The new way to add files and folders in Visual
Studio 2022 is going to make you more productive. Let's take a look! We start by adding a new item to the project. This opens up the new compact Add New Item dialog. You can still choose to see all the
templates by clicking the button. And go back to the compact view
by clicking the button again. We give the file a name and
hit [ENTER] when we're done. This creates the file using the template
that matches the file extension, adds it to the project, and opens it up. I hit [Ctrl+Shift+A] to invoke the command again,
and I can hit [ESC] to clear the input field. I'm going to create two files starting with
test.html, then a comma, and then test.html.css. Hitting [ENTER] and now I have
those two files added to my project. It can also create a folder. Simply type the
name of the folder followed by a forward slash. Hit [ENTER] and the folder
is added to your project. To add a file to that folder, just
select it, and invoke the dialog again. You can name the file anything you want. From here, you can create
another file in a subfolder. Start by typing the name of the folder,
forward slash, and then the name of the file. If you found this video helpful, and you would
like to see more of the same type of content in the future, make sure to like the video and
subscribe to the YouTube channel down below. Happy coding!