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to hey guys I'm going to be going over the easiest way to make coins in college Ultimate Team now I do want to give a shout out to Brady Giannis for being a part of the not gang if you guys want a chance to sh out the next video drop a like in the vid make sure you guys are sub to the channel turn notification on and comment down below not gang also if you guys have not already checked out Underdog fantasy make sure you guys check it out and use code Zer and if you have already been on Underdog with code zerk you are ready for the code zerk exclusive special which is going to be dropping this week and as I said if you guys have not already checked it out use code Zer you'll get up to $250 in bonus funds .5 special when you guys sign up and you'll be ready for the code zerk exclusive specials coming this year which there is one coming this week and it will not be the only one you guys get with code Zer all right guys so let's talk about the easiest way to make coins in college football 25 now I do want to let you guys know right off the bat this is not make a million coins in an hour okay that's not just how it works and currently with the way the things currently are just in General with the market the field pass everything you'll kind of notice that coins are a little bit harder to come by right now and I think the market you're going to kind of notice things are going to adjust accordingly right because obviously I feel like right now even when you guys go out there and you buy packs there's just not a lot of coins necessarily in the packs the field pass right now is only 1,500 coins that you are getting at level 28,500 coins at level 26 2,000 coins whereas in like Madden normally around these levels in the field pass we're getting 10K 20,000 coins it's just not as high so although yes I'm GNA be going over the easiest way to make coins in college football you're not going to make a million coins in an hour however I've seen a lot of people do this method and they're making a good amount of coins if you have a little bit of luck to doing so the method I want to talk to you guys about is solo seasons and I'm going to run over this and I will let you guys know exactly how long it took me to go through here because I actually went through and I played the All-American season twice I played all the games did everything I have the packs to open up and we're going to see just how many coins did I make doing this and I will let you guys know that aside from just the coin method I'm about to talk to you guys about here which is playing these uh the thing is here they also help you a lot with the field pass as I just mentioned with the season pass here right when it comes to a lot of stuff like season 1 throwing for passing yards earning points from field goal attempts first down scoring points uh and stuff like this with new promos coming out you have to play either head-to-head solo batters or solo Seasons I think this is absolutely awesome and a very very easy way to work on the field pass but also in general we're going to see how many coins I made off this now I will let you guys know as you can see in the top right yes I have an 82 overall team okay so obviously with my team it's going to be a little bit easier than maybe somebody who literally just got the game right now and is looking to play right you may not be able to come right in here and play on the allamerican season because it is going to be the the hardest difficulty solo challenge to do I'm going to give you guys a couple tips though when it does come to actually running through here and you know trying to play these but I will tell you this I did go through in the All-American season I had bought one bundle okay I had my MVP pre-order packs and I bought one bundle I believe I was a 78 overall team and I won 37 to7 I was actually trying to get like yards and everything so if you're a decent player even a decent player and you have a 78 77 overall 79 overall team don't feel like you can't come in here and do this because I was able to with like a 78 overall team and I was actually trying to get yards and everything whereas that's not really the method you want to take with this and I'm going to show you how to do it the quickest way possible but yes if you're struggling if you come in here you try to play The All American season it doesn't work out with you go down to the VAR City go down to the Freshman because you can still make coins in here as you guys can see let's say you want to start off on the Freshman season these are extremely can't stress enough extremely quick games to play okay these are TW minute quarter games very very quick and you want to run Sho clock now on freshman this is as easy as it gets okay anybody can come in here and win these games now if you guys go ahead and you play through the season you're going to get 4500 coins after five wins I'll tell you guys right now I timed how long it took me to actually get done with a game right here in allame and there's more rewards than just that but it took me a total of 7 minutes okay it took me seven minutes to get on the game some of the games maybe took me like an extra minute or two depending on exactly what happened if the computer was able to pick a first down some of them run like no huddle and that was like the only possession they had on me though so it was fine but it took me literally seven games in the game that I actually used a stopwatch to find out how long it took me so I will say to play the entire season which is five games then there are three playoff games but if you go 5 and0 you actually just automatically skip the first playoff game and then you have the National Championship it's a total of eight games it took me about an hour maybe like an hour and 5 minutes as I said I don't exactly know all the rewards when it does come to like the Freshman season The Varsity season because I haven't made the playoffs and these I haven't tried to do it but if five wins you get 4,500 coins then you'll go to the playoffs you also per game get 350 coins so if you get five wins you go five and0 and then you make the playoffs you're going to get 1,750 coins and then also 4,500 so you're going to get about 6250 coins right there and then you'll also be in the playoffs where you will get more rewards on the varsity season it's 5,000 coins if you get five wins and then per win is 400 and then finally on the All American season right here 5,500 for five wins and then you also get 450 coins per win as I did mention guys that is not it now just from the regular season alone if you go 5 and0 you're going to get a total of 7750 coins for getting five normal wins and you get all the coins per that's 2250 then the 5,500 for the five wins there right so you're be at 7750 then when you guys go ahead and make it to the playoffs which the coins don't stack there you don't get you know for one win a th000 then the second win 2,000 after that it's just in total however many you get there so 7750 for the regular season then you can see right here this is for the playoffs so per game you get 850 coins now if you go 5 and0 it just automatically skips you through the first round of the playoffs right there you're going to get 850 coins basically immediately and then two more wins there is going to get you a