The Entire Timeline of Hiccup & Astrid's Relationship

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pick up an Astrid the most popular relationship from the How to Train Your Dragon franchise now that we're getting a live action how to drink a dragon soon I thought it would be fun to go over the entire timeline of Hiccup and asteroids relationship or hickstridge for short from the films since Astrid doesn't even exist in the books so let's get started [Music] the story of their relationship began when they were both very young we don't know an exact time and date or how old they were but at some point before the first film we know that hiccup developed a crush on Astrid hofferson hiccup had always admired her courage and bravery along with her rot talent and competitive personality Astrid was part of the hofferson clan meaning she was naturally competitive from the start one day while hiccup was talking to Gober while working in the forges he began talking about her claiming she wouldn't come near him even if she was on fire and he had the only bucket of water in town speak of the devil the subject of their discussion had arrived at the forge and asked for them to resharpen her mother's ax Gober decided to leave the two of them alone after hearing how hiccups spoke about her before and they had an actual conversation once Astrid snooped around and found a room full of sketches a hiccup had made of his inventions hiccup of course was a nervous wreck and was very prone to stuttering while around her but he did manage to explain that these would make killing dragons easier but Aster disapproved saying that she preferred close combat fighting and claimed it was kind of the Viking Way They then spoke about dragon training and while this was happening hiccup took his eyes off the ax and watched Astrid and in doing so he broke the ax he managed to replace it without her noticing and she thanked him for it this isn't a deleted scene so I don't actually know when on the timeline this takes place but I thought it was worth it to mention it now we move on to the events of the first film it was made explicitly clear very early on that hiccup had a massive crush on her at this point hiccup had prepared his latest invention known as The Mangler this weapon could shoot Bolas much further than he could throw them so he took this invention out and managed to shoot down the fabled Knight Fury that was attacking the village but then a monstrous nightmare tried to kill him and he was humiliatingly saved by his father stoked the vast in front of everyone this of course said the other Vikings his age into a torrent of teasing and ridiculing but not Astrid in fact in this scene bastard looked almost sorry for him which was an important detail for later moving on let's take up discovered Toothless and returned home after freeing him he was forced to be enlisted into dragon training by his father this dragon training was run by gobber and it was very Hands-On to say the least there he was amongst all the other Vikings in his age group including Astrid hiccup of course did terrible at the start and after a while hiccup did manage to speak to her again but it was very brief as a Grunkle fired a fire blast at him the next time the interactive was in the Great Hall while eating dinner here we get a very interesting line when gabber asks everyone where a hiccup went wrong in the arena today while everyone else gave sarcastic responses Astrid said he's never where he should be thank you Astrid and you can tell she felt pretty annoyed by this fact bastard was all serious at this point so Hiccup being out of place legitimately upset her this brings us to the next time they interact the infamous battle against Stormfly once again again it was a very short interaction and Hiccup did his best to follow Astrid's orders but the next interaction is famous love on the battlefield she could do better let me why don't you after untangling themselves Astrid defeated Stormfly and turned the face hiccup angrily he once again had been out of place and it nearly cost both of them to get eaten alive Astrid yells at him for this asking if he thought this whole thing was a joke war is about to become out you're out which side you're on at this point Things Are things are pretty terribly for them and there seem to be very little up for hiccup to ever get the girl of his dreams now but then hiccup went back out and found Toothless and slowly he began to train him this would be the major breakthrough for hiccup he had found something that he was good at other than inventing he became so obsessed with learning how to train toothless that he even left in the middle of dinner with Aster than the others to go to the forge which Astrid actually took notice to pretty soon hiccup has successfully flown toothless for the first time even if it was very brief but while doing this he had learned that dragons hate eels the next time Hiccup and Astrid interacted was the Turning Point against parfum belch the Zippleback hick abused his Newfound knowledge to subdue the dragon with the eels while everyone else including Astrid watched an awe okay so are we done because I've got some things I need to uh yep thought see you tomorrow you could only imagine how Astrid felt maybe proud whatever she felt it quickly turned into jealousy as hiccup continued to learn new things to subdue