The easiest way to create realistic oceans in Blender 3D

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in today's video I'm going to show you guys how to create realistic water and ocean using an add-on that I absolutely love called all tap ocean and water on blender Market it's not sponsored I just love the add-on and the good news is it's actually free if you guys can afford it but if you do you can show support as well which I highly recommend now let's go ahead and show you guys the add-on just gonna push myself here as I said full access you can get it for free but go ahead and support this guy this add-on is actually incredible it simplified everything for you now I I know that you have a basic modifier and blender that you can create ocean with it but this is pretty much everything you need if you if you are into creating ocean so let's go ahead and give it a shot here this is a section for me all right now here I have a an hdri that is ready uh using physical atmosphere so all you need to do do just go find the add-on here you have old uh altab ocean so basically you have a variety of oceans you have the large big and a few different ones I would personally go with ocean four maybe ocean six let's go ahead and here you have it I'll just I'm just gonna get closer to the camera and as you can see it's it's already looking amazing and here you have different materials as well depending on what you want if you want a more tropical Vibe this is the way if you want to go with water pool water dark water clear I I really like this one actually but you can play around and see which fits better in here you have size so maybe I'm not gonna play with the size because I really like these kind of choppiness and uh you have um an extension here you can just extend 2X or Y axes and that's what I'm gonna do and then you can simply bring it here and just a tip to give you guys I really love playing with depth of field here so you can simply add a depth of field I'm using photographer add-on here really good to see which area is in Focus go a little bit around this area and there you have it so now you can go ahead and render it you can obviously get creative with it but that's just wanted to show you how incredible this add-on is so go ahead link will be in the description and uh get yourself this amazing add-on if you guys enjoyed this video please let me know in the comment I would highly appreciate that and I almost forgot I just recently opened my gumroad account and I kind of packaged all of my skillshare classes into one I know some of you guys hate the idea of paying monthly subscription to skillshare so that's why I decided to have one-time payment lifetime access and lifetime update so make sure to check that out if you are interested in my creative workflow it's around three and a half hours of Education materials link will be in the description and I'll see you guys in the next one foreign
Channel: Kaiwan Shaban
Views: 43,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kaiwan shaban, itskaiwan, blender 3d, blender, 3D, Tutorial, Blender tutorial, Blender 3D tutorial, Cinematic scene, How to create a cinematic scene in blender, Blender basics, Blender Add ons, Lazy tutorials, Realistic ocean, Water shader, Ocean shader, cinematic
Id: Nl3oiRpzyQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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