total of another 2550 coins and then you also have this as long as you guys get two wins in that playoffs you're going to get 5,500 coins if you lose right there you get 5,500 but obviously you're going for the three wins so another 5,500 for winning your three games in the playoffs which again if you go 5 and0 you get the first round buy right there you're going to get 8,000 more coins which makes it 15,750 and then finally we have the championship now the championship for winning you get 14 00 coins and you also have this with one win you do get a solo season pack here which I have two of these packs they are field goal packs we're going to open these up see many more coins we're going to make off of this if you lose in the national championship then you get 4,000 coins right there so essentially in terms of just total coins you do get 17,150 but then you also get the pack again I know it doesn't sound like a lot right 17,150 coins but it allows you to work on your field pass and it also is super easy to do with pretty much any team you have a 78 79 overall team whatever and a couple tips real quick I will run through I'm just going to jump in here to Showcase this I actually managed to just get Super Lucky right there and I kicked off my opponent actually fumbled on the kickoff which is amazing but a couple tips for you guys number one right click and you want to go to Tempo adjustment put on Che clock you can easily if you start with the ball take the entire first half I recommend you guys go down the field and just kick a field goal okay now I also am running Arizona offense which I made a video already going over how you guys can actually get free playbooks in college Ultimate Team check that video out but I basically just run inside Zone over and over and over and over if I start with the ball first I work my way down the field and then I go ahead and I kick my field goal to end out the first half defensively I recommend you guys your straight up Blitz okay man Blitz straight up just Blitz it's all you got to do and yes your opponent May pick up a first down or two and if your team is not good enough your team may not be good enough you can go ahead and start to work on some of the lower overall ones also a little extra tip here after halftime your chew clock for some reason seems to reset so make sure you again just click the right stick and then turn Che clock on again and although All American season yes is going to be the best way to go ahead and do it to do this method you can do Varsity or freshman if your team is not good enough and you're still going to get some packs there you're going to get some coins and it's very very simple to do now the packs I was talking about though these two field goal packs that we have here I'm going to Showcase something that is kind of crazy but you have the potential to really make a lot of coins out of these packs now as you guys can see this is one that was actually tweeted to me but this obviously takes a bit of luck an 85 overall pull to this pack is absolutely insane but also with the current state of the market even if you guys just manage to get some decent gold you're still going to make a good amount of coins at the beginning of the year everything really has value so with that being said let's get into these we have two field goal packs I said took me about an hour to run through I did two run throughs just to do this video for you guys and we'll see how many coins we make off of this and you know again beginning of the year it's easy method to do it's not crazy but you're going to make coins off it we get a 74 overall we also get a 73 and can we get another gold we do all right we'll take that so we got three Golds out of that and a 65 overall it doesn't really look like much right uh you can see the 65 overall is not auctionable these other cards right here the 74 overall let's take a look how many coins he's going for about 1100 coins right now if you pull a higher overall gold card you might get a little bit more lucky get like a 7778 you can sell for 6 78 9,000 coins this gold card as well about 1,000 coins and then right here the 70 overall we have what another thousand so again about another 3,000 coins so for that hour that I spent there I made 20K worked on the field pass and we have one more field goal pack to get into let's see if we can get a little bit luckier out of this one hopefully we can we get a 68 overall Right Guard all right that's not going to help too much 76 DT all right we'll see how much uh teron Thompson's going for a 75 quarterback Jericho Washington and finally another 75 overall quarterback so let's see how much these guys are going for so we get a 76 that's 3,000 coins right there uh we also get another 75 overall which is Jericho Washington he is 3,000 coins all right and I'm assuming this 75 is also going to go for about 3,000 coins here and yeah about 3K so this Packer here may have had another 9,000 coins so off that about 26k off that run like I said guys this method is not going to make you a mut millionaire in a day but it is super super easy to do you can kind of mindlessly play these games especially at the Freshman one uh even the varsity and if you're you know have a good enough team if you feel like you can do this enough the All-American season you could easily run through I won pretty much every single game I think every game actually I won uh three 0 when I did every single one I would do the same thing run the ball chew clock field goal get a stop get the ball chew clock and at the very end of the game you can just take a kneel down and if there is enough time uh in the game remaining if there isn't enough time in in the game remaining there and your opponent at a timeouts it'll literally automatically drain like the last minute and a half basically if you guys go through you do your run through you get about 20,000 coins I know again not crazy but you could get lucky and get like 85 overall or something in there then you can go out and get yourself like a 80 overall 81 overall player and slowly start to build up your team obviously at the beginning of the year there's not always a ton of ways to make coins this is a very easy way especially for those you guys that just got the game you want to work on your field pass there and you also want to make some easy coins and you can do it unlimited amount of times it is completely free to do so hopefully you guys enjoyed the video and if you did make sure to drop a like in the and of course hit that sub button down below get to grinding way in your solo Seasons work on your field pass make some easy coins and tweet me if you guys get lucky and manage to pull an elite out of those packs some people did and if you guys enjoyed this video check out these
Channel: Zirksee CFB
Views: 3,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ncaa football, ncaa football 25, ea sports college football, zirksee, cfb 25, cfb 25 news, cfb 25 info, cfb 25 ultimate team, THE EASIEST WAY TO MAKE COINS IN CFB 25 ULTIMATE TEAM!, tesla, amazon, cfb 25 easy coin method, cfb 25 easiest way to make coins, easiest way to make coins cfb 25, best way to make coins cfb 25, coin method cfb 25, free coins cfb 25, free packs cfb 25
Id: 8U2yopLyDL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2024
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