The Fall of Linus Tech Tips

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man this week has probably been the worst one ever for Lina Sebastian and Linus Media Group the company behind Linus Tech tips I thought earlier this year when all of their channels got hacked and the hackers are basically running an Elon Musk you know give me one Bitcoin and I'll send you two crypto scam for like a day and a half I thought that that was the lowest that it could have ever gone because you know you think about it I'm pretty sure most of that company's Revenue comes from their YouTube channel so that Revenue Channel literally being down for like a day or day and a half pretty big impact to your bottom line but also it's a tech tips Channel like it's more or less a technology company and so for your company to have their bottom line hit by a pretty low hanging fruit Cyber attack like a little bit of social engineering to take over your YouTube channel reflects really badly on the company but at this point that screw-up is small peanuts that's just a little flub compared to what has recently come out the fact that Linus Tech tips has been getting the one thing that they're supposed to be good at product review and product testing wrong and in some cases actually knowing that the data that they're putting out in their videos is incorrect but they just go ahead and choose to publish the video anyway now I don't know about you guys but one of the only things that I really ever watched lioness for like Linus Tech tips was those product reviews specifically for new CPUs and new graphics cards I used to watch his channel a lot more back when I was working at Best Buy in fact myself and all of the other sales associates in the computers Department were recommended by the manager to watch Channels like Linus Tech tips I actually can't even remember any other channels that they were recommending to us to watch other than like the official Best Buy e-learning Stuff of course but you know for like homework and stuff like that he would oftentimes tell us hey we're going to be getting new HP specters or New Dell xps's pretty soon and Linus Tech tips just made a video about it why don't you go ahead and watch that so that you know about it when the product comes in so that you can better sell it to the customers and I actually did watch Linus a little bit before then like you know 10 or 11 years ago he was really the only game in town as far as professional grade I guess Technology reviews but I bring up the Best Buy thing to really hit home the point of how far his content goes and how much it actually affects people's purchasing decisions because it's not just the millions of people or the tens of millions of people that are like actually watching his videos that it's affecting people like me like people who are Best Buy sales associates and I'm sure people working at Walmart and other brick and mortar electronics stores are watching his videos thinking that they're getting educated you know they're better understanding a product so that they can sell it to their customers and they're probably repeating a lot of that information that incorrect data to their customers I mean this isn't something that was a Best Buy policy to watch Linus Tech tips I'm sure it's not the same case at Walmart either but anyone who's trying to do their job well any electronic sales person is probably going to end up watching somebody like him online thinking that it's additional education you know thinking that they're doing the right thing to give their customers correct data about the products now this big can of worms with Linus Tech tips knowingly publishing incorrect data in their videos was opened up by Steve from Gamers Nexus Now Steve and Linus have actually had a bit of a beef for I think well over a year now uh and he went ahead and dropped this massive bombshell this 44 minute video called the problem with Linus Tech tips accuracy ethics and responsibility where he gives detailed examples of LTT and other lmg videos publishing this incorrect data and making these mistakes in their videos just so that they can meet some kind of self-imposed deadline like I I get the idea that they want to be the first person to publish a review they want to be the first channel to publish a review about a new product because that is good SEO right like if you're the first person to talk about something that a lot of people are searching on any platform a lot of people are going to end up clicking on your video or your post especially if you're a big verified channel that the algorithm is already really favorable to but you know at some point you have to kind of realize your position on the platform right like you're the biggest Tech channel on the most popular video platform and at that point it's probably a better idea to slow down your pace a little bit and focus more on quality instead of quantity like that's the same thing that I've started doing with this channel over the past couple of years instead of trying to pump out like a video every single day or like five or six videos a week or something like that I try to slow them down so I can focus more on the quality you know take more time to edit them and things like that instead of just spamming a bunch of videos I think across all of the channels lioness is putting out something like 25 or 26 videos a week the only explanation that I can think of to explain Linus's behavior is that he must be blinded by greed I mean it makes sense to me because most of the big controversies that it seems like he's been involved in with his channel go back to Greed things like Shilling companies that are paying him more money to leave better reviews on his products uh him selling his screwdriver for a crazy marked up price on his website him