therapeutic categories, right. And that's a very large hazard ratio because that is being multiplied by month across firms many, many times over. So now if we take these as kind of our evidence, we're talking about 30, 40, 50 drugs getting dropped after one of these events and not just a few, but keep in mind that some of this is also occurring generically, which is to say outside of therapeutic class. So you can't ignore the fact that some people are making inferences, not just about what the FDA oncology division is thinking, but about the FDA writ large, right. This is specifically coded as to say, all right, an oncology drug goes down, What is the reaction of people in cardiology developing cardiology drugs or infectious diseases drugs? AlL right. And this is a case where we actually control for a few other things, right. So what do plausibly abandoned drug projects look like? Well, essentially we expect those with a shock and then what happens two periods afterwards? All right, which was one of the significant, statistically significant parameter estimates that we have. So we can't know whether these in fact were caused, we just say it's consistent with the causal story. These would be predicted to have a higher level of regulator induced abandonment, okay. So it turns out that over 95% of those abandoned are in Phase 3, which from an efficiency standpoint is bad news. If you wanted these to be abandoned, you'd like them to be abandoned early before all that capital is sunk in, right. Now I can't say whether over 95% of drugs that are abandoned are in Phase 3 because we don't have great data on where these things are. And the further they go in the process, the more likely they are to be reported at all. So all I can say is for those drugs for which we have phase data, Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, 95% of these are in Phase 2, but that's highly, highly selected because if you get to Phase 3 in this database, it's much more likely that the people who put this database together are able to report that you're in Phase 3. What you can say I think though is that a fair number of these are in Phase 3 and are dumped, right. We can't say that 4,000 drugs were dumped because of regulatory factors, right. We can just say that among those that occur in these events right after two, four months after these, a high number of those for which we know the phase seem to be Phase 3, all right, and we have to sniff some more to kind of dig where that is. Most of these are, again, implicit abandonments and non-explicit, but if you look at the, and I can send you the paper or you can even look at the previous slide, you get very similar results as opposed to whether you focus on explicit abandonments or implicit abandonments, all right. So choosing one or another of those measures actually doesn't seem to affect much the results that you get from these estimations, which is somewhat comforting. So to conclude on this part, well, I think this is still speculative. I mean, one thing I'd like to be able to say is give you a harder estimate of, well, when one of these things happens, the following number of drugs are abandoned, and they're abandoned in this phase and things like that. There are some limits on the data, which I think will prevent us from ever being able to do that in a fully satisfactory manner, but one can do that. It's also important to say that this is not an evaluation of what happens in response to regulation generally like the issuance of a new rule, but the issuance of a regulatory decision, all right. And that points I think to the difficulty of measuring the overall effects of a policy because regulations usually come in bundles, right, and regulatory decisions usually come in bundles. So you say, well, let's evaluate the effect of this regulation on Y. Well, what part of the regulation are you picking up? Because the regulation is probably a statute, right, or a rule with seven different components. And is it component two or component five? So there's a lot of debate right now about what's the effect of the Dodd-Frank Act on the financial realm? Well, the Dodd-Frank Act is prudential regulation, which is to say large banks, it's regulation of credit rating agencies, it's regulation of the home mortgage market, it's the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, right, it's 20 different things. In fact, really it's more like 20,000 different things going on in that bill, right. And so, assessing the effect of a piece, of regulation writ large or a piece of regulatory statute is very hard because these things come in bundles, and it's very difficult to disentangle one part of that component from the other. And so the more you focus up, the more you basically give up in terms of granularity. The more you go in terms of granularity, the less you're able to focus on regulation writ large. I don't think this problem is fully escapable, right. I don't think it's possible to just say, well, there's a strategy out there that will allow us to speak about regulation writ large and also to have this kind of granular approach. This is what I think at some level political scientists can teach to those who wish to evaluate policy, policies come in bundles, and it's hard to disentangle one part of the bundle from another, right. It's difficult also to draw policy conclusions, again, all I can say is that firms are more likely to pull the plug on these projects. I cannot say, right, that these projects were of high value. We might be able to follow later on in some of these therapeutic areas and say, were there cost beneficial new products introduced? What happened to morbidity, mortality, some public health measures in these areas where there were more surprise rejections? We might be able to follow that, but I haven't done it today. And, again, the more you start to sort of take into to account some of these therapeutic area specific measures, the more you're beginning to sort of introduce other areas, which can contaminate, right. There's no way of knowing essentially what the health effects would have been, in other words had these things gone to market or what the economic profitability would have been had these things gone to market. That said this method does open the black box a little bit, all right. We know that it's not simply the FDA rejecting a drug that might lead to less innovation, which is to say the FDA making a decision, no on something that's sent to it, but the effect that that is having on firm's own decisions not to continue their own product development processes and not to seek approval for those projects later, right. It's also potentially generalizable. In theory if you can find regulatory enforcement decisions in other domains, focus them on firms, compute what happens to those firms