THE FALL GUYS ICEBERG: An In Depth Dive Analysis

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[Music] fall guys ultimate knockout it's a platforming based party royale game that was released on august 4th 2020. this game is developed by mediatonic and is published by devolver digital looking at it from a surface level perspective it looks like a fun and goofy game full of color and joy 60 players load in and everyone aims to qualify for upcoming rounds by completing various mini-games these mini-games are categorized as being a race survival team-oriented or final stage type of level however there can only be one winner so players are eliminated after the end of each round if they do not complete the mini-game but deep down below the surface of the game below all the fun to be had there's a large amount of talking points and theories this image really caught my attention and it's hard to ignore as you can see there's a lot to unpack here and a lot of obscure entries that may seem unbelievable or absurd at first but i can explain them so let's start at the very top before making our way to the very bottom of the four guys iceberg this layer is filled with topics surrounding the game and community i'll be talking about them in depth and some of the stuff i'm going to talk about will be important for later so let's look at the clear inspirations seen in the game while discussing a project being developed by mediatonic in january of 2018 lead designer joe walsh stated that it reminded him of total wipeout and takeshi's castle the game is based on total wipeout and takeshi's castle total wipeout is a british game show that first aired on the bbc on the 3rd of january 2009 contestants had to win a series of challenges in the hopes of winning 10 000 pounds and there could only be one winner i never watched this wipeout but i did watch the american one which is also the original wipeout i thought the show was great and i loved the big red balls the punching wall and there were so many moments in the show that were just comedic now takeshi's castle is a japanese game show that aired on the tokyo broadcasting system from 1986 to 1990. the aim of the show was for contestants to reach the count takeshi by completing challenges set up in and around his castle i doubt that most of you that watch this show actually watched it on tbs since it aired on other channels worldwide but oh man this this show was also great as a kid i would always tune in to watch it when i could the goofiness and humor displayed through the show's editing contestants and commentators were great for the game show from there walsh created a pitch that would eventually become full guy's ultimate knockout it was originally going to be called fool's gauntlet and would have had a hundred player matches rather than 60. the british game show it's a knockout was also noted as an inspiration this show was similar to the previously mentioned ones and first aired in 1966 with each contestant wearing oversized costumes but before that show aired there was a french game show called anterville which it's a knockout was adapted from but then we also have joseon frontier that stemmed from anterville and was broadcasted in europe from 1965 to 1999. as you can see there's a lot of tv game shows that existed and inspired each other which led to the creation of four guys so the game's inspirations stem from multiple sources and those sources stem from somewhere else it's crazy how that works now let's move on to valve collab skins are a sign so as some of you may know there are a few costumes in the game tied to characters from valve games you know valve the company in fall guys you can dress up as the scout from team fortress 2 gordon freeman and alex from half-life and peabody and shell from portal 2. this is being seen as a sign but what kind of sign could this be it could be a hint that valve is developing new games for half-life portal or team fortress the last half-life game to be released was half-life alex and it was in 2020 the last time the other franchises got a release was portal 2 in 2011 and team fortress 2 in 2007 half-life alex got a great reception from fans and new comments to the series so i doubt that valve would just stop the half-life series here they should give developing half-life 3 another go or just any type of half-life game but not a card game oh what about another portal or team fortress game i mean have you seen the state of team fortress 2 it's agony it's due for a new game or a massive fix up but what about portal 2 well it's it's just chilling what if it's a sign that valve is going to branch out and create new ips leaving their older ones behind and this is their final goodbye to them putting them in a jelly bean looking party royale game there's so much to speculate but it does seem like valve are going to create new games with their existing ips let's get a counter-strike nex on zombies 2 full gals it's a play on words you see because full guys but instead of guys it's gals four gals what started as a play on words has become four gals waifu wars season expansion and interesting video made by psycho satsujin [Music] [Applause] however there's something a little more that's come from this play on words fall guys rule 34 oh why why must i suffer oh yes yes here we go yes uh i i mean here are some four girls that's awesome that's great i can't show it but i can explain it i guess i mean they're all uh having a grand old time a a good time and isn't that what fall guys is all about i i