dragons like using Dragon nip and scratching the right spot on the dragon's neck Astrid continued watching us hiccup best at her time and time again proud that she may have felt at one point she was also a hufferson and that competitive side took over she began to dislike hiccup nut out of annoyance but out of competition because at this point hiccup was on his way to being the one that would earn the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire Village not her wow he's better than you ever were one day while training out in the woods the pair came across each other in the chance accident the hiccup was not willing to stick around and even though she tried to follow him he evaded her once again eventually Astrid attempted to confront him about this I normally don't care what people do but you're acting weird well weirder the hiccup escapes with toothless without her seeing which probably annoyed her even worse than before and that brought the two of them back together for one final showdown in front of everyone whoever subdued the gronco would get to kill the dragon once again hiccup was the one to do it at this point Aster went completely nuts and nearly chopped his head off things were looking very bad for the two of them but then once hiccup tried to make a break for it Astrid finally caught him in the act at The Cove he tried his best to hide the fact that she was mere footsteps away from a Night Fury but at this point she had had enough and physically hurt him lots of people have issues with this moment and to be honest I don't blame them but very soon Astrid would never hurt hiccup again because toothless then came to protect him after a brief and very awkward introduction estrus fled presumably to tell the other Vikings what he had done hiccup took matters into his own hands and carried Astrid into the branches of a tree she basically had two choices listen to him or follow her death she considered death funnily enough but something had changed within hiccup the stud that was so characteristic was completely gone instead replaced by insistence he implored her to hear him out and Astrid climbed on very carefully hiccup had planned to show her that toothless wasn't so bad but toothless after the interaction they had earlier had other ideas wow dudeless what is wrong with you thank you for nothing you useless reptile holding on for dear life Astrid apologized and that apology changed everything toothless accepted her apology and basically became hiccup's wingman during the flight Astrid's perspective on hiccup completely changed he wasn't just getting lucky in that Arena he actually knew what he was doing and what he was doing was absolutely amazing after they flew around for a while acid had warmed up to hiccup enough to wrap her arms around him which may pick up ecstatic at this point Astrid had also developed a crush on hiccup but the flight wasn't over yet and neither was the issue at hand hiccup now had to kill a dragon in front of the whole village and he had no idea how but then toothless heard the call of the Red Death and began flying towards the nest Hiccup and Astrid were the first Vikings to ever see it and once they escaped Astrid's First Act was to go tell Stoke about it but hiccups stopped her his thundering mannerism once again replaced by seriousness he told her they would kill Toothless and that they needed to sink this through Astra told him that they had just found the Dragon's Nest the thing they had been after since Vikings first settled here and you want to keep it a secret what to protect your pet dragon are you serious yes this act to me is what caused Astor to fall for him completely not only had he tamed a dragon he was willing to lie to stoic the vast of all people to protect said dragon from harm after asking what they should do hiccup told her to let him think about it okay that's her everything else at this point hickstrid was now possible notice I said possible and not official there is a very clear distinction when it becomes official and it's not here as long as you treat race to the edge of this Canon which I which I do fast forward to the big event Astrid wished him good luck in the arena and asked him to promise her it wouldn't go wrong it went horribly wrong hiccup tried to share the village what he had learned when he tried to tame Huck Fang the dragon he was supposed to kill but things went poorly and Astrid ran in immediately to try to save him only to then be chased off by Hookfang herself but then toothless came in and saved both of them but in the process he got himself captured once the Vikings sailed away with toothless to go find the Dragon's Nest Astrid went to speak to hiccup for me every long lasting healthy relationship requires two major things trust and understanding the trust was strong with them already but the understanding was not hiccup understood her pretty well but Astrid still had lots to learn about him so she asked him why couldn't I have killed that Dragon when I found him in the woods the rest of us would have done it why didn't you I couldn't that's not an answer why is this so important to you all of a sudden because I want to remember what you say right now I was a coward I was weak I wouldn't kill a dragon you said wouldn't that time okay whatever I wouldn't 300 years and I'm the first Viking who wouldn't kill a dragon first to ride one though