The Fastest Cup Stacker in Texas

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(exciting music) - [Boy] We didn't really have any fast stackers from Texas until he came along. - [Boy] Like, I couldn't really believe my eyes. Like, I was in shock. - [Boy] His hands, like, they were always moving, and it was like, there was no, like, thinking about where to put it, it was just like a non-stop, just like (trilling) (drum beats) - [Boy] He's off the charts. He's like as fast as a lightning bolt. (drum beats) (cups stacking) (gentle music) (cups stacking) - [Trey] My name is Trey Griffith, and I'm the fastest cup stacker in the state of Texas. My goal is to be the fastest cup stacker in the whole entire world. - [Carmen] When I first saw Trey begin cup stacking, I was thrilled. Kids on the spectrum are always very passionate and very intense on what their fixation is. And he just shined. I mean, you could see that he was in his element. He was comfortable, he was alive, and he was just doin’ his thing. - [Jimmy] Trey took it to a completely different level. He was doing it systematically instead of just kinda for fun. And it was all about getting that next best time. What Trey does in five or six seconds, takes me 10 or 12, 13 seconds. We've learned not to ever discount what he says he's gonna do. (bright music) - [Carmen] Sport stacking is using a set of 12 plastic cups, and you stack them in a very specific sequence of pyramids, and you are racing yourself, and you're racing a timer. - [Jimmy] It's a sport that you don't have to be tall, you don't have to necessarily be able to run quickly. As long as you've got the 12 cups, you've got a mat, and you've got a timer, you can stack. To me, it's just mind-boggling to see these stackers like Trey and his friends. And you can tell they're not even looking at the cups that they're stacking. It is all muscle memory. I mean, it's so fast when they get to this level that the naked eye cannot see it all. (bright music) (cups stacking) When I found out that I was havin’ a boy, of course I thought about when I was a boy, and playing catch with my dad in the backyard, and you flash forward, you know, thinking about those types of things with your kiddo, but when Trey found stacking, it was just like, okay, cool. Here is a sport that he's into, and it's got speed; I've always loved sports with speed. And it's got rhythms, which make him happy. And I realized, what a better way to bond with my child, than to learn how to stack myself. I get to stand next to my son, who's one of the fastest in the world, and stack with him, and be a part of something special. - [Carmen] Watching the two of them stack together, are probably some of the best moments I've ever had. Our motto has always been: The family that stacks together, stays together. We go to these tournaments together, we’ve traveled together, we've made friends all over the country, all over the world. I mean, it's definitely enriched our lives. (cheerful music)
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 6,394,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, Cups, Cup stacking, Weird & Fun Knowledge, Biography & Profile, Lifestyle & Entertainment, Challenge, Games
Id: B30IVUf0Aag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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