The Elden Ring Map Keeps Me Up At Night [Ramble]

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so Elden Rings architecture and art is insane we've talked about this a million times it's so nuanced and subtle and just very beautifully placed to suggest various things throughout the story so for example the people of Knox Stella really liked to depict the dukeist erba in their artwork you typically can see it depicted looking like ferns they also have a lot of very like organic swirly imagery that's associated with their culture and there's a teal bluish glow that's also associated with this do kissed herba um if you read the Dew kissed Urban item description it's a crafting item it tells the story of this a little bit and you can see it all over Knox Stella um it's very beautiful I love the vibe love to look at it love to see it it helps us as the player understand that there is a link between things that are glowing blue and teal Spirit summoning um the spirit Summoners snails the art of summoning the art of teleportation the art of [ __ ] anything y'all um you love it you love to see it I love all of the stuff that knock Stella had going for it it is one of my favorite civilizations an album ring um I'm obsessed it's great but what's even more genius is that they reuse their assets on Celia 10 of sorcery and two just like the regular player this might seem kind of lazy but to somebody that actually cares about the trajectory of like what's happening in the lore there's a reason for this the people of Celia town of sorcery are actually refugees from Knox Stella and nakron after Estelle came down and destroyed um and took the the night sky of one of the Eternal cities um the Dwellers down below decided to move topside and they developed Celia town of sorcery which is awesome and you see tons of like little like Easter eggs little references to the city um down below that they built they like moved they moved upside they built on top it's cool it's neat even they're like Town sigil has the summoning Circle which is like super awesome so you love to see it the circle is depicted whenever those like giant mimic balls are being summoned typically the circle with like the four the four like [Music] the four runes that are like on each Cardinal Point um it's really neat I love that detail so there's like that degree of Storytelling right where you can connect certain groups with certain civilizations and what's even more interesting is that the Eternal cities built on top of the old Palace ruins so if you look at their architecture the old Palace ruins uses almost like a limestone look to it it's very simple things are cut very like kind of asymmetrically it's a little lopsided at Parts things just kind of look like they're stacked on top of each other it looks like a very like old civilization like we've talked about before we've talked about all the historical references for a lot of this architecture so it's it's very clear that the Eternal cities and the people that built the Eternal cities when they were banished to the underground they came after and resided in the old Palace ruins and built on top of those ruins so for things like knock Stella and not cron being built on top of those runes it makes sense that there is like some intermingling of like those cultures so when we look at the Belfry towers that are top side we could actually see that the Eternal cities decided to build teleporters on The Belfry Towers which Belfry Towers have wool Palace ruin or oil Palace architecture you could see that we have like our good old bearded man but all of this architecture are assets that you can see down in not cron specifically so you can go check that out it's really neat it's cool to see the developers put so much attention into detail detail to see like how these cultures interact so here is where things get very conspiracy theory and I ask you to join me in putting on your tinfoil hat because it gets Buck Wild and I want to thank everybody who helped me go down this rabbit hole because it was really silly and fun um but definitely take it with a grain of salt it's kind of speculating for the DLC a lot of us I think know we're going to go into the past in typical standard Miyazaki fashion we love going to the Past in these games we love it it's typically what we do it allows us to explore conflict that leads up to the events of the game or to the events of the present so it's typically like the vanilla based game is the present to the Future and typically when we go into DLCs for those of you that are unfamiliar with Miyazaki games and Elden ring is your first introduction to the world um typically we will go back in time and build up to the point in which our characters introduced to the world so the 5 000 years before um when we wake up in our little tomb we get to typically go back and do all of that and it usually answers a lot of questions um about like what happened like who's this who's doing this so you know like a lot of people are speculating we'll probably figure out more about mikola at like what happened um to them we'll be able to like hear more about Saint Trina and we'll be able to figure out um you know maybe who the alabaster Lords are we get to discover some secrets that maybe like lost or missing to time so I'm excited for that I love all of the fromsoft DLCs they're so fun so I'm excited but um that ramble aside let's get into like the really crazy conspiracy theories so back when I first started playing this game there was somebody on Reddit named nameless singer that made a post that I'm going to link down below that talked about how they recognize that the Divine towers