The EVOLUTION of FNAF Merchandise...

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in today's video I bought the oldest and newest Five Night at Freddy's plushies to put them to the test of what's truly better the oldest FNAF merch or the newest FNAF merch and then giving them away at the end of this video so let's get right into [Music] [Applause] it so Shadow Freddy what is the oldest FNAF mer you got for us we got oh the oldest five nighted Freddy's plushies ever made these are the classic five nighted Freddy's sansi plushies released all the way back in 2015 technically the very first pieces of Five Nights at Freddy's merch ever created and for being the very first FNAF plushies ever made these are some of the best Five Nights at Freddy's plushies ever made I mean they look like they're exactly from the game the Freddy plushy looks incredibly accurate with really cool eyes a top hat a bow tie and really nice body Bonnie has his iconic floppy ears his giant silly grin his nice blue bow tie and his perfect Bonny color chica looks so good having a magnetic cupcake plush a giant lety bib perfect chica eyes and a nice chica beak and Foxy looks incredible just like he does in FNAF 4 with his big foxy ears and side floofs a perfect snout and eye and eye patch I mean these Plushies are just incredible especially for being the very first wave of Five Minutes at Freddy's plushies ever released but they're also extremely expensive being worth hundreds of dollars now so for being the first line of FNAF plush I mean they have to get better after this right so let's go check out the next wave of FNAF plush from 2016 wao so the next line of FNAF birs we have are from Funko and these Plushies are a little worse but they're a lot cheaper the original sanes were about $40 for each plush and these Funko ones are only $10 of you know for each plush so the classic Freddy plush he looks pretty good but not as good as the sanche his face can look a little wonky and his Hat's almost falling apart a little bit but he defitely looks like Freddy Bonnie looks really good and probably the most accurate one his eyes look really nice I love his ears his snout looks really good and he even has a fluffy little bunny tail that the original sanhi plush didn't and then chica o this is where it already starts getting bad chica's eyes and entire head looks gross her beak looks really bad she has ugly eyebrows and this weird thing on the top of her head her bib's really small and she doesn't even have a cupcake plush I mean this chica is just so much worse than the original sanche chica but foxy looks really good and extremely accurate with a nice eye ears side fluffs eye patch and everything he's a really nice looking foxy plush but so far it looks like the original sansi Plushies are currently beating these ones so for the best FNAF Birch ever made so let's go check out the next line of FNAF Birch wave two of Funko and see if those are better than wave one so Shadow Freddy what's the next wave of FNAF merch we have we got boo legs oh my God these are disgusting but surprisingly really old almost the next FNAF Birch ugly boot like Freddy disgusting boot like Bonnie boot like G Chica and awful boot like Foxy I don't want to keep these or review these you guys know what we have to do to these evil FNAF boot leges to honestly destroy them all so you disgusting evil bootlegs you shall pay the price for the worst crime imaginal being ugly and being bootlegs I can't even stand a look at you your de fate and demise shall begin [Music] now man Shadow Freddy thanks sure did get a little hot back there with those bootlegs so let's see the next FNAF merch we have from like old so oh wave two FNAF plushies toy Freddy's technically Wave 1 toy Bonnie toy Chica and mangle and wow I got to say I know this sounds crazy but I I like these plushies more than the wave one plushies yes even toy Bonny I'm not sure why toy Freddy just looks like a better version of Freddy with better colors Rosy Cheeks a nicer hat buttons on the chest he's just a improved version of Freddy toy Bonnie now I know it's controversial most people don't like him but I love I've grown to love his big Goofy ears and his silly eyes and his silly teeth and his nice looking body and his funny head shape he's really funny but I really enjoy him Joy chica is way obviously better than the classic wave one chica with Incredible looking eyes beak cheek Lex let's party things little toes and everything she is better than the original chica in every single way possible and I got to be honest I like the mangle plush more than the classic foxy plush her eyes look better I love her mangle teeth her broken Endo arms her lips her ears her toughs the little embroidering on her legs I think she looks so much better than the wave 1 foxy plush so do I think these Plushies are better than sanes though sadly I don't so the wave one sansi plush still hold the championship for the best FNAF merch ever made now let's go check out the next wave of FNAF plush so next up what shadow Freddy get out of here where's the next plushies we have we oh god oh oh they're so ugly next up we have some of the oh the ugliest waves ever made and I don't think I need to even explain it this is the Twisted ones plushy wave with some of the most disgusting FNAF plushies I've ever seen Twisted Freddy is awful with a body covered in printing a giant gaping ugly mouth and just being a lame character who wants a twisted Freddy plush when we never even got nightmare fredbear or the Phantoms or the withers he's so lame I just he's disgusting I hate