mean i will i will always have fun with my little jelly bean man ah oh wait no that okay that's that's a really bad use of words there but who who thought to do this are these joke drawings or did people really look at these fellas and think yeah but it's missing a giant rack it reminds me of a certain franchise with some certain fish characters that i talked about in a previous video i know that was months ago but it feels much longer than that speaking of long fall guys height the official four guys twitter tweeted out an image showing that the contestants we play as are 183 centimeters tall that's six feet these fellas are enormous and look at how wide they are compared to a human whoever is in charge of the game's twitter is playing a dangerous game here a dangerous game here this image came from the senior concept artist tudor morris and it's created more questions than answers like how tall would they be if their skeletons didn't do that how would this even be possible and you know the general question of why oh and the skeletons are super lanky and look very human-like but what's um what's what's going on down there is is that what i think it is this image is just strange and yes in case it wasn't obvious it did concern and divide some people so they tweeted out this image from the principal concept artist ash kerens this anatomy is definitely a lot more light-hearted than this like take a look at its beady bean eyes and happy airbags with a big squishy heart there's also some ambition and yellow team spirit sparkles filling up the insides of the fall guy extra bounce bean fingers and silly little legs it makes them seem super cute especially with their attributes being not two meters tall weighing as much as a pillow and having adorable behaviors so now we have two interpretations on what the four guys anatomy could be from the game's artists now to the last of these points the denim dino this is a nickname given to an outfit combination created by the youtuber alpharad he got a dinosaur top half and a denim jean style bottom half to create this guy although he used this bottom half before sticking to the denim from there he represented the outfit combination and the name pretty much solidifying it as his own creation it will forever go down in full guy's history alpharade has really had a massive impact on this game especially when it was first publicly launched we'll talk more about alpharad when discussing the next layer which is now so get ready because everything we just discussed was very surface level and as said before it was a look into the game and community there are some strange and twisted entries to discuss so are you ready let's dive in [Applause] alpharad is a secret promoter as of publishing this video alpharad has released eight full guys videos seven of these videos were during season 1 and one of them was during season 2. he has had a massive influence on the exposure of this game and the community to understand this we need a piece all the evidence we have in his season 1 and season 2 videos i'll be using his first second and third video to make my points and will generalize the rest of the videos video one the four guys experience is an introduction he introduces the game to his viewers and shows off wacky and funny moments the viewers now know of the game and what it is oh he's the fall guy video 2 i'm the fall guys champion is set up as a retribution video for his failures in the previous one at 4 minutes and 59 seconds into the video he announces the creation of the denim dino a community staple that he and some of his friends continue to reference in later videos he even changes his in-game name to it at 5 minutes and 35 seconds in he states this i hate seeing people on twitter who says stuff like oh i like to see who actually plays fall guys in a month and i'm like who gives a [ __ ] yeah who cares if i never touch this game again let me enjoy it while i enjoy it so if he is a promoter he's a launch promoter he gets the ball rolling at the start and returns briefly when there's a major update to the game by the end of the video he pops off and shows how exciting this game can be once you start winning wait [Music] let's go i am unstoppable right now the three-time video game champion incentivizing viewers to play it in video 3 funny fall guys the opening is hype and griefing as a tactic is introduced to the audience to the community as i was playing fall guys with the boys somebody in our group recognized a friend of theirs in the lobby and i realized what i had to do that's [Music] him you're going to grow up or what one minute and 29 seconds in he says something unspeakable no yellow i agree let's just target yellow no reason this call out against yellow has bush of this team for too long i i swear the amount of times i've been on yellow team and been teamed up against by blue and red is ridiculous it's it's the team i'm always on hashtag too bad yellow was pushed by alpharad2 and he and his friends target yellow throughout the rest of the video at 10 minutes and 5 seconds in he pretty much confirms that this is the case bro we hate hoarders okay so we have a new strat with hoarders we're trying to spread the word always grief yellow just yeah that's what i said okay literally right before we like joined i was like i got a strap for order i'm just gonna grief one team yeah but we're trying to like make it known to everybody these are basically the major things i wanted to share and talk about because the rest of these videos consists