the El Reno, Oklahoma tornado

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there it is there it is it's down it is down look at it what I thought with this gu is when we get on a good storm I mean with the batteries on these things we can just turn it on and that way when we go to deploy it should just be ready to go right here so we see when it goes though it's going be it's right here where we are that's where it's going to go this will likely result in Rapid development thund this afternoon evening long is W there's nothing to the South super well see there's another Tower trying to go up back over there anything that's put more outlow down you if they work the same area yeah I don't think we need out today yeah we're sitting on 5500 tape right now that's a tower right there there uh there's more behind it it's a very volatile atmosphere I mean once this thing pops it's going to go pretty crazy and uh I think the game plan is to be patient and wait for a maturing supercell something that we like and then just go after it and uh we might have to get out more to the east pretty quickly just to stay ahead of this in fact if anything I'm going to look at kind of a a map here in a second to um have a game plan to stay East with it so very healthy updrafts trying to break the cap and it's very very volatile extremely humid outside I mean it's just ah sticky you I'm sweating just standing here so wow I just saying they're back here too got a nice Old Tower uh just off for North uh West so not doing much yet just in the very early stages uh really tough we going to have a number of cells go up I don't know if I want to jump on any of them hard right now I'm content to watch uh I get the bigger the feeling today the best stuff's going to be towards the OKC Metro Area the environment's just absurd you know we're talking legitimate 5,000 du a kilogram mixed Slayer C and you don't see that often and it's going to verify me I think okay was 86 over 74 that's that's soup basically and uh the only trick with today is to get the lowle shear and it's really started to pick up Southeast the surface we're talking probably good 15 m per hour at least I'd say 10 to 20 knot float the surface and it's uh just coming up on 400 p.m. I think so that's what's really pushing today into a high-end type threat pretty crazy when you you have your tornado storms there you know you always have streets or UND latest clouds somewhere in the area and I am absolutely convinced it indicates low level shear and a lot of times models don't pick it up that looks really impressive I mean absolutely impressive [Applause] yeah we are loading up and rolling back a little bit to the Northeast n yeah ah need my liquid that is good TV by the way for people that like hot chocolate ninjas and if you don't you should all right slow wow look at that up Dr from the back side of that man the latest look at the banding in these clouds right in front of this jeez dude it's going to be violent today down there little track towards OKC I think this guy right here might actually end up being storing the day based on looking at current meeso analysis it does make sense with the location the highest dudes are pulled right in front of this guy 73 74 there's a 75 in there well uh we've got three different supercells have gone up this guy looks like he's taking over and he's off to our Southwest extreme extremely volatile environment right [Music] now yummy sorry I didn't want step that well I just we wanted to get good view of it still thinking Southern stor watch that close we're in agreement okay sucker right down there we've got initiation kids we're looking three super cells kind of think of this other one right now I noticed on uh SRV 1.5 they're already getting some uh midle cupets makes sense just by looking at it got really nice inflow bands and buing met cycl started a crazy day down yeah if we think this guy's the player we ought to go ahead and move out here to okari I'm not familiar with the Western Oklahoma Indian names I only know the Eastern Oklahoma Indian names let's take it on the shape really quick like he just said this is a hell of a location I mean got all to ourself apparently a great place to piss too yeah yeah and look at the like I want lightning we like lightning uh whenever storm strengthening lightning is a good indicator of uh such an event starting to pick up all the way so for central Oklahoma this is about as good as it gets location wise I mean this is actually relatively flat we're looking down or at least level which is great The Horizon and we got a base it's probably moving East Northeast we could actually sit here a while so unless we think that we're going to play something to our South and you should pan that direction then we might as well go intercept cuz there's absolutely that guys very good point that's like fireworks it's like a good recipe for a show 20 minute tornado tornado in 20 minutes or less we'll tell you how 5 or 6,000 Cape is uh a good starting point strong southeasterly and just uh had a nice uh upper level jet streak and 20 minutes or less tornado see straight back yeah look at that kind of thinking about getting over here to this highway and taking up towards 81 agreed and that way cuz it that Northern cell is still by itself and it can take off so uh this one's got a cell merger taking place as long as that base is still there it's still a player but right we'll see how it it evolves the northern one's really discreet yeah it's it's by itself it's tough call I mean I'm not eager to run away from this base right now it's pretty good looking uh you know the southern end of a merger it's going to go on a day like this so might not look discreet to begin with but just give it a few minutes awesome Thunder notice on the the bill looks like everything's right turning the one to the South is going to track into the Metro if it keeps going east potentially historic storm I kind of just want to play all three kind of I mean we're not going to take the northern one but give us the option of the two Southern ones and then we'll we'll take the one that looks best he's already worn the 2-in hail well that's what that's 5,000 cape release for do you think that other one's going to be kind the best storm just Str and we got another scan on it looks a lot better on the last scan yeah that southern one's taking over yeah I think that's we should just run and put ourselves in this path literally right through the heart of Oklahoma City you were the right turn right now we can just just go run straight west on this County Road we're just heading just straight into it over here you guys want to get over on that North South Road yeah let's do that give us all the options we need yeah let's roll pick you up on Monday sounds good my road up here good uh it does this doesn't show any um there's another one let's see here it's messy right now just needs to get move off that I'm interested in this storm too up here yeah I know that think it's start going yeah he's I mean the atmosphere is just as good he's out of play though W hold on can you look at see