so I wouldn't kill him because he looked as frightened as I was I looked at him and I saw myself this moment is huge Astrid now finally understood hiccup's mindset his philosophy his mercy and his idealisms fast forwarding again Astrid helps hiccups save toothless by gathering all her friends who had since become friends with Hiccup once he showed talent in the dragon arena together they trained each dragon in the arena even Hookfang the gang then went to save Toothless and began to fight the Red Death herself hiccup Road was Astrid and called the shots and the Vikings all looked up in awe at the sight of their children Riding Dragons once toothless was free the Night Fury and Rider took to the skies but things began to get scary for Astrid pickup and Toothless flew in and blasted the dragon but this accident Astrid tumbling through the air hiccup was quick though and he guided toothless to save her together [Music] go at this point the others had become subdued and the battle became a 2V1 Hiccup and Toothless versus the Red Death and All Astrid could do was watch him pray eventually hiccup did defeat the Red Death but at a great cost Astrid looked on in horror and sadness at the thought of Hiccup being dead but when it was revealed that he was alive she was overcome by joy and relief once hiccup woke up he was met with many surprises but Astrid's surprise was probably the best one for scaring me what what was it always gonna be this way because foreign had become a thing and was publicly known for the next little while they continued their relationship and were consistently building that trust and understanding up as we fast forward through the next two years we see their relationship Blossom throughout Defenders of Burke right as a burke and Gift of the Night Fury we see them overcome many struggles together as well as working as a team with everyone else one thing that is interesting here though in between these two years and the first episode of Race To The Edge something must have happened with the two of them because once race to the edge started the first three seasons of that series represented a more platonic relationship rather than a romantic one there were still some very obvious moments that show the two of them still cared for one another but what I think happened here is that the writers took time to make extra even more official that is to show them develop into the second phase of their relationship in a mature way a slow burn if you will rather than a spontaneous kiss or maybe not all I know is the first three and a half season the race of the edge represented the platonic relationship in season 1 when the gang is reunited with Heather once again Astor takes her to her training Sanctuary to throw axes while there Heather asks the question the entire fandom had been wondering since the start of the season so you two were a thing right what no just friends and oddly enough Astrid is adamant that they were just friends you'd think she'd want to brag about that Heather doesn't buy it though until it's Astrid that hiccup was cute to which Astrid awkwardly agreed with when Heather returns in season three she asks her about hiccup again what about him Astrid life is too short you need to express your feelings stop wasting time personally I think this is the moment where Astra began to take their relationship more seriously if he will as she realized that headler was right despite the platonic nature there are still many nice moments a kick-up rescuing Astrid from drowning in the ocean pick up curing Astrid sickness Astrid saving Hiccup from the Dragon Hunters Astrid comforting hiccup at the dragon auction and a whole bunch of moments in season four where they save one another however as many fans know the end of season 4 was where things began to really happen between them and it all began in season 4 episode 11 blindsided for those who love hickster this is probably your favorite episode of the entire series I know it's mine the episode starts off with the gang trying to tame the triple strike the dragon they had found in the dragon fighting arena but they abandoned the mission as a storm attacked the edge during the storm Astrid went out to see if the dragons were safe in The Stables while she was leaving the Stables though lightning struck the ground right in front of her and the intense light blinded her and also rendered her unconscious hiccup had heard the blast and found her and shielded her body from harm and returned her to the clubhouse but when she woke up everyone slowly realized a horrifying reality she couldn't see everyone is right in front of her but she insists that the room they're in is Pitch Black everyone is incredibly concerned the hiccup was more concerned than anyone he tells the others to leave them alone and he attempts to comfort her which she appreciates as she offers him her hand she of course wants to go back out there and save the dragons the hiccup tells her that it wasn't a good idea and urges her to rest for now hiccup are you still there yes yes I'm here Astrid will you and Toothless stay with me a little while just until I fall asleep of course we're not going anywhere one of the many reasons people love this episode so much is because it shows just how much hiccup cares for Astrid as he guides her the entire time never once leaving her side as they go out and search the dragons