The Dumbest Products Ever Made

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Welcome back to another episode of Ethan and Hila Today Hila has returned to torture me yet again With another, uh, weird, disgusting, humiliating, terrible items to experiment on me with [Hila] Not so terrible [Ethan] HORRIBLE things that I will never forgive you for Which kinda brings her to the hat she's wearing a hat that says 'Hate' I don't know why she's trying to intimidate me Make me feel bad [Hila] Why? It's just fashion [Ethan] Fashion? A hat that says hate? That's not fashionable dude, that's fucked up So without further ado guys Let's jump ... right in Okay well... It moves at quite a slow pace And frankly my problem with this item is that I mean... how fucking lazy are you in life that you can't be fucked to eat spaghetti like a normal human being? It's like this isn't even convenient So you use this, I'll use the regular fork and let's see which invention is more useful [Hila] Just put it up here [Ethan] Ready? [Hila] kay... Oh... [Ethan] Yeah just... well just turn It just turns, what's not to work? [Hila] It's hard to...keep...m'kay [Ethan] Let's have a bite dude, to your health mmm... Nothing like plain spaghetti, love it As you guys saw I used a normal fork and frank-- it was a lot of work, It was a lot of effort; I'm very exhausted So I need to come in with this wonderful invention here And uh... We're gonna get... We're gonna get all the spaghetti Damn it's getting too powerful, the spaghetti's too strong! [Hila] It's gonna break! [Ethan] That's not enough, I need more spaghetti What's the point of getting a power tool? [Hila] It's breaking! Okay well... [Hila] okay I think it works pretty good, if you ask me [Ethan] How am I supposed to eat the spaghetti? [Hila] I don't know [Ethan] To be honest, ten out of ten. Very useful. [Hila] A goof and a half. [Ethan] It's a goof and a half! I mean, I give it a quarter goof [Hila] Okay [Ethan] One point four goofs. Goof and a half is kind of generous But um... *lip smack* *fork hits the table* [Hila] Wooah [Ethan] This is from Doctor Rogo Have you guys not heard of Doctor Rogo? He has a hundred-percent money back guarantee So guys if you have nose problems and you're trying to avoid plastic surgery with an "all natural wear only for 30 minutes every day for your whole life permanent results guaranteed", the 'permanent results guaranteed' is kinda frightening 'cause it's like... [Hila] How? [Ethan] It's like what am I, I take this-- [Hila] at what cost? [Ethan] Yeah at what cost? I don't know how I'm gonna go in coming looking out the other way [Hila] You got spaghetti schmutz... kay [Ethan] Hila, I said don't f-- do it on camera So how do I put it on? There's no... [Hila] Just put it on [Ethan] Is there instructions? I can see this working, definitely If I just wear this for thirty minutes a day for ten years I can definitely see this having some effect for sure [Hila] That was cheap Compared to a plastic surgery [Ethan] It's falling off [Hila] Oh... [Ethan] Does it-- how do I look? [Hila] Um... pretty good [Ethan] Pretty nice We did it, Doctor Rogo! Oh wow... I like what that does to your face [Hila] It kinda hurts [Ethan] Dude, Beauty doesn't come with ease, Hila Pain and suffering, that's how you know it works Success never comes easy without pain Now put the clip on your nose I've been wanting to enhance my double chin So I wonder if this can help out Is this gonna enhance my neck fupa? He's marketing wrong! He's marketing as a nose shaper clip, it should be a neck fupa shaping clip That's huge he coulda doubled the price [Hila] Yeah... Ethan: tch! ... idiot Next product What the f-- why did this-- this was not something that needed to be invented I just have to say that right off the bat [Hila] This way you can dip it [Ethan] Without getting your fingers wet; this is a huge problem that everybody faces in their household and this is the solution Hila can I get a cookie please? [Hila] Yeah [Ethan] Is this about my fupa again? [Hila] You can get one just for the video Ethan [Ethan] Thank you Been waiting for this one all day dude [Hila] It stays [Ethan] Yeah it definitely stays, I mean, you can do all kinds of stuff with your cookie here You can do cut cookie tricks-flips And that's pretty cool. Kinda an invention of a new sport Now you're supposed to dip it in milk [Hila] Yeah [Ethan] But we don't have milk [Hila] Yeah [Ethan] The only liquid we had in the house was-- was a Pepsi Max: sodie pops! Frankly I don't see the difference between soda and milk I mean should taste just about the same pretty much so... [Hila] Woooah No! [Ethan] What's the problem dude? [Hila] Aah! [Ethan] Is this a... do we have a uh crisis on our hands? [Hila] What's happening? Okay stop! Aaaah! Okay *slurping and gasping noises* [Ethan] To your health Wait WAIT WAIT! What the hell? Don't you want to click cookies? To your health Thank you for observing the cookie dipping etiquette now you may proceed with your dip How long do we keep it