and the Giants forage were built by the same entity probably the fire Giants um most likely the fire Giants considering it's called the fire Giants Forge there's a repeating a couple of repeating assets between the two structures there's this like floral asset there's also like this really cool braid that looks a lot like the giant sprayed but um the floral asset that is right here is like the same one that's over here and the right picture is the Giant's Forge the left picture is the um uh Divine Tower so that's pretty neat we see that asset being reused but then if we look at other parts of the Divine Tower we notice that there's this like really neat little mirrored symbol almost looks like the Kingdom Hearts heart and then an inverted version of it and this pattern is actually quite long it doesn't just stop there uh it can go it can like repeat itself like multiple times and it's typically depicted in like a long day um but this band is something that we see throughout the game and the band is also depicted by like a couple of different cultures there's three different groups specifically that depict this this uh band of I I guess me and um SMB on Twitter were saying that it was kind of like a tree Motif it definitely I think is a tree Motif um and I'll talk about that in a little bit but it's also very similar to the double helix that we're seeing it shows this like depiction of you know Duality or like a mirrored like it's it's mirroring both from left to right but also from like top to bottom like it's it's mirroring itself in multiple different ways which is really cool but there's a bunch of different depictions of this particular symbol in particular Styles um so for example these two here because you could overlap this asset with this one and they're the same they're the same style it's the same asset so I would say that this would be like the fire giant style it it looks like it's molded out of clay it's quite um lopsided it's quite it's quite wonky I guess uh let me find here's the outside of the Divine Towers you can see them kind of like going up the side here um but they are a little sloppy they are just a little bit sloppy it kind of looks like a kid took like a thing of clay and was trying to like make something out of it and then we have these really cool um images of what looks like either fire or um Starfall like a bunch of comets um you know it could be like a variety of things but I think because of the fact that the Divine Tower specifically housed the Elden stars and various meteorites that Crown the top of the towers I'm assuming that it's like falling stars I think that that's what they're depicting that's my my best guess but something really interesting to note about this this image over here this like long band is that it's also depicted by other cultures like I mentioned so the other cultures that depict it are the beastmen they depict it on their grave markers it's um you know you can find it all over Fair Missoula you can find it down in caled by the beastman chapel gronk's Little Chapel um and they're commonly depicted with uh gravestones so you can see them here Fair Missoula is known as a big Mausoleum it's like a necropolis so it makes sense it makes sense right but then we also find them down in the old Palace ruins which is really interesting because there's this like intersection between three different cultures the fire Giants the people of UL Palace and the Beast people and um at first I kind of thought that the Beast people and humans were separate that they were at odds with each other and maybe Queen marika's Ascension to godhood has to do with like you know they them being at odds with each other but there's a ton of other images depicting humans potentially living and ruling around Fair missoula's time um for a Missoula has a chapel that depicts a human King along with a queen and a baby let me actually see if I have that picture hold on really quick let me see if I have that oh so you can see here um the one of the assets repeats itself here so this is who I assume is a woman holding a baby and the reason why I think that it is a woman is because it actually shrunk like this statue is shrunk down and put at the side of this man of this king and the King looks like he has a beard long hair and a crown and the woman holding the baby being depicted so small is very common for a steel or a register um because typically Kings or people who are really important at the time rulers would be depicted much larger than a lot of the people that are on the painting or on the steel um and it's quite funny because there's this like weird conspiracy or belief that there were giants um but that's not within the lore of Eldon ring this is within art history there's like conspiracies in real world art history that people think that there were like giants back in like ancient Egypt but that's not the case at all it just shows like a stratification of like the most important figure and typically the most important person is depicted being like twice the size of other people there's also what appears to be a lot of people think are misbegotten but given this like crane in the neck I almost feel like we might be looking at um we could be looking at Miss begotten I'm totally open to that but they almost have worm face um heads so you can kind of see there's like this divot like in the neck do you see what I'm talking about right there kind of have like long faces and then they have little dog-like bodies it's quite bizarre I'm totally open to them being misbegotten because they do have the Miss begotten face like kind of like goofy you know uh overgrown face but uh there's