once the storm subsided Astrid nearly falls off toothless but hiccup reaches back and catches her this scene is a direct parallel to the Romantic flight scene which kind of supports my theory that they were trying to rebuild hickster than race to the edge while searching for Stormfly they found themselves in the clearing with a little stream they have a quick back and forth on where Stormfly would be but as Astrid stops talking she begins running the opposite direction and trips over a rock and falls to the ground hiccup Dove after her and caught her protecting her head from hitting the hard Earth they both take deep breaths but the interaction quickly becomes awkward as they realize the position they were in eventually Stormfly found them proving Astrid was right about her dragon and would get the first sense that Astrid is getting used to using her other other senses now that her eyesight was gone it gets to a point where Astrid begins to wonder if this would be how she would spend the rest of her life hiccup told her that if that were the case they would deal with it just because she couldn't see didn't mean she was helpless Astrid admits that that was exactly how she felt you don't think we can handle this Astrid you have me no matter whatever that means whatever you want it to mean I am with you there will always be a Hiccup and Astrid but as hiccup leans in to kiss her they were interrupted once again by the triple strike fast forward to the climax of the episode Astrid had used her other senses to tame the triple strike impressing everyone around her especially hiccup once the storm cleared for good Bert's healer gothy arrived at the edge and cured Astrid's blindness and the first thing she saw was hiccups staring at her with hope in his eyes Astrid are you looking at you seems like it thank you goofy [Music] and now we've come to the moment where hickstrid finally became official up to this point I've used words like possible to describe hickstrid but now I will use the word official because at the end of this episode Esther admits that she felt that hiccup was trying to kiss her back in the force and she asked them why he didn't do it hiccup told her that it was because it wasn't perfect and he admitted that he had been thinking about it a lot Astrid then gave him a look he had never seen from her before and the two realized just how perfect the situation was they leaned in and finally kissed a good proper kiss this was the kiss that made them official from that moment on their relationship really began to Blossom but they initially tried to hide it from everyone else but by the end of the season they kissed after Hiccup and saved astrus from Vigo grimborne and everyone saw it I've made jokes that these guys were literally the fandom in that moment fast forward a bit to season 5 of Race To The Edge hickstrid continues going strong but at some point between episodes 1 and 2 Hiccup and Astrid became betrothed episode 2 consists of Astrid worrying out of her mind that she didn't get Hiccup and betrothal gift but hiccup tells her that her just being there with him was the only gift he needed from here we fast forward a few episodes to episode 5 where hiccup had managed to outsmart the Sentinels on vanheim Esther told him that the way he had figured out how to escape venheim was ingenious you know what I've had enough thinking to last me an entire week I'm going to get some sleep fast forward another two episodes Hiccup and Astrid went on a little vacation while hunting for supplies to make his new dragon eye while there the two of them shared some laughs and held each other romantically they expressed concerns that they were perhaps spending a little too much time together and not enough for the rest of the team but they assured themselves that spending time with each other was also quite important Astrid then calls hiccup a great boyfriend blushing while she said it making hiccup Beam with pride from that point on until Midway through season six things with hickstrid remained pretty much the same but when we reached the sixth episode hickstrick goes in an interesting Direction one we've never seen before one which directly challenged the relationship in a very important way which up until this point had been pretty stable Astrid saw the way dagger and Mala acted towards each other and she wanted that with hiccup hiccup however insisted that their relationship was much different from theirs and he described it as being built off of years of friendship which Astrid verbally agreed with but mentally couldn't stand it she sat in her room comforted by Stormfly thinking about hiccups she then looked at the betrothal necklace he had given her she put it on and immediately felt better and when hiccup came over to talk to her she tried her best to get him to notice the necklace hiccup didn't see it though and he asked her if he wanted to go deliver some scrap metal with him which she agreed to visibly upset she tried again at the island with the armor Wing directly asking hiccup if he noticed anything different the hiccup hit us with the misdirect by saying he saw a dragon eye lens on the armor Wing Way off in the distance behind her rather than the necklace she was wearing right in front of him eventually Esther becomes angry with him for all of this when he asks her what was wrong she tells him exactly what was wrong