calling the people who watch his videos like his fans calling them who watch videos with Adblock enabled thieves and there's also this big thing I mean this is probably the greediest thing he's done that Steve talked about in his 44 minute video where apparently some company had sent Linus a prototype I think it was like a water block like a water cooling block for him to review and Linus actually left that product a bad review okay fair enough but this is a prototype that Linus was supposed to send back instead of doing that he decided to auction it off at one of his events I mean that's crazy you've got like the guy who's running the biggest Tech channel on the biggest video platform selling other people's copper engaging in literal crackhead Behavior like there's over a hundred employees that work at Linus Media Group okay it's not like Linus Tech tips is just one guy who's got to wake up really early in the morning on the day that a new product comes out so he can get to Best Buy or Micro Center before everyone else get his hand on that product run back home and then do a test you know do testing on it do a video edit the video make a thumbnail publish it shill it on his social media it's not like he's doing all of this stuff himself in his basement somewhere I mean he's a big shot he's running a company he's got all these people working for him I think his company was also valued at like a hundred million dollars recently from somebody that was trying to buy it I don't know how accurate that is because I think the source is basically Linus so you know how trustworthy is that but still he's not some small struggling content creator that you know we can excuse like oh yeah he's just rushing trying to make it big like no he's already made it big he's already on top he should really just slow down so that he's not making these ridiculous mistakes in his videos like one of them that I remember from Steve's 44 minute video uh is that LTT made a comparison between I think it was a 30 90 TI and a 4090 showing frame rates and different video games and one of the video games was cyberpunk or a different AAA title where they showed the 4090 having 300 percent better performance than the 3090 TI okay like that's insane if somebody didn't even own either of those cards and they just wanted to I guess fake like a benchmark comparison video they probably wouldn't even make end up making a mistake this big and again these videos have a huge impact on people's purchasing decisions I used to watch them with my German roommate who was also an employee at Best Buy he was actually the Apple Master which is like a lead sales position in the computers department and you specialize on Apple hardware and granted we didn't just watch lioness we also watched Gamers Nexus and der Bauer and we also watched Lewis Rosman in fact Calvin the Apple Master he was the one who put me on to Louis Rossman and I still watch his content to this day so our information might not have been that bad you know I mean we had one bad source of data and probably three at least three other good sources of data but then again me and Calvin are actual nerds like you would think that everybody who works at a Best Buy or who works at a Geek Squad or maybe even works at the electronics department at Walmart is a nerd but that's not the case for a lot of people they just sell computers for a living like it's just their job they're not you know a big geek or a nerd or anything like that and so if they see these ridiculous results like a 40 90 being told that it's 300 percent better than a 30 90 TI they might not even realize that that's complete and they'll just go ahead and run with it or maybe even regurgitate it word for word in their sales pitch to the customer that's trying to get a new graphics card but to be honest with you guys I don't even really think that the greed the theft the inaccuracies even the sexual harassment allegations that are being brought against Linus Sebastian are going to be enough to sank Linus Tech tips there's a big difference between Linus Sebastian the man and Linus Media Group the company I don't even think that lioness is the CEO of his company anymore and hasn't been for a few years and I also vaguely remember him making a video I don't know maybe a couple years ago saying that he was getting burnt out like he was kind of getting tired with making all these YouTube videos or running the company whatever so I think probably the best move like definitely the best corporate strategy would be for lioness to basically take all of these sins just upon himself you know say that all these mistakes all this stuff is his fault and he's gonna step away from the company so that stuff like that is never going to happen again and he could just kick back at his Canadian estate and continue receiving a check maybe every week or every couple of weeks from Linus Media Group that's one outcome another possibility is Linus Media Group Mike Papa John's him like basically take his company away from him and then he doesn't get to reap any of the financial benefit from then on out that's what I think are the most likely outcomes of this whole debacle but let me know what you guys think is going to be the fate of Linus and Linus Media Group in the comments below be sure to like and share this video to hack the algorithm follow me on Odyssey have a great rest of your day
Channel: Mental Outlaw
Views: 242,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mental Outlaw, mental, outlaw,, based, linus, tech, tips, linus tech tips, ltt, lmg, linus media group, gamers nexus, linus tech tips incorrect data, linus tech tips drama, linus tech tips controversey
Id: qcVAjhUtA_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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