a lot of really interesting sculptures in pharamazula that depict multiple different types of beings all living together so keep that in mind it's like quite interesting to me um so we were talking about this on Twitter me and the the homies me and the crew um which I'm really thankful that I took that like weak Hiatus off because I don't often get to talk to y'all in fact sometimes I am quiet or have to stay quiet not because it's like something I'm working on but because I simply do not have time or if I like engage in conversations sometimes I'll just say something and then I'll like will realize that it's totally not what the train like that the threat is even about and I'm just like [ __ ] I don't even have time to like correct myself like it it's a mess but um thank you all for being patient with me and for letting me not only take this break but to you know deep dive lore with y'all it's always really fun when I do get the free time to do this but that being said um let's move over to the sword of ice and Flame so the sword of ice and Flame has like that uh Kingdom Hearts like inverted like little heart Motif if you look at the sword very carefully and we kind of look down here we see some candles we see drapery this almost looks like roots of a tree and then there's like flowers that are sprouting up from it so there's something going on here I don't know what specifically but here's the steeple so it's very similar to um the steeple of helfin or it's depicting like a building or a story and then from here we start to get Leaf foliage and then we get um the double helix opposites imagery going on here and this is beautifully illustrated by the relationship between the astrologers who looked toward the the Stars to space um for their insight into like the world and Divinity and all that other stuff and like the fate of humanity and then it's shared alongside the fire Giants who obviously looked inward towards towards fire towards the fell God for you know their Divine knowledge that they had a a relationship of like the dark moon for example is associated with ice obviously this is Magic damage but um there is this polarity of Ice and Fire that's kind of depicted with this like Moon and fire imagery which is really cool I love to see it um got a ton of the tree foliage and then this the y'all who follow me on on Twitter know that I'm crazy any like I've lose my mind anytime I see these two gems because I see them everywhere um I'll make a video about them but I just have a lot of feelings I like saw that I was just like oh Jesus again damn it not again um yeah that being said we're seeing the tree Motif appearing over and over and over again associated with the Giants associated with the astrologers associated with the Beast people associated with death on tombstones um in the old Palace it's a repeating symbol but it changes form depending on which culture is representing it but it does seem like there's an exchange of ideals which is really cool neat collaboration you love to see it so in a separate train of thought I was running around the lens between and I noticed these big pillars all over the place and they were driving me nuts I was like what the [ __ ] like who put these here and it's not just in one zone there's um you know one's in Khalid we have the ones in Lim grave we have the ones in leernia leading up to the Altus Plateau we have the ones in the Forbidden lands they pretty much are the entire structural basis for all of the lands between um and it's really neat because uh they're associated with the Giant's Forge it's what the Giant's Forge is built on top of and I'm starting to get this picture in my head of like okay the old Palace ruins Eldon John the old man statue that we joke about we see everywhere we see him associated with death with the ancestral followers with um uh rot we see him associated with like all this stuff um and then with the fire Giants we see their structures all over the place and then when aramezula we see a lot of the shared iconography so I I kind of was like oh man they're all connected and I was kind of envisioning it in my head of like a tower of battle um story so for those of you that aren't familiar with the Tower of Babel it is a myth um it was like an origin story about this like giant Tower where um pretty much like everybody on Earth spoke the same language and had the same culture and we were all unified under like one and then we find out that there's going to be like a great flood and in a panic using our combined knowledge we build this giant Tower and we try to like go really high up we try to like get up to heaven pretty much to like avoid this flood but God um didn't like this I don't really know what I talked about this in another video I don't really you know I understand the moral of the story but I also kind of don't um but God decided that he uh wanted to cut this [ __ ] out and he destroyed the tower and he separated all of the humans that lived in the tower and separated them by language so they could no longer communicate with each other and they can no longer build things to avoid their fate um so in that sense like I totally get it it's like kind of the hubris of trying to escape Destiny trying to escape death um but there's this idea of like this giant structure that used to interconnect everything that seemed to have shattered and I kind of get that Vibe with um you know the Giants pillars and with Fara Missoula and with all these cultures like the wool Palace all potentially interconnecting in some way just because of like where they spread to and the way in which they all intermingle but more importantly I've