hiccup's reaction wasn't exactly what she was expecting either oh no it looks great it looks great seriously she admits to him how she felt jealous about daggar Muller's relationship dagger and Mala have known each other a few months and they can't stand to be we've known each other our whole lives hiccup and I've never felt further away from you as we fast forward to the end of the episode hiccup is feeling pressure from all sides to come up with a plan to escape the dragonflyers but he is so distracted by everything that he can't think of anything at all eventually he looks at Astrid who has her back turned to him but is still looking back at him hiccup's expression is one of someone begging for forgiveness he knew he needed Astrid's support in that moment an Astrid of course gave it to him I'm with you I know with her help hiccup formulates a plan and escapes the Flyers once back on the edge hiccup pulled her aside to talk to her privately she told him not to say anything and that she was just being silly but hiccup told her that that wasn't the case he admits that he should have seen that necklace right away and then admits that he had been taking her for granted recently and that he realized that today Astrid smiled at him as he continued telling her he couldn't have done any of this without her he then tells her that he loves her for the first time and that he always will I know you do we don't have to be like them I mean we have a different kind of but then the hiccup cuts her off by kissing her mid-sentence and in my opinion this is the best kiss in race to the edge besides the blindsided one the amount of passion is just chef's kiss and these moments throughout the rest of season six don't load up either in episode 10 we see a very important scene between the two of them where hiccup snaps at everyone in the room after his father was Gravely injured Astrid finds him alone later on and Comforts him basically telling him how it was fake that they would all end up here in this moment she even admits that she likely would have ended up with him no matter how long it took for him to prove himself which was a pretty nice moment this however did not fix stoke's condition which comes back to hiccup in the form of him being appointed acting Chief in his father's absence right before they were about to go on a massive mission to save the king of dragons as the writers began packing up her stuff to return to Burke Estridge went and found hiccup in his Hut and they share a nice moment where Astra tells him that his father would be proud I'm proud and where you go I go thank you for everything in a season finale they both knew the risks they were about to take hiccup stops Astrid and tries to speak to her but Astrid Cuts him off assuring him that they would be okay she once again says how proud his father would be and how proud she was of him foreign [Music] defeated Johann and Krogan the two of them attended dagger and mala's wedding where they shared yet another passionate kiss why are they making out at someone else's wedding you know I don't care it's cute from here we fast forward nearly two years to the events of How to Train Your Dragon 2. one morning when hiccup woke up his father approached him and began to speak to him how he thought hiccup was finally ready to be Chief next thing everyone knew Hiccup and Toothless were gone hiccup wasn't ready to be Chief yet so he fled the situation back on Burke Astrid once again showed her competitive Side by winning the dragon race basically winning a 1v4 against not loud Fishlegs and the twins after she won she followed Hiccup and arrived on the back of Stormfly [Applause] [Music] afternoon Milady Astrid asked where you've been to a checkup replied by saying he was avoiding his father and here we get the nice moment between them which shows just how well they know each other and how comfortable they've become with one another son we need to talk not now dad I got a whole day of goofing off to get started you're the pride about son and I couldn't be prouder ah thanks Dad I'm pretty impressed with myself too guys let's hold still very serious once hiccup gets to the point of his reason to run Astrid thinks it's amazing that he had been appointed Chief but she quickly realizes hiccup doesn't feel the same way Astrid tells him that it was an honor and that she would be pretty excited but hiccup tells her that he's not like her you know exactly who you are you always have but looking what you're searching for isn't out there hiccup maybe you just don't see it yet right after this though the two of them spots smoke Rising into the air and they decide to go investigate and when they arrive they find a Dragon Hunter base that had been completely obliterated minus one last part which was still active and that managed to entrap Stormfly and Astrid in the net hiccup saved Astrid's Life by catching her but Stormfly hit the ground and was immediately subdued by the hunters hiccups threatened them all with Inferno while also defending Astrid who was weaponless and after a bit of back and forth between them and the hunters they managed to escape and return back to Burke hiccup began trying to tell everyone what they had found while being pestered by his father about becoming Chief eventually he got their attention with the help of Astrid when they explained how the bass looked and who they worked