THE ESSENCE OF LIFE By Apostle Johnson Suleman (9 HOURS INTIMACY Service - 26th August 2020)

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[Music] father we will love you just bring the holy ghost [Music] the world will close the fire your name is full of wonders we glorify your name the one with eyes of fire the one with eyes of tornado come and manifest yourself i your name is full of oneness we glorify your name manifest yourself we glorify your name the your name is full of oneness we glorify manifest yourself worship him worship him worship it pray the holy ghost pray the holy ghost in jesus name we bless your name [Music] you have shown me so much mercy [Music] much as is you go away oh oh we give you all the glory we give you the glory almighty god you are the god of everything no one like you you are the god of everything no one likes [Applause] are you no one like you no jesus like you no one likes you you are the god of everything no one like you you are the god of everything hallelujah i said hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah only the only ripe mangoes attract stones only ripe mangoes what i trust me just listen to this it's important that when powers are fighting themselves they say they want to fight the church it's not does it make sense i said something yesterday the bible started against the camera there is all kinds of reaction now let me say this if you insult me you are wasting your data situation to you and turn the pair if you are insulting me on social media calling me names it's not my name that's not who i am is the person because you see a man the karma act is a diabolic and evil intended says they can change a board of trustees [Music] thoughts can obtain it why will i respect an act that does not respect the law it's a useless account it's a cartoon mentality are you following me listen to this [Applause] [Music] it's a cattle mentality it's a useless you know somebody will say that okay in america in london government regulate charity organization that's true i should tell you what happens in america i should tell you what i was in london we have about eight churches in london we have about 30 in america so i should tell you what works there in america and london a charity organization can collect grants from government government will give them to apply for grant government reform them in this last pandemic in america i know churches who got eighty thousand dollars hundred thousand dollars supported by government so when you support charity organizations you have a right to regulate them is it this country will apply for hundred million government to give us so you cannot the bible says in isaiah 44 25 that he frustrates the talking of liars he make it divine as mad it turned wise men backward and it turns their knowledge to foolishness in job 5s 12 you say disappoint the device of the crafty if you give us then you can regulate us are you following me we are not anti-government me some weeks ago as moses some weeks ago i paid four point six million as tax posters i paid to my states as tax they taxed me and i paid oh you're surprised oh you're believing that those nonsense you see on social media the pastors are hitting titanium if we open our mouths people will if we open our mouth and talk what happens behind the mama pays taxes 4.6 as i'm talking about the world is hearing me that's why i paid to the state government as personal attacks after they finished taxing all my companies they now taxed me my workers are there they tax all my companies and they tax me personally i don't any salary i didn't want issues i paid them you are surprised no you believe those nonsense they tell you the tithe are not free for this church that comes from this church is used for diesel if there was so much money in titan offering pastors will not be opening universities do not be opening businesses so you sit down behind the keyboard and pipe and you know this last time when there was a lockdown was my best time because i saved a lot of money [Music] there were no members to ask me for rent there were no members to ask me for money i was just enjoying myself the very sunday the church the open church four millionaire left me rent your savior we are helping when we see members like this i mean there are some pastors who are eating money that's their business i'm telling you all these men of god they are mentioning yet bob about the boy how are they rich i will tell you the people who they invested in years ago are the ones not taking care of them i'm just telling you how pastors get money let me just open up to you about deborah was a lecturer in 1974 73 or something there was two dents who couldn't pay fees he was the one fathering them think now those people are big in oil and gas big they now come back to take care of them so if you think they are stupid that's with all the insults you are insulting them those people stay by them because they know them more than you that just had two minutes clip and is insulting them [Applause] there are people i raised up 16 years ago i trained them in school did everything for them and today they are taking care of me you say i should reject what they are giving me they swear for me and there are some of you now who i am supporting you many of you i'm thinking of you in the next five six seven years god blesses you legitimately would you take care of me this is the secret to pastors world so i'm not just speaking for the church i'm speaking for all charity organizations if the government does not fund you they cannot dictate imagine them saying that when they do it even if you go to court the court cannot abba that's that's military rule now that's no more that's military regime it is evil intended it's maliciously planned it is not right and it will not stand so the government should let sleeping dogs lie they should let sleeping dogs lie a government that borrows money and they don't tell us how they spend it they want to tell the church should not tell you how they spend money all the money you have been borrowing we don't know you spent it even the dead president is giving a lot we don't know how you spend it and now you are rubbish say they want to change come and try it here now come and do it here anybody you put at the board of trustees just tell him to write his will because he's gone all right so it will not stand let's forget about it let's discuss better matters the karma act will not stand i'm surprised that lawyers are keeping quiet lawyers are better crowd because an abuse on the judiciary for you to tell lawyers that um even you lawyers this issue is beyond you i mean gradually going into a military rule the government has become so unpopular five years of failure you have only three years more to correct it you are still making more mistakes it's too bad it's a cartoon mentality it's an illiterate being it will not stand are you ready take your seat take your seat take your seat amen in acts chapter 9. acts chapter 9 verse 5 to 6. acts nine five to six and he said why who has doubt lord if you can underline that phrase 500 times mean for emphasis as much as you can who are thou lord and the lord said i am jesus um persecuted it is hard for thee to kick against the bricks the six and e trembling and as tony said lord what will thou have me to do and the lord said unto him arise go into the city it shall be told thee what thou must do i want to show the essence of life the essence of life in ecclesiastes 12 13 when solomon the preacher was rounding up he said let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear god and keep his commandment this is the old duty of man there is a reason why we live if you study the book of acts before we go to acts chapter nine in acts chapter one that was when the bible says acts one verse one the sermon threatens your philosophy i written unto you of all that jesus began to both do and teach theophilus was not as it were