always kind of felt that caled and I know that a lot of the community feels this way too but um that Caleb and the Forbidden lands used to be interconnected um a huge reason like that people think that is because obviously a lot of enemy spawns are very similar we have the crows and the um dogs like the T-Rex dogs and the Giant remains like the big dead remains um all being located between these two areas like the big corpses is what I'm trying to say um but then also we have this like very bizarre waterfall and then the isolated tower that didn't look like it used to be isolated um there is like a road or like a path that should have connected to somewhere um and then we obviously have like this structure by the Beast Cathedral if you go down the back side of it it looks um kind of like you could connect that to something there's also the pherom Great Bridge that's over here so there's a bunch of like structures throughout the lands between that suggests that there may have been something that connected this area together it's kind of uncertain but I was like posting about this on Twitter and I was like I totally have this theory that like I feel that pharah Missoula sat on the lands between in some way like there's all these weird Cliff faces that look like somebody took a huge scoop out of it and I always thought that given the fact that the Divine Towers form that like weird um uh Metatron Cube they don't know where it is I don't know where I put it I don't even think I included it we'll draw it we'll just [ __ ] draw it so Divine Tower power I think I think I uh I'm trying to draw but I can't um I forget how to draw it because my brain is like hardcore just like messed up right now yeah so um I was always kind of like well maybe it's sat in the center right here and then um when I was posting about this Saint Trina on Twitter was like I kind of noticed that they were posting pictures from their PlayStation or from whatever they were like uploading pictures on their Twitter account and I kind of was like I think I know what you're doing like if you're doing what I think you're doing let me give you a hint because I tried to do this before um but pretty much she was trying to reconstruct pharah Missoula and what do I mean by that so Pharaoh Missoula very clearly looks like it has some pieces that are still intact so this whole Road um is intact this road is not so there's pieces of it that look like like this is how they should line up and then there's other pieces of it where somebody would really need to go in and like flip pieces around to try to figure out how the structure or the island actually was originally but it's so difficult to do that um that I gave up after a certain point but what I was able to kind of like get was like okay the worm faces are over here so this section would have been near landel because there's worm faces that are over here and the reason that I feel that they originated on Farrah Missoula is because when you see the worm faces on fire Missoula they have a purpose and not only do they have a purpose but they have regalia and um a bunch of other stuff that that give them a purpose they feel like they're in full swing on fire Missoula whereas the ones that are down in Landell seem a little bit miserable and confused and lost the ones that are up in front of Missoula seem like they're lamenting there's like a big mother one that seems like she's crying and she's staring out into the storm um but they seem like they had a job to potentially petrify dead trees into gravelstone you could see this because a lot of the worm faces will be hanging out by the trees throwing up on the trees chilling by the trees um but they also drop chunks of gravel Stone which is like the stuff that dragons are made out of um you can find gravel Stone items on it but some of these trees look like they are dying or dead so it just seems like the cycle of life and death is Alive and Well in Fair Missoula the leaves in Fair Missoula are also red which is the color of the past the color of The Crucible era so it's quite interesting to see all this stuff and they also have that like weird divot in their head that reminds me of the sculpture we were looking at on for a Missoula earlier so like their back is a little bit arched and they have this divot but more importantly they should have had a human head because we can see ears we can see like a jawline a forehead we could see what looks like it could have been like an enlarged human head but um I almost wonder if like perhaps death blight and malacath slash Gronk digesting the Godwin root like the death root is causing the death root to be present on pharah Missoula um they also have pock marks on their skin so I'm not really sure if this is their original state I would be super curious to see if we like see these guys in the DLC but like a different form of them it'd be really interesting um but they also have like really interesting hips that are really reminiscent of the deathrite birds and I say this because they almost look like horse or um like quadruped hip bones I don't I don't know how else to describe it um but it's something that I've just been thinking about really interesting stuff I love their design they're one of the most compelling enemies and I'm excited to see them in the DLCs I'm excited to see uh their story they're definitely one of the things that like I'm so fixated on right now alongside like the alabaster Lords another group of like Beast people that I love kind of like looking at are the harpies or the fairies or the sirens whatever you want to call them they'll typically hang out on the uh fire Giants pillars that hold