THE EVIL, FALSE PROPHET OF BLEACH- Ichibei Hyosube | BLEACH Character Analysis

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Chaos…what a thrilling concept. In a  world ravaged with uncontrollable forces,   the one thing that remained for sure was the  belief that nothing was. Chaos reigned supreme.   And from the depths of that chaos, born out of  fear of losing the little peace they had attained,   a new world was born. Upon this new foundation,  normality had to be redefined, regulations had   to be established, but most of all, a keeper had  to be appointed. One who would reign above all,   ensuring the wills of those who were would remain  into the forever future. One who would be willing   to lie, one willing to deceive, one willing  to manipulate, one willing to kill. And so he   was appointed…the so called high priest of the  Shinigami. The Monk who names all- Manako Osho,   Ichibei Hyosobe. One who holds supreme weight  over BLEACH in ways that call his motivations into   question. This is an analytical video dedicated to  Bleach’s False High Priest. I hope you enjoy it.  In order to understand my perspective on the  character of Ichibei Hyosobe, it’s important   to understand the theoretical role that Kubo  has for him and why that might be important or   even interesting to you. The idea of blurring the  lines between good and evil Is not a new concept.   If done well, it can create insanely intriguing  clashes between two opposing sides allowing you   the viewer to almost be caught between two  sides, not quite sure what the true answer   might be. Kubo himself dabbles in this pond quite  a bit. Aizen Sosuke may be evil but he’s a man   who has rejected the status quo of a corrupted  world and taken the reigns into his own hands,   trying to change it for what he believes is  better. Urahara may be a “good guy” but he’s a   man who has accepted the corrupted nature of the  world even though he has the power to alter it.   They are both morally inept in their own different  ways and that’s what makes them so intriguing to   follow. Right from the very beginning of BLEACH,  Kubo has done a lot of work establishing the good   and the bad of the soul society. They risk their  lives to save human beings but they wage war on   hollows out of a self-ordained sense of ownership  and responsibilities. They perform Konso and allow   souls to pass on into soul society but segregate  those people into poverty while they live rather   comfortably. The society they live in is hugely  corrupt, often times bending the rules for the   privileged and overlooking innocence as long as  it furthers their pockets or agendas. And yet,   they are the ones to whom our fates lie. They  are the ones fighting to protect the peace and   sanctity of the world. And so it made a lot of  sense for there to be an object that embodied   the nature of the soul society. A being who had a  hand in forming it, but also has a responsibility   to keep it the way it is. And to ensure that  whatever mission statement was originally had   remains true. That is where Ichibei Hyosobe comes  out to play. Ichibei is the leader of Squad Zero   and as far as we know so far in the story, he is  the oldest Shinigami of all, and the first person   to ever receive an evolved zanpakutou. IN fact, he  is the very man who named it and all other things   in the soul society. He’s portrayed to either  have been there at the conception of the world   or very soon after that decision was made. He also  carries an important weight to the story of BLEACH   from a real world perspective. In that, Kubo as a  writer is insanely focused on names and the weight   behind a name. When Kubo places so much emphasis  on the names of Zanpakutou’s and the names of   Bankai’s and the names of different techniques and  so on, the character who knows all names and one   who gives out names and is able to consequently  take it away becomes valuable to the brand of   BLEACH itself. For those reasons and more, it was  incredibly vital for a character like Ichibei to   have existed. The story of BLEACH needed someone  to fill that role. And so, let’s dive into who   Ichibei Hyosube is and then I can get around  to the really fun stuff. Ichibei is a large   bald monk with prayer beards wrapped around his  neck. He carries himself in quite an intriguing   manner. On one hand, he’s super casual with his  speech, he looks like he doesn’t take himself too   seriously. He can take a joke, he can take a nice  little verbal jab from both his allies and his   opponents. But he also carries himself with a ton  of authority. He’s part of those special groups of   people who have come to understand so much about  a particular subject that they don’t feel the need   to raise their voice or push their weight around.  He doesn’t get emotionally flustered and he   never feels like he’s being overwhelmed. Kubo is  absolutely masterful about how he crafts Ichibei   in scenes because it's almost like the image of  Ichibei at a glance feels almost, friendly? He’s   bald and his kinda fat and all round and stuff.  But as you stop and focus deeper and deeper on   his mannerisms and his expressions, as you stare  into his eyes and listen to the way he speaks,   you realize that he’s incredibly dangerous.  