an individual it was a group the word theos means love the word to us rather means god the word felios means lord that you say you get the different kinds of love you get the agape love you get to feel your love so the word theos means god the word felios means love the word theo that's how you get theology which means the study of god so when the bible said now the soul man church has all the former trustees of theophilus he was saying the former tractor is all lovers of god so the book of acts was written to the lovers of god so in chapter one they needed to correct the number of the apostles because they were expecting the holy ghost the holy ghost likes to move where there is order order is the mother of progress in genesis 22 verse 9 he said he laid it in order in first kings 1833 he said he set it in order the bible says in first corinthians 14 verse 40 let everything be done decently and in order in isaiah chapter 38 verse 1 he said put your house in order for thou shalt surely die in seconds samuel chapter 17 verse 23 he says went and put his household in order and hanged himself and died and was buried in psalm 119 verse 133 he said order my steps oh god in your word all down my steps in your word so god wants all that they have to balance the number and in chapter 2 the bible says the holy ghost came in chapter 3 they saw a man that was by the gate of beautiful and this man needed attention they ministered to him and because of that in chapter four they were arrested after they were released in the last chapter of chapter four in chapter five ananias and sapphira god needed to release fear on the church because anywhere there is power people easily get familiar with the anointing any church or place of power people easily get familiar so the bible says they lie to peter and peter say you have no lie to me you have lied to the holy ghost if today somebody lies to me and i tell the person you have lied to the holy ghost people we ask are you the holy ghost but you are representing the holy ghost and the bible says they died because of that there was so much disorderliness in acts chapter 6 they decided to get beacons and the deacons were to minister to the widows because widows were coming and many of them were not attended to and one of the deacons who was appointed in action to see in acts chapter 7 when he left the office of being a dicky and made himself an evangelist he began to minister to people and they stoned him his name was steven in chapter eight one of the uh uh men were deacons the anointing of the evangelistic came upon him on his own his name was philip and it went to azzottus and began to minister and in that last in that last part of chapter eight you discovered there was a man called saul he was the one that supervised the killing of stephen and in acts chapter nine if you read especially verse two the bible says he was going out to get documents there is something about the life of apostle paul even as an unbeliever he believed in legality let me go and get documents so that when i persecute the church i would do it on legal ground but he was a wicked man and don't forget what the bible says in isaiah 57 21 there is no peace for the wickeds yet my god there is no peace to the wicked the bible says in isaiah 48 22 there is no peace for the wicked in psalm chapter 7 verse 11 he said god loved the righteous but god judged the righteous but is angry with the wicked every day in isaiah chapter 59 verse 8 the latter part is a day that god dearing shall not know peace he came against the church and god came against him he came to fight the church and god came after him and when god came after him he had to cry out the bible's on his way to damascus a light arrested him on his way to damascus a light arrested him there were a group of people around him but he alone saw that light and he cried out and he asked two questions which we are going to consider today which to me is the essence of life if you check your conscience and live with your conscience you will know there is nothing valuable in life outside of this this is the essence of life conscience is important acts chapter 24 verse 16 he said that you might have a conscience that devoid of offence towards god and man conscience is important the second timothy 1 12 it says that this is our rejoicing the testimony of our conscience second second corinthians 1 12 the testimony of our conscience in romans 9 1. paul was speaking he said i lie not my conscience bearing me witness in the holy ghost [Music] and in romans chapter 13 i think verse 5 when god was talking to us he was admonishing us and he said to us that you must need be subject not for rot only but for conscience sake so god wants us to walk with our conscience on his way to damascus paul was arrested and when he was arrested the power of god crippled him no matter the speed of the wicked god knows how to stop them he was on the horse no matter the speed of the wicked god knows how to stop them and today it will stop them i don't like your imminent at all if we stop them if we stop them jehovah will stop them elohim will stop them el shaddai will stop them it will stop them and it will give you peace god oh i'm prophesying on someone god will stop them and give you peace [Applause] god will stop them and give you peace jehovah will stop them and give you peace elohim will stop them and give you peace there's a peace that god gives to a man when god has swallowed up all his enemies around about him god did that you know in the time of solomon first kings 424 the bible say god give solomon peace round about peace round about on every side in john 14 27 jesus said my peace i live with you my peace i give unto you not as the word giveth give that unto you let not your heart be troubled never let him be afraid in john 16 33 i like what jesus said jesus said in john 16 23 is a distance have i spoken that in me you shall have peace he said but in the world you shall have tribulation say being for i have overcome somebody says i receive peace oh god in isaiah 9 6 he is called the prince of peace in psalm 122 verse 7 is a peace within thy walls prosperity within thy palaces in psalm 128 if you read verse 6 the word of the lord says you shall see your children's children hey you are not saying amen you shall see your children's children and peace upon israel god wants you to enjoy uncommon peace in isaiah chapter 32 verse 17 he said the effect the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness shall be quietness and assurance forever god wants you to enjoy common peace that personal understanding so as paul was on his way to get documents so that anytime he persecutes the church he will be doing it legally the god that is bigger than any legal standing the one that initiated law himself is sure and i like what he said he said what the lord that's the essence of life the first essence of life is desire to know god now we see why paul was outstanding amidst all the disciples from the beginning the from the footing he was routing to know god many of us have no hunger at all when nothing drives you you can't drive anything we have no hunger at all he was hungry so the first essence of life is knowledge of god hunger to know god desire to know god passion to know god knowledge of god that you are hungry you are pursuing god which is a crazy temperature because you want to know him somebody says i want to know you lord i can you say i want to know you lord say i want to know you lord say i want to know you lord i am hungry for you i'm hungry for you paul told his disciples paul was talking to the roman church in romans 11 25 romans 11 25 he said i would not have you be ignorant i would not have you be ignorant brethren first corinthians 12 verse 1 first corinthians 10 1. second corinthians 1 8 i will not have you be ignorant but the truth is if you want to be ignorant is a choice if you choose to be ignorant you are free power