The Family Stallone Season 1 Recap

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all right all right perfect how did Sylvester Sloan end up doing a reality show I thought okay I'm on the road so much I probably have been on the road probably 60% of my life and looked around I said my God my daughters are grown up everything else and I'm going wouldn't it be great to just spend some serious time with them where they couldn't escape when they had to be with me cut cut cut that is a wrap girls your dad's home hi hi baby how was Oklahoma intense let's put it that way really yeah [Music] a hey Kim I'm getting emotional seeing my dad come home from Oklahoma because you know as a child growing up with him constantly on movie sets for 4 months out of time and we wouldn't see him it was really hard and I don't think I ever expressed those emotions as a kid I kind of just accepted that that was his job but he just brings so much love and warmth to the house growing up with my dad was not your typical dad that picks you up from school and drops you off on one hand um bringing any boy home he becomes fullon Rambo with guns but then when it's with all the girls it's three cavapoos and a cat and girl Dad I am mustard the Magnificent watch this pocus pocus Kazam wants a bake with us he watches The Bachelor with us and it's a totally different side of him than you've ever seen we get this question a lot what was it like growing up with your dad and I said it's really interesting cuz he would have us train every morning but he wasn't training Us in normal sports that our friends were doing it's not a normal world my dad raised us like little military brats you get up at 5:30 you do 10 push-ups you do 10 cleaning jerks you don't know what that is look it up on YouTube it's with a bar it's heavy and it sucks then you swing the golf club and then once you swing the golf club you go to the pool table no not pool pool we Throw Shop put we do Sprints in the backyard he made us very competitive in sports we add in chess we add in reading out loud oh yeah and then we' box in the kitchen and somehow we sit at the table at 7:00 right before school eating eggs just because he ate raw eggs in a film does not mean we will like a shitload of eggs I would literally throw up my breakfast and he would make me another plate of eggs so I wanted you guys to be really well-rounded I wanted you to be like professional golfers and you all had the potential Happy Gilmore happy Gil our boyfriends want to play with you no I don't think so why not why not they'll beat you they're really good that's the end of that they haven't earned that privilege dad Sor I just wanted to spend some time with you that's all yeah I'm glad we got to do this so what's going on with your relationships and stuff I don't I think it's more of a personal thing like I it's really hard for me to do long distance it's almost impossible yeah I don't know how you and Mom did it for so long it wasn't easy because out of 10 years I was gone four right if you put it all together back then mhm that takes a toll yeah then you come back and you're on with strangers I know you think you're used to it but every time that person goes away it just it gets harder it does it gets worse actually having done a lot of things right and a lot of things wrong I've come to one conclusion that time is your currency that's the most valuable bank account you'll ever have yeah and you got to spend it in the right spot or you will go bankrupt and I'm talking emotionally bankrupt so if it's love make sure you're not wasting your currency on the wrong person I really respect my dad's advice and I take it to heart and I I don't want to waste my time so I really have a hard decision to make I actually kind of need to tell you something you know that um I've been like obviously in this relationship and mhm I had to kind of have this conversation with him recently and everything that I've been feeling and we forgot sex I'm so sorry oh I'm so sorry my love that's hard yeah I'm sorry [Music] baby I think that um I feel like I've been crying so much l um it's okay it's okay this is a big thing you know you know after having time with my dad the gun range and him giving me that advice I kind of promised myself that I would be with someone long term that was there in the same place as I was and that I actually could spend time with I think sometimes when you start dating someone or I start dating someone they don't really know exactly what they're signing up for yeah and when you date one of us you're dating all of us all of us I know that for sure but we love hard and if you're in our little tribe here we're going to love you so hard and you're never going to want to leave it is incredibly hard to be in a long-distant relationship I know because every year sometimes twice a year Sly will go away to a different country and film you know we've lost months away from each other and not being able to connect face to face is very very difficult especially in a new relationship like Sophia's I have a Creative Vision for Scarlet's farewell lunch and I stuck with it don't go in the other room not just do that keep going that's norly I happen to have this artificial heart is from the last Rambo scene when I did this job on my enemy there and I pulled out his heart like why not this will go here cuz Scarlet has our heart I'm expecting the reaction would be heartless Scarlet table is set to the nines oh my god oh no wow wowa wowa wowa are you hungry no no no that's so unappetizing Scarlet you have our heart oh I'm going to miss you guys so much Martha Stewart would be so proud when I went to college I never went to one party not one I had a couple friends and um we used to hang out and feed the squirrels during the day that's your college experience this is horrible this the worst story ever I watch my appetite thanks I was not very Scholastic to say the least I had a89 great point you