him Twisted Bonnie's God awful ugly he has giant printed ears a massive ugly mouth with a weird looking snout ugly designs all over his body he's just disgusting Twisted chica is should be called Twisted toy chica because that's what she's based off you can see she has the toy Chica beac and the toy chica toes but nothing will save her she has this ugly cupcake on the side of her head massive eyes why did why did they give her anime eyes she should not have this ugly little TFT on the top of her head and printing that goes nowhere like half her arms are printed that lead into nothing she's disgusting and twisted foxy is the best of the four but that's not saying much his entire mouth is covered in printing has massive ugly gums face little hook and everything oh these are so ugly these are easily the worst wave of FNAF brch we've reviewed so far let's hope that Funko steps it up and improves their next wave of FNAF brch let's go check it out next up we Dar a Chad Freddy get out of here you're always messing it up next up we oh no it does not get better oh oh the security breach wave is even worse glamrock Freddy's all right I would say he's better than Twisted Freddy but that's not saying much he looks barely like glamrock Freddy missing so many of his details like his shoulder pads wrist things uh his bow tie and his chest just look awfully ugly his entire face is printed he's just not a good plush this doesn't look like glamrock Freddy look at his face it's so ugly bny e one of if not the worst FNAF blushies ever made giant ugly eyes a big egg head stupid dumb printing wrong colors everywhere this is meant to look like VY it's awful glamar chica is not that bad I don't think she has a nice like toy chica base but it makes sense cuz she's glamar chica a nice beak nice eyes it's all right I don't like the printing all over her but she's not that bad of a plush and rock sand wolf with weird eyes what why are they just on this white bulge you can see your eyes and there what's the point of that gross hair that's literally just a bad piece of fabric ugly ears a face that doesn't look like her a bad snout printing all over a disgusting way wave so far funo made two disgusting waves of FNAF plushies and I really hope that maybe we can get a better one than these because the Twisted ones and security beats are awful let's just Che out the next wave and hope it's better but so far the OG Plushies are winning against the new plushies so for the next Shadow Freddy you're always ruining it get out of here boy next up we have oh the FNAF R wave of plushies which actually gets better now are these as good as the wave 1 or Wave 2 Funko plushies no but are these still good plushies yes honestly I like these ver toy Freddy looks really nice with so many details they're made of this weird metallic material because that's how they look in the game he has a really nice visor a cool Top Hat I love the detail they made all around him to look like he's glowing the colors on him just look so good the embroidery on his face and arms he does have printing on his chest but it's not that noticeable because the rest of him is embroidered and the way they made his VR popping out of his head just looks so good system a toy Bonnie I won't lie this is a thousand times better than the Wave 2 toy Bonnie plusy they just improved his design so much with a much better looking toy Bonnie head amazing looking embroidery on his eyes and face actually looking like toy Bonnie the ears are a little bit small that could definitely be improved but everything else his body that says system error is printed but I understand why everything else is EMB boed and he has these wonderful lines all around him again to make him look like he's GL he looks really great high score toy chica looks very similar to toy chica but she also looks really good I love her eyes and her beak and her toy chica shaped head her arms look really good with these pixels all over them even though they're Printing and the bluming effect they put around her too with a stitched on high score toy chica bib it looks really good and again just a very nice plush and radioactive foxy does not look better than mangle but he's still such a cool design I love the yellow outlines around him his empty eye his really cool nose amazing printing on his chest it just looks so good a really cool looking hook and everything I'm these Plushies are great these are so much better than the last two waves and honestly it makes me hopeful that maybe Funko can make better plushies so after this let's hope the next wave gets even better let's check it out oh no it doesn't get better after the AR wave oh they're so ugly oh they just ruined all the wave one plushies besides chica she looks better but they ruined all of them Freddy looks weird he looks like more sloppy his face looks more sloppy his eyes I I don't like the eyelids he just he looks a lot less like Freddy compared to the wave 1 Funko Freddy plush like the body is the same but the head just looks more sloppy not like Freddy to me Bonnie is disgusting look at these gross eyes why are they so far apart why is his face so flat the ears are weird and Tiny now the body stayed the same but the face it just the muzzle is bad the eyes are bad it's disgusting chica is the only good one that does look a lot better her eyes look better her face shape looks better her beak looks better but that's it the bib does not look better it feels a lot cheaper I do like how she has actual toes now so this is the only good one oh no and oh foxy is the worst one what did they do to him his