speaking first corinthians 14 verse 8 say let him that ignorant be ignorant if you want to be ignorant be ignorant but you are pursuing knowledge first timothy chapter 2 verse 4 you say i wish that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of god as soon as you are born again the next thing you begin to pursue is knowledge of god isaiah chapter 33 verse 6 says wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times the strength of thy salvation for the fear of the lord is his treasure when you have knowledge you are wise and you are stable nothing shakes you you are not move about you are stable that's why the wisdom and knowledge shall be disability of your times when others are tossed on through you are stable in job 36 26 he said god is great we know him not but the number of his years cannot be searched out in isaiah chapter one verse three the axe knows his honor the us knows his master but my people have not known me in other words god was saying evil animals know their owner there is a way you relate with a dog and the dog sees you and begins to work still am i correct there are some dogs today that are family members some dogs have become family members when it's time for money devotion they climb the chair and they're clapping you have not seen dogs that are so closed puppies amen puppies puppies knowledge of god knowledge of god in jeremiah 4 verse 22 he said this people is foolish i expected the word of the lord to say they are fully said these people jeremiah 4 verse 22 for my people is foolish they have not known me in john 4 22 he said you know not what you worship but we know what we worship as alpha 5 verse 13 isaiah 5. he said my people have gone to captivity see how it starts my people have gone to captivity for lack of knowledge then lucia 4 6 you say my people are destroyed it starts with them going to captivity and then they get destroyed amen in psalm 73 verse 22 psalm 73 verse 22 you see i was foolish i was ignorant so i was like a beast before him nothing brings a man to the class of animals like ignorance when a man lacks the knowledge of god is not better than an animal paul said who are you lord in proverbs 19 verse 2 he said that his soul should be without knowledge it is not good and prophecy level 9 say true knowledge shall the just be now he's a just man he's a righteous man i mean this one is somebody who pray have you not seen people who pray and pray and pray i mean they spend time to pray and they remain in captivity and i was like that for many years when the prayer mantle came upon me when my pastor is preaching i go outside to pray i didn't know i was foolish when my pastor is sharing the word i go outside to pray you see me i hold the pillar he's preaching i discovered despite all that i was a victim of all kinds of oppressions scarcity until one day the lord told me he said no in as much the passion with which you pursue prayer pursue knowledge pursue knowledge pursue knowledge pursue knowledge pursue knowledge the battle man is in today was a battle of knowledge in genesis 2 verse 9 he said that you that that you don't eat a tree of knowledge of good and evil so it was a tree of knowledge of good and evil paul cried out who are you lord i know there's somebody who is crying now to know the lord somebody who is crying out to know the lord in acts 17 i think verse 23 he said i saw an inscription to the unknown god they are serving a god that they don't know who are you lord reveal yourself to me i need the knowledge of god the knowledge of god is the knowledge of the holy spirit if you want to know god it means you are setting your heart to know the holy spirit the first thing you pursue in your quest to know god is to know the holy spirit am i talking to somebody here somebody said i need the holy spirit i can't hear you i can't hear you as you pursue to know you must know the holy spirit you must know the holy spirit you must know the holy spirit the holy spirit so important are so as so important that the word of god collected was clearly matthew chapter 12 31 luke 12 10 that every other sin can be forgiven except blasphemy against the holy ghost matthew 12 31 luke 12 10 and i explained to us how many of you are there when i explained to us what the baptist blasphemy of the holy ghost is have explained that to us so you now understand what the blasphemy against the holy ghost is you must seek to know the holy ghost don't know the holy spirit and if you want to know the holy spirit you go by his words he is called holy spirit you must be holy and be spiritual to know the holy spirit you must pursue holiness and pursue spirituality in romans chapter 8 verse 9 he said he that has not the spirit of god is not of him you must pursue the holy spirit you must pursue the holy spirit you must pursue the holy spirit i must pursue him in holiness hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 follow peace with all men and for holiness without which no man shall see the lord that day you make up your mind to start living holy that day you have made up your mind to know the holy spirit the holy spirit is not a human being but it's a person the holy spirit represents jesus fully that's why i said in john 16 verse 7 it's expedient for you that i go away if i do not go the comforter will not come but if i depart i will send them to you the holy spirit is called parakletos parakletos means one called alongside to help one that is that has the same embodiment endurement and empowerment with jesus himself so if you don't know the holy spirit you don't know god many of us have no personal relationship with this holy spirit the holy spirit the holy spirit is the active force of god god the father creates god the son declares and the spirit manifests god the father creates the sun declares their spirit manifest when the law said let there be light it was the spirit that brought it to be the bible says in romans 8 verse 11 if that spirit that raised up jesus from the dead dwells in you it shall quicken your mother bodies can i get the message translation the message translation of romans 8 11. he said it stands to reason doesn't it that if the alive and present god who raised jesus from the dead moves into your life he will do the same thing in you that he did in jesus bring you a life to himself when god lives and breathes in you and as he does as surely as he did in jesus you are delivered from dead life with his spirit in you with the spirit living in you your body will be alive as christ can we get the amplified if the spirit of human race jesus dwells in you he will raise jesus christ from the dead will also restore life to your mother bloody shot leave perishable bodies through his spirit which was in you do you have the new living translation in any other translation or these are just the two you have good news translation if the spirit of god who raised jesus from the dead lives in you then you raise jesus from the dead we also give life to your mother bodies by the presence of his spirit in you that's something i'm looking for amen it's not here there's something i was looking for and there is another version there's a version that says it will vitalize amen if you want vitalize energize empower i need the holy spirit i need to know you spirit of god whenever you are seated leave you and say holy spirit i need you to do this from a heart of sincerity a heart of honesty a heart of focus without distraction say holy spirit reveal yourself to me in my pursuit of knowledge of god reveal yourself to me sweet spirit of my father spirit of the living god reveal yourself to me spirits of the living god empower me to know you empower me to relate with you empower me to fellowship with you i need you holy spirit in my life i need you holy spirit in my work with god amen you need to know the holy spirit it's important that we know the holy spirit in your knowledge of god the first thing you must set out under the holy