The Encounter (Episode #4) | JC’s Life Talks: Life & Leadership Lessons

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wow it's happening Ravi glass of water please i'm ready lifebridge presents jc's  life talks life and leadership lessons   standing under the tree the gloom dark  place was all but the smell of death   it was moments to go before i'm about  to climb this tree and end it all   and i still remember that moment something  from within me the eternity that God has   put within each one of us just burst forth  it was almost like a roaring lion that just   came from deep within me that just began to  cry out to God for one last time and perhaps   it was the prayers and the intercession of my  grandmother last 16 years of my life day and   night my grandmother persisted in prayer calling  out my name specifically and there was times when   i was a rebellious boy earlier on i would get  frustrated with her prayers waking me up at night   as she would pray at 1 am in the morning i  will tell her grandma shut up and go to sleep   you are disturbing our sleep nothing stopped  her praying nothing stopped her seeking God   for her grandchildren and likewise my mom prayed  and my grandfather all the toil and the hard work   in the midst of all of those pursuit for  healing in the heart of it all there was   something that was asking God to rescue  and give a future to these small boys   that was growing up and so that burst of cry came  and i i found myself standing there and suddenly   i found myself on my knees with the ropes in my  hands and i'm lifting it up to God and say God if   there is a God out there i want to hear your voice  now i want to hear and know that you are there   reveal yourself to me i want to hear  you i want to see you i want to know you   in a flash of a moment there was a  bright light that permeated the entire   dark gloomy shadow of the tree and  i was overwhelmed by this power and   the presence of God that just filled that  place and i knew immediately this was God   it was like that moment when i realized my dad  not using the knife to kill my mother like the   moment when i saw God worked to heal my mother at  the bedside there was this one more moment where i   felt the presence of God just come so strong in my  desperateness as i cried out to God and i realized   that our God is a God who will manifest himself  who will reveal himself He will not hide for too   long He will not be silent for too long and He  came he spoke and suddenly i had a revelation   of God's love towards me as He spoke  in a very audible voice son i loved you   and it was that very moment i am hearing  for the first time in my life anyone saying   to me i love you and our culture here in south  India and all over India and our Asian culture   people don't ever say to even to their children i  love you and so my mother never told me i love you   my father never hugged me and i never experienced  his love and i had no friends that never told me i   love you and I never had a church pastor who told  me i love you i never had anyone tell me i love   you and we all need to hear that in our lives and  i heard that voice of God that said to me for the   very first time this ugly me this rejected me this  this tormented me this no good me this outcast me   is now being loud by an almighty God and the love  of God just made me to just realize and and i was   just crying i was just in tears in the presence  of God at that moment and the second voice i heard   God said to me son i have chosen you i have  selected you and i understood that God in a   sovereign way was choosing me for something  unique and then the third and the final voice   he said was son i have a purpose for you and so  in that moment i understood these three things   the love of God the fact that he has chosen  me and finally the purpose of God a revelation   of the presence of God and the purpose of God  now suddenly overwhelms me and i found myself   under this tree i let go of the ropes and it  dropped automatically fell to the ground and   i raised my hand to God and say God i surrender  my life to you i heal my life to you and you from   this moment onward i will serve you and i made a  total surrender to the lord Jesus at that moment   i committed my life to a life of ministry and  service to God's purpose for the rest of my life   from that moment i ran home literally  i ran home with joy in my heart with   peace in my heart i went to this  place gloomy dark overwhelmed burdened   now i am m running like a bird i am running back  home and i rush to my home and i told my mom mom   you wouldn't believe what has happened  to me i actually left this house to go   and end my life i went to commit suicide but  under this tree God spoke to me and my mother   kind of had a sarcastic smile on her  face and she turned around and said James   you cannot kill yourself you cannot take your  life in fact no one can take your life because   if someone was going to take your life that would  have happened when you were six months old and   for the very first time at the age of 16 my mother  narrates a story to me of how i was six months old   and i was sleeping in the cradle made of clothes  i was sleeping in this cradle and my mother was   washing pots by the well my grandfather is in  the farm working no one else in the house my dad   suddenly lost his mind and he gathered up all the  pillows and the bed sheets and the newspapers and   on the other side of the house he created this  huge fire and my dad went inside and he cut the   cloth cradle and was bringing me outside of the  house and suddenly my mom began to smell the smoke   of the fire and began to see what my dad was doing  and she saw that he was grabbing me and he was   going towards the fire and so my mother  suddenly shouted and screamed for her life and   grandfather came rushing and people who were  walking by the road came in and there was all   a tussle with my father at that moment very near  to the fire very close to the fire it was only   seconds before that my mom saw this and with  this tussle and fight my mother literally with   all of her strength snatched me from my dad's hand  with the help of the people that came to help her and in the meantime the neighbors tied my dad's  legs and arms and have then of course take him to   the hospital as usually they do at that moment  when my mother snatched me from my dad's hand   almost from the verge of being thrown into  this fire she lifted me up to God and said God   this son of mine will serve you she dedicated  me for God's work when i was six months old   but she never told me the story all of these  16 years up until this moment she said James   you are dedicated to serve God and suddenly i  can see God's hand it was like a flashback of how   God was sovereignly orchestrating everything in my  life to this moment where i have this revelation   and encounter with God and i am making this choice  decision by myself not under the compulsion of   anyone but a revelation an encounter with God  helping me to make that decision at that moment   suddenly everything changes in my life i had the  freedom to share with my mother everything that   happened in my life and my mother embraced me  and and and she thank God that God has revealed   himself to me and said you know James make your  decisions as to what you want to do and at this   moment in time in my life i was you know going  to this college campus where i was wandering   away from God and suddenly i had this this  interest in me not to pursue that path anymore   already having lost all the whole academic  year the foundation of plus one and   plus two never completed so i just lost that  in trust to pursue that education and i said i   would like to study the Bible you know i had this  desire in my heart suddenly to learn the Bible for   myself for the very first time to read the Bible  for myself for the very first time to go to church   for the very first time by myself and i had this  desire to get to know God i was reminded of how   Moses was saved from water and here is God saving  my life from fire and i really understood that God   was working in my life in the moments of my  darkness and hopelessness in the in the valley   of the shadow of death that when i questioned  God where are you in those moments God was indeed   there and He was real He was in fact going  through the suffering with me and He is not   far away from me my dear friends  today God has chosen you God loves you   and there is not a single person on this earth  that he has no purpose for every one of us   are created by God for a purpose and there will  be times in our life we go through this challenges   and processes where He purifies us and He He walks  through the areas where He needs to sharpen us to   become more effective so that we can be totally  used for God in the way only he can use us   do we allow the eternity that God has put  in our hearts to to rise above the the pain   to rise about the rejection the hurts and  to let God fill the emptiness of our lives   today God wants to do the same in your  life the same God who spoke love to me who   affirmed his choice selection in my life  and who affirmed his purpose in my life   He wants to express the same love to you He loves  you today He has chosen you He has called you   God has taught me that it  is so important and so vital   that we surround ourselves with the right  people so as early as 18 or 19 years of age   i have put an end to most of the things that  have dominated my life up until that moment   don't miss the story and experience  subscribe LifeBridge and stay tuned
Channel: LifeBridge
Views: 5,274
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: childhood abuse, hope for suicidal thoughts, james chacko, james chacko autobiography, jc's life talk, leadership lessons by james chacko, life story of james chacko, life that will inspire, lifebridge, motivational video, overcoming pain, overcoming rejection, the making of a leader, positive, motivation video, motivation, motivational speech, best motivational video, motivational video 2021, motivational speeches, motivational, powerful motivational speech, mental health, trauma
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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