for uh yeah wait you know him hiccup wanted to go out after Drago to attempt to persuade him similar to how he had persuaded many of his enemies like Alvin the treacherous dagger the deranged and Vigo grimborne Stoke firmly told him no the hiccup was just as determined Astrid tried to get him to stay as well but he kissed her on the cheeks saying he had to do this and left he didn't go alone though as Astrid immediately began to follow him like she always did the two of them Tracked Down The Dragon Hunters but as Astrid readies her ax to attack hiccup surrenders to them Astrid confused goes along with it showing just how quick on the uptake they had both become with each other's Shenanigans so to speak that was hard to say stoic and the other Riders arrived and after hiccup runs off again Astrid is ordered by stoic to lead the others back to Burke and that he had had enough Mutiny for one day the next time Hiccup and Astrid see each other was during the battle at valka's Sanctuary where hiccup introduces her to his mother in the most dramatic way I've ever seen foreign well now you know where I get my dramatic Flair but then tragedy struck as toothless or under control from Drago's bewilder beast kills stoic with a Plasma Blast that was meant to kill hiccup Astrid immediately went over and put his arms around hiccup as he cried against his father's lifeless body the two held each other and cried mourning the loss of stoic the vast after performing the ritual to send stoic to Valhalla hiccup formulated a plan to try to get toothless back and to defeat Drago Astrid of course followed him along with everyone else and together they managed to take back Burke and defeat dragon's be welder Beast once toothless assumed the role of alpha after the battle Astrid approached hiccup with a smirk on her face I'm still doing that one that's hilarious come here you and now we fast forward one more year to the events of the Hidden World the two were still just as compatible as before taking down Dragon Hunters with ease on their missions but one night while they were eating in the Great Hall gabber brought the idea of marriage to the table flying off those Saddles I get married the m word gross unless it's me hiccups seem to love the idea but Astrid did not and I think it's interesting to try to analyze why for the past year fighting Drago's Hunters hiccup had become increasingly dependent on Toothless and without toothless hiccup would completely change and collapse and Astrid knew that when Astrid finds him looking over the rapidly developing Burke hiccup brings up the idea of marriage again you think you and I should God's know we're nowhere near ready for that many people have criticized Estridge for going back on that statement by marrying him so soon afterwards but she wasn't talking about time you see from the start hiccup had always had an issue with his self-confidence if it weren't for him finding toothless he may never have been able to break out of that cycle he was in hiccup's character Arc throughout the third film is based off him learning that he doesn't in fact need toothless to be himself he has become perfectly capable of doing things on his own like becoming chief of the tribe and defeating Dragon Hunters for example the third films exploration of this uncertainty within hiccup makes it my favorite out of the three from a character development standpoint one of my favorite hickster moments ever happens next for the exchange from friendly banter which turns into a playful tickle match which Astrid wins of course but the next thing we know toothless had run off and discovered grimo's bait the light Fury we get yet another moment where Astrid saves Hiccup from the light fairy's Plasma Blast the next day The Dread gang is hanging out in the stables and Astrid begins to tease hiccup about toothless's Newfound Crush what a night what what's gotten into you what is all this slobbering and panting isn't it obvious he's in love trust me relationships are nothing but pain and misery what did I just say then returns to the spot where the light Fury was found with tough not to examine the area for any clues but instead he finds a dart purposefully left behind by grimmel when he returns with a dart he shows everyone and Eric immediately identifies it as grimmels I know this handy work grimmel the grizzly famous back where I'm from the smartest Dragon Hunter I ever met wow next to me of course Eric then explains that grimoire is not one to be underestimated he lives for the hunt to get inside the mind of his prey to control its every choice it's all a game to him both Hiccup and Astor remember how they had managed to take down vigo's operation and they are both confident that they can do the same to grimo but after it was made abundantly clear that grimo was much more of a threat than Vigo ever was hiccup who was now Chief tells everyone they need to disappear I don't see a way of staying here any longer hey hear him out this is a huge step forward for hickstrid because in the scene before where they had their tickle fight hiccup had told her about the Hidden World and expressed his idea to move all of Burke there and live amongst the dragons at that point Astrid had completely shut this idea down but here she defends hiccup during a speech and even adds on to it take the dragons to a place where no one will find them and where might