spirit when paul said who are you lord paul was saying i want to know you and the first thing you need was the holy spirit the second thing you get to know the knowledge of god is the knowledge of his word god and his word are inseparable inseparable as a matter of fact in psalm 138 there's two gods that have exalted my word above my name isaiah 40 verse 8 said that grass may we that the flower may fade but the word of our god but it's forever you cannot know god without doing his word never allow your prayer life to be louder than your word life or else you will suffer spiritual question when your prayer life is louder than your word life it is tantamount to spiritual imbalanced diet in matthew 24 35 heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away you need it colossians 3 16 he said let the word of god where richly in you when the word of god does richly in you you are rich in this world so you've got to know the word hebrews 4 verse 12 he said the word of god is quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit and of the joints and marrows and is a dishonor of the thoughts and intents of the heart the word of god is god's surgical tool god's surgical implement and equipment when god wants to carry out a surgery in a man's spiritual life even physical life god goes through his word the bible says in acts 19 verse 20 so groom mighty the word of god and prevail anything the word of god cannot give you you cannot get it in acts chapter 20 verse 32 he said i commend you to god on the word of his grace that is able to build you and to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified anything the word of god cannot give you you cannot get pursue the word pursue the word be addicted to the word pursue the word be hungry for the world there is power in that world that god gives it's important the bible says in john chapter 1 verse 1 to 14. he said in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without him there was nothing made that was made in him was light and the life was the light of man and the light shineed in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not there was a man sent from god whose name was john he said he came to bear witness of the light that through him men might believe he said he was not the light he came to bear witness of the light and verse 9 says this is the true light that lightness every man that comment into this world he was in this world he created the world he said but the world didn't know him he came to his own and his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave him power to become the sons of god even to them that believed in his name he said not of the will of the flesh nor the will of man bet of the will of god and the bible said the world was made flesh and dwelt among men and would bear the glory of the begotten of the father full of grace and of truth as you receive god's word you receive god as you receive god's word you receive god's fullness the fullness of god is communicated by the efficacy of his word in psalm 119 verse 89 psalm 119 verse 89 forever oh lord thy word is settled in heaven until you settle with what is said to what you can never be said to until you settle down with what is settled you cannot be settled in some 119 verse 162 it says i rejoice at thy word as one that has found great spoil spoils are dividends of battle of warfare when you discover the world you discover dividends so as you pursue knowing god you must know the holy spirit you must know the word why do i need to know the word of god the word of god is a creator the word of god is a creator in john and genesis chapter 1 in verse 16 and god said verse 9 god said verse 11 god said verse 14 god said verse 19 god said verse 21 god said the bible says in verse 26 god said verse 29 god said and verse 31 god saw everything god said god saw so the word of god is a creator if you want to create a prosperity a prosperous life i want to create a life of peace and life of wholeness that you must created by the word of god the word of god is a creator somebody said the word of god is a creator the word of god is your growth your growth how do you know you are growing when the word of god in you is growing when you are not growing in the world you are not growing in god you must grow in the world to grow in god the abundance of god's word in your spirit determines the abundance of prosperity you communicate the bible says in first peter chapter 2 verse 2 as newborn babes desire the sincere meek of the word of god that you may grow thereby am i speaking here you are not growing in galatians chapter four verse one in galatians chapter four verse one he said the head so long as a child does not differ from a servant although he beloved of all and he's kept on the teachers and took us until the time appointed of the father when you desire to grow the very day you start loving the world you start loving growth there are many 50 year old believers who are 50 year old babies how many of you know that age is number eh age is number maturity is a thing of the heart my choice is a function of exposure sometimes street sense is stronger than school sense strict sense sometimes it's stronger than school sense there are people who start defending for themselves at an early age 14 15 no parents before they get to 30 they are so much hot and there's some people even at 45 years he said calling their mother mom at 45 mom oh mommy 45 amen are you following me lift your right and say father give me appetite yo you're not doing it say father in fact stand up stand up stand up stand up you know there are many of you that can carry your phone you can chat for two hours three hours but to carry a bible for 30 minutes you sleep you sleep you know nothing about the bible the pastor saw me at the airport he said to me he said be my mentor i said that's nice where do you worship you say i'm not worship and you have my own church even if you have your own church don't you worship there i said okay get out your bible going to zebra chapter five and he opened the bible [Applause] i was looking for it i said did you know what i said say yes i read it this morning i said you read the buddha this morning [Applause] you read the buddha this morning ah and you discover people who have no knowledge of god's word i i was just imagining who would this one be pastoring give me appetite for your world this mystery is a word ministry are you following me i see many of you young boys and young girls i just know you won't go far if you continue like this everything about you is prayer i pray hey i pray i pray i pray very well many think everything is prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer once my pastor starts preaching then i will leave church i'll go near the restroom after i do all of that things you are not changing and god said you are empty it's like somebody who keeps clearing clearing you keep you go to the farm you click clear clear click click click click click you will go you go go away the next day come again you click left that's what prayer does but the word of god plants the seed the seed is the word of god prayer keeps clearing all the others but the world plants the seed give me apetite [Applause] anything you cannot find in the world you cannot find in this world am i talking to somebody here there was a period because of constant praying at night i was doing sleep was becoming a problem i couldn't sleep throughout the day my eyes my eyes are shining i finished my brain the night story at night i can't sleep initially i was okay but later i was getting to one week too i said what is going on i close my eyes other than this is open i can't sleep so i knew this one was no more spirituality this attack why can't i sleep and i located where is the bible say he give it his beloved sleep i let me down to sleep the lord awakened me i i put that scripture in my spirit sleeping as you locate it in the world you