The Explosive Genius of Cai Guo-Qiang | Brilliant Ideas Ep. 30

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brilliant ideas powered by Hyundai Motor is gunpowder is Saiga watch Young's calling card already has a size larger than life presents because his art takes a larger than life size as the artist behind the fireworks displays of the Beijing Olympics having also won that coveted Golden Lion award at the Venice Biennale sawa-chan stands today as a bona fide a rock star in the world of art you see absolutely tremendous work of tremendous scale tremendous ambition of really unforgettable visual experiences that he's able to create from his explosion events to his gunpowder drawings to his monumental installations his art is unique and once seen it is never forgotten he is a genius he has the ability in an almost effortless way to make objects installations offense that are very effortful be realized so Zionism question tom so go ahead push cinema Venetia because the Tommo easily create sort of a way to leave the city so it comes also in Chancellor's the USL shoe shop saighe watch young studio is an open book on the man that he is an artist born in China who moved to Japan the for settling in New York psy has lived in New York for over two decades but he's held steadfastly onto his Chinese heritage his even brought his gods with him to fix his Studios problematic energy flow so so tegus legal solution question to the two one so Shiva Tong told to put AHA sister to the theater tomorrow ENSO Kiran Sanjana one children at our Academy only William Todd Toho so facilitating our San Diego tato un Nino nice is Omarosa Yama yo yo yo yo Chama you see if Santa isn't Yama ISA ISA Yama is a coating easy Java on temple can sing sing I think part of him being Chinese and me at the same time living in America or living outside of China is that he's one of those subjects he's been able to embrace another position which is a hybrid of both those things and that comes through and everything that he does hmmm nice lazy song go Susan Tassone over Tampa no ego Kuya cucha Muhammad ibn tienzin or high density say you quran that allah azzawajal canadian to our social networking it's marine engineering and Adam who's also to me as a mango zucchini members when total war but only on her word abortion so I was born in 1957 intron soul a picturesque port city in China facing the Taiwan Straits you talk to you young that each generation negotiation your phone so he was the way young cantana city yes I took a cookie son it's a great idea walking home how is he it's a toaster yahwah the piano will I but very early in his childhood the Cultural Revolution erupted and with it came scenes of violence and evil and to the world are we mu handle : to see you go providers to die and living across from Taiwan Young's I would hear the sounds of gunfire everyday as the conflict between Taiwan and the Communist Party in mainland China continued we all die Negus today and all Corchado all the time I shall see you and yo and that this is a game you make a donkey cuz of the you are a saint in Tadashi SOPA yd whatever it's a done a few years later as China was opening up in the 1970s and Sai was finding his own language as a painter he found himself returning to the very same tool of destruction of his childhood partially in response to the cautiousness he saw in his father was an amateur ink painter and calligrapher so you took a pen shall pass kyoto don't NT ensign saber so you go hose discontent OE y lucia foci tahoe DiMaggio asana gente y de su for Surender then uses the can without her you go fun part ejection so if I come from doctors also lying suited our Sultana which in the east one ins the young mission so it was your initiation your heels are a promising to waters of the him he one consider if you hear poor Amanda total who Jana when he began to kind of explore explosives and these new methods of making paintings a lot of these were experiments on a campus or on a piece of paper it's a really formative groundbreaking experimental moment for type we all choose this way though polarizability that some teams on now don't keep count on yes sir Tennyson diet exited ahead Samson so to the survey one gender if I do watch it fall from that point on gunpowder became sighs primary material I think psy is able to do something really transformative with gunpowder as a material he finds in it the potential for creating beauty and really exploits that oh is he on that way episode you see sp1 on the entity they were also where was ELISA died because she D but it was only after he moved to Japan in 1986 but site her gunpowder to a new level his catalyst was the pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square of 1989 where the people's liberation army opened fire on demonstrators oh my ho the easel kisses your Commedia so they share hold on to be our Lydia but we are from Dallas where did you pop off so I set