as to whether they're going up and down, right. And then I think this is the key, can you get a large database with high granularity on what other firms in that domain are developing? Energy development projects, right, consumer financial or systemic financial innovation. It's really that dependent variable kind of data that one needs to be able to evaluate, the stock market data, and then some cases the regulatory enforcement or decision data is always there. What you really want is a high granularity database at the level of firm decision-making to be able to evaluate what happens with R&D. So I'll conclude there and open it up to questions as, other questions as you like. - Have you done similar research with devices, medical devices? - I have a graduate student who is doing that, and I may end up joining her on that project or not, but that's exactly one of the things where that's occurring. Yeah. - How much control do the director of the difference (indistinct) have over like what the thresholds they're using? Just I was wondering if you have data on who is in charge and whether they have a reputation of being (indistinct) cars or something (indistinct) - Yeah, that's great question. So actually the woman who just asked a question has a copy of my book there. Thank you. And one of in the historical period, in historical work that I do, I describe this process of sub-delegation. So in theory this power of veto is given to the secretary namely Kathleen Sebelius, but in the 1960s and 1970s, it kept on getting sub-delegated to the fact that you've got career bureaucrats making these decisions now in a way that's almost never overturned by higher levels. The only case recently and we talked about this at dinner last night where there's been an overturning was the Plan B decision when Obama and Sibelius basically turned down the approval of Plan B for over-the-counter status, but that's the exception that in some ways, although I worry about the precedent that it might set for kind of overturning doing that. It is possible and I did it a long time ago and I kind of gave up on it to, if you can get approval time data to net out the effect of different reviewers basically by like computing a fixed effect for each reviewer, and then just to examine the fixed effects. And I just never went very far with it, but I've got all my data from this book online, not all of it, but a lot of it. And if you went to it, I could probably give you some others. We basically coded the entire CDER employee directory from the eighties through the early 2000s, so we have like 5,000 employees in this database. And you can see in many cases which one of them did the review, what the review team composition was. And you can net out the effect of a division director and things like that. That assumes, of course, that you're controlling for everything else that might be correlated with that. So in theory that's possible, but I never went so far with that as to do it in part because there's a lot of missing data on who made the decision in this case, who made the decision. It'd be easier to do in more recent years because the FDA is actually pretty good on the whole, given the limits of the Freedom of Information Act about putting a lot of this data online. - So, Dan, (indistinct) story about the these approval that's being kind of endless in our process, but we don't get the signal that, (indistinct) point specifically. Is there anything other than insider trading that could signal that (indistinct) to the market, right? Because now you're talking about the financial markets, so if there's any bleeding through congressional committees or anything like that? I'm just kind of (indistinct) - So actually, I mean, two things. I mean, there is at some level kind of a continuous kind of information at least about the way these things happen. I'm not worried about that in terms of internal validity because again, that gets priced in. So I'm looking at what happens the day of, what happens the day after. That's another reason for focusing just on that, one day shock, but I think there's a more interesting process by which some of this gets to... So one of the other things that you could actually do by the way is look at what happens to other firm's stock values right after. So I've looked at what other firms do with their development decisions, you could look at other firm's stock values. The problem is that could be responding to a lot. And in fact, not least the regulatory decision itself, like I'm a competitor in this market. Maybe it goes up because now there's space, but more likely it probably goes down because they have to pass through the same gauntlet. Now hearings, I'm not so concerned about, but there's a constant communication between the firm. And so what gets released to the marketplace, things like that, I mean, so what we do know is that in theory the review teams deliberations are lockbox. It's only at or just before a today an advisory committee that the review team's memos are put online. There's often a lot of movement right there. If we had more recent data, we might be able to kind of exploit that. The clinical trials are lockbox for a number of reasons. One is blinding, right, so you can't inspect the data halfway through and say, does this look like it's going well or look like it's not? Although if this idea for more Bayesian clinical trials takes off, you might see more of that, which could actually create some interesting problems with insider trading that I really hadn't thought about that. Yeah, that's interesting, but at least again, the more traditional model now that's lockbox, and that's in part FDA regs, but it's also human subjects and blinding regs. There's a lot of communication that goes on between these review teams. And, again, the problem is, is if you're a company person and you're holding stock and you're privy to some of these. The one advantage that the SED has is, it knows who is privy to that information, right. So it knows who has access to the database at the FDA, and it knows all the people at the company. And you will see people at these companies getting hauled into court and sometimes put in jail for having heard bad information and then going selling the stock or having heard good information ahead and going and buying the stock, hedging one way or the other. But a little bit of it does, there is, I mean, it's a little bit more continuous that I'm stating here. There are some huge discontinuities, but it is a little more continuous. - I wonder what is the most reasonable cause for mechanisms behind these, say one analogy I could think of is that among academics, so is (indistinct) the paper rejected by a journal, and it reduces my (laughs) my urge to submit it to the same journal because it lower my expectation, but