located in this world why would you carry your bible two verses three verses you are becoming muslim two or three verses you are becoming a muslim two three verses on the spot that's how you are going but when it comes to chatting you can there is something fighting your knowledge of god there are many of you looking at me now you do not like to study the bible all the scriptures you know are the ones you heard from me you have never opened the bible on your own this thing this man of god is a torture don't do don't let me turn on my own and open the book thank you and open it am i communicating give me appetite cash give me hunger hunger [Applause] am i talking to somebody here you see this my bible i love it after my wife and my children is my bible after i see them i talk to them the next thing is bible this particular one ah i don't know where's the camera come come break camera come close can i can't tell by another one can't buy another one but i am too addicted look at this side [Music] are you seeing that okay wait wait oh open inside see what i've written see are you seeing byro [Applause] next chapter [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wait can't i buy another one but you know they say when you get so addicted to something you can't let it go i have so many new bibles so many i can't count the bibles i have more than 30 new ones they say papa some of my my sons oh look at my bible they won't talk then they go buy a brand new one let's see look at this one is it i can buy 1 million bibles i say about this one that one is bible this one is scripture [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] a general mercy i will not do what i just did to you now i'm being transparent and honest people i'm not stupid i'm being sincere to show you this is my life i'm by doing this i'm communicating the same hunger this thing that you have not opening that is what your destiny is this thing you are not reading that is where your future is this thing you are not studying that which will guarantee you security for the rest of your life give me apetite for your word that is why the devil doesn't make you the things of god that we place little or no value of premium on that's where the success lies oh god i want to know you give me a better for you my father my father shouted loud and clear i am my father i want to know you i want you to keep me apathetic for your world foreign i it's foreign foreign i foreign yeah when you deserve to know god you have made up your mind you have desire to know the holy spirit you have desire to know his word and your desire now to know his power i like to talk about it some of your power [Applause] take your seat paul said in philippians 3 verse 10 that i may know him when you set out to know god hey oh god in this world of wickedness power is the antidote power is your antidote listen to me how many of you know somebody in those days when people when when people are eating they tell them not to stand up from their food because before they come back somebody can uh do you know somebody can poison the food and eat it with you he will have what they call the antidote he can poison the food and eat the food with you and nothing happened to him why because he has the antidote that can arrest that person as he takes it as it takes it immediately the poison is repelled and the church is a powerful church but the problem is that we do not understand by the revelation of the world how much power we possess the church church is the only group that can kill a person there will be no trace no fingerprints they will kill you in prayer no finger print no trace so no police arrest they pronounce the word that you are god jesus said in matthew 22 29 mark 12 24 you do air not knowing the scriptures or the power of god mark 12 24 matthew 22 29 the scriptures are the power of god matthew 28 18 jesus said all power in heaven and on earth when you make up your mind to know god get ready for power you become a container a carrier of power your life is loaded with power when you decide to know god exercises eight verse four where the word of a king is there is power and none can say to him what do is down the power of god you need that power in your life you need that power in your life a christian without knowledge is a powerless christian you need that power in your life power to rule power to be in charge power to operate as a god on it in psalm 82 from verse 5 to verse 7. he said they know not neither would they understand they walk on in darkness for the foundation of the earth is out of course for i have said ye are gods and you all are sons of the most hard he said but they shall die like a man and shall fall like one of the princes in john chapter 10 verse 35 if he called them god unto whom the word of god came for the scriptures cannot be broken if only you know as you are pursuing to know god power is being released power power you know the holy spirit power comes acts 1 8 you shall receive power after the holy ghost is come upon you power power power when power comes on an ordinary man it becomes extraordinary look at james thomas thomas that was a man who wanted to see peace before he believed a doubter later on in his life when he went to india as a missionary he was flowing in power one time people met him as a missionary and said to him prove to us your god is powerful and he put his hand in water and he threw the water into the air the water splash and he said stay there and the water was suspended in the air that was a man was a doubter but when power came he began to do exploits somebody say power somebody say power somebody said power got talking about the power of god if you are in this town if you're in this town if you are going to us um if you come out you are going to watch waterboard junction by the former edo line but they said they used to be a tree they cut it down to grow they caught it to grow when this ministry began the lord said to me that's your first assignment i went there anointed the tree and caused it it dried that place now is a road someone say power say power the problem you have is that you don't know the efficacy of powders inside of you that is why you can be oppressed at night they can oppress you they will press you they will press you and it is [Music] they oppress you as a young man who they were present every night he used to be he used to be a member of cherubi and cellophane sorry um cherubian is he cherubian kerosene so he was there for many years and they were oppressing him one day came to a service like this and we were talking about the holy ghost power came on him began to blast in other tongues 2 a.m they come to oppress him that night he went home as he was blasting in tongues he had something on his roof he was scared and distensified the prayer as he was praying praying that he began to roll roll roll and he had so out of fear he opened his window to check what is worse it was his landlady none lady what are you doing here she's started confessing i'm the one that had been coming where did you go last night power entered him if they have been pressing you after now go back and press them press me i press you god know the verse you will press your oppressor how when this power come they cannot be feeding you in the dream i don't eat the dream i eat in the physical i should eat what i like eating the dream the first meal on you eating the physical you eat what you like i don't i have never never impossible [Applause] eating the dream we cook it which market did they buy the ingredients get angry in your spirits so much power don't say power don't say power the power was power [Applause] [Applause] i know god i am powerful i know god i am powerful because i know god i am powerful so much of power someone people shall be willing in the dead in psalm 66 verse 3 unlike what he says through the greatness of their power shall the enemies submit themselves unto thee psalm 