of sick plays hackers griefing and a tournament with his friends it's hard to argue that alpharade had no effect on the popularity of fall guys and had no effect on his fanbase so what do you think is he a secret promoter or did he just happen to play the game because it was popular the store reads brainwaves so have you ever found yourself playing four guys and you see someone with an outfit you like and you think hey i want that you continue to play the game until the shop refreshes and new items are available to purchase naturally you have a look at the shop hoping that the outfit you wanted is in there and what do you know there it is right in front of you has this ever happened to you well it's happened to me i mean how do you think i got this sick flower outfit i've never had another moment like this because i haven't really wanted any other outfits like i'm good with this one and the top half of this robot cat i guess you could say that each fall guy's story is personalized anyway how how could a game read brainwaves a i it would be coded to read what you're thinking and subtly change up the game in response to it having the outfit show up in the store on the next refresh might not be subtle if it happens to everyone which is why it may take a few refreshers for some people to get their favorite outfits and hey an outfit the store thinks you might like can appear too the developers also have the power to add outfits to the store if they please for timed or new items i mean after all it is their game games being personalized to those playing it is a very modern practice some of your favorite games use this ai to give you the most fun experience it can it could keep you alive on low health to create tense situations change up enemy placements to keep you on your toes or just adapt to your playstyle if developers can do this with ai then i don't see how they couldn't do the exact same thing but by reading brain waves this could be done for monetary purposes too so be aware of that this ai reminds me of the one that was believed to exist in super mario 64. you know the really great 3d platformer on the mk ultra 64 up oh sorry sorry i mean the the ultra 64 oop i mean the nintendo 64. jeez i don't i don't know what got into me there um so uh yeah games with built-in ais that aim to improve the user experience yes you know let's just keep talking about ai because team selection personalized ai the ai that's thought to be in the game doesn't just give you things you may like in the store but it also chooses the team you're on during team games have you ever noticed that you're put into a certain team more than others there are three major teams blue red and yellow there's a fourth color that comes to play from time to time and that's green which appears during team tale tag the ai is thought to put people into the team it thinks best represents them this could be done through reading brainwaves just like with the store so when it comes to the three major teams as i said before i'm mainly put into the yellow team when i play you wouldn't be put on the same team over and over again because it would seem fishy so the ai makes the team selection seem random by putting you into other teams too you know at this point could i just claim the yellow team is my own i love the team they're my homies we will rise up team blue red and green can be claimed by whoever else but i've got team yellow i'm gonna carry them on my back goddammit speaking of the green team placement into the team can seem random but consider yourself lucky if you're placed into it fall guys mobile scam this is more of a warning than anything do not click on any link that claims to be a download for 4 guys on mobile the game is only out on pc and ps4 as of the release of this video clicking on dodgy links like this can take you to websites or other links riddled with malware or methods to take your information you definitely don't want any of these things to happen to you malware can and will destroy your device take your information or even use it for criminal activity in our day and age privacy online can be so hard to find so who knows what these people will do with your information even the official four guys twitter account has said this well uh kind of they're not wrong about how these videos are set up someone will play a video of fall guys on their phone and will make it look like they're actually playing the game there's also a mouse cursor on their screen literally making it a video captured on the pc version i don't want to live on this planet anymore eat me into the sun uh truly poetic yeah okay but never fear a mobile version of the game is coming except it's only coming out in china the chinese company billy billy secured the publishing rights for the game so the mobile version is going to be a chinese exclusive hopefully not forever although billy billy has stated that they will be an exclusive agent fun fact in china fall guy's ultimate knockout is translated to jelly bean ultimate knockout because you know the fall guys look like jelly beans anyway what have we learned today don't trust anyone claiming they have full guys on any mobile device whether that's on android ios or any other operating systems let's talk about jelly beans a little more because of the whole jelly bean games popularity let's look at the characters we can play as in four guys and in among us do you see any resemblances because i think everyone else does and it's all because of one word i've used in this video already