There are lines he’s not comfortable with people   crossing- for example, he does not allow just  anyone to say his name. The Royal Guard aren’t   put into positions where they have to call  him out but when they do, they never call him   Ichibei. It’s always “Osho”, in reference to his  full nickname Manako Osho. Across the board, Kubo   nails his presentation, down to the last minute  detail. Standing at the pinnacle of all Shinigami,   he is the guardian of the soul king and as far as  the Shinigami are concerned, the strongest soul   reaper they have available. Not counting Aizen of  course. His old age and experience has him as one   of the five war potentials, specifically for his  wisdom. His speed is among the best of the best.   Fast enough to blitz Tenjiro Kirinji who is one  of the fastest soul reapers in history. He wields   a huge brush which he carries on his back, that  is his zanpakutou, Ichimonji. He showcases insane   proficiency in the utilization of secret hadou and  his physical abilities are nothing to scoff at.  Chronologically speaking, before the 1,000 year  war, Yhwach and his Licht empire waged war in the   world of the living and garnered the attention of  multiple figures in the soul society including one   Ichibei Hyosube. Understanding Yhwach’s true  lineage and what his true motives were, along   with the quincy’s holy war being raged against the  hollows, Ichibei journeyed to the Licht Empire to   hold peace talks with Yhwach. His proposition was  simple. Soul reapers would not interfere with his   conquest in the human world and they would  leave him to unite the quincy as he saw fit   but in exchange, the responsibility of keeping  balance had to be left to the soul reapers.  yhwach strongly pushed back against Ichibei's  proposition, seeing through to the truths that   lay beneath the surface. He questions Ichibei,  asking him who separated life and death,   and who condemned humanity into a lifetime of  fearing the ever looming presence of death.   ichibei's answer to both questions is the  same- the soul king. Yhwach intends to fight   back against this established fate set forth by  the soul king and the soul reapers. He wishes   to create a world without death and using his  almighty, attempted to gain the upper hand but   Ichibei countered the almighty by revealing  that he was in possession of the left arm of   the soul king. Yhwach was shown the truth of  all things and even though he succeeded in   stripping Ichibei of the soul king's arm, Ichibei  sealed his eyes and his power, condemned to never   being able to use his almighty power until his  death. That was over a thousand years ago and   this encounter showcased how weirdly calculating  Ichibei is as a character. It makes you wonder,   why bother showing Yhwach the truth of the  original sin? There was no way Yhwach would see   the truth and decide to stand down. He was always  going to be enraged by it. Furthermore, he makes   the odd choice to not kill Yhwach when he probably  could. We could chalk this up to the confidence he   has in his abilities but I find it odd that he  tried to make peace, proceeded to show Yhwach   the truth of the soul king, and was comfortable  leaving with Yhwach's power only being sealed.  In any case, Ichibei leaves the Light Reich  and returned to the soul king's palace where   he watched silently as the events of BLEACH  unfolded. Years passed and he remained inactive,   merely watching the war against Aizen- and  the advent of one Ichigo Kurosaki. The Gotei   13 remained strong enough to combat most enemies  that lay before them, Yamamoto served his role   adequately as the final guardian that kept  the seireitei safe. It was not until Yhwach's   return that squad zero and Ichibei Hyosube is  forced into action. With Yamamoto's death, Soul   Society lost it's greatest defender. The seireitei  was weak, exposed and Yhwach was sure to win the   war. Ichibei then made the choice to send aid to  their allies. Descending down into the seireitei   below, he and the other squad zero members  arrived in the seireitei with a few objectives in   mind. They would heal the important captain class  shinigami who needed healing and more importantly,   Ichibei wanted to take Ichigo to the  soul king's palace in order to repair   his broken tensa zangetsu. Ichibei continued  to ooze an intriguing sense of confidence,   almost making it seem like the end of the world  wasn't actually at their doorsteps. Squad Zero   as a whole brought about a completely different  atmosphere- one of humor and non chalance. They   did not seem to care about the Wandenreich at all. In any case, after bringing Ichigo to the soul   king's palace, he sends Ichigo off to train  with the other captains while he just waits   on the fringes. When it's time for he and Ichigo  to have their training, he decides not to focus   on soul reaper refinement like Ichigo did with  the others. His was not about zanjutsu, or about   healing foods, or armor- Ichibei was there to  test Ichigo's ability to transcend soul reapers   in what is a training sequence that poses a  very unique question for Ichigo's future. He   transports Ichigo into a different space  hidden underneath his shrine and there,   he puts Ichigo through something he calls the  Irazusando. The short version of what this is,   is that it's a trial to test a person's ability  to be a soul king's candidate. To see if they can   bear the weight of what it means to be a king.  