if there is a way around the east side of eleno or look on that paper map was basically I don't want to have to go through eleno may need to get that far south actually probably need to get that far south 81 is Main Street then we're going to have to hook back up with 66 and drop South under 40 I think he's going to come out of this possibly so now yeah it's looking healthy back there the band is really nice yeah it's very serious [Music] looking AB incredible the midle meso you got the infow tail coming in I think it's just a matter of time before he really gets crank in at the surface right here on this front edge you can just barely see the Bas there incredible position is this making you nervous must you smoke now no that middle feature guys that Middle look it is focusing in there big time yeah it's going to sit down may want to go here massive mesocyclone we on the base of it uh just winding up just through our West Northwest wrapping back there really well uh tornado gen Genesis is Emin it any second massive area that when it goes it is going to put down something huge back there that absolutely incredible looking massive mesocyclone uh St All Above had you can just watch it visually wrapping there it is there it is it's down it is down look at it it's actually on this side of the tree no it's multivortex it's just one yeah that tornado will be only one until it ropes out 30 minutes from now it's already massive want to move over to set up again no it's coming right at us yeah D from your tripod it's on my other camera base just take it off that is just one tornado look at that this car has going move holy crap it's it's moving now South yeah I think we need to move a little bit South hey no we [Music] got that yeah just pulling the rain around it's going to get rapture just a minute yep that tornado is still there I just don't see it it's still there yeah I can't see it yeah there's a new converion there is still a tornado there and there will be that's one thing I know about storms that look like this that tornado is not going away really my point ter back is our deployment I mean depending on how this thing it's a bit erratic we just got to be patient yeah we a little bit more time but we're right there to do it yeah now it's still on the ground yeah it's in there I just want to go before we get stuck in this thing yep back let's go ahead and move before we get stuck okay back up a couple mil go go go go [Music] want to run away need stop a couple minutes you're going to need a couple mile well yeah you know what to do looks good to me blast they don't even know we're going east [Music] though [Music] [Music] [Music] wow this thing's really become invisible now shoot as much of it as you can with that DSLR cuz the contrast is so bad it's hard on these andic cams and how it's quiet now all of a sudden it's moving East harder a SAT look at the RFD push it East satellite maybe over here yep that's totally a holy crap man two tornadoes at once coming soon yeah the RP doesn't own it wow look at all the vortices with it storm is absolutely cleared out now at that an incredible view of the storm we need to move East yeah let's go let's go I like how these storms become much more classic looking Violet tornado large destructive tornado I check our GD can we go north yes I mean we literally on a perfect GD now oh [Music] wow J's on the Storm he last time texted me he was 8 north of alos like town we run into I mean this thing's hit populated areas holy mother info's really falling off well it's cuz we're on that RF G front I know I don't want to move know what you're saying though yeah let's keep going okay we're going I just don't know man I I really think it's too early to make a decision in my opinion it's possible storm on the back side yeah look there's a it's trying to put together a whole another meeso here but this thing still yeah this one's going to be HP from this point out because it's getting seated you can take that road right back East over towards MacArthur if you go too much farther south you're going to get into that other tornado d That's Southwest forth right there that's more but you see all that that River there and all that dead area yeah that's why I didn't want you to go down the Mustang you need to listen very closely to Aaron's advice is extremely important today okay guys oh man this thing's taking a turn to the south at us all the way we need to get South what are my options you don't have any options right now cuz you can't turn around this right you're pretty much trapped this thing is right up behind us on our ass this could be two lane getting out of here nobody's going to want to go north can we go uh to can we go west we could but um yeah I mean you can try dropping south on the next road yeah at least that gets us out of this there's no guarantee that it's not jacked up too no there's no guarantees at all with this find me my first South just tell me where my first good South is you got to go a mile dude okay back [Music] that's Telephone Road which parallels 44 I would say right um right yeah I would say right good call [Music] Bad come on people make a lane doing good watch out great job great job you got a car right here on your back bumper you just stick with him we're cool to be moving we're safe nothing torn addic here here we it should be back right over here yes you did great rotation is weakening still could be there but it's uh down tick let's focus on the Southward push all lanes are going south of this point guys see that rotation it's just Northwest now but now we're chasing it into the city again got look at the more damage oh my God put your window down oh my go mother you kidding me oh my God are you filming this yes holy people just di this is where I used to live really I used to live live in the houses right over there God [Music] this oh man this is up that shopping center that was destroyed went there every day to pick up Chinese food my house was directly behind that rvest bank hail is the biggest concern now to get South not sure about tornado right now kind of don't need to focus on tornado right now can you see nothing thing off to your left there no okay yeah we're not going to get East go man go any more on the news no uh new tornado warning for Cleveland [Music] County I bet you can see this better than I can that kind of me I have no radar like last time [Music] like
Channel: Chaotic Horizons
Views: 640,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supercell, Mesocyclone, Tornado, Storm Chasing (Hobby), Meteorology (Interest), 2013 El Reno Tornado (Disaster), Science, EF-5, History, Twistex, Tim Samaras, Severe Weather, Disaster, Carl Young, Paul Samaras, Tornadogenesis, Deadly, Tornado Outbreak, El Reno, El Reno Oklahoma, Widest Tornado, Oklahoma, Great Plains, Moore Oklahoma, Record Breaking, Weather, Storm, Violent, Natural Disaster, Climate, Nature, Adventure, Severe, Tornado Alley, Historical, Samaras, Research, Documentary, Atmosphere, NWS
Id: 2CsR04fEBgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2015
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