jelly beans these are two of the biggest games of the year 2020 and they both involve playing as jelly bean-like figures but how did these games get so popular well just look at them the skill floor is very low for these games meaning that they're super easy to just pick up and play i would also say that they have a high skill ceiling which makes them appealing to everyone think about it when you first started playing among us and 4 guys i reckon you weren't the greatest player around but as you kept playing you learnt of and implemented strategies to complete minigames faster or to manipulate others in creative ways i would say that colours and presentation also help with the popularity of these games too it just looks nice and it's easy on the eyes even though four guys is just color there's nothing about what's going on here that screams this is very complicated it's all simple to navigate menu and gameplay wise this also ties into the first point of them being new player friendly but i haven't even explained the most important part of their success jelly beans ah it all comes back to this you can't tell me they don't look adorable there are also blank canvases that we can project ourselves onto we buy outfits for them so they look the way we want them to look and as we get better at the games in a sense they do too our decisions impact their journeys in four guys and among us you're able to let your imagination run wild on who you want to be and how you want to play to a certain extent of course the formula is there blank canvas jelly bean looking characters in a genre of game that can be picked up and played by anyone has a low skill floor and a high skill ceiling and just looks and feels good that makes it sound really simple but it isn't so i wonder what the next jelly bean game will be the game is set on mars so this is the planet mars it's a very dusty red looking planet and this is four guys can't you see the resemblance jokes aside how would this even be possible there's no hint to this game being set on mars like at all or even being set anywhere mars would have to be very terraformed and would need an extremely advanced society to make it look like this even so it's obvious that there's a dome surrounding each of the mini-game levels this means that if we're playing on mars then the traditional looking mars is on the outside of this dome or domes so we would never see it this makes the game sound like some weird post-earth game show that has contestants make a fool out of themselves to please the wealthy that watch the show take a look at some of the victory animations you've won but you're still being made fun of you're stuck in this continuous loop of playing mini games just like purgatory hmm fall guys is purgatory this has been believed to be the case because of the fall guys gameplay loop you get in a game you either win or lose you go back to the main menu to customize your character and then you load up into a new match to do it over and over and over again what kind of purgatory would this be the only explanation would be for the entertainment of others maybe not for the rich as i said previously but for us we keep them in a constant loop of mini-games for our wants and needs we keep them from moving on but maybe that's for a reason have the four guys committed unspeakable acts and now this is their punishment no matter what you're the only one that can end their constant agony in purgatory once we never play the game again they're free [Music] well uh that took a dark turn so let's divert our attention to the happy and cheerful music of the game here's some snippets of some of the music [Applause] [Music] now where have you heard something eerily similar the splatoon series music inspired by splatoon why is this thought to be the case well both soundtracks utilize fresh and distorted electric sounds that seem otherworldly for context let's look at both in-game worlds [Music] splatoon is set in a post-human era on earth where volumes and females rule and it's unknown where fall guys is set but my best guess is mars as theorised by one of the previous points either way there are no humans to be seen in four guys and these images released by mediatonic prove that four guys aren't humans so it's otherworldly in the sense that there's no humans around and the characters seem to be living in their own little world another talking point is that both of the soundtracks have a solid beat but most importantly they both have similar sounding vocals [Music] this helps to create fast-paced music that instills urgency and excitement into players forcing them to move quickly and even chaotically i know what i've said is just a generalization but that's what makes up a good bulk of each game's soundtrack and of course depending on what's happening in the games the music will be amped up or slowed down like if you're in the main menu in game or if you've won or lost have the four guys developers confirm this no but i do think there is an unspoken inspiration taken from splatoon to prove my point i'll swap the game's soundtracks and do some light editing so you can hear and see what i can now this is going to be off the hook [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] woohoo [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] they worked really well together didn't they obviously not all of the songs from the soundtrack sound similar but i think there's enough to see some clear similarities i think it's great because both of these games have amazing