The fall of Marvel Comics | New Warriors is nothing compared to this!

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our time has come for 300 years we prepared we grow stronger while you rested in your cradle of power so now that Marvel is trending again I think it's a good idea to highlight some stuff that they've been doing just this year alone I want to show you guys just how far this company has fallen now I've been talking about them quite a bit over the past few days because they're hot topic right now let's be real and it's for good reason they've been doing some really stupid stuff this has to be the dumbest thing that they've ever put out this new Warriors trailer everybody hates it everybody is talking about it and nobody is saying anything positive except for bleeding cool because of course the ultimate Schilt website is of course going to praise this because they never have anything negative to say about Marvel oh god no they would never go against Marvel but here's the trailer we're on day two look at this glorious ratio two point four up votes eighty thousand pound votes but what's refreshing is pretty much bleeding cool is the only website Schilling as this garbage usual shills like CBR calm here they're against this I was really shocked to see that so nobody's digging nobody's digging nobody's liking New Warriors and and I find that quite hilarious but this is the event that New Warriors is tied into and I want you to understand just how far Marvel has fallen this company is a shadow of what it used to be and New Warriors is kind of like the peak of what they want to be they want this small niche audience and they're so willing to just discard normal people like everybody like a normal normal group of people they don't want those as their demographic they don't want their core demographic they don't want their long-term demographic they want a small weirdo niche super far progressive audience that what they want and they don't care they don't give a damn about making money you need to understand that they have Disney money this is like a little boutique business for Disney they don't care if Marvel makes money and because of that Marvel can pretty much do whatever the hell they want unfortunately though lots of businesses rely on them okay but Marvel doesn't care about them because no matter what Marvel is not going anywhere Disney will just put the comics out digitally or you know one out of that would probably stay open still is like a Midtown comics in New York City ones that they order literally 75% of all the comic books and they ship them out and stuff like so people can order comic books from Midtown comics they don't give a damn about the 75% of comic stores that don't have Midtown comics money they don't give a damn about them so all those people that need readers to come in and buy these trash books Marvel doesn't give a crap about them they won't let these people return the books so Civil War okay we're gonna pretty much rip that up rip that off now and we're gonna do an okay boomer thing what civil war is is basically the young heroes are being outlawed so you're not allowed to have younger superheroes but the unfortunate thing here is they're not they're not going with a theme like that what they're doing it is they're tying in a greta greta Sundberg kind of message and it's like really this is not what people want but they're gonna do it anyway they're gonna keep putting trash like this out and in comic shops are gonna keep buying it so listen to this welcome I've heard many in the media discussing this summit as though it were cute because we are young no political power no lobbying money but they fail to realize we are fighting for our very lives in my country we have lived for the seas for generations but now the ocean may destroy the islands altogether I mean you can look at the way this character is being drawn and presented and the things that she's saying the comparisons are there this is going to be a strong theme in this run and it's no surprise that they're choosing to launch a book like new warriors side-by-side with this event it pushes with the stuff that they want it's it pushes with the political messaging that they want to push and the audience they're trying to capture but keep in mind they've been trying to keep they've been trying to capture this audience for over a decade now they've been really pushing hard for it for them over the past couple of years since 2016 that's kind of the peak period for them maybe 2015 and they've been trying over and over again and it's just not working these people don't buy comics they don't care about comics they might care about it on Twitter but at the end of the day these people have not rallied and coming in bought the books but Marvel just keeps pushing and it shows this isn't the only thing okay they brought America back they have the new warriors coming we have the Greta the Greta event here but they're doing other stuff too I've done videos on this Cyclops and Wolverine have on a little bit of play time on the moon and not just that they're in some kind of weird three three-way relationship with Jean Grey as well I've done like two videos on that they have like interconnected rooms Jean Grey is in the middle but hey that doesn't stop Cyclops and Wolverine from hanging out in the broom closet there's all kinds of stuff that Marvel has been doing destroying their legacy spitting on Stanley's grave all kinds of stuff it seems like once Stanley passed all bets are off they've really been kicking it up how do you think Stanley would have felt about Cyclops and Wolverine getting it on on the moon you think he would have liked that probably not and he's been vocal before on things he didn't like but now that he's gone hey it's all out the window now and this isn't the only thing there's more there's more I've talked