up the world um and at first when I would like encounter them on these ruins I was like oh they're probably just being bats like bats like to hang out in alcoves or like in underhangs and these pillars provide a pretty decent area for them to like latch onto they'll typically be like dangling from one of these bad boys so I was like okay this makes total sense with their design but um when I started to realize that the sirens actually had like a purpose behind their song They're lamenting about the fall of their age and they're asking the gold one why it's so angry I almost wonder if if these people were associated with pharah Missoula especially given the fact that they're Airborne they can fly um similar to dragons so it's quite cool it's cool seeing them everywhere and it's cool seeing them specifically lined up with the fire Giants ruins it's really neat and it definitely gives me that image of unification across different life forms across different cultures so it's cool you'll love it you'll have to see it um but let's get into like the really crazy theories so Saint Trina on Twitter and I were were talking like I was mentioning and they when they were trying to reconstruct the map they actually went down this Pangea Rabbit Hole where they were like resizing the map and they realized that if they kind of like moved so like people in years this chunk of the map they Twisted to kind of like rotate it a little bit um clockwise but they realized that the border of like some of the cliff faces lines up with Caleb and I was kind of I was cracking up um they fit surprisingly well um and then she also realized too that The Cliff face where the worm faces hang out so it's kind of hard to see because this image is like a little low quality but um you can see that this Cliff face here kind of like fits nicely with this Cliff face here which the worm face is hang out in this area and Lando and then they hang out right here in Fair Missoula so potentially for a Missoula like was propped up or hovered hovering on the map and then she kind of like rotated she like broke apart from Missoula a little bit and notice that like you know this section kind of fits over here and then we're starting to get into the uh the old Palace ruin area where like the the ruins are kind of like strewn about um so that was one Theory I call this the Pangea Theory and this one is like really fun I love trying to see how everything fits there's another theory too which I'm going to call the dragon Talisman Theory so um also hold on one sec I want to make sure I get their name right okay so litter socks on Twitter saw this thread and mentioned that they don't necessarily feel that Caleb was ever connected to this part um in the way that Trina thought like Trina thought that the meteorite almost like shattered the tectonic plates apart and they like moved further apart causing this like this waterfall to occur um but like there's like tons of like whirlpools and the waterfall that's that's happening right here that are it's just really weird it looks like water is like emptying out um of like the the center of everything but um what's it called litter socks noticed that the dragon Talisman almost looks like a um [Music] the map to some degree like overlaid on the map so for example this would be like the wing and it would have gone down here this would have been the tail the toes and then liernia is Here Mount gilmir is here and then the head of the Dragon would be like over here and then the two rivers so one River would have flowed here this would have been like iron cell and sheofra um so that would have gone through here and then like because the river well like entrance location is in leernia and then the other one would have gone down all the way to caled where the river well is in caled um so they were kind of like pointing out that if you if you fill in the map in in this way you kind of notice that there's been some flooding or there's been something going on which kind of ties into the whole Tower of Babel's story where there was like a great flood at some point but um in this circumstance it seems like there was a series of meteors so that's quite quite interesting um I love these theories definitely take them with a grain of salt um I'm not saying by any means that this is like concrete but it's really fun speculation I love it um I definitely I'm not a flat earther or an ancient aliens person but I guess an Olden ring I am because I want to know more about the alabaster Lords and I want to know more about Alden ring Pangea um another thing that me and Sandra were talking about so here's like this Comet that looks like it is heading towards the lands between and then right here is the spiral which moves time it moves the clock and it looks like wind like it's like the Cyclone it's the same kind of like imagery that pharah Missoula has um with the storm oh where is it the spiral um but it's cool because Placida stocks is known to have control over time and so the big storm Beyond Time the big Cyclone uh seems to be a little bit depicted in like the clock um which I find really cool but another thing here is you can see like the lands between you can see like trees and like houses and like a bunch of other details I have a really low quality image here we were talking about different meteorites because of this um because on one of the timelines that I have actually hold up let me back out me and saying training were talking about this so there was an event called the routing of the Dragons which occurred after Pharaoh Missoula is blown up um and this is quite confusing so there's the Elden Stars the big meteorite that