soundtracks so maybe we can see a splatoon costume for 4 guys i know myself and many others that would appreciate that but the game isn't even out on the nintendo switch so it wouldn't even be possible it's not on the xbox one either which is really strange but let's focus back on the music specifically the song fall and roll race and logic you can hear what we can assume are the fall guys making noises as part of the song slime climb screams i know we just heard the song but listen to it so let's reference splatoon one more time oh and by the way splatoon is just a great talking point just saying in splatoon lore cali marie pearl marina the bands and the artists in the game compose the songs present in splatoon 1 and 2 respectively you can tell that they're jamming out or just singing but in pearl's case screaming however unlike the characters in splatoon the fall guys sound like they're in agony not singing for fun to be fair not all of the audio sounds like screaming some of it sounds like the struggles before the screams we hear this song in a few mini games but we'll be focusing on slime claim in the level contestants climb up a path designed like a mountain filled with obstacles these obstacles include wall pushes moving pole stacks noodle poles swinging hammers swinging balls and the famous slime this slime makes certain parts of the core slippery but most importantly it rises over time so don't fall into it or else you'll be eliminated the contestants that get shoved around by obstacles and get lost in the endless sea of slime they're the ones we hear struggle and scream this theory mixes really well with the accompanying music it's fast paced and makes you feel a sense of urgency to complete the minigame if that doesn't get you moving then the struggles and screams of fallen contestants that appear one minute and two seconds into the song will the game wants you to rush because it thrives on chaos do you want to be forever lost in the chaos but you see the final four song that's different final fall positive aura this song is the definition of hype we literally just listen to the song while talking about splatoon but do you understand why this song has a positive aura it's almost unexplainable but you don't even need words to understand why like it it truly lives up to its name as the final fall this is your last chance to win the final push to get that crown slip up here and it's over so that's where the music comes in it makes you feel good the song just draws you into its melody whenever myself or my brother are up to the final showdown we crank the volume up and we let the music just take control [Music] pop into the beat only makes you more powerful you will reach a state of being in the zone of complete control let the music take you it'll only boost your confidence you cannot feel bad while listening to the song it's impossible it does all of this because of how action-packed the song is it's fast the synths they're high-pitched and they come at you the bass guitar oh my god the bass guitar i've never heard slapping that fast in my entire life but the most important part the beat it's so fast and so good that my heartbeat mimics it i'm clinically dead do you know what else makes me feel clinically dead do you remember when the game first came out and it was extremely laggy even with the server patches it made for some interesting gameplay the lag felt a lot like rng some games you'd get it some games you wouldn't obviously i don't think media tonic and devolver digital were prepared for the amount of people they got playing their game a few months ago the player base was massive compared to how it is now the hype has died down and with the release of season 2 it doesn't make sense that the game would still lag they've had so much time to fix the servers so it's thought that the game lag is intentional but why would the developers implement lag into their game lag creates chaos the game thrives on chaos and when everyone is lagging a more even playing field is made dragging better players down and bringing bad ones up so will the game lag ever go away for the sake of the game i really hope so i would say that it's one of the main reasons as to why the player count is so low at the moment i really like this game it's so much fun but the lag oh my god the lag makes it so difficult to play sometimes especially when you're playing tail tag mini games cut content now there's a lot of it because the game has undergone a lot of design and gameplay changes over time i'm going to be a bit selective with what i talk about here's some footage from the prototype and as we can see the mini game that's being played has players sitting in little gaps in the ground waiting for a log to roll past before proceeding this could have been a fun mini game to play but i think it would have been too easy if it was just this there's some footage of a prototype fall mountain doordash tail tag and block party plus there's this cool basketball looking level that probably would have been a team based now we'll move on to this build where we can see a lot of color and doordash looks great i really wish they kept this design for it the other mini games shown look very similar to the final release but something else very noteworthy is how block party and egg grab look there's what appears to be a smoky haze covering the block party blocks before they're visible i think this looks great it makes the mini-game live up to its name of being a party with the whole fog machine look and