face looks so disgusting all his features are so close together and they gave him a giant for it his eye looks bad like poking out like that they gave him really weird eyebrows which I'm not a fan of his eye patch is so tiny his snout has been shrunken down and twice as fat so it's really fat and wide now and it's really short in and I hate that the teeth look worse the embroidering looks worse the little toughs on the side of his head are so tiny now his head is a giant round ball his ears are just awful I hate what they did to his ears and he has a dumb hook he should not have a hook it doesn't look good on the plushy doesn't work and his stomach goes all the way up to his neck there's no line or anything G these Plushies are awful we're almost at the end of the Funko plush waves so please tell me they get better Shadow Freddy let's see the next wave wait oh I hate these plushies I hate them so much it doesn't get better guys it doesn't get better these Christmas Plushies are awful because after Christmas time it's February no one wants Christmas plushies and they are disgusting I hate them so much Freddy looks even worse with awful eye rings around his eyes his eyes don't puff out anymore disgusting eyebrows Rosy Cheeks like he's toy Freddy a really weird colored nose I know that's for Christmas and awful ears that just look really bad a body that is 100% printed there is not a single piece of real fabric on here every single piece of fabric here is printed a bow tie that doesn't look good I hate the printing on him he's awful they ruined his face he looked he used to look so beautiful and now he doesn't ah disgusting Bonnie is also awful ruined his ears made them long and pointing with printing oh wow I love when they cheap out on the ears disgusting ey Rings again stop giving them ey Rings they don't look good get these little rings around their eyes out of here eyes that look awful and don't poke out cheeks like he's toy Bonnie or something and a gross muzzle go back to the wave one Bonnie muzzle not this gross muzzle and the body is awful these giant boots take up half his legs that look awful I don't like the material the material worked for AR and Phantom foxy but not for this plush I hate the fluffies around his around his things they look look awful he's so ugly it's all printed g I hate him too he's disgusting snowman chica e this doesn't even look like chica if you're not a hardcore FNAF fan and you saw this sitting on the shelf you would not think this is chica you would think this is like a Star Wars character or something I hate her eyes she looks ugly the beak is now printed and looks really gross they you know because toy chica was such a good plush that they tried to make it better and kept using the toy chica Beek and it doesn't I hate the fluff everywhere it looks bad the hat is completely printed and not even filled in they got so lazy they can't even stuff the Hat anymore it's disgusting I atat this scarf it's a super thin little piece of fabric the embroidered buttons are all right and these arms are just awful and they gave her a g why why does this push I can't stand this and Foxy oh no they ruined him oh he looks so ugly again they gave him the ugly ears his eyes don't pop out more ey rings I love when the eyelid is under the eye Rings it doesn't makes sense and they put ey rings around his eye patch like his body is fused to his eye patch it's so awful I hate it his snout is a little bit longer than tie-dye foxy but not enough like wave on foxy his little side fluts don't puff out anymore so his head's just a giant Circle he looks sad he looks confused why's teeth right next to each other like SpongeBob teeth he has a gross candy cane hook this doesn't look like a hook it looks awful again his py goes all the way up to his neck it doesn't round off like it used to it's awful at least there's no printing on this plush which I appreciate and they give him different colored pants but I can't stand it this is awful that's sadly it that's the most recent wave of Funko plush we have but there was a spin-off wave of Funko Plushies that somehow get even worse let's go check him out but right now the OG sansi plush are still winning the best plush ever made oh Shadow Freddy I don't know if I'm ready for this all right let's take a look I'm no I refuse to review these do you see this this might be the ugliest thing Funko has ever made it feels gross it looks gross it is gross and it's the same price of a normal of a normal Funko plush think about it back in the day you could have gotten a classic Freddy Bonnie and Chica for $30 because it's $10 each plush and now you can get these three ugly things for $30 these are no I just I hate them all right let's go check out the next companies because a few different companies made FNAF word after Funko and hopefully they get better so Shadow Freddy what's the next one we got yes finally good looking plushies I know many people aren't fans of the hex flushies but compared to all the slop funko's been pumping out recently these are incredible I got the sitting ones because the magnets fall apart really easy but they look so good I love the button eyes and the little details and a silly top hat and how fluffy and fuzzy they are finally a new material Freddy's little microphone and his nice little thing oh now he look stitched together and even has toe claws he's embroidering on his hands and and different claws now I know these are very different from the sansi and Funko plushies and do I think that these are better than the sansi plush I got to be honest no but do I