up tents by a river in Tokyo and blew them up it was the first of his long-running series a project for extraterrestrials over the years I would create a body of site-specific explosion events from extending the Great Wall of China to creating a black hole in Hiroshima with aliens as the imagined audience it's not just one artwork it's a work that spans explosion events and gunpowder drawings and a variety of different things in over many years that's kind of this like very crucial moment in his thinking because it really embodies this idea of trying to communicate in different ways Jamis Antonio Kubota corridor named mr. Sun it's also a fun one fufu that's a song audio : so a super nation we found our ego condado Zuko I quench our circle anyway only is it out on yonder him Joe was a mission that he told me he was a kind of woman yeah yeah Jim after the break sigh talks about his move to New York and some of his most significant works yes yes artists sigh gwacheon made a fiery entry into the international art world with his gunpowder drawings and explosion events and has since risen to become one of the most in-demand artists in the world today sighs currently based in New York where he's lived since 1995 thirteen enchanted Omaha Tommy Tom gang gang go now venue yeah yeah I was a tear wasn't either it was a some healthy young young Thapa - enter after spending close to ten years in Japan sighs moved to New York mark two turning points in how he sees the world and how he chooses to engage with his art lady Ria's no wonder every howand to convert and Courtney see you desire tensed online work I see that you can what I see him he attempt to but you you are too insensitive with many chances yet answer Taliban or the issue composes and another I know each of the Panchito again time maybe Obama that you consider goes away suki de la montagne me boyo crisis for equality was attentively mobile Pato NYADA incident city China very rare Mahato natural shape oh yeah those works took on a terrible new meaning when the twin towers were destroyed five years later and in 2004 as the world was still coming to terms with the events of September 11 psy created one of his most poignant installations in opportun stage one suspended in space pierced by blinking neon lights that was simulating a exploding car in almost animated frames from the top car tumbling down to the one that was actually resting on the Rotunda floor despite the violence depicted the final car in the sequence sat unmarked as if untouched by what preceded it he was able to turn something tragic something traumatic in the public imagination into something that we could all relive in a different way that we could it by turning it into art by turning it into spectacle he allowed us to to kind of heal our own trauma Stage one is an example of size sensitivity to the context of the places in which he's exhibiting be it the United States or the deserts of Arabia the library in his studio reflects his intensely research-led practice driven by his desire for genuine cross-cultural exchange what assignment and sheer Kentucky no it is hard I can't and either one yeah he is a corona and mirandos oh oh youngjoo ten pallium so he told me a hard one because it's usually a Sugo g-general are you sober now yes oh boo Hamptons that's can tell them what I you know II since I hint that it's so important for psy to really understand the cultural contexts in which he's making work he's really a scholar and a philosopher and I don't think he's interested in skimming the surface of things I'm not sure I could name another artist who's traveled as much as psy has and bring all of those things together with the hope that they will touch a lot of people that they will speak to a lot of people in different kinds of ways in 1999 sighs cemented his position as an artist with global relevance at the Venice Biennale when he presented his work Venice's rent collection courtyard Sai recreated a group of socialist propaganda sculptures from 1960s China which depicted the ways a cruel landlord would exploit his presence he intentionally left them unfired causing them to crack and disintegrate over the course of the Biennale - Sai it was a meditation on China's history presented to the world in the last year of the century that saw the rise and fall of socialism in China it won him the Golden Lion the highest prize that can be awarded at the Venice Biennale it was one of the first times that a Chinese born artist was really on a platform like that that had that kind of voice in a global contemporary art conversation and what he brought to that event was a work that dealt with history that asked very difficult questions about where we were in the present and how that connected to the past and that's something that I think he's continued to do with incredible regularity to provoke and ask those tough questions but sighs main claim to fame would be his explosion events it