the lights egg grab also used to use this hazy smoke and each team used to be represented by an animal red is a cat yellow is a rabbit and blue is a frog i think i like the frog design the most frogs are cool so maybe these are the true leaders of each team not me and whoever else although it's strange we have seen this team mascot stuff before right here in the loading screen so it's there but it's not there also slim climb used to have actual boulders that would roll down the hill which did look a bit strange it clashed with the color palette it looked very similar to the ones in takeshi's castle and it's also still in the loading screen what is up with this loading screen now i want to move on and talk about the e3 2019 trailer because there's a lot to be seen in this video that isn't in the full game for starters this slide oh and there's this giant chicken wearing what looks like a mawashi if it was implemented into the game it might have been an obstacle to avoid during egg scramble and you know what it might actually happen there's this giant skateboard and some other things to look at but these have been the most interesting stuff out of it all the real reason for custom names being disabled the reason given to us were that bad words and hacked names became a problem and needed to be stopped if there is more to this then we can assume that there's something horrid or secretive being hidden from us what's more horrid than game lag the servers were already pretty unstable during the small period after launch where you could use custom names could they have brought even more lag to the game normal custom names probably not but hacked ones maybe another reason could have been that secrets were exposed through these custom names of course no company wants their secretive information exposed to the public especially if there's something to hide hidden information shows itself to people if they know how to look for it keep that in mind as we delve into the final layer i hope you're ready whether it's extremely obvious or not it's thought that every game has a hacker and yes i understand that easy anti-cheat was implemented into the game but we can still speculate when it's obvious that someone is hacking it feels bad when they zoom across the level knocking people around or when they win the finale a few seconds after it started but it doesn't feel bad to lose to a hacker if you don't know one is in your game and that's the point you'll continue to play the game chasing a win chasing a crown that's what all game developers want for you to keep playing their game and having not so obvious hackers beat you will keep you chasing a win and keep you playing the game godslayer there was once a powerful being that lived over the land and the spread of its influence was felt everywhere it would cause the skies to glow with energy which sustained life and created miracles where life was first spawned this being was thought to be pure energy an unconceivable form holding incredible power a cult of surface dwellers formed and they attempted to reach the realm which inhabited this being they attempted this by creating a mountain-like path that would lead them to what they believed was a god they wanted its power after many years they had built a path to where it resided they made their way to the realm they found their god it was beautiful colors they had never seen before images and thoughts that were never thought to exist were being emitted by this being it was defenseless at least they thought it was everything it was everything it showed them drove them to insanity they couldn't conceive what they saw some suffered heart attacks while others were driven to violence and attacked each other but there was one person that withstood the being's influence through sheer willpower the person ripped a ball of energy from the being the power was too much and as a last-ditch effort by the being it thrashed around while being held and fell into a pit to be lost forever the orb of energy turns sour and the dying person crumbled in the pit absorbs it what the orb turned the person into is unknown but the tale of the god slayer lived on as the years passed the legend fell into obscurity however a secret society knew of the tale they didn't dare to enter the pit but they knew something ungodly was down there they wanted its power to flourish so they designed similar paths to what the godslayer and its people made above the pit and branded it as a fun game those who participate in the ultimate knockout may or may not know of what lies below them in the pits but those who fall off into it unknowingly feed the ungodly one the god slayer levels are based on the seven deadly sins lust is an intense longing for sexual desire or an unbridled yearn for money and power whoopsy daisy whoopsie legends night fever and wall guys gluttony it's an overindulgence or overcompensation of anything to the point of waste fruit shoot egg scramble and egg siege greed is an artificial rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions fall ball tail tag team tail tag hoarders and royal fumble sloth is an absence of interest or constant reluctance of effort seesaw doordash gatecrash tiptoe and perfect match wrath is the uncontrolled feelings of anger rage and hatred dizzy heights hip parade the whirly gig jinxed and hexagon envy is the sad or resentful attitude towards the traits or possessions of someone else roll out block party and rock and roll the last sin pride is noted as the most serious of the seven