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all right welcome back everybody hope you're  doing well so here in the Netherlands summer   is definitely over like the past few days the  weather was just horrible raining all day getting   cold as well so yesterday when i decided to feed  the fish feed the guppies in the mini pond so i   put a little bit of flake food on the surface and  nothing happened i was like oh crap you know maybe   i'm a bit too late already maybe they're all dead  so i quickly moved some floating ponds around put   a flashlight in the water and then i saw that they  were still there they were still alive but they   were definitely cold i think they were not really  moving much so i quickly called my girlfriend   and we picked the pond up and put it inside and  today we're going to take it down so it's been   sitting in this corner since yesterday it actually  looks pretty cool right i mean for a second we   were thinking just keep it like this i mean why  not have a little mini indoor pond but then we   remembered that we have two cats and they will  for sure destroy this whole thing they're gonna be   chewing on all the plants and just yeah it's not  a really good idea i'm not sure if all the plants   are completely safe for cats as well they might be  a little bit poisonous so i think it's best if we   just take it down before we do that let's just do  a little recap of how this mini pond was built so   the first step was to clean the balcony itself  we moved into this apartment a few years ago   but we hadn't really done any work to the balcony  and the state of it was not great to say the least   so i cleaned it up nicely and i also ordered a  few rolls of split bamboo just to make the fence   look a little bit more presentable after that i  went to my local garden center to look for a pond   and i found this really nice thick plastic tub  it kind of looks like a wine barrel so i picked   it up and also chose a few pond plants and with  that we were just ready to get started everything   else for this project was basically just done  with leftover materials so i started with a   thin layer of aquasoil to provide some nutrients  and i covered that with some decorative gravel after that i made a simple planter with a square  basket so i first added a thin layer of filter   floss to prevent any soil from leaking out of  the basket and then i removed all the potting   soil from the pond plants and placed them  in the basket then filled in the gaps with   more aquasoil and top the whole thing with more  gravel now to make sure the planter would sit at   the water level i made a little structure with  a few pieces of driftwood now in my opinion the   pond is not complete without a lily so i added  a very small type of lily for this mini pond a few days later the pond was ready  for fish so i added a small group   of tiger endler guppies as well as a few shrimp yeah just a bit more light and space to work  with over here okay so how we're going to do this   i think we first have to remove all the plants  see what we want to keep see what we have to   throw away for example this blick blick this big  plant in the center i want to use again i already   have a little bit of it in the big shallow so  i'm just going to add it to there preferably i   would also like to keep the lily i'm not sure if  we can place it somewhere in one of my tanks i   think the other plants maybe this would be cool  in the shallow as well just a little bit of it   it's a pretty nice looking plant and everything  else we're just gonna get rid of and then remove   all the plants drain the water as much as possible  catch all the fish get all the shrimp if we still   have shrimp i haven't seen shrimp in a while  where we catch all that place it somewhere in   some of my tanks and clean the whole thing and  that's it should be easy enough okay let's start   by removing some of these floating plants because  literally the whole surface is covered with it   you can definitely use these floating plants as  well so some beautiful red root floaters here   lots of salvinia as well i'm not  sure if you guys can see that but yeah you see a lot of things moving around  so we still have a lot of guppies in there   i'm seeing some shrimp as well so yeah so  far it's looking good let's continue let's   remove the lily pretty sure it has grown  a lot of roots in this past few months   it's completely stuck in the  substrate i can't even lift it out   i think i'm gonna have to  cut the roots or something all right that's our lily removed beautiful  beautiful plant unfortunately never gave me a   flower in those past few months but yeah still a  beautiful plant definitely like to keep it maybe   in a big shallow as well but i only have a thin  layer of sand so it's hard to plant it anywhere so   i know let's just keep going and  we'll figure out later what we do   with this let's just keep it in  here anyway so it doesn't dry out so i think the next step would be to  remove this entire planter out of here   i think we first have to  trim some of these plants off   because this is going to be fun i'm going to lift  out the entire plant basket see if we can manage   it's proper heavy as well remember when i made that wood structure yeah  there's literally half of it hanging underneath it   okay fish are definitely in shock right  now we do have a casualty there's a dead   female guppy over there it could have been  just old age as well i mean some of these   guppies I've had for a long time already  let's continue removing all the floating   plants then we'll drain all the uh the  water then we can start catching fish all right so now we can get a better look at what  we actually have in here yeah there's a load of   guppies in here and there's a lot of shrimp in  there as well lots of guppy babies i'm going to   try and catch everything and separate them as  well because i want this shrimp to go in the   big shallow i'm thinking some of the guppy  babies to go in some of these nano tanks   and probably the adults i will either  sell or bring to my local fish shop right that is the end of the mini  pond guys everything is caught   we have the shrimp here we have the adult guppies  and we have some baby guppies as well shrimp can   go in here start acclimating these guys here  the adult guppies will go in the 70 liter   scapers tank until i figure out what i want to  do with them and then the baby guppies will go   in this tank i just want to see if i can somehow  save this plant and remove it from this basket   i might have to cut the basket apart i don't  know i guess we just have to use some brute force took some brute force but we got it  i'm going to remove this yellow leaf yeah nice happy we managed to save that  plant nicely a bit more volume in the corner   shrimp can be released as well they're acclimated now this is not food guys so do not eat them i spent a little bit more time acclimating  these guys because we have a lot of co2 in   this aquarium so i've just been every few  minutes just adding a little bit of water   into the cup i've been doing this for  like half an hour or so and they still   might struggle a little bit with co2  levels but they should be fine now here we go it's actually a beautiful  type of guppy these endlers   of course they're a little bit stressed  now so they're not as colorful but   especially the males just get super super yellow  yeah i mean beautiful I've also cleaned off most   of the clay from the lily also removed a lot of  the longer leaves i want to try and plant it in   the seventy liters scapers tank we have a lot  of high light there we have a lot of co2 a lot   of fertilizer so i'm sure we'll do well on there i  just don't want to have to buy a new one next year you
Channel: MJ Aquascaping
Views: 26,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guppy, fancy guppy, patio pond, indoor pond, pond, riparium, aquarium, low tech, no filter, fish pond, mini pond diy, diy guppy pond, mini pond, backyard pond, diy pond, diy mini pond, cheap diy pond, diy patio pond, no filter pond, mini fish pond, guppy fish, pond fish, guppy breeding, pond diy, cheap pond, guppy pond, outdoor guppy pond, fancy guppy pond, guppy pond setup, pond plants, backyard fish pond, guppy pond outdoor, fish pond making, mini goldfish pond
Id: aVYITzlKHl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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