The Fake Date That Became a Fiancé

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- You've all heard of Craigslist, right? - [Audience] Yes. - I do because my son stays on Craigslist. He's always buying something stupid too. (audience laughs) On Craigslist you can sell your car, you can buy furniture, you can even find a job on the website or you might even find a date to a wedding where your ex-boyfriend is a groomsman. Please welcome Jessica and her fiance RJ. (audience cheers) Alright, so Jessica, how did you even think to post an ad for a wedding date? - Yeah, so I got home from college. I had a lot of free time on my hands. I wasn't employed yet and I had this invitation to this wedding and I knew my ex-boyfriend was gonna be a groomsman and I just really felt like I needed to show up and like win the breakup. That was really, really important to me. - Oh you wanted to win the breakup? - I knew that I needed to show up with someone better than he would bring. - Really? - Yeah, it's a thing. - All the women in here, yes. (crowd cheers) Yes. So y'all can relate to this? - [Audience] Yes. - Okay, now RJ what went through your mind when you saw and responded to the ad? - I also like winning. So I, let's see I might have exaggerated my height a little bit. - [Jessica] Yeah. - But what guy hasn't done that online? - He said he was six feet tall. I don't know if you watched us walk in, but he's not six feet tall - I'm 5'8 and a half. I mean this was beyond, yeah. - Oh you told her you were six feet? - [Jessica & RJ] Oh yeah. - [Jessica] I'm tall - That's the magic number that women want. - [Jessica] Well I put in my ad on Craigslist, I had some requirements so they had to be a certain height and certain age, certain build. I was very particular. If you're gonna post an ad on Craigslist you have to be very specific so I just, I put what I wanted and he lied a little. Which is also pretty appropriate for Craigslist. - How did you make the final decision? - Well so I had a top ten and I sent it around to my girlfriends and I asked them to all vote on their favorites so I had a top three and I met RJ first and then I went on this date, which wasn't supposed to be a date. We went and got drinks and-- - [Steve] Oh, this was before the wedding? - Before the wedding. Oh yeah you gotta check because it's Craigslist. - Gotta make sure neither of us is a serial killer. - Yeah that's very important - [Steve] Oh okay. - In a public space and so we went and got drinks and we were together for like hours talking. - Yeah absolutely. I mean right away we just knew. - So the 5'8 didn't bother you? - Well no, he was so great. When I met him it just didn't matter. (crowd cheers) - [Steve] Yeah, that's good. Okay now, did you layout rules for the date before you showed up to the wedding? - We said that we we're gonna. - Initially but that kind of fell apart. - Initially we said okay I'm gonna drive, you'll be able to have a good time, but then by the time the wedding came around we were dating actually so by then it was like, it didn't-- - So what was the story that you were gonna tell everybody at the wedding? What was this story? - I brought this up on the car ride over to the wedding that everyone asks, how'd you meet your partner? You know how'd that happen? Jess told me, no one's gonna ask that. Literally the first person, the first question they ask, how did you two meet? - [Steve] Yeah. - So I told everyone at the wedding that my car broke down, Jess pulled off to the side of the road to help me and then she wrote her number in the dirt that was on the truck of my car. (crowd laughs) - It's a Subaru commercial. - Yeah. - Really? - [RJ] Yeah. - I didn't vet the answer. I just said nobody's gonna ask us that and then he tells that ridiculous story and I was like, oh god. - [RJ] If it's a commercial, that has to be accurate. There's no way it cannot be accurate. - [Jessica] Okay. - I love this dude right here. - I love you too, Steve. (crowd cheers) - So RJ, how did you end up proposing? - So we had a road trip planned and I ended up proposing at a waterfall in one of the state parks in North Carolina. (crowd cheers) - Does that ex-boyfriend know about this whole story? - I don't know. He was real weird about at that wedding and he avoided me like the plague. - The reason your ex was really weird at the wedding because he looked at him and he saw himself not quite stacking up so much. - That was the goal so let's hope. - Yeah I see, I just wanted you to know, you won. You won the breakup. (crowd cheers) She won the breakup thing. (crowd cheers) Now folks, I know a lot of you women are sitting here going alright now Craigslist. (crowd laughs) That's not usually how this works out. Cuz I just all y'all went girl I'm finna get on Craigslist. - Yeah, I think the second best thing I found on Craigslist was like maybe a filing cabinet so I really struck gold on this one. I think it does it. - [Steve] A filing cabinet? (crowd cheers) - [Steve] Now this is a great story. Congratulations, thanks for being here. - Thank you so much. - Thanks for having us, Steve. - Hey folks, we'll be right back. That's a pretty cool story. (upbeat music)
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 593,134
Rating: 4.894074 out of 5
Keywords: steve, comedy, humor, laugh, funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey
Id: N08Q40X5Nd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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