didn't have a one point something no I didn't have a one point But at the very end of the first first year I had a 3.5 that's there you go that's because we stole the exams oh okay it was on the fourth floor so there were some young mountain climbers I hired them so they climbed up the balconies took the exams brought him to my room I mean that is wild that is wild you should write um a movie about this oh hello oh I'm so sorry I didn't I wasn't here when you moved in I would have liked to have seen it I missed my daughter so I decided to show up uninvited and see how things are going it's so strange when you haven't seen your children even if it's a couple weeks whatever they just seem to have changed you have to catch up a little bit and she looks taller she looks brighter she looks more mature she's an adults what happened are you going into sorority or something I'm full doing the college experience now is that just an excuse to have a lot of [Music] parties no I think that I'm a very social person and I was always very independent you Mom would get so mad sometimes CU you would want me to stay home or like be with everyone 24/7 and just that was sophan and suine it's just I've always wanted just to go you know you you philosophy you say oh God I want the best for my children I want them to go out there and spread their wings and go maybe clip their wings I don't want them to leave it's it's hard but I'm very happy to see Scarlet is well taken care of and I think she's going to do real well love you I love you I'm at dinner with my parents tonight and we're celebrating a recent career opportunity oh here we go this is the ball all a baaba black sheep oh God it's good she likes it it's pretty good did you do a lamb impression I was trying to do a lamb impression not very good you know when I realized you were kind of famous I was performing this school play and I was given one line I literally go why don't you think a little and the whole room was dead silent The only voice I heard was hey out a girl my classmates were freaking out they were like you're dad and I go what what are you bringing out over this guy and all the parents were asking to take photos and then that's when I realized that's really famous she's really good thank you yeah and now is your turn I hope when I was younger I fell in love with acting because I loved performing didn't matter what club it didn't matter what play I would take different classes improv whatnot whether if it's a really good acting class or a really weird one it's like I said just embrace the moment and express yourself and not be worried about what other people think yeah that's it so when Scarlet comes up to me and goes dead I want to be an actress and oh God but if it's in your blood it's in your blood so I wanted to see if she really had it there's a part small part in Tulsa King I'm not guaranteeing anything because I don't own the show I don't run it but I can make the proper introductions fair enough yes when Tulsa came came along I thought you know I'd love to do something with her I meanwhile I'm still on this Earth it it be nice to have some moments with my daughter and I didn't know if it was going to go any further because I let left it up to the powers that be but she nailed it thank you so much what happened I got aart you did do you know the top fears in the world public speaking speaking how about public singing I tried it once and it was a horror but you can sing you're good oh Dad that's ready let's have a little aiming wine house ready go Scarlet is in the house you want to hear her sing seriously you know what's even better you're singing that's even better that's night I went out honky Tony dressed up in my very best I just want to fall in [Music] [Applause] love thank you I was born with a big shy bone Scarlet's in hair makeup I think I'm more nervous than don't be nervous she's got this in the bag I they're ready for you okay cool hey how are you hey how do you do nice nice meeting you okay we're going to do blocking let me show Scarlet a couple I am so nervous walking on to that set my heart's just pounding I need to take a big breath this is not like school plays just sort of Step Up behind your dad and you know talk to him there okay this is what I've wanted so don't screw this up Scarlet here we go [Music] up how you doing I'm looking to buy a horse I'm sorry seor Ma's on his way that's the order oh no ER is a person that gets rid of dead animals I love it work pretty damn good I think children of celebrities feel as though that they need their parents' name to perhaps become successful but that's not the truth the truth is you have to have talent because the audience will not accept anything but that so you either have it or or you don't and I believe Scarlet [Music] hasn't cut this is the moment you've been waiting for this is a season wrap for all our folks but we want to acknowledge let's see what's his name again let's hear for Sylvester Sal thank you I never worked so hard in my life and had so much fun seriously you guys are proved and I think what we came up with is something extraordinary and life changing for me so keep punching love you guys see you next [Music] season we're all happy that it's over because it's strenuous it was hot it was pretty brutal because I didn't want to be away that long and it was it is quite taxing so I couldn't wait to get home if I think outside of myself what keeps driving you what keeps moving you forward is it ego cuz there's not much left for you to conquer but there is in relationships I want to stay around the people I love I don't want to be away anymore you have to say enough enough wow this is the toughest gig ever thank you Scarlet is home for the weekend and I'm craving that sisterly bonding time cheers can't cheers with water it's bad luck cheers it's a candle okay drink your candle I thought it would be fun to you know go to some fun restaurant bar have a fun