The Evolution of Construction

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[Music] P o H player owned house a lot of other games have houses Skyrim you can buy a house or two to store all the [ __ ] you stole minecraft you can make your own Dream House slap a bed in there why not star do Valle take a little nap feel better against Sims make it look all nice and pretty before you download 17 sex mods all these games have beds by the way runescape you can have a bed too you can have three 4 beds if you want but you're not sleeping in that [ __ ] runescape characters go their entire existence without sleeping [ __ ] sleep if I want to regain health or something I'll sip a pool of sizzurp and go along with my day look runescape houses function for one reason and one reason only experience baby good old-fashioned efficiency they are the core of the modern players grind players will put hundreds of hours into making money just straight up giving themselves arthritis to turn their outhouse into a Beverly Hills dream mansion I'm talking unlimited teleports gilded altar a pool of that purple drank that good [ __ ] everything to get all the experience your antisocial ass could ever want but ladies and gentlemen that's not always how it was no no no that's the evolved player owned house it took almost 14 years to get to that point that was not what player owned houses started that so let me take you all back because I've been doing some reading and by that I mean letting a cool British guy do the reading for me on audible which happens to be today's sponsor yeah I know there's a great segue I'm I'm really good at this you see these things know if you're like me you like a good story you also have things to do audible is the top dog of the spoken word entertainment industry I'll be honest dude I'm a nerd I read the quest dialogue in this goddamn game but I don't have the motivation to sit down and read a book anymore so I took audible as my chance and opportunity to get back into it I for one recently got into the Witcher storylines after binging the entire Netflix show in a day so I invested in the first three audiobooks I felt like it was a pretty good guy move they've got a ton of stuff they've got news business podcasts comedy things on self-development since we're all gamers with low self-esteem issues you guys visit slash Jimmy or Tex Jimmy to 500 500 you'll get a credit on audible to spend on whatever you want and also access to to audible originals if you sign up for a month trial with that code plus this way you'll be able to impress that girl by making her think you read you're welcome slash j1m my sign up for a free trial you get that cool stuff let's get back to it on May 31st 2006 Jagex put out their most revolutionary idea yet they wanted everyone to have a more immersive experience with their runescape character you could now stroll down to one of many sketchball real estate agents around the game pay them 1,000 GP and have your very own house there's lots of neighborhoods to set up your house we've got Rimington you know host sidious that's a new one taverley all evil trim Haven relic oh oh and can't forget about dead content elf City but if we're being real here we're gonna take that list and make it go away and narrow that down to one that's gonna leave us with our main hub Remington because no one has set their house and any of those other ones you are a weird guy if you set your house anywhere else Remington instantly became a hotspot everyone's you know training construction their decorating their walls hiring Butler's everyone's having a blast but by everyone I mean only the richest players in the entire [ __ ] game just the twelve or fourteen year olds who could outsmart and scam the ten-year-old playing those [ __ ] were the ones who could afford to train construction at the time just for some insight on that ninety nine construction in 2020 cost 250 mill in 2006 two hundred and fifty mil if you were training construction back then you're a sketchy [ __ ] up to no good I don't want to be friends with you no one was training construction I even found a forum post two years after construction was released from this dude asking what's the point of training construction I got to 40 do what the hell is this and a common reply was I was just a flex man just like having a Santa hat or a party hat you just I don't know when that one gnome quest glove read 2005 I don't know his name but it gave people the crystals saw which let you build things three levels above your actual construction level and people still for like I don't give a [ __ ] I'm not touching that skill like I said there was that handful of players who were training their construction levels but when they got through training and they built their houses up you want to know what they did they weren't giving you your crazy experience rates they weren't letting you into teleport anywhere do me a favor open up the world hot menu go down to world 330 tell me what it says house parties screw your XP those guys were throwing [ __ ] ragers these rich homeowners would pay a real player 100k an hour to sit outside the house portal and manually type an advertisement for their [ __ ] banger of a party look at these old clips lookit look at the advertisements if you were advertising that you had a gilded altar in your house you need a goddamn reality check because you have no idea what's going on people wanted you to know about the combat rings that's super awesome dungeons that you could fight in the social crews that was what grabs people's attention so you hopped in a house that's being advertised one of two things happened the most common ones just a mediocre set up you know half finished