THE EILEEN PLAN | Regular Show Reaction

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hey hey how's it going I just have one quick thing to say before we start with the reaction YouTube can take down this reaction or any of my other reactions at any time they have done so before they will do it again so just in case everything will be available on my patreon at reactsby night if you want to choose to support the channel That Way everything will be there including some Early Access stuff before they're out on YouTube also I'm slowly re-uploading everything onto my Rumble Channel at user slash reacts by night I'm slowly re-uploading everything so please please be patient with me but there will be backups just in case if this goes down or anything else goes down and until next time enjoy the reaction adios hey hey I got a Regular Show reaction for you this time we have the Eileen plan oh okay let's do it what's our plan wait yo Rigby what does this remind you of oh wait they're all hanging out together your seventh grade science project on which pizza box makes the best pillow what oh dude with that project come on Rigby we've all done embarrassing stuff you know when I was a kid I used to peel the pepperoni off of pizza and eat it separately wait jeez kids do do that okay that's not really that embarrassing Margaret yeah I mean if you want embarrassing I used to do the same thing before I wrote in sixth grade wait I think I still have it your Manifesto like Alan's Manifesto from Gumball oh wow the title Eileen Roberts do hereby swear to accomplish the following by the end of my first quarter Century on planet Earth One lower age of presidential eligibility to 25. two oh presidency how's it coming with those hey president Roberts yeah you can totally do that stuff by the time you're 44. what what no a quarter century is 25 years yeah Rigby I knew that number three marry someone brilliant preferably with several pants under his belt patents oh patents super smart is okay too [Laughter] okay I know anyone like that much less am I married to him yeah pretty funny oh 4. eliminate allergic responses to peanuts oh she has a peanut reaction dinner allergy hey Mordecai hey Mordecai oh what do you think I'm dumb yes go okay yeah I thought so I was just oh Rigby [Music] no you're not dumb I was just kidding you're smart in your own way that's a big question mark right there you've always been cool with being dumb it's just the Eileen plan even if I was smart in my own way which I'm not I'm still not brilliant I have zero patents or pants you're overreacting man Ellie doesn't care about that stuff anymore but she doesn't know I didn't graduate from high school if I'm ever going to be there that's the least I can do so let me get this he's doing this for Eileen want to enroll at this school so you can get your diploma because you're currently too dumb pretty much yeah not a chance Rigby you put me the first time you went here ah come on principal Dean I know I screwed up in high school principal theme fine I shouldn't do this but oh you still need three classes to graduate a science a phys Ed and a language high school and I suggest you be realistic I will thanks principal Dean you won't regret this oh he's back all right so what do you think Hmm oh dude perfect intro to geology remember not really rocks for jocks no one ever fails oh yeah all the athletes took it because it was basically a free pass piece of cake I'll do it you're not the free past class nah I'm gonna rule that place like a king geology wrong settle down class we've got a returning student with us today Rigby would you like to come to the front and introduce you oh no not the introduction stop why bring the chair dude let me rap to you about it oh no Rigby yeah what's up I'm Rigby but my friends call me rig bone or trash boat probably heard of me I used to go to this school oh yeah my older brother stepped on your neck in gym class you're a river I only came back here to prove something to my girlfriend anyway oh cool is she a 100 year old Dropout too no she's super cool and like a genius you're old what nobody's ever failed your class that's true wow so last week who is what this is called and remember we ruled out rockhold oh poor Rigby wow you never studied this hard when you were actually in high school he's trying dude if Eileen wants someone brilliant get someone brilliant [Applause] bark bark woof woof hey Eileen oh that was tonight ah sorry I can't uh what was tonight Ethiopian food Mordecai got dumped again that guy right yeah it's real touch and go right now he needs my support who is it this time no the big dance thing we planned for months gotta go see ya thing I've had to turn down this week dude just tell her the truth not until I'm brilliant Rigby [Music] I heard it Mrs K I'm sure everyone did but thanks for responding Rigby well anyway I couldn't tell if a rock is a geode look at that gorgeous we'll see plenty of these in our field trip Friday night nice spelling excuse me what field trip the spelunking filled trapment for this class um what's the first the big test that everyone passes so basically all you have to do is show up for the filter and you'll pass but I have a big date with my girlfriend that night wait what it's that easy you gotta show up to the cave are you ready for our date tonight the modern dance USA troupe only comes through town once a year and this year they're letting the audience participate oh she's really excited for it [Music] are you okay I'm not feeling so hot Eileen I can bring you some lozenges nah I don't eat shellfish I'm sorry I think I better stay in tonight take care of this can we reschedule for tomorrow well the dance trip is only here one night but yeah of course get some rest thanks I will see you tomorrow like I feel bad but I get it Rigby just wants to prove something to Eileen yeah it's pretty dark in there [Music] Aiden Braden Jaden stop it Greg oh okay Greg the caveman oh Liam bring me alone he's just trying to get an education let's try this cheese man I remember him he's on a cave hole but harder