that be he's talking about a quest for the Hidden World the hidden what out to lunch eventually they find an uninhabited Island where they settle down and while there hiccup asks Astrid if she thought he was crazy like everyone else seemed to be thinking at the time let's just say there's a whole idea is very you well thanks for supporting me last night it meant a lot don't thank me yet the next morning after hiccup witnessed that toothless couldn't follow the light fairy on the Zone he began to design a tail similar to the one he had made Toothless way back when and gifted the night fairy Astrid saw this and became very proud of him because it seemed like he was starting to let toothless go and embrace that chain what no nothing I'm I'm impressed I mean look at you embracing change I am proud of you what's toothless left though hiccup was visibly nervous and unsure what to do later falca went out on a scouting Mission and discovered grimmel's current location this was hiccup's first real test without toothless as he rode on the back of Stormfly with Astrid along with the other Riders to try to defeat grimo in a sneak attack grimo however was prepared and the mission went absolutely horribly forcing them to flee in the process they had left ruffnut behind when they landed back at Burke everyone realized roughnut wasn't there and Hiccup began to feel the effects of his old self coming back into his life his first mission was that toothless had been a complete failure the effects of him not being able to do anything right was seeping back into his mind Astrid noticed this and spoke to valca about it he thinks he has to lead alone because his father had to he doesn't realize the strength you have together do you still believe in him of course I wish he did but he thinks he's nothing without toothless volka told Astrid to help him realize the truth to do so Astrid got on Stormfly and told him to also get on their Journey took them to the edges of their Known World and eventually they found the Hidden World in dove in we get a parallel to their romantic flight from the first film as they explore this new realm where Stormfly literally glowed along with everything else in the Caldera however the next thing they found shook hiccup to his core the two of them found Toothless and the light Fury where toothless had already assumed his position as Alpha amongst the entire realm hiccup watched as toothless flew around with a light Fury with all the other dragons in tow and this site brought a tear to his eye not a tear of happiness for his friend but the tear of sadness realizing for the first time that toothless may have to leave him for good Astrid realized this and tried to comfort him but they then come face to face with a wild rumble horn that alerts all the dragons to their presence tizzle's forced the safest human while Astrid rides on Stormfly and together they escape but the flight back home was silent toothless was visibly disheartened to have left his Newfound home and both Hiccup and Astrid know it as their exchanged knowing glances One Day land on new Burke hiccup faces Toothless and explains that he understands that toothless belonged there with her we don't [Music] and that's all right we'll find a way to man and then they are met with a shock as the light Fury revealed herself hiccup was ecstatic but then Ruffner arrived and Astrid knew something was wrong sure enough it turns out that grimmel had followed roughnut back and he finally succeeded in kidnapping toothless along with the light Fury all hiccup could do was sit back and watch as grimo manipulated the situation to force every single dragon on Burke to follow him down to Drago's Army hiccup was suddenly hit with the cold realization that he was back to his former self the 15 year old hiccup of the litter vodka once again encourages Astrid to speak to him he needed to be told the true reality of the situation he needed some tough love after listening to hiccup talk about how he felt she told him that he was right he was right back to where he started but I was the first to believe in I have watched you whether your word you're worth but you know what I am the person I am today because of you he never told you that but it's true you were the bravest most stubborn most determined knucklehead I know she told him that toothless didn't give him all those traits title simply made it easier and that now it was going to be a lot harder we then reached the most famous parallel the entire franchise so what are you gonna do about it uh probably something stupid good but you've already done that than something crazy probably something stupid that's the hiccup I know but there's Newfound confidence they all managed to take down Drago's Army once and for all and free the dragons during this Hiccup and Astrid begin working together proving vodka's statement from before heads up [Music] thanks [Music] fast forward to the aftermath of the battle pick up an Astrid reunite and she holds him upright since he lost his prosthetic leg the two watch as Toothless and the light Fury begin to comfort each other and while doing this hiccup turns to face her and she faces back nods and then they touch foreheads I interpret this scene like this hiccup finally understood what Astrid had meant by saying they were not ready to marry it and this is him asking her if they were now ready since