rooms nothing special there's the house host he's got his best friend in real life hey welcome to my house something super [ __ ] annoying or - you loaded into that advertised house and you walked into the project ex of runescape parties we've got girls who are just dancing around a dude in full elegant black cavalier that was the outfit back then if you were you know a cool kid that was your goal stupid stupid outfit you got that line of players with their flared trousers doing that badass disco dance you got two eighth graders telling the 5th graders to walk over the tiles in the throne room it was the type of party if your mom walked in you're switching browsers as fast as you literally can but she does not need to know what's going on at that rager this is what construction was is where people found their social skills I'm pretty sure it would be a sin for me to talk about the origins of construction and not mention the falador massacre it was one of the craziest things to ever happen in an MMO people that haven't even played runescape have heard of the falador massacre because of how [ __ ] up it was just one week after the skill was released that's a 666 a player named cursed you begged his parents to stay home from school and grind out with another friend on his account to be the first one to hit 99 construction that's a true story he actually has like a 30 minute vlog thing talking about being the first person to 99 construction could check that out it's really cool when he hit that 99 construction you want to take a guess of what that guy did he threw the [ __ ] down dude players were everywhere so that being said that was a problem for most because their computers could not handle that let alone [ __ ] record it it's a miracle we have this curse to use dial-up was overloading his 128 megabytes of RAM was on fire he kicked him all out he was good everything was back to normal while he sat there twiddling his thumbs waiting for people to get back in his house he had no idea that right outside his front door there was an absolute bloodbath darriel three two one in the midst of this mass kick probably the first of its kind this dirty old guy inherited some sort of glitch the glitch let him run around to the normal area of runescape and just attack and kill anyone he wanted he had a green party hat on full Aram's a whip he was just raining hell on anyone who looked like they had anything of value you could see the panic all the player moderators Bank your [ __ ] get out here go pack your things leave with your families if I was derrial here was here's what I would have done I would have been super stealth mode once I figured out I could kill one person I would teleport immediately I start teleporting around the world finding people training Slayer high occurs with a lot of money a lot of you long's probably and you start wiping people out just like a like a silent assassin killer I'm still trying to be a player moderator by the way but yeah I have no idea how many people he actually got could be seven could be eighty-four he got banned it was over cursed you had gotten banned as well not because he initiated the glitch but because Jagex found out he was a RW tear like I said anyone who could train construction back then there's sketchy [ __ ] I'm gonna go ahead and label 2006 to 2008 the noob era nobody knew what was going on no one cared to figure it out there was not a lot of people trying to figure out the best way to maximize their efficiency but somewhere in this noob era people figured out gilded altars with all the prayer training came a few more factors in the Poh world the first being incense burners if you want the gilded altars to give you all the experience possible both of the candles on both sides have to be lit hosts wanted no part in that this was when socializing was still priority so you know someone else to do that people would be on hourly wages doing jobs like this and good God people would be pissed at these guys these poor dudes are grinding their asses off trying to make a hundred K just lighting the same two candles over and over again I've never seen an angry mob spring up faster than when these dudes just forget to light it for a second I had learned every curse word and bad name you can call somebody in the span of like 10 seconds we've also got a birth of a new neighborhood I guess you could say this might have been the first step to efficiency in the entire game people started putting their houses and hosting it at you know you know was the closest portal to a bank and clearly it would make more sense to do your prayer training there so Remington became the hub for social life and II dating and then Gunilla was like the prayer training efficiency dudes and that brought along another system of bone runners there was just a lot of rich bastards trying to find the dumbasses to do their dirty work for them no security in your payment's most people were like yeah do it for an hour and I'll give you a 100 K the 59 minute mark rolls around and the dude mysteriously disconnects I was really sad new Baro was a rough time January 2nd 2008 to February 1st 2011 for for three years three entire [ __ ] years Jagex took out free trade took out the wilderness no more giving your friends anything for fun no more gifts it was just a big scheme to stop people from buying and selling gold and it was terrible but relating it to the player owned houses there was no more ability to pay people to burn the candles for you no more paying for bone runners most people have suppressed that in their memory for as long as they could I'm sorry for those that I've you know brought this time back for you I apologize I'm I'm hurting just as much if you