to come out getting stuck in the cave wouldn't prevent you from passing the class she said cave being alive anyway follow me I thought she ruled out cave hole oh oh hey Eileen Rigby's not back from his field trip to the cave yet he's not home sick no I think the class the class of illness he has involves an addiction to caves so he's at a cave now I see I see you're not buying this are you no then can I have the soup why would you want to do that Cool Sports what was that laughed at you dumb jocks remind me of my dad he's funny and old oh yeah up oh my goodness how old man land such a mega well no you know I don't like being lied to by my boyfriend I miss the dance show to bring you soup Eileen Bell's an Eileen jump scare so fast Rigby but I have to get [Music] oh hold up she means everything to him Eileen talk to me go around in a cave with high school kids you might as well just leave me here oh Eileen ER I don't know how to get out I'm coming down actually it'd be better if you went to get home oh Rigby I mean I can explain I was going to the hospital but I got lost Rick Rigby sick just tell me the truth okay I'm not just hanging out in a cave with teens for fun I I never graduated from high school really this whole Cave thing is just for school credit so I can graduate and get my diploma I never cared until I saw the Eileen plan but now all I can think about is how you're going to be the president and I'm just going to be some jerk you used to date but I don't need a genius I like you just the way you are yeah yeah oh I do it's way too dark to find a way out I've got an idea I love these two so much digging sounds like you're digging you know caves are already underground right he's learning [Music] warts [Music] it worked still not enough light he's learning my man is learning listen it's Hollow Aha and check this out ooh purple geode with Jasper banding gorgeous thanks now if I here we go wow it's gorgeous be look Rigby there's an exit sign pretty amazing yeah I like this feeling you know even if I might never be brilliant I still want to get my diploma for you and for me I respect that um hey Eileen yeah can I try something when we're walking out okay well they're dead for sure what wait what principal's gonna have my head for this look dang [Music] thank you I know everyone passes this class but Rigby just aced it I get to carry you next time deal I I am tearing up right now I'm literally tearing up right now what the heck that was so sweet I'm actually tearing up right now that was such a great episode oh my goodness [Music] oh I was not expecting that I thought Rigby was gonna like you know kiss her and then they walk out holding hands I was not expecting him to carry her out oh man it was it was rough at first but you know the reason why it's because Rigby doesn't want to think that Eileen thinks that he's dumb it's just he wants to prove a point but now he's being honest with her and he learned things he listened to the class like he took his notes he did he did his things and he amazed her and I Lane didn't want somebody just brilliant she wanted Rigby and Rigby wanted her those two are perfect for each other and this episode proved it basically you need like as silly as it may sound but someone like Rigby is literally someone perfect for someone like those are some of the qualities I would love to go for for somebody is crazy just being a big old goofball tries he like they try they do their best they're funny goopy stuff like that not looking for anybody perfect it's just like Rigby stands out in his own way he's Reckless dangerous lazy slobbish but he's trying to improve himself in these past few seasons proved that he is trying to better himself and he's doing it not just for Eileen but just for himself too but he's not doing it just for himself he's doing it for him and Eileen which means he's going to try even harder to become a better Rigby than he was back in season one [Music] that was such a sweet episode [Music] and it's just that lying to Rigby is natural to him he just lies because he's used to doing it but now he has to realize he can't lie to his girlfriend because he doesn't want to lose her Eileen means a lot to him and I really do appreciate that Rigby did not pull a mordecai in this [Music] he cares about Eileen and he wants to keep it that way he wants to stay with her and this the the episode just proved that point that he'll work super hard just for her and for him I gotta stop saying just for her he's doing it for both both himself and hers and her I'm sorry that ending was just very sweet he got the credit for the class I hope that well I don't know if there's any more requirements but he's doing well in that class so far I feel sorry for that teacher though because nobody feels her class and she's aware of it oh well everybody passes her class just for being there so you don't gotta take notes or anything you just gotta go spelunking and that's it you're good so I hope that I cannot wait to see this relationship like grow more it's so it's it's so good this is a relationship I freaking ship like this is the only one I would ship it's so good Rigby I'm proud of you Eileen I'm happy for you but Rigby has a lot of making up to do especially since Eileen missed a dance [Music] so Rigby get ready for that Ethiopian food all right hope you enjoy this as much as I did this was such a great episode I'll catch you next time until then adios [Music] thank you
Channel: ReactsByNight
Views: 23,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Regular Show Reaction, Reacting to Regular Show, Regular Show, ReactByNight, ReactsByNight, Regular, Show, Cartoon, Network, Cartoon Network, Regular Show reaction, Regular Show React, Regular Show Episode reaction, Regular Show episode reactions, Regular Show reactions, regular show react, react to regular show, Regular Show Full Episode Reaction, Regular Show Full Episode Reactions, reacting to regular show, regular show reaction
Id: ayT8dhEJNPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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