think that these are really really good yes these are about the same price as the San plushies if not a little more expensive but but do I think they're worth it they are so worth it they're so much better than any of the Funko BL he has real buttons on there not embroidered or printed on like Freddy I mean like Funko oh they look so good Bonnie looks incredible his ears look normal zero printing lovely buns a nice snout with little bunny teeth and little bunny whiskers actual buttons on him a nice little guitar that is printed but it's understandable cute little toes and feet he looks so good and Chica looks so good this chica is so much better than the wave 1 Funko plush it's incredible she has better eyes better little toughs on the top of her head a nice looking a removable bib that's really cool nice detailed toes look at these toes they look so good look at the detail on this and Mr Cupcake with his own little button eyes oh my goodness he looks so cute I love him and Foxy oh oh um these three Plushies are really good not foxy they should not have made his mouth open I think it makes him look very silly none of these guys have open mouths they should have done something like this or something like that would have looked better uh it makes him look really goofy his side floofs aren't side flops it is a piece of fabric that is meant to look like it which I think is really lazy and really cheap it the mouth I can't get over it it just doesn't look good it makes them look really goofy it looks so goofy like look at these guys these look like incredible plushies almost like the FNAF 4 plushies in the bedroom mini game and then this guy oh his ears don't look great the toughs on the top of his head are so tiny you don't even notice it the eye patch is wonky the eyebrows are really hard to see the mouth and side fluffs are awful the body looks great this is a wonderful body if you cut off the head like the FNAF 4 mini games it would look really good I love I love the material they used on this it looks so good his pirate pants is hook his details his withering and everything but that head could use a lot of improvement so let's go check out the next company that tried to make the FNAF plush and see if they did it better than sanhi cuz so far no one has beat the wave one sansi plush let's check out so [Music] oh I got to be honest I love YouTu they're a wonderful company they're super nice to me they make incredible figures but they struggle with their plushies and I got to say from all the Classic Plush we have the sansi with the four Classics Funko with the four Classics and hex with the four Classics these are by far the worst Freddy is not that bad being a sitting version of the Freddy plush I like the material they used on him it's very high quality it's all embroidered really nicely and it's it's too stylized to look good the muzzle snout on him is so tiny that it is just a itty bitty little circle which does not look good you look at any Freddy Fazbear that's not what he looks like look at Shadow Freddy see how the muzzle goes across his entire face that's what it should look like if it went all the way across instead it's a tiny little circle that does not look good and does not look like Freddy and Freddy is the best of these next up is Bonnie oh God Bonnie the standing versions I can't I can't stand how ugly the standing versions are it's so basic I mean it looks all right but the head oh no the head so they give him the tiny little muzzle it should go all the way across his face like classic bnny looks not this tiny little baby thing it doesn't look good the eyes look definitely wonky with the 's design or it's just a giant black circle with the you's thing the ears are so ugly I know they're folded in to look good but they're so big and fat and round and not long enough and this weird design they just look so ugly and the muzzle I can't get over the only one it looks good on is chica because that's the shape of her beak it's round and small imagine if all them had these weird little shapes her eyes also look weird I don't know why they give her these weird little eyelash things it doesn't look good the toughs on the top of her head are just not accurate at all this is not what chica's headtops look like it's like four little awkward ones sprouting out the bib is all right but it feels kind of cheap and it's just the standing the toes they go down past your feet instead of sticking out and this is printed too it's just oh it's not great looking oh no Foxy's been really struggling really recently he was struggling with hex and this foxy is oh he's so ugly first of all why is his eye different shape than the others the embroidered eyebrows the embroidered eye patch is not good looking is that printing on the ears no it's not printing but the head fs and the ears don't look good and again the tiny little shape face why not make it go all the way across his face like it normally does or at least make it a little bigger it doesn't look good the side flops are basically not there you get two tiny little triangles and G what is this why did they decide that a fuzzy chest was the right way to go this is disgusting and it's not even attached to them you can see it floating up this is one of the grossest things I've ever seen on a plush this fluffy chest is disgusting and isn't even accurate his hands are all printed a tiny gross little hook that's also printed the pants aren't bad I like the 3D pants but printed legs and a tail which should not be there foxy doesn't have a tail so I don't know why they gave him one and it's also