62 verse 11 once god has spoken twice [Applause] that what is power what is wrong with you [Applause] [Applause] is for god [Applause] [Music] i am powerful nothing can stop me take your seat [Music] i don't want to advise you i feel very uncomfortable that people come to me and they're pushing me they're pushing don't you push you people must they be pushing you all the time can't you pursue somebody what will they remember what the papa had the dream say well say i pursued them i said correct now you come to me say that i proceed with that i was positing you if i ever hear that they pursue again you will go back to that dream and go and pursue them why would they pursue you pursue them am i talking to somebody here because power he said that paul says that i may know him and you don't need me to speak to the witch in your house you are powerful enough you don't need me to speak to her values that strengthen you you are powerful enough you don't need me to come and speak to this strong man you are powerful enough you are powerful there is power inside of you so much what is what is with you and this power power this money what is power power [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes i begin to think it's like god is an african [Music] no wonder when he was talking about the john john the baptist's parents he's a mary and elizabeth from the house of abia from abia state he was talking about the ingredients for the anointing oh is it calamos sweet calamus caramel cassia anonycha ninja am i talking to somebody here power i'm powerful anytime you make up your mind you say i want to know this god mike chapter 3 verse 8 micah my country 8 but as for me i'm full of power but the spirit of the lord to dick and judgmental mind to declare to jacob his transgression and to israel is seen somebody shall power say i am powerful i don't know if you want to receive that power [Applause] you cannot represent god without power you can never represent this god without power am i talking to somebody else am i talking to somebody here you cannot represent this god without power we are not assuming it i said to somebody in government this morning i say because god has been showing you people mercy you are mistaken is messy for approval i said don't forget there are people that can still call on him and the heavens we open heavens we hope we are a generation of them that seek his face am i communicating here we are powerful we have received the power of god and it's time for you to begin to maximize the power how can you how can you wake up you wake up as a believer you discover one leg is swollen up one bone is out of joints satan they are using you to play ludo you don't play ludo you use you to play what your ear is crowned and your waist is peak five you need to play what your teat is pick three you need to play what use your nose and speak too they are playing what with your life because you lack power stand on your feet say i need that tata tata tata are you ready lift up your right and say in the name of jesus i can't hear your voice jesus listen this particular prayer as we take it now whether you are watching by television or you are real life there are people that god will begin to distribute on them packets of power some of you power will fall upon you as a power will fall upon you say in the name of jesus let power open your mouth foreign what's up foreign oh foreign foreign i oh foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign oh foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign okay oh yes oh oh me i'm yes foreign foreign oh oh foreign me foreign yeah yeah ah is foreign no no foreign foreign i never see anyone like you i never see anyone like you i never see anyone like you i never see anyone like you i never see any god like you i never see anyone like you i never see anyone like you i never see anyone like you i never see anyone like you i never see anyone like you [Music] i never see anyone oh like me i'll never see anyone like this oh oh oh is me is i never see you take your seats [Music] take your seat take your seat take your seat summaries our power when you know god you know the holy spirit when you know god you know his word when you know god you know his power why do we need this power of god we need the power of god to deal with wickedness ephesians chapter 3 and verse 10 ephesians chapter three and verse ten paul was talking the official church to the ethan that he might be mentioned of the church on midnight principalities and past the manifold wisdom of god by the church we are in a wicked war don't deal with wickedness in first john 5 19 the bible says we know we are of god but the whole world lies in wickedness this world is wicked he's wicked to deal with wickedness you need the power of god romans chapter 13 verse 4 says he bears not the sword in vain he's a minister of god to do good and for that she's evil be afraid god's power helps us to deal with wickedness and in your life we cannot shall be dealt with i don't like your amen at all whether you like it or not this world is not a good place but you can make your own life good when power is in view in exodus 15 verse 6 he says thy right hand of god has become glorious in power thy right hand has dashed in pieces thy enemies thy writer has dashed in pieces the enemies in isaiah 59 19 so shall they fear the name of the lord from the west he say understood that if your name of the lord in the west and his glory from the going down of the sun for when that enemy shall come like a flood in numbers 10 35 psalm 68 1 let god arise and let thy enemies in deuteronomy 28 verse 7 so shall the lord cause the enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face for they shall come in one way and they shall flee deuteronomy 20 28 7 28 25 they shall flee in seven ways by the power that is released upon you now wickedness is over in your life [Applause] am i communicating the power of god terminates wickedness the power of god releases blessings blessings deuteronomy 8 18 says that thou shalt remember the lord thy god for it is he that given the power to get right god begins to give you creative ideas creative ideas strategy that we turn in wealth creative ideas that return in prosperity creative ideas that will give you abundance creative ideas that will open doors for you creative ideas the plan that neyman if you study the book of esther the plan that neyman had against mordecai it took him one year 12 months to strategize the plan but it took esther three days to scatter it what somebody planned for one year in the physical somebody deployed the spiritual and shattered it in three days i don't know how long it's been planned it's not of god today we shatter it [Applause] i see blessings coming your way ecclesiastes chapter 5 and verse 19 ecclesiastes 5 19 he says god give that riches and weight and give that every man power to eat thereof and to take his portion how many of you know that on this earth with all the worlds available you have a portion god given us power to take our portion receive power to take your portion receive god's power to take your portion receive god's power to take your portion receive god's power to take your person receive god's power [Applause] number two number two we say what would you have me do the first essence of life is knowing god the second essence of life is knowing your purpose for life the wise man said if a man has no purpose for living is not fit to live what is your assignment for my life what would you have me do what is it i'm asking a question of inquiry what would you have me to do what is your plan what would you have me to do what is your plan what somebody asks what see yes i'm saying this after me what would you have me do what is your purpose for my life oh lord you can ask the lord somebody met jesus in matthew chapter 19 verse 16 he's a good master what must i do matthew 19 16 luke 18 18. i think mark 10 17 or 