deadly sins it is dangerously corrupt selfishness the pudding of one's own desires urges wants and whims before the welfare of other people slime climb jump club jump showdown big fans and full mountain only the biggest sinner can claim the ultimate symbol of pride the crown fall guys beta do not research there were two betas held for four guys because of how successful the first one was the first one ran between july 25th and july 27th and i believe the second one ran between july 31st and around august 2nd did you watch someone play them for a chance to get a beta key and or did you play it if any of these are the case you're safe or at least you should be researching the beta is what will put you in danger the beta is almost identical to the full release of the game it's believed that the audio present in both betas were at certain frequencies which can cause intense headaches interrupted sleep twitching and nausea so why isn't this noted as an issue when the betas were played it's because players were focused on the game listening to a streamer and watching their gameplay or playing the game yourself diverse attention from the music as you're too focused on making it to the next round or you're too focused on watching the streamer listening to the beta audio itself is extremely dangerous and should not be done do not research into this maybe don't look into the next topic either the microsoft conspiracy fall guys is on pc and ps4 but not on the xbox one and nintendo switch the developers have said that they want to bring the game to other platforms however a deal with sony is thought to have prevented that for now this sony deal would be the reason why the game was free on ps plus users as a part of the august 2020 free games lineup who is sony's rival microsoft so the game isn't on their consoles yet and who's friendly with microsoft nintendo just look at super smash bros banjo kazooie and steve are in it and the two companies have been friendly with each other recently whatever is thought to be in that sony contract would determine how long xbox and other platform users would have to wait until they get the game but what if we went into crazier territory what if media tonic wanted to release the game on the xbox one but microsoft wanted to add their own ai to the game mediatonic didn't want that to happen because they have their own alleged ai in the game so they went to sony and made a deal with them no fall guy666 the custom name function on pc was abused and then taken down which i already said in a previous layer what i didn't say is that everyone was given generic names as a replacement they follow a set of rules being full guy and then a random strain of four numbers but as you can tell the number 666 isn't made up of four digits there is little to nothing known about this player or what they can do but if you see it in your game session turn the computer off although randomly generated names are now a thing so you probably won't find this fall guy probably shared dreams it's a pretty simple concept people share similar dreams with each other about this game it could be dreams about anything like the pink slime swinging balls the lag their anatomy seesaw the screams of the four guys or going for a win if any of these have given you dreams then you may share the same or similar dreams about the game with other people can i talk from experience no but i'm sure others can and after watching this video you might join them skins are the souls of the dead on august 12th 2020 devolver digital tweeted this out four guys are made up of fallen fall guys this would suggest that you are not just one being but an amalgamation of the dead more on this later but you needed to know that for context because a full guy is the physical body of the fallen this would make the costumes and colors used to create your outfits the souls of the fallen skins to represent them this sounds super ritualistic stuffing an empty vessel with the dead giving it a new consciousness and then harnessing a soul or souls to wear all of your favorite fall guys costumes and outfit combinations were once other full guys the original fall guys who once dawned those costumes and now you wear them so then what is the true form of a fall guy so we've seen its monstrous interpretation it's small and adorable form but i'd argue that the devolver digital tweet i referenced is a hint at their true form it's like a cycle it starts where i explain that each fall guy would have the dead stuffed into its empty vessel this vessel is then given a conscience and then the soul of a fallen one would be the outfit it wears after a fall guy is constructed it participates in the ultimate knockout games until its vessel its shell starts to break i mean just look at what they're put through that'll crack anything eventually because of that it has become one of the fallen and now its meat is taken out of its broken vessel and is put into a new one the soul of the fall guy is then moved into the next vessel that's the cycle so who were the original fall guys we may never know but their bodies are forever being passed down for the next empty husk to use just make sure you don't crack end hell staging code there isn't anything known about this health stage what it looks like or how you get to it but it's believed to be a bonus level awarded to a player for an unknown reason no one has reported seeing it so it could be a secret only time will tell yellow team disadvantaged coding this coding is thought to be in the game in