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2 eggs 80 gr of sugar A pinch of salt Whip by hand for a few minutes 80 ml of vegetable oil 120 ml of orange juice 200 gr of flour 00 8 gr of baking powder Grease the mold Flour 00 Bake at 180 ° for 30 minutes Set aside and prepare the cream In a saucepan 400 ml of orange juice 4 large tablespoons of corn starch 3 large tablespoons of sugar Orange flavoring optional Stir well before cooking Cook over low heat until thick Pour the cream on the cake Let it cool for at least 1 hour After it is well cooled, embellish to taste Coconut An orange slice cut into small pieces Another bit of coconut and mint leaves Delicious‼ ️ Thanks for watching ❤
Channel: Cucina Jassmin
Views: 400,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ricette dolci, Il rifugio perfetto, Giallo zafferano, Fatto in casa da benedetta, Ricette facili, Ricette veloci, Ricette estive, Ricette sane, Facile e veloce, Yummy, Tasty recipe
Id: 2TXdx_X0E6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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