comes down that gives Queen Marika uh her great room she gets power she gets to become you know Marca uh the Eternal the imperian um and then Godfrey Becomes Her Eldon Lord It's really you know it seems like this this whole situation gets um changed because of the meteorite crashing however it takes Mark a while to marry Godfrey and to um you know establish The Crucible nights and to have her first kid so Godwin is born right the golden lineage begins all this stuff happens but then a lot of time passes and radagon leaves to invade liernia Mark and Godfrey invade the North and Godwin has kind of Left Alive and in charge of the capital along with sarash who serves as king Regent to the capital whenever Godfrey is out at War Suresh leaves his back and Godfrey is able to let go berserk mode and go fight and do whatever presumably but the fact that he is called Regent sarash suggests that he rules in Godfrey's stead whenever Godfrey is like out um so kind of like looking at the series of events of like okay radagon is invaded here Mark and Godfrey invade here Godwin is alone and all of a sudden the routing of the Dragons happens from pharamazula so all the dragons all abruptly leave ferum and they all like are either attacking the capital or trying to form an alliance with Godwin and Godwin befriends some of the dragons um there's like the community head Canon that him and the sister of fortisacs um you know like obviously they set up some of the Dragon Cult churches but a lot of people are like were they hooking up were they besties were they what you know like what's going on um that's all speculation though it's fun it's fun to think about Godwin's life before he got like royally [ __ ] um but Grand sex attacks the capital during the rounding of the Dragons Grand sax seems to know something I don't know what he knew I don't know why he attacked the capital at this point in history and it made me wonder did ferm get blown up like after so say for example the Eldon Stars the meteorite crashes Pharaoh Missoula is left um you know Fair Missoula is left unscathed it doesn't get blown up and then Pharaoh Mozilla gets blown up around the time that Godfrey and marakar are out and Godwin is left in charge is that why the dragons attack then or was there something else that caused the dragons to become routed from wherever they were and end up in Khalid was there something else that caused Grand sacks to attack the capital what do you all think that was I'm gonna open that up to the community because this is a big mystery I almost wonder if there was a second meteorite if there's obviously there's been multiple meteorites because all of the falling star beasts and all the alabaster Lords that we fight sometimes are depicted standing on top of an arena with a meteorite like a golden meteorite um in this stage and so I wonder do you guys think it was like a separate meteorite do you think pharah Missoula was actually blown up like way back over here and back when the Elden Stars fell and then they just like waited to attack the capital why do you think they waited what are you doing yeah that's the video um another thing I'm going to talk about really quick my schedule's been really chaotic lately I talked a little bit about it on social media I've had a lot of really stressful life about events happen but in addition to that I also suffer from episodic cluster headaches this time of year for those of you that are unfamiliar with that they are worse than migraines I also get those I get aura migraines um but cluster headaches typically last for three to four hours but it is the most intense pain that you could feel um they're also known I don't know if I could say the s word on here Sudoku headaches s-u-i-d I do you know you know what I'm trying to say like they're also known as a word that I'm not typically allowed to say on social media um but also trigger warning that's just like the nickname for them like in medical terms because of like how [ __ ] bad they are um so if I seem out just out of it if my speech is more slurred than normal if I'm having more trouble articulating myself if I get lost in my thoughts it's because I'm likely recovering from one or I'm going to have one I'll typically slur my words like before it hits onset I've been getting these for like my whole life so do not worry about me I will be fine I just need some time um and that also means that my schedule might just be really erratic and also I might need a lot of like downtime to just stream dumb [ __ ] like I might just stream ciao Gardens for like 12 hours or like stardew Valley fishing because I just sometimes need that time to recuperate and do something that's very low brain stuff brain power I don't know it's gonna be fun it's gonna be great we're gonna have a good time still don't worry I'll be back I'll be back I promise and I promise I'll make my [ __ ] mikola video soon too don't worry about that that's coming I'm still getting all the information together for that and first thing it sucks because Nicola is like not only is that gonna be a lore video about Saint Trina but it's also going to be a lore video about Godwin and it's also going to be a lore video about Loretta and it's also going to be a lore video about the albanorics because you literally cannot talk about Nikola without all of these entities shit's hard well then ring Laura is hard but yeah is my crazy crackpot video thank you for joining thank you for going along the ride on the ride with me yeah yeah have a good one [Music]
Channel: Quelaag
Views: 182,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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