literally just like a heart-racing kind of experience his explosion events especially the ones that are using color the unfold in a way before you before your eyes there's no one else doing this and he's really perfected it and it really remains his sort of soul artistry psy has created explosion events of extreme precision all over the world from rainbows over New York City to flowers on the facade of the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 2008 he was commissioned to create the fireworks displays for the Beijing Olympics an event that was seen by billions was viajando a situation see us a pathology Alan hi Thomas is a novel he cinnamon he won't quit I can't go beyond Wakan Tanka Caesarea Tony animation : Saddam is a championship so pursue the chairmanship and opened in the re-election coming up sigh allows us behind the scenes as he makes his latest gunpowder drawing yes new york-based artists saighe watch young is about to create a new gunpowder drawing for the cartier foundation in Paris it's based on an older work an installation from 2013 called heritage made for the Queensland gallery of modern art in Australia so using yeah obviously I saw a 20 as a bizarre Simone 20 crystals open yet smoky area so organ da boom and a lot also Nagar police pen quincenera shreya mega tassel and salami so the nature who eats under par and they say heard about it was not aggressive with encourage action scene so you told your Saddam love you Josie Josie Tomo Tommen was some wonder as vigilance Wanda is a ma younger love Alana totals campus pizza pole to her naughty time swing or I repeat urgent here mr. Hall sequester customs no Kyojin support so you don't eat my piojo there's a part of size work which i think is not discussed so much which is that he's not trying to make necessarily a political statement that has to do with like contemporary society or people we know or recognize but he finds a way to do this through other forms of allegory which is kind of like a metaphorical way of indicating something but it's also quite open-ended this drawing will be sighs first large-scale use of colored gunpowder something he is only recently experimented with Susie those are waffles or the shin-hee a trigger talking the to tease the quaint singer 28 yes yoshi antigua jung soo ha possessive wanna pop insanity chapter was a metaphor that is what you can say who answers is he said the wheel and say Jesus I said no until the size of the system and so here we also many sizes due to the complexity of the drawing psy has chosen to create stencils to mark out the shapes of the animals to be cool Oh pinch I'll take this is just one third of the final work once all the stencils are made the team will go to a warehouse in Long Island where psy will lay out the gunpowder and ignite the drawing yo we are a fantasy you ain't even got a candy so I Kwanzaa some parcel and en salahuddin member eoghan where I am dead estas en su de nition proton he has eaten so yo say del Santo Rey's Oh si si si Hassan I'm a Mormon say to say DNA and salsa yo not even sub saharan I didn't OD t Cochise si Lang voce kill want o changes at Lorenzo media current enormous Avengers Anwar citizens and smooth kept City the fun times up that's why you can put once the compounder is spread out sighs assistance layout rice paper and cardboard on to the drawing this limits the amount of oxygen the gunpowder gets thus causing it to scorch but not burn the drawing yep i'ma of me are you Ponca bye MA Kwanzaa young as a suicidal oh yeah budahas saya is an artist who really doesn't work within boundaries and he's someone who has kind of a boundless imagination and as a result you see absolutely tremendous work of tremendous scale tremendous ambition the kind of work that when you see it really makes your pulse race because there is this sense of drama of really unforgettable visual experiences that he's able to create he's a genius he's not just commenting on the way the world is working today he is offering a mirror in which we not only see ourselves reflected but he has managed to turn our own perspective completely inside out and very few artists have really been able to achieve that Hojo condado de su the aya sofya Mia how do you know so what authority can new dark idea also sighs Vincent the question tom so the hets personal mother Aisha because the to more easily hi totally American CJ was a tuna burger gets you Eli yeah I continue here and yet often more yo yo soy sauce Judea she's a opposed to say as I was sort illusions about a potassium so easily than awards idea city very acidic it is you know how to brilliant ideas powered by Hyundai Motor
Channel: Bloomberg Originals
Views: 218,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloomberg, Cai Guo-Qiang, fireworks, Venice Biennale, Beijing Olympics
Id: DepIRbT6JDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2016
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