wanted to train prayer efficiently you most likely had to build your own and gilded altar because there was hosting at the time but not nearly as much as there would have been if they got paid for it the incentive to host your house was gone you were just sacrificing your day away it was just such a shitty time Jagex what the [ __ ] man another day another day there's a lot of things for other days dude February 1st 2011 I remember the day very vividly the free trade was back the wilderness was back bone runners back in action my candles I'm not burning them you [ __ ] do it what gain XP will make him money we're getting scanned we're luring idiots it was chaos the best kind of goddamn chaos everything was good everything was right in the world except not really see during that blurry period sometime in 2009 Jagex had this fun and quirky idea to hit up Farooq in Alka Rid and say hey you can sell dice bags no one bought dice bags because why would you buy a why but the free trades back now we can gamble the return of the free trade in 2011 was the introduction to a gambler's paradise baby not gonna go into specifics about gambling and dicing but it started a trend in player owned houses you are getting a welcome you know hey what's going on good you were getting a dicing times too legit no scamming I would never scam anybody welcome to my house by the way give me your money fare is expensive you're down a little bit hurting the bank a little bit I got a solution for you I'll roll a little dice maybe you can make some of the money but posts we're no longer hosting houses they were hosting goddamn casinos if you got sucked in which a lot of people did you just bought yourself a one-way ticket to getting [ __ ] lucky for us and all of our morality Jagex stepped in and saw this trend apparently they said we put the dice in the game they were never meant for for gambling the [ __ ] do you think dice are what did you expect from that they took all the dice bags out of the game player ran game of chance we're done just kidding idiots ever heard of flour games that's right flowers being planted by the hundreds of thousands every day hosts were right on top of this no more dice no problem we've got a brand-new garden in my house over here it's just a strictly flower garden you'll like it hot and cold times two flower poker legit House Rules by the way frosty flowers get bent over for fun it quite literally ruled the entire game I had actually found myself in a position to be way too involved in that scene than I would have liked but does for another day evolution of combat this was the biggest rework that has ever happened in the entire game a bunch of debate and chaos happened we ended up with a petition to start old school runescape a 2007 backup server and then in 2013 we got hold school runescape so forget everything I just told you from 2007 to 2013 completely irrelevant scratch it redo try again now in 2013 were back in old school back in 2007 we were all still idiots efficiency was still not priority most players had joined old school joined for that nostalgia factor reliving the childhood memories letting it all flow back to them waking up at 5:00 a.m. before school to go train on Alka red guards with a granite Maul I was a [ __ ] idiot dude only the moss Giants off-task of course specking him out with a dragon longsword sound effects full volume to feel the impact oh it all came back it felt so good but about a week of nostalgia and then you remembered oh I just got BioShock Infinite I'm in the middle of the campaign I got to keep playing that because it's like way more fun you're on GTA 5 planning full-fledged heists with the greatest trio of all time you're doing other [ __ ] we'd all played this game before a long time ago the concept of adventure was no longer gonna keep us there I'm gonna call this theory the the theory of of getting older so our motives to do [ __ ] are are really boring it's a working title we're no longer motivated by adventure and exploration but more towards achieving a goal and being successful at something so naturally when old school did come out the ones who did stick around they took it as the opportunity to grind out a skill maybe they never had the time to or didn't have the dedication for whether you were getting 99 crafting or building a pure account that you'd always want it or you know getting a quest Cape the concept of getting an achievement was the reason old-school survived so we officially entered the generation of grind scape the first construction update came about nine months after the release of old school you are able to keep your doors open or closed you just toggle them however you wanted them to be when people entered then a year later the first indication that player owned houses we're leaning towards this new generation we got our boy our man files he's a very respectable businessman he's posted up a few feet away from the Rimington house portal this ladies and gentlemen was the death of bone runners rare training just got a whole lot easier and a whole lot cooler forward to July 15th we got F keys we also got the ability to call our servant whenever we want them just some quality of life things but then 2016 if you're playing old school in 2016 you're invested you're in way too deep to pull out so the old school team took a step back and they they looked at the player owned house system and they said if somebody's going to invest their time and money being a complete psychopath to train that up we might as well make it worth it for them the construction boy oh boy did jagex rework the [ __ ] out of houses we got the house viewer the most convenient thing to ever happen at rearranging rooms and setting