The EASY Way To Design Stunning Emails In Canva

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do you want to learn how to design emails like this completely for free in a friendly software like canva even if you have zero design skills and then learn how to export them the right way so they look great and they function well within clavio or any other email platform or then you better stick around because in this video I'll show you how to do all of that step by step oh and make sure you watch until the end because I've got a special free gift for you let's go hi my name is Michael and in this channel I simplify email marketing with easy to follow Frameworks systems and step-by-step tutorials okay listen I completely understand where you're coming from you look at all these professionally designed emails big brands are sending and you wonder how am I supposed to design emails at this level well you're not your only goal should be to grow your online store so you can one day afford to hire someone like me to run your email marketing but until then I'll teach you how to design highly converting emails using a free and simple tool like canva emails that look great and motivate people to buy from your store and don't worry you don't need any design skills or prior experience I'll try to make this process as easy for you as possible let's go okay the first step in this process is to get some inspiration for the email you want to design let's say we want to send out a promotional email for Independence Day which was on the 4th of July this year so first we go to this website called really good they have a 14 day free trial and then it costs like nine dollars per month I think right okay we are inside the platform now so let's search for Independence Day okay so we type in Independence Day and we start browsing through the emails and we look for an email that we like I like this one um this one this one's pretty good all right so I've got three emails I think I'm gonna go with this one so I don't know why it's so zoomed in but I've downloaded this email and put it in figma so we can break it down so we've got this hero image on top very nice high contrast image we've got this gradient that goes from black to transparent so so we can see the white text a little bit better logo on top then we've got immediately we've got an offer 10 off for um Fourth of July and a call to action this is all above the fault meaning people don't have to scroll to see the offer and the first call to action which is something that we want to replicate and then as we scroll down we've got these three sections basically three categories of products headline text and and call to action on the left left alignment and then on the right we've got on transparent background some images of nuts because all I would imagine they're selling nuts okay same for the other uh two categories then we have a custom um Banner slash call to action here with an illustration we've got some more illustrations here and then we've got the footer so it's a pretty simple email but it looks great and we can definitely replicate the structure for our own needs now I'm not gonna design the same email I'm just gonna show you how to take a structure that obviously works and apply it for your own brand oh I've created this dummy store for my tutorials on Shopify it's called the Retro Room and it's an online store selling limited edition Italian furniture from the 50s 60s and 70s so as you can see it's very simple it's a work in progress I've literally set it up for the purposes of this tutorial so we've got just four products here now let's head over to canva and redesign this email that we downloaded okay we're in Camp so what you do is you go to the top right and you click on create a design next you want to select custom size and for width you want to put in 600 pixels this is the recommended width for your emails we want them to look good on mobile because over 60 of your email opens happen on mobile so you want to prioritize that so 600 pixels by let's say 2000. create a new design so there you have it we have we can close this panel on the left and now let's start recreating this email right so we've got like I said we've got the hero image logo offer and in a transparent gradient going from black to nothing basically now a great website for finding high quality good looking images to use as hero images is a website called unsplash dot com so you go to unsplash and let's type in Retro Room okay we want to select portrait mode and now let's just browse through and see if we can find an image that we like I actually like this one a lot so let's just download it let's just create a new folder on my desktop for the purposes of this tutorial let's call it canva designs okay we'll download it there nice okay let's go back to canva and we can just drag this image and put it over here close this right here's the image you can close this for now let's make it bigger let's zoom in right so I think it looks pretty good we may have to increase the size of this though so height to 3000 pixels nice okay so again we put it on top now like I said we want to add a semi-transparent um gradient so the white text stands out to do this we type in gradient under elements and we choose this one then we have to flip it so the the black is on top so we flip it vertical okay we'll put it over the image make it bigger and now as you can see we've got this nice black overlay semi-transparent gradient overlay on top uh so we can add our text but actually let's just double check how it looks like I think I'm gonna put the text on the bottom not on the top so to do this let's flip it again flip vertical put it over here now I've got my logo here already okay so you basically download your logo you put it over here on top make sure it's aligned to the center so to do this you select your element go to position and then you want to align it to the center this is the principle of alignment in graphic design and it makes your overall composition look a lot more aesthetic right we can make the logo a little bit smaller because we don't want the logo to