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today i'm going to show you how to mix and key in rekordbox dj and serato dj so these days it's incredibly easy to blend and mix tracks together with the help of dj sulfurs however there's more to making two songs together than just matching their bpms and that's mixing and keep so what is mixing in key or harmonic mixing well this is a technique used by djs to smooth the transition between songs that have complementary keys with each other and what this enables is a harmonically pleasing mix of music [Music] and here's an example of not mixing in [Music] key so now that you know the value of mixing and key let's skip years of learning music theory and go straight to utilizing the tool that most djs use to harmonically master tracks together instantly on the fly and that's the camelot wheel so the camelot wheel is a translated system scaled 1 through 12 where the a symbols are listed as the minor keys and the b symbols are listed as the major keys anyway this image may look pretty complicated but it's really quite simple and if there's anything i want you to take away from this video it's this if you want to mix in key just imagine a t sign so for example if your current song is 2a you can mix a track that has a key of 2a 3a 1a and 2b [Music] me now before we go deeper into mixing and keep breaking down that method you guys may be wondering how do you display your keys in your dk software through the camelot key system because your keys may look like this or this so on rekordbox dj first go to settings then click view then scroll down and at the key display format click alphanumeric and on serato dj pro go to library plus display then at the show key as section select camelot and now all your analyze tracks in your library will display the camelot key system and with that done let's move on to understanding the three general rules of mixing in key so rule number one is to mix tracks of the same key for example 2a to 2a or 7a to 7a [Music] rule number two is to mix tracks of the same number for example 2a to 2b or 7b to 7a [Music] rule number three is to mix tracks one number up or one number down for example 2a to 3a or 2a to 1a but what happens if the track you want to mix next isn't in key with the track you're currently playing is there anything you can do to get these tracks to harmonically mixed with each other well yes and that's through the feature called keysync which is available in oracle box dj and serato dj so as the name implies keysync takes the key of your track with the other track and this is a pretty useful tool to use if you want to force your tracks to mix and key but since this method dramatically alters the key of your track i highly suggest to use this feature as sparingly as you can especially if you have to deal with pop tracks that have vocals now before we get to demoing mixing and heat and discussing the effects of it if you guys want to download all the tracks used in this video consider being a member of the channel besides getting these tracks you'd also get access to download all my dj edits for free and you'll also be able to watch my secret mix breakdowns and my one hour master class on scratching anyway with that said let's move on to the demo [Music] folly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now mixing in key isn't really required when you're djing but it's a great alternate way to mix tracks together if you want to have a great sounding mix the thing to keep in mind though is if you're djing for a top 40 poppy crowd they mostly won't care if you're mixing in key because the most important thing to them would not be the key of your mix but rather your track selection and getting laid so try to focus more on that instead which is the track selection part anyway let's say you're doing a long electronic music set should you mix in key well i highly suggest to do so because you'll be doing long blends so mixing key would only highlight and smoothen them anyway that's it for me if you guys are still watching let me know who you are down below by commenting anything with a clover emoji and with that said i'll see you all in the next one
Channel: DJ Carlo
Views: 271,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: key mixing, mix in key, mixing in key, how to mix in key, do i need to mix in key, key mixing tutorial, how to mix songs in the same key, is it important to mix in key, dj key mixing, key matching, mixing in key tutorial, how to use mix in key with serato, should i mix in key?, why would i want to mix in key, mix in key lesson, mix in key tutorial, how to use mix in key, mixed in key, harmonic mixing tutorial, camelot wheel, harmonic mixing, how to dj, how to mix
Id: 1sC-sZhSxU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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