The Earth is 6000 Years Old - Atheist Experience

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um okay if you if you look at the Bible the earth is about six thousand years old if you look at evolution its billions but it's not variance why not why not I could I could give you fighting I can give you fair I mean you can give me something some creationist said but not people who but not people who have actually done a detailed study of the science and made theories and tested them it it's not about who it comes from it's about the information in general well I agree with that but the point is I can just give a few things I think it shows that it's about six thousand years old okay okay I have here the index to creationist claims let me see if you've got one that isn't on here okay I'll just start with a few okay if you were to believe that the earth is billions of years old like evolution says and that humans started millions of years ago according to the increased rates of population you would have a hundred fifty thousand people on the earth per square inch okay it's true that's true no it isn't where it is so so Noah's Flood had like eight people surviving right if you anyway had okay do you know when the pyramids were supposedly built okay do you know when the pyramids were supposedly built according to Bishop Ussher 's chronology oh they were the old kingdom of Egypt they were probably I don't know maybe 2000 BC they were built about a hundred years after Noah's Flood was supposed to have happened so that means that 8 people were supposedly going to have generated enough people to populate Egypt that there were all these slaves to build to build the pyramids those eight guys must have been pretty busy right oh no ok first off if there's a 6,000 years old it fits perfectly with six billion people it doesn't does it yeah because how about 150 years the population doubles and if you keep that ever even though he doesn't like consistently reliably double every holiday but if you have reasons is that people survive at variable rates sometimes the population is flat because there's a lot of people dying off okay was it flat for three million years yeah Ellucian actually actually the rate of my ocean growth an exponential scale yeah the rate of population growth was very very small can't read them for a long period of time so oh if you want to believe three million years be my guest but I don't and and let's be clear it's not this it's not evolution that claims the earth is four and a half billion years roughly that's fun but it's actually geology geology won't if you don't want to believe in geologic colony that's not reliable at all yeah actually it is you believe that so you say you believe that those layers are grew over millions of years no they didn't grow over millions they added the sediment added over millions of years uh I believe what the geologists claim happened is that we well so what you're telling us is that the Bible is reliable as long as we're willing to dismiss all of science in order to get there no I'm just saying I mean you don't seem to be particularly interested in what I mean what what you're basically saying is one person what one person says is pretty much as good as what another person says it doesn't matter how much study they've done it doesn't matter how much at you know how much the base science supports them if it disagrees with the Bible then then it's got to be wrong by default I think if you show that the earth is 6,000 years old like the Bible would indicate I think that show that is accurate okay good luck with that yeah well I have more claims all right go ahead next um the universe the galaxies has a spiral shape can we agree on that hang on I got yellow yeah spiral right here that's EE 380 and and again there if the universe is over 10,000 years old they won't have those spiral tails the car lives our density waves which like sound and air travel through the galaxy's disk causing a piling up of stars and gas at the crest of the waves in some galaxies the central bulge reflects the way of giving rise to a giant standing spiral wave with the uniform rotation in a lifetime of about one or two billion years the causes of the density waves are still not known but there are many possibilities tidal effects from a neighboring galaxy probably cause some of them the spiral pattern is energetically favorable spiral configurations develop spontaneously in computer simulations based on gravitational dynamics oh I mean this stuff you're saying is not like news to scientists in general these are paintings that a bunch of you know that that a bunch of biblical scholars came up with and no but there's so much uh but there's you you're you act like there's only scientists that the fine deal scientists that we have no none of them are Christians none of them are Chris some of them are Christians and they disagree with what you say right I mean the the Christians that by yourself in a depth generally don't stay Kriya like young earth creationist some of them are old earth creationists but I mean there there is no real scientific support for the idea that the earth is young having yeah no no there actually is a way okay um okay you know you're familiar with carbon dating at all yes we are yes okay I know maybe measures up to accurate to a limited amount of time in the past yes there are other methods of radiometric dating that are accurate to longer periods but in the growth layers of the geologic column why can we still data a carbon dating period because that's a misapplication people are taking things which are older than then carbon dating is good for and and miss applying it and coming up with the numbers that they see and pretending that this is a pity don't answer for science you don't understand if you can if you can still mess carbon in it and it's then that means that it's a millions of years old it can only be maximum 80,000 there's no there's this thing called a half-life the carbon never completely disappears with the a45 half-life you understand that there's different forms of carbon right yeah I mean there's I mean I know they say things potassium-argon radiometric but none of those work either yeah they actually do you know the cool thing about these