take too much of people's attention you know who want them to focus on the actual offer so because my logo is a bit unusual with this red it doesn't contrast very well with this specific background so what I'm gonna do is let me just move this over here I will edit photo and then crop it and I will select one by one so we want to make it we want to turn it into a rectangle and we want to leave just a little bit of space over here okay so move it again move over here so we've got this nice gradient again we're gonna put our text over here we're gonna leave the logo above and just move this a little bit more also you want to make sure you have equal white space on the top and on the bottom so I think roughly it's the same now let's add some text our heading I'll call it 10 all caps 10 percent off and we want to pick a font that is similar to the font used in my logo now I haven't done a full branding kit for this particular story yet so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna choose this font called Oswald because it's kind of similar to what we're looking for here make it about this big maybe 55 okay and underneath we'll add 4th of July site white sale okay now obviously you will want to make this a lot smaller so let's make it 20 pixels smaller 35. we want it all to be on the same line okay so do you see these lines on the left the these purple pink lines these help you align your text so basically this text is perfectly aligned with this text underneath it this is called alignment and and it's something that you you should be looking for in your designs but I don't want to get into too much detail about alignment and all these different design principles I'll cover them in a separate video right let's move these to the left a little bit more okay now let's design a call to action button we'll just use a simple rectangle call it shop now keep it simple this time make it a little bit smaller move it over here we again align it with our text on the left and for the color we want to pick the same color as my logo the font needs to be Oswald as well make it 15. and we'll also board it okay so far it looks pretty good um I want to change this I want to align it to the left and I also want to unbolt it so this is the principle of contrast we want the main headline to stand out so it stands out because of its size but also because it's bought it and this one isn't so we've got size and weight as well here right so I'm pretty happy let's let's continue with the other sections so if you look at the original email when we now have to feature three different product categories with text on the left and image on the right let's see how this applies to our e to our design to make this a little bit faster I've already uploaded the product pictures over here so let's start with the red let's start with the Retro chairs so obviously this is too big when you're resizing I want you to be very precise so if you go to position and you make sure it's locked then you can just type in 200 pixels and it will resize it for you right so 200 pixels is pretty good I would say okay so we take this we click on Ctrl d to duplicate it let's make it black let's make it 25 size and now let's call this also we continue to align this to the text above it so let's see what's the name of this product it's called mid-century letter office chairs Italy 70s let's just call this 70s letter chairs [Music] perfect and for the text below let's make it 15. let's just copy my product description for now we don't want to waste too much time obviously okay paste it over here make sure it's aligned it's probably too big let's make it 10. oh it's too small let's make it 13 I think 13 is perfect now let's also make this a little bit bigger Maybe 220. right okay this looks nice okay so we've got roughly the same white space over here on the left and over here on the right this is very important this this text over here is aligned with this text over here and this image is not aligned with anything because we don't have any elements on top now let's add some sort of divider for now let's just add a simple line and we can make it fancier later so hold down shift to make a straight line we don't want this to take too much attention so I'll just lower the transparency to about 50 percent right now let's just duplicate this move it over here make sure it's aligned on the left and make sure it's got the same white space as the one above it so can you see where it says 42 this is 42 pixels of white space from from the end of the text above to the line and we've got the same amount of space from the line to the beginning of this text so this is perfect we'll drop it over here and now to make this email more interesting we'll move this to the left we make sure it's aligned with the text again and this one under alignment instead of left alignment we want to make it right alignment right so we move over here this text also right alignment over here it's too close make sure it's got the same the same amount of white space okay I like this a lot now let's change the image we'll go to uploads and let's use the lamp this time just drag and drop it and it's it just changes the image but it Remains the Same Size so let's call this so let's see this is called 60s table lamp serpente in Italian so so okay 60s table lamp okay perfect um let's go and let's copy our product description okay perfect now we forgot to add something I'll move this a little bit down we forgot to add a call to action so let's make this 15. call it shot now and we'll add an arrow we'll bold it and it will also underline it okay maybe without the underline and I'll also make it a different color which will be the same color as our previous call to action so you want to have this consistency in your design for example if your call to action buttons are colored red then make sure all of your buttons are colored red [Music] also make sure you use the same font size for headlines for the text and all of that okay this looks pretty nice let's duplicate it put it over here align it to the right this time align it to this text as well and we also want to