printed these this is the worst Freddy Bonnie Chica foxy any company has ever made but we have two more waves left so let's see if the New Gen plush can beat the old gen plush we have the final plush let's go check them out wo the brand new security Beach sansi plushies I'm not reviewing these ones I'm giving them away I'm giving away the full set but there's going to be four winners you can choose if you would like a glamrock Freddy Montgomery Gator a glamrock chica or a Rox and wolf because I've been talking about how good sansi is in this video I absolutely love their brand new wave of security reach plushes they look so accurate so nice so lovely so if you guys would like to win this there's three simple steps to enter into the giveaway all you got to do is like the video subscribe to the channel and leave a comment saying you finished all three steps and what you personally think the best wave of FNAF plus do you like the old wave the OG with the sanes or the new waves of FNAF plus let me know and I be giving these away because I've been hyping up sansi the entire video I thought it was fitting to give away the sansi plush and now let's look at the very final wave of FNAF plushies of the New Gen plush and see if they're better than the old gen let's check it out what the shadow Freddy where is it where's the final plushies oh they're oh the final plush we have are the xmart withered plushies and while these technically aren't official I had to bring these up because these may be some of the best FNAF plushies ever made are they better than the OG sansi line no are they better than the wave one Funko line possibly if you guys really think if you guys like them more they could be are they better than the wave 1 hex line they possibly could be if you guys prefer these better are they better than the wave 1 YouTu sign definitely so oh they just look so good I'm in love with them first of all we have the withered Freddy plush who looks incredible especially since no other company has ever made a withered plush ever it's so great to see these well hexed but I mean Funko never has so we have the incredible withered Freddy with one black toe eye and one normal eye that are puffing out a little bit and no gross eye Rings really nice eyebrows and ears which look wonderful and a super detailed body wonderful buttons really nice endos and wires poking out everywhere he's incredibly accurate plush with accurate colors zero ounce of printing which is incredible and next up we have withered Bonnie the most impressive plush out of all four because his design is so complicated incredible looking ears that Funko Can't Get Right Funko can never get Bonnie's ears right but I think these look incredible with actual embroidering in different colors on the ears while making them segmented they look so good his face is insane could you imagine chopping off the face of of a plush and trying to make it look good well this one does because his teeth look so good I love the way his jaw pops out the Endo eyes and the endoskeleton head looks so good with two rows of teeth zero ounces of printing if this was Funko they would take a normal Bonnie plush and just make his face like a black Printing and call that withered Bonnie and stick some teeth on it but no this looks incredible they gave him so many wires hanging down which looks so good and a amazing body they give him the metallic arm and the metallic leg to look just like Funko does wi you're sticking out actual buttons embroidered and a whole missing arm that has wire sting out it's incredible with their chica Funko struggles really hard with making a good chica plush but this chica plush looks incredible nice Flo on the top of her head and a really accurate looking chica thing she has a giant beak which she should and it's really hard to make her head sticking out and two but xmart did it with Incredible embroidered teeth and embroidered like wires and a giant black bar to make it look like her head is missing wonderful looking arms with wire sticking out on both sides and little embroidering on every single side nice metallic Toes that look like toy chica toes and and a let's e bib she is incredible and wither foxy who looks so good with so much detail a metallic Endo ear nice embroidering all the way around on this giant patch actual sticking out eyes with an eye patch that's you know popping out and no ey Rings really nice looking snout that actually sticks out it could stick out a little farther but it still looks really nice nice little like his side flues actually stick out so much embroidery on his torso look at all the detail embroidery all the way through his torso going all the way around him incredible looking pants and little embroidered shiny feet I think that these may be one of the best FNAF plushies so to answer the question what's the best wave I got to be honest it's the wave one San wave they were the very first FNAF plush ever made and so far no one has topped them not this not the Funko wave not the hex wave definitely not the 's wave there's been nothing to beat those plushies maybe one day in the future we'll get some better FNAF plush but for now those are still the best FNAF plush ever made so I really hope you guys enjoy this video make sure to enter in all three steps and if you enjoyed this one maybe watch another video and I will see you all later goodbye [Music] oh
Channel: Puggos Pizzeria
Views: 90,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4sL86jJ9cxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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