about this recently about how they've been treating Thor well guess what Thor's hammer that's not the strongest Asgardian weapon anymore nope Valkyrie Jane Foster she's much stronger her weapon the all weapon much much better in fact to even needs Thor a replaced him for like two years but now that she's not throw any more listen we can't have Thor being the stronger person we need to go ahead and retcon that out let's make Jane Foster stronger and she practically beats him in Jane Foster number nine and her weapon the all weapon is much superior so we got to put that man down Wham and power all the way it just keeps getting worse with Marvel and it's not gonna stop it's not gonna stop and it's not just the woke stuff the creativity of their events has fallen as well so we have this here I talked about this before this is the upcoming x-men event X of swords look look how lazy and stupid this is so basically we're just gonna have an event and we're gonna give everybody swords I'm sure this is gonna bring everybody into the comic shop this is just how far creatively they've fallen next to you know all the political stuff they're a shell of their former self I don't know if they can ever come back and with everything that's going on this year the way comic shops are falling one after another they're not really an essential business and like I said if we fall into some kind of a recession I don't know if the comic book industry can survive it this time they survive the last one barely and sales have been down consistently since then do you really think that people are going to rush in to the comic book shop to buy books about Cyclops and Wolverine hanging out doing doing whatever you know sideways and and byways on the moon no do you think longtime Thor fans are gonna come in to see how Thor has been cooked to lady Lady Jane Foster no you know you see stuff like this they're so desperate to push Captain Marvel and you can say what you want about movie sales that's not the conversation here the comics have never been popular and they've never been big hits but they've been trying to push her up to be the top dog in comics she can lift Thor's hammer and she pretty much she pretty much took Iron Man out the new ones been a clone running around you can think you can thank her for that she's the one that eliminated him and ruined Tony Stark Tony Stark even before he got taken out was turned into like an effeminate hipster weirdo who doesn't drink or hang out with women anymore I don't know what's going on with him it's just another character that decided to run into the mud to promote stupid ones that nobody cares about so it's not just it's not just the new warriors thing it's everything that the company puts out and I'm not gonna say they don't have any good books there's a handful of good books that are okay venom is a great example of a good book they have however for every venom they put out a Valkyrie or a new warriors or a Captain Marvel or something like that for every good book there's ten bad ones and that's the problem - I'll say it again Marvel probably accounts for like 65 percent of all the books on shelves everybody else is reducing their books a lot of companies right now or letting comic book shops return comic books Marvel is not doing that in fact like I said in a previous video the boss of Marvel is ghosting comic book shops right now comic book shops are wondering hey look can we return books if they don't sell he's not answering them what's he doing he's talking about where you can go buy a takeout food right now like that's more important let's save takeout shops because he wants to sit there and shove sandwiches down his mouth instead of trying to fix comic books it's really sad this company is trashed now and it's it's gonna take a lot of work away from a lot of people and you're gonna see comic book shops fail because of it and it really really irritates me irritates me because I grew up these characters I actually care about these characters and this medium and the people that are running it don't give a damn they're fake they're fake people and it's sad to see and there's nothing that we can do about it except watch as an industry crumbles to the ground so that's pretty much it I hope you guys enjoyed this video share this video please because something's going on with YouTube so I don't even know how many people are gonna see this so you know I have a pre she ate everyone that's watching and sharing the video throw a like up also if you would please leave a comment as well let me know what you guys think about all this what do you think about this okay boomer Greta book I'd like to hear your thoughts on that also if you would subscribe make sure you're still subscribed hit that notification bell and I'll see you guys on the next one peace also if you want to help support the channel check out my teespring store there's a link in the description you can find some merchandise in there that you might want to check out also take a moment make sure you're still subscribed to the channel there's something going on right now and they've been unsubscribing people so just take a 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Channel: YellowFlash 2
Views: 411,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel comics, marvel, Yellow Flash, YellowFlash 2, YellowFlash2, Yellow Flash 2, YellowFlash, New Warriors, Marvel's New Warriors, NEW WARRIORS Trailer | Marvel Comics, Marvel Comics TROLLS ITSELF with New Warriors! Trailer DOWNVOTED to Oblivion!, Ricky Gervais Reacts to the New Warriors Comic, Marvel's New Warriors goes SJW, Marvel's Worst Announcement, Marvel Comics' SEVERE BACKLASH over Snowflake and Safespace!, Marvel's New Warriors Looks AMAZING!, Snowflake & Safespace
Id: v_xW8HyAiwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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