they had managed to take back their Dragons without well their dragons Astrid nodding and touching his forehead with her own was her answer yes they were now ready to get married hiccup's major arc had nearly been complete however one thing remained saying goodbye once toothless was on his feet again he glanced out towards the sea a clear indication that he knew it was time to go back to his new home hiccup immediately understood and after a very emotional few minutes where everyone said goodbye to their dragons toothless turned towards Hiccup and Astrid and then flew off with the rest of the Dragons towards safety towards the in a world where they would remain safe and undetected for centuries I don't know exactly how long of a Time skip there is between the aftermath of the battle and now but considering new Burke is fully constructed I'd say probably a couple of months perhaps even a year after nearly seven years since their first kiss the two of them finally became wedded for the chief of Chief Dash Astrid hofferson became Astrid haddock after the wedding they stand on the Cliffside and hold each other gazing out over the Endless Ocean towards the Hidden World a decade then passes and it's time that we take a small detour away from the Hidden World to visit how to train a dragon homecoming Hiccup and Astrid are both now 31 years old and in that 10-year Gap they had a daughter named Zephyr and a son named nothing their children aren't too Keen about the upcoming snuggle talk that would be great we love dragons why they're monsters later Hiccup and Astrid are sitting by the fire with their children playing around them they talk about the old snug attack pageant and Esther puts forth the idea of bringing it back to teach the children of new Burke how dragons and Vikings became friends hiccup agrees enthusiastically and says that they should talk to Gober but before doing that hiccupton walks over to the edge of their deck and stares at the sky missing toothless Astrid joins him and Comforts him holding his hand and leaning against his shoulder I wonder if toothless ever misses me the next day the two of them speak to Gober and decide on The Snug attack pageant while working on the pageant we get a funny moment where Astrid mistakes Tough Enough for hiccup since he was mimicking hiccup's gate after the abysmal pigeon jicama Astrid are delighted to see that Zephyr and nothing's perspective on dragons completely shifted the pension had worked mostly what they didn't know was that toothless had actually visited Newberg after his own children escaped the Hidden World and flew there themselves toothless had actually met Zephyr already but they didn't know that which I find funny on their walk back home hiccup tells Astrid that she was right about everything it was exactly what everyone needed for the kids and for the memory of my father oh after the haddock family spider toothless flying over a new Burke they decided to go visit toothless's home as well now we are back within the events of the third film we find the haddock family on a small boat just next to the entrance of the Hidden World in hopes of possibly reuniting with their dragons after 10 long years Toothless and his family were guarding the entrance and when they spotted the boat toothless went out to confront The Intruders landing on the bow Astrid watches in fear as she hides her kids waiting to see if toothless recognized him this is a little bit of a continuity error between Homecoming and the third film I think since toothless knew who hiccup wasn't homecoming but didn't know him here nevertheless toothless immediately recognized hiccup after he stretched out his hand for him to smell with the help of his wife hiccup invites Zephyr and nothing to meet Toothless in a similar way to how he had first tamed toothless all those years ago the two parents watching awe as tutus allowed them to touch him they didn't take their children on the ride flying on Toothless and later Stormfly who had also arrived the two still flirt with each other and stick up shows he hadn't lost any of his ability to fly toothless as they traded a kid's mid-flight the movie ends with both families flying off into the sky human and dragon Hiccup and Astrid grew all together and lived up the rest of their lives happily married we can assume and in the process they inspired millions of viewers of the show worldwide with their relationships I would like to thank you all for watching this video and I plan to do more videos in this style very soon please make sure to join my Discord server along with following me on Twitter and Instagram if you'd like if you enjoyed hit the like button and subscribe and I will see you all next time Baba
Channel: The Cov
Views: 439,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Train Your Dragon, HTTYD, Hiccup, Astrid, Hiccstrid, hiccstrid moments, hiccstrid kiss, hiccstrid amv, hiccstrid timeline, hiccup and astrid, hiccup and astrid timeline, the cov, the cov hiccstid, how to train your dragon 2, how to train your dragon the, how to train your dragon the hidden world, the hidden world, hiccstrid wedding, race to the edge, defenders of berk, riders of berk, gift of the night fury, httyd homecoming, zephyr, nuffink, how to train your dragon 3
Id: ElW6_Bn61Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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