The Fastest People in the World

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now I know all you folks of the work kind of parents are going to be perfect in the United States of America I introduce you to John this guy talks fast like very nice daily I'm John and I speak very very fast so first I wanted to ride the roller coaster at Coney Island so I called Coney Island and they said hey you take a hike to 12 years old so fast that he's made it to the Guinness World Records as one of the fastest Talkers in history specifically Jon can speak over 586 words per minute but everything changed when he went on TV for five minutes to prove our point my wife let us volunteer to cook up a couple of her favorite minerals dishes that's right TV shows movies commercials all he had to do was show up talk fast and get paid John's story goes to show that you can find your purpose not by doing things everybody does but by going all in on the one thing you do best that's one minute see you tomorrow [Music] so he can hit this three times in one second we went all the way to Japan to tell you his story Ah that's lady in Japan a lot of people love eating this Mochi is a snack in Japan made of sticky white rice and it can be filled with tons of different flavors it takes a lot of work to make because it needs a lot of beating if he makes one mistake he's in trouble that's why he yells every time he hits it after 35 years of Mochi making he is now the world's fastest all it takes is lots and lots of practice find the thing you love and do it over and over again until you become the best at it see you tomorrow this guy can beat a calculator what is 57 437 divided by seven eight two zero five point two eight five seven one four two eight five seven Hi Nas daily hi I'm Nila Banu was a kid he had an accident and spent a year in bed so he did a lot of math games to keep his mind busy he realized that if you train math muscles every day you'll get better doing complex calculations like this including addition subtraction multiplication and division all in my mind without using a pen Banu did math workouts for years until he became the fastest human calculator in the world now he runs a company that helps over 2 million kids to be confident in man story is proof that your brain is like your muscle if you give it enough training and nutrients it can make magic that's one minute see you tomorrow this Village produces the fastest runners in the world this is the village of welcome to Eaton Kenya this Village has produced not one not two but dozens of winners they break World Records win marathons and they win Olympic medals but why does this Village have so many champions one altitude Eaton is more than 8 000 feet above sea level this means it's harder to breathe so when people run their lungs have to work harder DNA some studies show that people here are born with the perfect body for running no one knows for sure but one thing's clear Eaton has a strong community in Eaton there are tons of training camps where people eat sleep breathe running so if you feel like winning a race or two you might want to train in Eden 308-336-364-392-420 I found a man who is a human calculator hi I'm Scott flansburg and I'm faster than any calculator on the planet Earth he can add the numbers faster that he can talk and he never graduated from high school how did he learn it all started in third grade when Scott was not listening so the teacher tried to embarrass him with a hard math problem but surprisingly he got it right and then he got another problem right and another turns out in that moment Scott discovered a new way of calculating so I just added up the column of numbers going down the columns backwards and just said the answer out loud and she was like you're right and he also discovered that he can teach himself how to become a Master calculator now he visits schools to show kids that life is not a math problem there is more than one right answer and sometimes you just need to make your own math rules that's one minute see you tomorrow
Channel: Nas Daily's Best Videos
Views: 61,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nasdaily, nuseir yassin, channel, compilation, best, people, places, travel, country, technology, environment, nasmeanspeople, fastest people
Id: 8xfDl15QZ1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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