make the arrow on this side right perfect see now it's 55 pixels here in 55 pixels here we want to maintain the same white space everywhere okay now we have to make our third and last product section we duplicate it again we'll put it on the left the text on the left again [Music] let's duplicate the separator put it over here okay 55 perfect and our third product will be this lovely mirror so let's just replace the image this is called vintage brass mirror Italy 50s all right 50s 50s brass mirror okay perfect let's copy the product text now this time is a little bit longer don't worry about it move the shop now button so it's 14 pixels of white space same as above okay this already looks very nice I'm actually going to move this a little bit more to give this one more space okay this is looking great so far got our hero image we've got our logo we've got our offer we've got a call to action all above the fault and we've got the three product categories and now let's add our final separator and um okay what else do we what else do we got we got the three product categories then we've got the a custom Banner call to action so let's make a custom Banner call to action now um so we go back to unsplash and this time we want to select landscape so it's horizontal and now we have to pick an image to be used for our custom Banner call to action so let's not over complicate this I'll just download this image over here looks retro enough now let's upload it there is our image put it over here we make it bigger so it fits the canvas now we want we don't want this to be as tall as it is so we're gonna crop it we go to edit photo crop and um to 16x9 I think this is perfect you know what I think will be nice I think I think we should add some product reviews underneath before we show people the final Banner call to action let's just add three product reviews underneath so to do this we go to elements we type in review we pick these five stars okay we make them smaller we'll align them here on the left okay perfect and now we Ctrl D this text and we make up let's just create some fake reviews this is definitely not recommended download this in your store but for the purposes of this training let's just make them up so we've got our reviews over here let's leave a little bit more white space okay and now we've got our Banner let's add a gradient on top of it let's just add a full rectangle top let's just make it like this let's choose a full black and let's lower the transparency to about yeah 50 I think 50 is pretty good and now we just duplicate this bring it over here make sure it's aligned to the center and make sure you don't leave any space because then it will align it it will basically align this object so if we if you have useless space on the right it will it will count it as part of the object so we want to make it as wide as the text and then you want to center it let's make it all caps and let's make it say shop now with 10 off okay make it make it wider and we align it again all right so pretty solid let's zoom out and see how it looks so I think it looks pretty nice for a promotional email for the 4th of July now we've got some space left over here don't worry about it we'll crop it out later now I know you're probably thinking well this is good enough this looks great um I'm ready to export this email and use it but trust me we could make it a lot better uh and with just a few simple additions we'll make this email much much better a lot more interesting and engaging because because after all we want our emails to stand out in people's inboxes so want to do a good job okay so the first thing I'm gonna add generally you don't want to leave white background like this you either want to have different colors of backgrounds or maybe you you can have one full background as a gradient or if you want to leave it white at least add something called a texture so you type in texture so I've already picked my texture it's a dust texture very subtle as you can see but when I look at it it looks like marble to me which is I associate marble with something vintage something old cool so that's why I'm gonna use it so basically I'll add this on top of the white background as you can see it's very very subtle we can even crop it and make sure it's um It just fits right so as you can see it's set at 20 percent transparency and we literally put it on top of our white background we don't want this over our logo so what we do in this situation is we go to position and if it's on a range you go to layers and here you can see all of your elements and now where it says Retro Room I'll just put this on top of everything and now our logo doesn't have a texture on top of it it's just the background okay now let's duplicate this and let's add it over here okay look how much better this looks already [Music] okay nice so I've got marble all over our white background this already looks so much better than before but I would add one more thing so I don't like how these pictures I mean it's just an image cropped in a rectangular shape so it's not very exciting but one way to make it more exciting is to actually right so I cannot select the image now so what we do we go to position and we select all of these and we put them on the bottom so now they they're below everything and I have no trouble selecting whatever other element I want so here's a cool trick for making images appear more interesting in your emails just move them over here to the right so it looks like they're coming out of the right side and then you search for frame it's basically a picture frame so we've got you've got these really cool graphics and I think for our purposes today this one will look very nice so I'll just move it over here put it on top make it bigger and now our image is bleeding outside of the frame which looks way more interesting in the first place and we also have this cool handed drum frame on top of it so now let's just duplicate it and do the same for the other images okay let's zoom out a little bit and see how this email looks well this is so much better than our original email the final thing I'm Gonna