things is that when you start dating things with the appropriate radiometric tool they all converge on the same answer and when you have multiple lines of evidence converging on the same answer then proposing another absurdly out-of-range answer is just ridiculous it's certainly out of range answer yeah like six thousand years that okay here here's some dates for radiometric okay let's see uh this is Mount Etna they Rock they use this basalt they know the date known was twenty one thousand years it measured 25 million I wouldn't say that's accurate well where are you getting this um that you can use that as a source right there but I started out good where are you getting it no Etna can you see all that on that now can you spell that e TNA Mount ithi na okay what about it um this date they've measured with radiometric dating on basalt rock who did the measurement was that who did the measurement um I just have the date I can i could find that i could find that but i don't have it on me right now okay so they also measured you who's reporting this um I'm sure I can tell you that I'm sure if you look that up that's there because that's the source but I that from on John Morris okay great he's a great honor who's a young earth creationist yeah yeah okay and if you want a few more well I mean why would we be interested in rehashing creationist claims over and over again it's just if so why would you believe that dating if it's off by 25 million years why don't you believe it the question is you've got creationists who are going out and using inappropriate dating techniques yeah I don't notice how can you assume it's inappropriate because at tomorrow where are the published papers the mainstream peer-reviewed scientific papers that say this is a Syria that this is a serious flaw in the car even in the radiometric dating you can check him up he says everything he yeah I know things but there's a difference because I'm sorry no he no no John Morris I mean he's he's been exposed as a basically a guy who really doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to radiometric dating yes he makes a lot of claims he can't back it up he doesn't have the credentials if he had the credentials he'd be published in mainstream publications and believe me if he found a flaw in radiometric dating the cause of the function they'd never know no no no no okay if he found a flaw in radiometric dating that was this significant he would be famous for it and not among creationists exactly I mean actually among scientists so my question is why are you citing a guy who does not have the credentials to actually be regarded as any kind of authority in this area but that doesn't mean those that doesn't mean those dates are wrong yeah actually a diet Prudential it does you can prove that those days oh no no it's not because he lacks his credentials it's because he's wrong yeah you know that data top your head do I know what off the top of my head comes back full circle to the first thing you asked which is why not believe in a god and I that the default is to be skeptical of stuff until there's evidence provided that that a thing is true we don't if we got some guy off the street who says that my primary goal is to advance biblical truth and he makes a bunch of and then he makes a bunch of claims which run counter to the prevailing science we I mean you know no I don't have the information right now to say whether he's wrong I'm just saying that that you need that the burden of proof is on his side he ain't had to bring he needs to bring the evidence and get it peer-reviewed so that people so that people who are qualified which is not like you me and Jen but people who actually are able to evaluate the scientific evidence with a background in studying this stuff can accept or reject it and the fact that it's not in peer-reviewed scientific journals is a major issue that that means that we don't have to bother worrying about it that much um still dating or not you still it still doesn't it doesn't matter because when God made everything he made it with age how do you know okay take Adam and Eve yeah when he made them they weren't big where they you know I don't believe that Adam and Eve exist right you just hear my point all for a second no no you're saying that this is something that could have happened I understand the Adam and Eve argument I'm saying how do you know it did happen that way well I just I believe that I believe the biblical creation all right we so in the end we're not talking about arguments that prove that God exists we're not all right evidence we're talking about accepting your beliefs as they are no okay here's my number one evidence that God exists okay I believe that and I can give you this is going to have to be the last one because we got to move on to other colors okay but I believe that the universe is so accurately designed you can't deny a creator we've already been over that one yeah we just talked about it thanks for calling
Channel: Valsyrie
Views: 1,531,620
Rating: 4.7199502 out of 5
Keywords: atheist, experience, young, earth, creationist, christian, god, adam, eve, noah, garden, eden, 6000, year, evolution, fossil, flood, caller, jen, russell, 732, yt:crop=16:9
Id: PaZxc7tam4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2011
Reddit Comments

I love the crazy people

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Isolas135 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2012 🗫︎ replies

"We've already been over that. Thanks for calling."

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/connecteduser 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2012 🗫︎ replies

You can hear the panic as he says to himself, "oh shit they're right! They got me!"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Hamster1010 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2012 🗫︎ replies

I agree with the top comment,

"Lets be honest, we come here to feel better about ourselves. Listening to all these morons call in makes us feel like we aren't morons. :)"

I now have an ego that's...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MutherTeresa 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2012 🗫︎ replies
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