night out oh my that's spicy mama you know what I've been thinking about I know it sounds a little bit I'm going take a drink for this cuz I don't know what you guys going to think about this oh God she's got to take a sip for this am I supposed to be somewhere more like at 26 like do you think that you're going to be so much farther ahead of your career and that's insane no one knows what the hell they're doing come on I really want you to not put so much pressure on yourself though you really do every time I talk to you every time you start you know what it is I feel like people in my position are so much farther ahead in their career and I'm not saying that I'm in a rush but I feel like what if the things I want in life don't work out for me like what I think my book is kind of stupid all the time it's weird because I feel like when you're younger you have this expectation that when you're 25 you'll be at a certain place and and I'd hoped that my novel was going to be finished in the last year and there's nothing more in my life right now that I've actually wanted because this isn't something that I'm doing with my sister this is not something I'm doing with my dad this is something that I'm doing for myself and it makes it kind of difficult and sometimes it makes me a little insecure I have a really strong affiliation with Philadelphia because that's where I really learned about life in general I got a job along the docks I worked alongside stors and drove for cliffs and really learned about Philadelphia the hard way that one year set the tone if I had never done that I never would have wrote Rocky cuz that's what came from those streets I'd like to eat a Philly cheese steak and I'd like to go to the steps cuz I haven't been since we were probably I'll tell you5 yeah I had just finished directing Rocky baloa and I wanted my family to be there so the last scene was everyone when running up the steps during the end credits they were very very young now that they're all adults I wanted them to come back to Philadelphia with me as adults and just experience that feeling once again and know that they're going to keep punching they can do it if I did it they can do it when we arrived in Philadelphia I wanted to go to Victor's Cafe which is AKA Adrian's Restaurant from Rocky ball Rocky 6 you remember this place honey yes you do thanks for coming by I appreciate it people ask me what is your proudest moment I'd say Rocky ball Rocky 6 because no one wanted to make it so it was a really big big Challenge and that restaurant seemed to be like the epicenter of what the heart and soul of that film was so I wanted to go back there with the heart and soul of my life my family and just experience that once again this place is so cool I feel like I'm traveling back in time you are but we're missing one I feel so sad that Scarlet's not here cuz I don't think she's ever been here before I know I don't know what her problem is this is a big moment for us it's a huge moment yeah I just wish we were all together same I think we should dishonor once and for all I'm so happy you did it okay good H little baby girl can I join yay Scarlet are you this is the greatest surprise ever I'm so happy you did it the Cat in the Hat just popped see taken you're here my baby she shows up I'm so happy to see her she made the right decision so I'm glad she changed her mind and she came well I am so excited get here baby now we're whole again I think it's time for you to quit school and hang out with us I know all right girls come on I'm going tell you guys something so right here probably most important thing I ever wrote was in Rocky baloa it's about it's not how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward how much you can take and keep moving that's how wi it is done and I wrote this because it's something I always wanted to say to my children I did little did I know that I would have my daughters here someday and is it ironic this is the one line we've remembered out of all the things is that line yeah you know that speech by heart the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows it'll beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it but it ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward that's how winning is done that's how winning is [Music] done don't you find it fascinating that one movie caused such an iconic move that every single day on those steps they run to the top and immediately their arms are thrown in the air it's unreal you girls ready yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wasn't expecting that many people just seeing all of his fans still have so much admiration and love for him wow look at these steps SL I don't I run up these Jennifer I know I first saw the steps when I was 11 years old and I'd never seen anything like that so I when I had a chance to do the Rocky film I thought where can I exemplify a transitional moment where a man fails and then he succeeds and I feel that way today [Applause] wow I can't tell you it's amazing to be back here guys seriously I expected a few people but that's amazing when I walk up those steps I feel like I can do anything I don't know why but it's magical to me it proves that dreams can come true mhm but now my next dream is that it's your turn to look out there there just something so optimistic and life affirming about this view it's as though you can see your life up ahead of you and you're going to go out there and Conquer it's your turn keep pure no but no but no no seriously it's wonderful to be here a family you know
Channel: The Family Stallone
Views: 75,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the family stallone, family stallone, sylvester stallone, stallone actor, rocky actor, reality tv, rambo actor, rambo, reality show, paramount plus, paramount+, family stallone season 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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