Change is these lines over here they look too boring in my opinion they're just simple lines so I'm just gonna type in hand drawn line and I'm gonna choose okay I found one that I like so just yeah just browse through because pick a line that you like and um and that's it okay so I'm pretty happy with this one right so let's zoom out and let's look at our email got logo on top got a nice hero image with a gradient on top headline with a call to action and an offer then we've got three product card categories separated by nice hand drawn lines the images the images are bleeding outside of the frame and they've got custom frames on top of them hand drawn we've got a call to action that stands out we've got product reviews over here and a custom Banner on the bottom so when you add this to clavio it will also add your custom footer obviously we don't need to design this in canva okay now it's time to export this and I'm going to show you how to do it the right way so it looks great in clavio so you go to share click on download you download it okay once we've downloaded the photo from canva it's time to go to clavio okay we're now in clavio this is my dummy account for tutorial purposes let's go to campaigns let's create a new campaign [Music] we can delete this [Music] now we click on edit click on crop we want to do one by one and we want to make the height 800 . yeah so it's a bit annoying but yeah just make it this big and then we click on apply all right safe and we have our first part of the ammo here it's this image and then over here we add another image we choose the same email again not this one we select it and then again we go to edit dot crop just one by one so we zoom in and we make sure this image covers the first portion of this so maybe about 450 yeah maybe 400 so yeah clayview is a bit annoying as always it doesn't oh okay now it let me do it so yeah we crop out this first product category apply click on Save and now we have our first product category and we repeat the same for the rest of the images I'll speed up the video now just so we don't waste time [Music] [Music] okay we're ready now as you can see this email looks exactly the same as the one we designed in canva but now every section is a separate image meaning you can add different links so for example for this image I'm gonna add the link address for this specific product I'll add a different link here and I'll add a different link here and maybe on the hero image I'll just link to my home page not to a specific category or a product and I'll make it so when they click on the link the 10 off is automatically applied at checkout so basically this is how you break down your email into different sections so you can add different links to add to each image as I said this is a dummy account so I don't have any custom footer but the custom folder will be here the one associated with your brand and this email is pretty much ready to go we can do a quick preview make sure it all looks good there is no risk of clipping them all looks great it looks absolutely great on mobile that's why you have to design your email 600 pixels wide so they look great on mobile you should definitely send a test email to your email address to make sure it all loads and it all works correctly also you can use email on asset to send test campaigns before you send them out to your recipients now as I promised in the beginning of this video here is the free gift that I've prepared for you it's basically a figma file with four different pages and it gives you ideas for how to structure emails these are proven Frameworks for designing your emails to achieve maximum conversions and make them look great so for example for headers you've got this this is an image this headline text this is text so I give you three ideas for E for every section how to design them how to structure them so you don't have to think twice when you're designing your emails you basically have all these pre-made structures it's just plug and play you go to canva you follow the structure and you can design emails very quickly you can design all of your emails for your entire email marketing system if you want so you've got this for headers we've got this for text blocks this is how your text blocks can look like just follow these Frameworks you know and make the process of Designing emails very very easy so these are the different products we actually use this specific product blog framework you've got left right left you can make them all left image you can also make it image full size image 4 that fills the canvas and your titles and description underneath and you also got coupon blocks so I can send this to you uh this will make your life a lot easier and it will make the process of Designing emails a lot faster so if you want an access to this file just find me on Twitter I'll leave a link in the description of this video just go to Twitter follow me send me a DM I'll give you access to this figma file and I'll also answer any questions you may have related to email design so I hope you like this video it's kind of a long video but as you can see we got very deep I think I delivered on my promise I showed you step by step how to design great emails in canva now it's up to you go ahead start designing start practicing if you have questions like I said hit me up on Twitter I'll be happy to help and that's it for now thank you for watching this video and I'll see you in the next one thank you
Channel: Michael Ive
Views: 158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: email marketing, email marketing tutorial, email marketing for beginners, email marketing tips, email marketing strategy, how to do email marketing, best email marketing, email marketing 2023, email marketing tutorial for beginners, email marketing tools, email marketing campaign, klaviyo, klaviyo tutorial 2023, klaviyo email marketing, klaviyo email design, klaviyo flows, email design, chase dimond, boyuan zhao, kasey luck, shopify, how to design emails in canva
Id: DEylYDGdvL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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