The fall of the Arsenal Invincibles discussed by Thierry Henry, Gary Neville & Jamie Carragher

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why did that team was invincible why did it not kick on why did it not become a dynasty i think the stadium we had to move into the stadium we had to i think money wasn't available in two years we nearly lost the invincible team on the other side you're looking at united keeping the call adding players chelsea getting stronger we're losing players key players and and that i think for me that was that was the thing no money the money went into the stadium and we were missing we were losing players every single year after that and it became very difficult for us what was the change you look at the difference now following the invincible year when you win the league and how quickly it changes we didn't improve like i just said before we did not improve those guys you guys were improving chelsea did also at the time because they were powerful at that time the two years after we started invincible some injuries but when you lose patrick vera and you look the likes of the player that we lost at that particular time that changed a lot in in in into our mentality the way we were less confident and it wasn't the same team anymore i mean i i think look over the last 10 years um arsenal won the league and there are some factors in that that i would say give arsene wenger some sort of uh reason why they wouldn't have won the league in the last 10 years i take terry's point on board i think this is a genuine reason if you think about the net spend of arsenal in the last 10 years have it been 98 million and the staggering spend of those four clubs above them and the fact that they're building that stadium that is a factor it's a major factor and i think i've got some um some level of yeah sympathy for them i've got sympathy for arsenal and i think arsenal's an incredible job with that net spend where i've got less sympathy is the type of players that have been signed in that period and if we just look at this the signings here and for me if you look at those two teams we've just discussed and thierry's used the word balance and we've talked about the likes of vieira petit gilberto edu keown campbell torre adams bold all strong people all of a sudden the most significant signings between 2004 and nine i can't think of a word to describe that bunch i could but it might not be usable on television but they're certainly not what i would call the type of characters that you would want to win your league the powerful characters the strength that you need running through your team whether it be a blackburn team a city team with yayatori and vincent company and the profile of players completely changed and the style has changed and that to me is where i've got no sympathy to be honest with i don't know where it's come from the key for me is the one at the bottom says fabregas it changed the mentality of arsene wenger we used to play a flat four for two as you notice and you guys played against us and because of cesc the player that he was he started to think that he had to build the team around test fabregas so he went into a 4-3-3 and he still does play the same way and and believe it or not i believe that cesar bregas was the reason was the reason why he did that well he's come from he come from barcelona himself now we talk about teams now copying barcelona do you think he was copying the face barcelona of reichardt of iniesta chavy in that midfield where he thinks this is the way going forward no no i just think that really cesk was the man at the time obviously with the likes of leb on his side and adebayo stretching the team but he really did believe that cesc was going to be the guy for a very long time at arsenal and building that team around him why would one player change a whole sort of philosophy at a club i think of mourinho he's got a template how to win the league he's been away for seven or eight years he comes back he wins the league not exactly the same but similar if you're successful those two central midfield players petite vieira powerful in there why do you think i'm gonna assess fabregas and say i'm gonna totally change if you've got a template of how to win the league why would you change that the us was i guess efficient and and controlling the game beyond adebayo i think it reinforced the way he saw it because the year i left maybe they were waiting for that they nearly won the league i also nearly won the league and seth was brilliant bienna de bio and and they had a good run also in the champions league if i remember well um but i i stay on that it was because of sex and i know you might think really i mean you went from petite vieira gilberto i take your point on on says fabregas and half believe it but he says fabregas went to chelsea football club last season jose mourinho puts matic alongside him he puts ramirez maybe alongside him in certain games and so you could say okay it influenced the decision of arsene wenger but don't put len flamini alongside him but taking that forward you could make one mistake by playing say for instance flamini with fabregas and not being powerful enough but then you sign arteta and you turn him into a midfield player rozitsky signs a wide player turns him into a midfield player ramsey plays midfield even though he's he's a wide midfield player cazorla now this team here that we've got in front of us so for 10 years it's not just ces fabregas it's a continual um exchange of string of errors it's a it's a stained period of time there's you could add more to it i'm sure that players who've played in that essentially it was small with diminutive of a good football player chamberlain i mean i look i've got great respect for arsenal as a football club i think they're a fantastic football club i think arsene wenger's job is absolutely amazing but this is a i just cannot get my head around why you would not sign players of power to assist these talented players that you've got to enable them to win the league it's the one big if you like black mark that i've got against arsene wenger in this last 10 years of why he hasn't identified the issue with these types of players in central midfield because they cannot win the league with those types he can't happen he did identify as soon as he comes vieira was one of the first senators facing i just don't see how he's gone away from that
Channel: Sky Sports Retro
Views: 1,488,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arsenal, Invincibles, Arsenal Invincibles, Premier League, Premier League 2003/04, Arsenal 2004, Undefeated, Unbeaten, Football, Soccer, Arsene Wenger, Thierry Henry, Gary Neville, Jamie Carragher, MNF, Monday Night Football, Analysis, Arsenal Analysis, Sky Sports Retro, Sky Sports, Sky Sports Football, Sky Sports News, Soccer AM, Football Daily, Retro, Retro Football, Classic Football
Id: gFGonV4eews
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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