Kubo uses this trial to build up Ichibei's grey   morality. There was a likely chance that Ichigo  doesn't overcome this trial, and should Ichigo   have failed, his body would have crumbled and  turned into the stone dust that formed the road   of the irazusando trial. He is a man of wisdom,  but not of unquestionable moral character. After   Yhwach’s forces invade the seireitei a second  time and Ichigo is dispatched to combat them,   there’s a scene where Yhwach is attempting to open  a gateway into the soul king’s palace and Shunsui   Kyoraku, who is standing off in the distance asks  a very intriguing question. He asks why Squad Zero   is not shooting them out of the sky. He wonders  if this is also part of Ichibei’s plan and all   we see is a shot of Ichibei, calmly seated in his  shrine with his piercing eyes slashing deep into   the unknown. When Yhwach attacks the soul king’s  palace, Ichibei hides the shrine behind a veil and   watches the rest of squad zero combat Yhwach’s  royal guard. He is finally called into action   and engages with Yhwach one v one in what is his  one and only battle in all of BLEACH. Yet again,   Ichibei oozes power and knowledge in his every  movement and speech. He speaks to yhwach as though   Yhwach were a child needing to be reproached. He  doesn’t seem to be taking Yhwach that seriously   when they clash. Making a game of it all by  telling Yhwach that he’ll have him dead within   a set space. Yhwach proves himself to be annoying  enough of an opponent though and Ichibei is forced   to tap into his special powers. He utilizes secret  kidou’s that absorb dense reishi like that of   Yhwach, he showcases speed feats that are honestly  quite amazing, and has a non zanpakutou related   battle style where he’s able to manifefst body  parts to fight with. It feels like Sajin’s Tenken   shikai ability only it’s not a zanpakjutou ability  at all. Ichibei is just able to construct limbs at   will. His zanpakutou ability is nothing to scoff  at though. Ichimonji’s zanpakutou strips anything   of it’s name and power when its touched by it’s  ink. Ichibei then goes even further and uses   his Bankai- the very first evolved zanpakutou in  history, Shirafude Ichimonji. With this ability,   he’s able to give a new name and new meaning to  whatever has been touched by Ichimonji’s ink.   He gives Yhwach a new name and calls him  Black Ant, before crushing him to pieces.   Thinking the battle to be over, Yhwach emerges  with his awakened almighty powers and forces   Ichibei to use the most powerful ability  he has. Engaging in a long elaborate chant,   Ichibei begins to draw on the power of black all  around the worlds of BLEACH- even drawing darkness   from soul society’s nights 100 years from now.  The power manifested right now will prevent Yhwach   from even reincarnating. A total and complete  annihilation on every known level. Ichibei calls   this ability Futen Taisatsu Ryo- the magnificent  death mausoleum. Epic stuff. Unfortunately,   Yhwach’s almighty negates Ichibei’s ability  and he’s cut into pieces by Yhwach, killing   him. It’s not until Ichigo arrives that Ichibei  uses Ichigo to reform his body but at that time,   his part to play in this is done and  Kubo doesn’t go back to Ichibei again. What we have in Ichibei Hyosube is a character  that essentially exists as the leader of BLEACH’s   “good guys”. He is basically the king  of the Shinigami. He is their champion,   he is their rule maker. He is the course setter,  the Trendmaker, the one who points the way.   I am interested to know what his purpose is in so  far as who he answers to and what he wants out of   life but as far as we know, Ichibei stands at the  apex of Shinigami in the world of BLEACH. And Kubo   very specifically has the man who represents  the Shinigami be one with veiled morality. One   who isn’t beyond lying, scheming or killing to  achieve his goal. One who wishes to help Ichigo   but is also simultaneously preparing for a world  where Ichigo might be bound, broken and imprisoned   as the new soul king for all eternity. He is  not on the side of good, or bad. He is on the   side of the preservation of the society he has  had a hand in creating. It’s so kubologically   fitting that his power revolves around the idea of  taking away things from people and either veiling   them or replacing them with something else. It’s  essentially a different way to view deception. You   who considers yourself a set name, his shikai  cuts the value of your name in half and in his   Bankai, he assigns you a new name. The great  deceiver, the great manipulator. Overflowing   in his infinite wisdom. And don’t even get me  started on the hell arc. How much does he know   about the warden of hell. About the ghouls  that existed there. About the soul reapers   who have unknowingly sent their comrades to  hell? How much does he know really? Who is   Ichibei Hyosube? He is the high priest of the  gotei 13, and an embodiment of all the faults   and failings of the soul society. He is proof  that bad people don’t always lose. Sometimes,   they become the ones we rely on for preservation.  As morally corrupt as Ichibei is, he preserves   the fickle livelihood of the world of BLEACH.  If he doesn’t do what he does, the world ends,   and we all die. But yknow, does that make  him any less of a mischievous monk? I suppose   that’ll be up to you to answer. Let me know  down below- until the next video, PEACE OUT.
Channel: Flame of Rebirth
Views: 5,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach anime, bleach brave souls, bleach manga, bleach hell arc, bleach discussion, bleach tybw, bleach new anime, bleach tybw anime, bleach new chapter, bleach anime trailer, bleach tybw trailer, tybw anime, bleach hell chapter, ichibei, ichibei character analysis, ichibei hyosube, ichibei hyosube character analysis, ichibei zero division, ichibei vs yhwach, ichibei bankai, bankai, aizen, sternritter, bleach bankai
Id: baq-6yL5Iig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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