them whatever direction you want we've got the superior garden now you want a fairy ring in your house build that [ __ ] you want a spirit tree in your house build that [ __ ] you want the spirit tree and the fairy ring to make sweet love to each other and have a baby that babies like a spirit tree in a fairy ring together build esha you want a pool of drug liquid to heal you whatever may be happening to your shitty body build a [ __ ] we got the achievement gallery not only can you flex harder than you've ever flex before in this room this room's a literal godsend you can build an occult altar and switch your spell books whenever you please however many times you want or running around for 10 minutes to go change your spell book just use it to your own disposal we [ __ ] King ornate jewelry box ever heard of it all teleporting devices combined together into one thing with unlimited uses is that not the hottest and sexiest thing you've ever heard in your life are you sweating you sick disgusting animal and then every host dream they've got the tip jar the actual training of construction still really sucked but it was kind of worth it now since you could basically play the entire game within the confines of your home all you ever needed was house teleports and you're good to go you can do whatever you want 2017 everyone's arthritis slowly gets delayed a little longer you can use the numbers on your keyboard to select which piece of furniture you want to build we want to just spam in 1 in 6 to train their construction now it's a miracle XP rates are higher than anyone ever imagined it's beautiful everyone's coming I mean how could this get any better there's no way it could possibly wrong [ __ ] you other me of course it can get better ever heard of a portal Nexus all spell teleports combined into one swinging ball of juicy greatness [ __ ] house teleport house teleported everywhere I leave my house and all the XP it's so good you filthy boa it's you I love it give me more granted rs3 they probably got their own quality of life things done to their house in the meantime quality of life as in cosmetic decor that you can buy for 500 rune coins except the only package that gets you 500 rune coins is the package that you have to buy 800 runa coins for $21.99 I'll play that game all these old school updates clearly changed the functionality of player owned houses they were a lot cooler these updates not only gave players an incentive to build their own house up it gave hosts the incentive to build the most efficient design hosting and became a super competitive scene you know that tip jar that [ __ ] must have been bringing in a little too much dough because there was just an underground warfare between hosts trying to sabotage each other in the most fucked-up ways to be the one and only true king of the house hosting my buddy : ello made a whole video going in depth about that whole underground warfare [ __ ] luckily jagex actually put in a pretty cool thing with the house board people can just put up their house on there let everyone know they're hosting tells everything they have in there so you don't have to wonder but after all this evolution we've discussed people are still somehow unsatisfied it's almost 14 years since construction came out players got a nice little taste of that juicy crack of XP they're addicted they need help I found this reddit post here's how you can rework the construction system clearly he didn't get much support for it another guy was like I mean yeah I needs a rework but like not like this no it doesn't in the current state player own houses have everything you would ever need except for friends I still see people hanging out at hosted houses but the social aspect is is nothing what it used to be which is completely understandable it's very sad but very understandable like I mentioned earlier we all grew up our outlook on gaming in general has shifted from a playground to a workspace which is essentially kind of what real life is but it's fun to remember house parties were definitely one of my favorite things as a kid things are different now but hey that's okay so are a lot of other things like what else is different I know you know it's different [ __ ] you but without a doubt Construction is definitely one of the best things to ever happen to runescape it's one of those skills that you can see how it's grown up with us that skill has had one hell of a journey and I'm glad that you guys were here to talk about it with me but that's about all I have for today I appreciate you guys coming along for this ride this was very new for me next video I put out it's gonna be by release after that is gonna be my first full non runescape video on the channel I think it's one of the best projects I've ever made but that's it that's all I have go ahead and get out of here and throw a [ __ ] house party go throw a house party let's get hammered let's bring the kegs go find beer in the game and let's drink like nerds and like we have a social life even though we don't come on [Music]
Channel: J1mmy
Views: 820,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: j1mmy, j1mmy osrs, j1mmy construction, evolution of construction, osrs construction, falador massacre, nakeyjakey, general sam, j1mmy evolution, j1mmy why people still play runescape, runescape 2020, osrs 2020, j1mmy 2020, framed, settled, swampletics, morytania, runescape evolution, runescape history, osrs history, history of runescape, runescape timeline, runescape construction, j1mmy runescape, j1mmy essay, video essay, runescape funny, mmorpg, free to play mmorpg
Id: sHLrkirqjkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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