27 or something he said what would you have me to do what must i do that i may inherit eternal life good master you can ask him in matthew 27 22 pilate asked what would you have me to do with jesus call the christ what will i do with jesus call the christ in luke chapter 16 verse 3 steward said my master is taking the stewardship from me today i cannot dig to beg i am afraid what will i do when the holy ghost fell upon the church in acts chapter 2 37 those watching them ask men and brethren what shall we do when john the baptist was preaching the gospel in luke chapter 3 verse 12 some republican came and asked him what do we do luke 3 12. i don't know who's doing that in verse 14 of luke chapter 3 some soldiers came again and asked him what shall we do you can make enquiries we have a right to ask in acceptance 16 verse the jedi asked what must i do to be saved acts 16 verse 30. what must i do to be saved what is your assignment i don't want to read my rule the earth and parabolas that parabolic and gallivant what is your assignment not my assignment your assignment is not your decision it's your discovery mike murdock said is what you discover that's your assignment not what you decide oh god what would you have me do he has a plan for you no matter how nasty life appears jeremiah 29 11 say i know that thought that i think towards you thoughts of peace are not of evil so given to you unexpected then in psalm 139 17 how great how precious have i taught towards me oh god great is there some of them god has a plan for you and i decree by prophetic command you will not miss it his specific plan for jonah was to go to nineveh specific his plan for moses was to go back to egypt god took moses watch this god took moses out of egypt right [Applause] to take him back to egypt to take the children of israel out of egypt to take egypt out of them before taking them to the promised land the reason god took moses out of egypt first was to go and take egypt out of him that's why it took 40 years god going to take egyptian character out of him to take him back to egypt so he can take them out of egypt and also take egypt out of them before taking them to the promised land so if you leave egypt egypt must leave you am i communicating here to take it as they spend 40 years in the wilderness why god was taking egyptian characters egyptian attitudes egyptian attributes took it out of them what is god's plan for you was assignment for you israel one time lucas someone said to someone give us a king first timer chapter eight verse five we want a king we want our own king and god said to them in verse 7 you have not rejected anyone but you have rejected me and god now told them what the king would do to them verse 11. he said this king that you are asking for when he comes this will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you he will take your sons appoint them for himself for his chariot to be all his horsemen some shall run before his horsemen verse 12. he will appoint captains over thousands captain over 50s and we set them to ear his ground and reap his harvest and make his instrument of war an instrument of his chariots that's three preteen and take your daughters to be confectionaries and to be cooked he will turn your daughters to cook and bakers verse 14 if we take your feeds people we are asking god for what they want god was telling them what the king would do to them he would take your feeds your vineyard your olivia the best of them and give to his servants he will take 10 the tenth of your seed and of your vineyard and give to his officers unto his servants you say you want a king i'm telling you what the king will do to you he will take your man's servant your maid servant and your goodness young men and your asses and put them to his work he will take tents of your sheep and you shall be his servants and you shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen and the lord will not hear you in that day go on nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of somebody they said may we will have [Applause] did you see what god said will happen to them they say we don't care that's what happens when people want their own will they don't take counsel they see you once it doesn't matter give it to me that's what happened to something the parent said you cannot marry this lady she pleases me she has what i like give her to me something prepared the wedding not when he was preparing the wedding for his best friend the best friend who was to be his best man on the wedding took his wife many of us are pursuing what we want and we don't care the dangers god said this is a give it to me give it to me give it to me [Music] a young boy came from equipment he said god said to him he had an issue with his pastor so he said god told him to go and open the church i said to him calm down give yourself one you say ah one year no no no no god spoke to him they have given me money people have supported him he's going to lagos i spoke and spoke young this boy can pray young man used to come to minister with a blemish i spoke and spoke and spoke and spoke after about 10-20 minutes he left but the next day he sent me a message again speaking what i'm going to lagos entered lagos he never got to lagos he never got to lagos why when people want to do their own will i want to pray prayer for you don't wait wait don't send me until you listen no matter how beautiful your plan appears to be no matter how attractive or enticing your decision is if god is not behind it may it fail [Applause] if god is not behind it no matter how beautiful it is how nice it is how pleasant and attractive do you know my second trip my car trip to london a pastor offered me a church with three cars as at that period zinc and wood church in london three cars office house say go and bring your wife and children this anointing is too much for nigeria i won't deceive you i go thomas i lay on the bed i look at the attendance in the church i look at the three cars i look at london wife children i began to think of how i can move toward my kids where just two of them then move my wife train them abroad the lord said i am not involved i'm not involved it looked attractive can i shock you as i lay on that bed and god says i'm not involved it died i did not even carry phone to call my wife it died the desire died but there are many that would jump and touch it now london non-dawn i pray again listen before you say amen no matter how attractive it is how beautiful pleasant enticing it is any plan that has no god in it for your life may it fail [Applause] [Applause] how can god tell them all the nonsense that will happen to them all that we lose they say we'll give it give us like that he said this man that you are entering now if you married me not last let me marry i've already told my friends i've told my people i've printed god what will i now say let me go ahead enter you know first corinthians 14 38 he says either is ignorant let him be ignorant [Applause] remember [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your life us was saying no as well say no also say no leave me alone let me do what i want to do the prayer brain is that if god is not involved made loose taste to you made loose may it irritate you [Music] that's money you know what the bible says in psalm 84 11 the lord god is a son on the sheep he will give grace and glory no good thing we live we chose from them that was operating if god is not giving it to you it means it's not good for you if god is not bringing it it means you don't need it all good and perfectly come from above from the father of light in whom there's no variable there's no any shadow of tonight so if it is not coming from god to you it means it's not good and perfect it's not a good and a perfect gift am i communicating what would you have me to do father me my plan line up with your plan may my plan correspond with your blood can you pray that prayer one