in your case maybe the problem is there's only one journal, better you do it or you don't, right. So you have no (indistinct) journals with something too. So that is more a psychological event, or would that be more like what the gentleman referred to is kind of revealing some kind of the underlying scientific promise of a certain mindset of thinking. - [Dan] Right. - So what would be your take on that, what would be the actual causal mechanisms behind it? - Well, I actually think that not all this is purely rational expectations, right, but in order for my story to work, I don't, this doesn't have to have full rationality. To the extent that people are kind of scared off by the FDA perhaps irrationally, so that they should have continued on. My story doesn't change because it's a story about the effects of policy. And I do think actually, this mainly comes not from the quantitative research, but years of looking at these industry trade journals like the pink sheets and other things like that, there's a lot of fear in this industry because they recognize that they're sort of in front of the all powerful regulator. And even though we like to tell stories about the pharmaceutical industry dominating the FDA, that's number one, a more recent development where the pharmaceutical industry has had that kind of power. And number two, firm by firm, these companies are still very afraid of the FDA and these drug reviewers and things like that. So I think actually a lot of this is basically being scared off. Some of that fear may be irrational or inflated and some of it may be rational, which is to say we think things have happened here. It's hard to really nail the mechanism. I think part of it is exactly what he is saying, this is a revelation of science. I actually don't think, again, that's inconsistent with the story because that revelation wouldn't be happening but for the regulatory process, right. In other words, if you could... Just required everybody to go through three phases, announce those phases and then go to market, you wouldn't be seeing these effects because the three phase trials are already being priced in once we've seen this, right, but I think and a lot of this because precisely because it's happening both within therapeutic class and outside of therapeutic class is judgements about the FDA. What I can't say here, although I think I probably could with a little more confidence with some more data is whether this is the FDA raising the bar or more uncertainty about where the bar is. And I think that's an important policy question. My sense, again, just eyeballing the data is that sum of both, and I'll probably need to kind of do some auxiliary test to kind of do that, but both of those are important questions. You can make an argument that from a policy standpoint, you might wanna have higher bars or lower bars in certain points, but it's always better off to maybe know where the bar is to have less uncertainty for the industry and for science and things like that. Although there's an argument that ambiguity can also serve purposes because it doesn't allow the firms to gain the system as much. It keeps them kind of on their toes as well, but I do think it's being scared off whether it's by uncertainty or by the bar changing, that is probably the mechanism here. - So this is (indistinct) question that this is in context of (indistinct) but is there evidence (indistinct) are they're related to other markets (indistinct) structured for? - So here is, again, the problem this gets to Yan's nice point about there being one journal editor, right. One reason that the FDA is so powerful is because it controls access to the most profitable pharmaceutical market in the world. So, yes, if you want, you can go introduce your market, your drug to the European market, but it's gonna be price controlled. It's gonna be in a country that's not as rich, and it's actually not aging as fast as ours, right? So we have high pharmaceutical consumption, basically zero price controls at the margins with a couple and maybe with Medicare Part D, in the future we will, but what makes the FDA so powerful in this world is precisely the fact that it's a stringent regulator in a world where price regulation is not stringent. So gatekeeping power, in other words is directly proportional, the amount of gatekeeping power to the price that you're keeping aspirants from, right. And the FDA doesn't control the fact that there aren't pricing regulations in the US and it doesn't control the political economy of the United States, but its gatekeeping power benefits at some level from these other factors. Last question (indistinct) - If there's one more question we might have time for, if not... - Yeah, go ahead. - So I think coming back to this point about mechanisms, one thing I was struggling with was, what these like, you've convinced that these changes were exogenous that if they were like a random shop and were a big change. - [Dan] Mm-hmm. - But it's (indistinct) to know whether they were just transient or more problem, problem in the sense, was this having asked for a reviewer on the review committee and rejecting a trial (laughs) or was this a change in the FDA's stance about their threshold? - So I can say that, yep, but we could, right, because I could say, all right, was this followed by leader decisions, right. - And I don't know how to, those leader decisions are more complicated because as you said because of endogeneity that now you know there's a higher threshold, you don't take drugs with the FDA, which thin are gonna- - Right. - [Man] (indistinct) think all that- - But once you begin to analyze the process in this way, can you at least open the door to answering some of these questions. - Yeah. - But I agree I haven't done it yet. I mean, essentially what we wanna do is trace not only the decisions as weighted by shocks, but a series of decisions themselves and say, is there a pattern here? And at some level that's kind of descriptive in their bones, but I think you kind of need to do it, step away from the internal validity church for a minute, and then kind of focus more on kind of descriptive features in order to get. And that, again, allows us to go a little more from regulatory decisions to regulation writ large. - [Anthony] That's great. Right, well, let's thank Dan. - Thank you. (audience applauds) Thank you.
Channel: USC Price
Views: 91,940
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Keywords: Daniel Carpenter, USC Price, USC, Bedrosian, Governance, Pharmaceuticals, Health Care, Public Policy, Price, Public Enterprise, Health Care (Industry)
Id: eevMBIeMM2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 53sec (5633 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2013
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