order to place weaker players into the yellow team to push this knowledge onto other players without notifying them of the coding players like alpharad with big fan bases influenced the community to gang up on yellow the official four guy's twitter also tweeted about the misery of the yellow team and now the team suffers it might be more complicated than that having an artificial roadblock that players don't think is a roadblock will keep them chasing the crown so no one will think the game is against them and they'll blame the scapegoat aka the community it could have something to do with the interpretation of a fall guy too what would happen if the yellow sparkles help a fall guy reach their true power over 60 000 levels that's a lot of levels these would sit in the hands of media tonic whenever they felt like implementing them we can look to four videos for reference the first one is the e3 2019 trailer we had a look at this before while talking about cut content but look at how many ideas are just sitting there they're probably just saving it all for a future update now moving on to the summer of gaming official trailer which came out a few months before the game's full release as you can see this trailer shows off the levels we get to play except some of them are slightly different there's no way they've just scrapped those levels the game also got a mid-season update during season 1 with remix levels this is the biggest piece of evidence we have if the developers are just able to add assets to levels then this technically makes it a new level see they wouldn't just add or remove obstacles from their levels they'll copy the level to do that the remixes could be infinite now finally we have the season 2 update which added 4 new levels to the game and oh my god what about all the levels from the prototype and alpha builds so 30 levels currently in the game plus content that has been made but isn't in the game yet plus all the remixes available and imaginable and we definitely have over 60 000 levels blood ocean spawn rate i don't know why or how this happens but it does yes slime claim is a check for fall mountain this level is similar to fall mountain as you have to scale your way up a mountain-like path while avoiding obstacles it's thought that if you and the other contestants reach certain criterias in slime claim you'll guarantee full mountain for the final showdown the criteria is currently unknown however you can still get to fall mountain without playing slime climb once you're at full mountain you should know that full mountain is the devil's throne think about it you and the other players you're up against proved you could handle what the game is thrown at you and now it's time for the final showdown the giant crown at the top of the mountain is not the crown you get for winning but rather it's the throne the crown represents the top a ruler once you grab the crown you're at the top sitting on the devil's throne embracing its power you got up there by putting yourself before everyone else by committing the seven deadly sins and now you get your little crown to spend on outfits and then you're thrown back into the game to do it all over again because [Music] once you win you get given your crown and then your victory is over all in the span of about 10 seconds so do you ever truly win no matter how many times you play you'll always be stuck in an endless loop forever chasing wins forever chasing crowns and sure you also get kudos and battle pass items for your efforts but what do you do after you've collected everything you want what do you do once you've played everything do you stay to play more or do you leave until there are new rewards and levels even if you leave you'll be back eventually it's truly like a purgatory no one can win no one will ever win this has been the fall guys iceberg conquered i never thought i would ever have to talk about the game like this it was super fun though and i'm very happy that you made it to the end so what's your opinion on all of this how far down the iceberg do your beliefs lie comment it down below i really do hope you enjoyed the video subscribe if you want to see more of my content and join the discord if you want links in the description shout outs to my brother luca for helping me get the footage for this video also thanks to my mate guzma lord on twitter for helping me out with the research for this video it was all greatly appreciated i'll definitely have some more iceberg content coming out in the near future scripting recording and editing these videos is really fun but i think i'll just be chilling for a bit i'll probably play some de blob 2 and malice if you know you know anyway thank you again and with all of that being said are you ready for another game of fall [Music] guys care for me
Channel: Sunflower
Views: 102,859
Rating: 4.835947 out of 5
Keywords: fall guys season 2, fall guys mobile, fall guys trailer, fall guys gameplay, fall guys xbox, fall guys rage, fall guys music, fall guys animation, fall guys funny moments, iceberg explained, fall guys iceberg, fall guys iceberg sunflower, mario 64 iceberg explained, mario 64 iceberg, the legend of zelda iceberg, fall guys alpharad, mario galaxy iceberg, iceberg, iceberg part 2, iceberg analysis, iceberg sunflower, splatoon iceberg, fall guys, alpharad, iceberg analogy
Id: accl1bSJhpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 31sec (2851 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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