minute say in the name of jesus i can't say in the name of jesus [Music] is this how to pray stand up stand up stand up worry 13 minutes we have 30 40 minutes more lift and say in the name of jesus my father my father my father as i begin to pray my plan line up with your plans foreign foreign foreign foreign when you know what god's plan is for your life that is when you can start praying every other prayer who do i meet how do i go about it when do i get you must first understand the plan and that plan you start praying for who do i meet how do i get there how do i turn out to be what you want me to be because if you have no plan no divine backed up plan you spend your life like what paul said in first corinthians 9 26. you see i do not run as one that beats the air first corinthians 9 26 uncertainly as one that beats the what the air uraya was a mighty man but he died the death of a chicken when i look at the story of uriah my heart bleeds three class of people betrayed uriah the first that betrayed him was his wife uraya's wife betrayed him the next that betrayed him was his boss king david betrayed him the thought that betrayed him where he sold the ass listen after david messed up his wife and she was pregnant david called him to the battle and gave him a letter in that letter was written to joab he said put uriah in the hottest part of the battle and retire the man was carrying his death sentence in his hand i went to give it to the king the letter that buried him he carried it you will not deliver the message of your own end [Applause] what was in the battle the letter he said when he said take him to the hottest part of the battle and retire so uriah saw this also betrayed him you see the importance of relationship if ulriya kept relationship one of the soldiers would have told him but no he doesn't talk to anybody he's too proud the soldiers all of a sudden air recruits they were encouraging you to get generous fights you thought it was breakthrough when something need you are giving certain access to what you don't deserve please think twice it may be a setup the dragon taken from us for us and they dragged him to the hotest part of the battle if he had kept relationship one of them would have said to him he said come when you see all of us go in and we are going back followers go back why don't ask me when you see we take to the hotest part and you see us going back join us to go back why why should i go back don't ask me but he had no relationship with anybody should we go into the hotel spot where the giants were fighting them they said follow us follow us as nasty got there all of them not one soul there could have good no relationship people that come to church i don't want to talk to anybody they're not referring me to me i don't know everybody offends you it means you have problem it's not them that problem when when people keep off you keep having issues with people you have problem you are too proud that's everybody's offending you who are you everybody's offending they must treat you with care are you an egg [Applause] no relationship he was in fact he had no relationship with his wife he came back from war king said go home he said no i am a militant soldier he slept at the king's door and his wife was at home he failed the marriage so relay once you have reached relational problem it is all round go on at least imma come from war going to say hello to your wife is that a crime no he's loyal to the king and died in active service am i communicating here when i read that my story i see an exhibition of stupidity loyalty that will not make you go and would say to check on your wife to know what she's doing a woman you abandoned for months and went to battle [Music] if you fail in marriage hallelujah [Music] [Applause] see what you've done for me see how you set me free you are the living goddess there isn't no one like you [Music] you are my keeper you are my defender [Music] my lover give up is see what you've done for me see how you set me free there is no one like you there is no one like there is no one [Music] oh you got fire in your eyes expose every evil come on all consumed i worship you today nothing hides expose every evil consume every wickedness ah consuming fire come and manifest yourself you got fire in of man expose every evil consumer you see consumers i love you go until jesus i will never set my feet up i never let you go i love you my hallelujah for the lord god is jesus is oh is oh me god foreign there is you are holy is let us glorify foreign my is is let us magnify is is is is is is is in foreign is jesus is is is is is hey his name is is is is is is because um everybody hey is again oh is help i am oh in the name of jesus everybody good let's get on our knees as we close let's get down on our knees as we close forever you will be he you are the lamb upon god's throne we gladly bow our knees and we will shoot you are god we join the 24 elders to bow and worship [Music] forever is foreign is he will never take me down i will give god my lifetime if i give god will take care of me you will never never let me down i give jesus my lifetime you will never never let me down i give jesus my lifetime my song everyday my songs my song everyday glory is not a shadow can rise me jesus father will come draw us closer to yourself thank you because everyone's sick here is healed may every disease disappear every battle in your life is over the mountains are brought low above all may god draw you close to himself may flesh die may self die may personality concept die in the name of the lord be glorified in jesus name thank you father thank you father thank you father it is well with you in jesus mighty name i said in jesus mighty name if you ever see faith you'll take a seat faith and just put a seal and close friday is fire and miracle night next week wednesday begins holy ghost conference not only goes convention it's not convention a conventional garden is a normal gathering it's a usual gathering when something is conventional is usual so it only goes conference not convention we are not we are not graduate conventional amen the choir is meeting shortly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen oh so you are tired everybody stand up amen [Music] amen amen amen okay wait wait you see this side this side this side this side this side all you'll be shouting is hallelujah hallelujah are you hearing me then this had to be shouting all power belongs to jesus than you hallelujah the same time are you after the count of two one two though [Music] uh who's winning who's winning who's winning uh everybody wants amen your secret is blessed in jesus mighty name god cannot lie his words must surely come to pass is oh oh okay oh oh oh jesus is oh myself i know thank you i am i am i have a question come on is myself you are blessed you are protected you are preserved in jesus name my head is a good head my life is a good one and just on my side greatness shall follow me in jesus name no matter what the matter is greater glory god bless you see you in fire [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CelebrationTV
Views: 79,583
Rating: 4.8750849 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle, Johnson, Suleman, messages, prophecy, grace, glory, bible, church, God, Jesus, good, great, celebration, tv, pastor, rev, lizzy, papa, mama, america, europe, nigeria, edo, state, auchi, prayer, word, preach, preacher, prophetic, declaration, manifestation, power, politics, ministry, anointing, voice, fire, new, rebroadcast, live, service, invasion, crusade, outreach, ministering, upper, room, he, touched, me, ministers, without, blemish, 2016messages, 2015message, Center For Revival, Scriptures, Strange Miracles & the Prophetic in Africa
Id: _0tzFgv2TfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 56sec (10316 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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