The Ending Of 2001: A Space Odyssey Explained

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So what's up with the floating fetus, the black  slab, and the rapidly aging astronaut in 2001:   A Space Odyssey? Stick around to find out! It would be an understatement to say  that Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space   Odyssey, totally changed the game when  it was released way back in 1968. The   film's expansive narrative and surrealist  imagery launched thousands of film studies   dissertations and helped cement Kubrick as one  of the premier filmmakers of the 20th century. The narrative of the movie features several  distinct acts. The first takes place before   the dawn of humanity and sees a community  of primates who discover a large, black,   rectangular monolith. Although the monolith  appears to be a totally inanimate object,   after coming in contact with it, the primates  learn that they can use a large animal bone as   a weapon to fend off another group of primates  who have encroached on their territory. In the next section, the film flashes forward  hundreds of thousands of years into the future,   beyond our own time. A group of officials on  a human moon base are investigating a series   of abnormalities, and discover a similar  monolith buried in a lunar crater nearby. The last section of the film, set  a little over a year in the future,   centers on a spaceship on a mission to  Jupiter. It's this section that brings 2001:   A Space Odyssey to its famously confusing end. We're introduced to the crew on a mission  to Jupiter, most of whom are in cryosleep,   with the exception of Dr. David  Bowman and Dr. Frank Poole. There   is one other active crew member  aboard the Discovery One: HAL,   a computer that controls the functions of the ship  and communicates with a monotone human male voice. During the mission, Bowman and Poole become  alarmed when they catch HAL seemingly lying to   them about a mechanical problem with one of the  antennas on the outside of the vessel. However,   with no other recourse, Poole exits  the ship to investigate the issue.   He learns the hard way that he was  correct to be suspicious of HAL,   who sabotages Poole's equipment, killing  him and leaving him floating in space. Bowman exits the ship to try and save Poole,  but it's too late. Not only has HAL deactivated   the life support systems for the crew members  who are still in cryosleep, killing them all,   but he also refuses to let Bowman back onto  the ship. This is a shocking and terrifying   development for a number of reasons, perhaps  the most cogent of them being that HAL, like   the bone used by the primates in the first section  of the movie, is meant to be a tool for humanity. But it appears that HAL has a mission of its   own. When Bowman tries to re-board  the ship, HAL coldly informs him, "This mission is too important for  me to allow you to jeopardize it." Bowman manages to make his way back  into the ship and begins to manually   shut down HAL. While he does so, the  computer pleads with him to stop,   promising to stop sabotaging  Bowman, and repeatedly saying, "I'm afraid, Dave" But Bowman ignores it. When the computer is fully  deactivated, a video suddenly begins to play. In   it, a man sitting at a desk declares that the  video was recorded before the mission began,   but is so top-secret that only HAL was  made aware of it. It seems that shutting   down HAL caused the video to autoplay,  even though it was clearly meant to be   played when the crew reached their destination  in Jupiter's orbit and had all been woken up. The man in the video then reveals the  true nature of Discovery One's mission:   to investigate the first sign of  intelligent life in outer space.   It was a strong radio emission aimed  at Jupiter, coming from the monolith. "The four-million-year-old black  monolith has remained completely inert,   its origin and purpose still a total mystery." What does mission control hope to find  when the ship reaches Jupiter and does   the existence of this video — a profound  piece of existential knowledge uploaded   into HAL's mainframe — have anything to  do with the computer's sudden sentience?   Unfortunately for Bowman, he doesn't  have time to piece that puzzle together,   as Discovery One is arriving in Jupiter's  orbit, and things are about to get weird. As the Discovery One approaches Jupiter, it  encounters one of the monoliths orbiting the   planet, and then Bowman is pulled into a  slipstream of psychedelic colors for an   extended sequence. When it ends, he's no longer  on the spaceship and is instead in a classically   ornate bedroom suite with futuristic, lighted  floor tiles. He has also aged considerably,   a fact that startles him when he walks  into the bathroom and sees himself in the   mirror. While in the bathroom, he looks  through a doorway back into the bedroom,   where he now sees a man sitting at a table  eating dinner and wearing a black robe. The man turns around and reveals that he  is Bowman. This Bowman gets up from the   table and walks to the bathroom to look  around, as though he heard something.   When he returns to the table, he knocks  over a glass. When he turns to pick it up,   there's now an even older version of Bowman on the  bed in the room, one that is clearly near death. The older Bowman points to the end of his  bed, and the camera cuts to reveal one of   the black monoliths floating in front of  him. When the camera cuts back to Bowman,   he has transformed into a fetus, suspended  in a glowing caul over the bed. We then see   the fetus floating in space and observing  earth with a curious look in its eyes. There are lots of theories and interpretations  of 2001: A Space Odyssey's ending. Ultimately,   however, it's clearly a movie that is  meant to be thought about, discussed,   and watched from different points of view. That  being said, there are some obvious threads of   connection between the seemingly separate elements  of the film that help explain what it's all about. Mankind's harnessing of technology is one of the  clear themes of the movie. The moment the primates   start viewing the bone as a tool can be seen  as a direct precursor to the later sections of   the movie that depict man in an advanced space  age. Although these advancements are exciting,   they also bring with them serious existential  conundrums, such as the beginning of weaponized   warfare, the discovery of the alien monolith  on the moon, and the emerging sentience of HAL. "I know I've never completely  freed myself of the suspicion   that there are some extremely  odd things about this mission." And perhaps Bowman's rapid aging at the  end of the film is representative of the   price humanity pays for these advancements.  He is disturbed each time an older version of   himself is revealed until he's transformed  into a fetus and exists with tranquility. This could be read either as his regression  back to a state of blissful ignorance,   similar to the primates before  they encountered the monolith,   or evolution into some new state of  technological primitivism. After all,   the fetus appears to be in some kind of glowing  orb and floats through space, where it is able   to gain a simple, yet powerful, existential  perspective: a view of the earth from space. Where does that leave the monolith? Is  it a literal piece of alien technology   that is influencing humanity's evolution,  or merely symbolic of the terrifyingly   inscrutable path our technological  advancements have put us on? Ultimately,   that is one of those questions each  viewer will have to answer for themselves.
Channel: Looper
Views: 156,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: looper, s space odyssey, sci fi, endings, astronauts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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