in? How long do you keep a cookie in dip for? I guess that's good enough [Hila] Matter of taste [Ethan] Okay well I'm going in for a bite so... Now I don't know if it's the dipper's fault But... The sodie pop and the cookie combo not working for me so much [Hila] No [Ethan] I don't know if I can blame the dipper for that But I'm going to. You wanna make sure Now when you're dipping your cookie you wanna leave it in for at least ten minutes to make sure it soaks up all the juices Hila: Yep [Ethan] But the dipper holds up, now let's see how it tastes here [Hila] Gross [Ethan] I don't like it Doesn't taste good I rate this a "why does this exist" out of ten You? [Hila] I rate it as "why do you hate?" [Ethan] Pfff that's not a real rating that's not even talking about the product dude If there was two things that never needed to go together It's sriracha and beer And to make matters worse This cost eighteen fucking dollars What?! Eighteen dollars for this thing?! I mean and you know it's gonna taste like shit So it's like, why kick down - I don't know Eighteen dollars WAAAAAAAAAAAA That's more expensive than diamond water Although to be fair that's just fuckin' water, at least this is a product Is that a problem? Oh shit Oh shit, oh shit, not like this [Hila] WHY DO YOU DO THAT [Ethan] Not like this, not like-- *gasp* [Hila] Ooo [Ethan] Are you kidding that's a perfect head That's a perfect head , I would kill to get head like that [Hila] No you wouldn't And not in a sexual way, at a bar Someone poured you a beer like that and you're like "do you know what barkeep? You did a good job and I'm gonna tip you a lot of money" I get a lot of foam in here [Hila] Don't know why Cheers, cheers [Ethan] I can't reach the beer [Hila] Did you forget how to drink? [Ethan] How am I supposed to drink?! The foam is so high! It's pretty gross [Hila] It's pretty weird it's got like a spicy ending [Ethan] Nah I'm not into that guys I'm big fucking... [Hila] And at the same time it's not even that spicy it's just weird [Ethan] It's just bad, but for eighteen dollars it's a steal Let me take another sip [Hila] Why? Why do you do that? [Ethan] What drink? What did I do wrong? What seriously did I do wrong? [Hila] It's so brown on your beard [Ethan] What are you talking about? Is that not how you drink your beer? What am I crazy? [Hila] Yes My god... [Ethan] The taste - actually I - it's... yeah it's not bad in the case of stupid products I definitely rate this not good I rate this "get the fuck out of here with eighteen dollar price tag serving this shit" out of ten [Hila] I'd rather buy two of these forks [Ethan] Dude I would... Yeah [Hila] Cause right now we only have one [Ethan] I wish we had two of those and I wish we had two of those nose things so we could kinda like-- I mean that would be really productive But this? I do not need this in my life [Hila] Stop You're gonna ruin our house Aaah! I just showered [Ethan] That's how I drink beer Hila If you got a problem with that you knew what you were getting to when we got married like act like this is a a surprise to you This is how I've always drank beer I don't understand what's so shocking about it Next Now, the next product here is something frankly that is gonna be very useful I think for both of us [Hila] Yeah Um... You know There's a lot of times when [Hila] This one is mine [Ethan] When I'm, you know, not available Here you go And there is a lot of times, frankly, when Hila Is not available to me So... We got these pillows Basically, oh my god I got a fucking boob in my face Hello dollie [Hila] Are we gonna get age-restricted? [Ethan] Please don't age-restrict us Oh my god this got so sexual all of a sudden [Hila] This hand is creepy [Ethan] Holy shit dude YouTube please don't age-restrict us I can definitely see this working out for me I rate it "better off buying a fleshlight" out of ten [Ethan] He already - he's already better dressed than I am which is a problem [Hila] Yeah Well... It's not bad [Ethan] It's not bad? [Hila] Yeah [Ethan] It's not bad? You think that it's pretty good? [Hila] Yeah [Ethan] You like it Hila? Maybe well what the fuck am I doing here Maybe I should leave and just like you stay cuddle with it Yeah Whatever dude You just like him because he's better dressed than me You're so shallow Hila Fuck this So lastly after all this disgusting crap we've eaten we need to wash our mouths off with cupcake flavored toothpaste and bacon flavored toothpaste I call dibs on the bacon [Hila] Thank you I'll take the cupcake [Ethan] Actually you should use the bacon Because I heard you really like bacon But before we do that I wanna thank our sponsor Lootcrate for supporting our show Lootcrate is a terrific product, they send you stuff every month and goodies to open up and check out You can get it by visiting the link in our description and get ten percent off by using the code ethanandhila [Hila] Ooh! [Ethan] Let's check it out We have got the theme 'victory' which pretty much sums up how I feel all the time dude Hila: Pssh [Ethan] Except twenty-three hours of the day Exception but one hour a day definitely vibing on victory So let's see what do we got here We got a dope shirt [Hila] Cool shirt [Ethan] Now the best thing that I like about this shirt Is that it's not covered in beer so I'm gonna actually put this on right now Uuhuuuhuhu ya'll wish you could see what's going on back here Oh shit dude Ohoho no way [Hila] Thumbnail for the video [Ethan] Thumbnail! Oh my god if you guys even knew what was going on back here -- it looks something like that body pillow that I was getting down with earlier Next up Uh... Green squid That's it. It's just a green squid here guys Definitely put that on the fireplace to sit there for two years Forget about it So you got a little schmutz suitcase tag? Dope [Hila] Dope [Ethan] Next up Dude. Aluminium canteen. Does it get more useful? No. You fill it with water, you fill it with ice tea, it's hot, it's cold you bring it to the sand, take it to space dude. And all in one trip, it's a weapon. It's a comrade. Have you seen Lost? This is very useful because you can put water in it and drink it, and here's the catch You can take water with you, guys. Before, you couldn't take water with you But now you can Thanks to Lootcrate Fucking dope poster Oh, this is nice dude! I can definitely jerk off to this. Definitely putting that up above my bed when Hila's not home It's on dude Next [Hila] With this and my pillow? [Ethan] My body pillow? Ooohoohooo [Hila] We're all set [Ethan] Now next up we have a actual book of manga I don't know what it is but it looks cool Nice drawings Some bike riders Sick dude If you guys are interested in supporting our show and getting Lootcrate, go to the link in description use the coupon code ethanandhila for ten percent off your purchase Thank you Lootcrate *everything is violently swept off the table* [Hila] Aah! No! [Ethan] Now... let's wash this filth out of our mouth So let's start with the bacon. I think this should definitely be yours Hila considering that how much I know you love bacon [Hila] No... [Ethan, reading] Mister Bacon's bacon flavored bacon toothpaste make your fresh bacon f-- I get it, it's bacon. Nice meme. Let's get it By the way, I'm still using the black toothbrush. I really highly do recommend this product God wh - why does it look like that? It's like black It has like streaks of black in it It's not appetizing at all guys You're not actually supposed to put bacon in the toothpaste guys Oh! It smells! [Hila] Oh gross! [Ethan] *gagging/coughing* No! Smell it [Hila]*gasp* [Hila] OH GROSS [Ethan] You're using that, you're not getting out of using that [Hila] That's disgusting [Ethan] You are not getting out of using that It's not perfect-- you can't smell the smell in a video This is disgusting [Ethan] Well you guys remember lester's soda I'm getting those kinda vibes [Hila] Yeah [Ethan] Fuck me dude, I don't want this, I don't want for the record I can't commit! I used a lot Why did I use so much? [Hila] Yeah, why? [Ethan] Ew! Ew! Ew! This, I don't think this is dentist recommended [Hila] Yeah I don't trust it [Ethan] I think it's made out of fucking bacon fat, just like dissolves in my mouth [Hila] Oh gross! Ew! [Ethan] *gagging/coughing* I need cupcake flavor Eww! Look at the tip it's just oil you guys [Hila] Gross! [Ethan] There's not supposed to be fat in the fucking toothpaste you nutjobs It doesn't sud! It's just like fat, It's just like oil *angry gagging* *loud gagging/coughing* [Hila] What?! Oh my god! What happened to your toothbrush? *gagging* [Ethan] I rate it eight out of ten, it's pretty good I feel really refreshed [Hila] Ew! It really tastes like bacon grossness [Ethan] Taste it [Hila] I don't think-- [Ethan] Take a moment, swirl your tongue around and shit, you know what I mean? [Hila] This is really disgusting [Ethan] Guys get this. Doctor-recommended. Dentist-recommended. Alright so next up You got the cupcake? [Hila] Yeah [Ethan] Nice right? You can almost just get, you can almost just swallow it huh? [Hila] It tastes gross [Ethan] What the fuck do they put in there? [Hila] I don't know, it's totally gross I thought that one would be OK [Ethan] It's not, it's not okay Well guys thanks for watching today's episode of the dumbest products ever made I hope you learned a lot and I hope you're gonna be investing in some of these terrific products Definitely pick up some bacon-flavored toothpaste to keep your mouth fresh and clean Hila Say goodbye. [Hila] Bye bye. [Ethan] Hate. *tips fedora* ♪ Outro
Channel: Ethan and Hila
Views: 5,024,984
Rating: 4.9352374 out of 5
Keywords: ethan and hila, beauty products, beauty, food, weird products, dumb products
Id: 4NqKqDi0yzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2016
Reddit Comments

They seemed like they couldn't give less fucks about the Loot Crate lmao.

Also found it funny that the Loot Crate sponsorship was in the video where they talk about dumb products.

👍︎︎ 369 👤︎︎ u/Francer 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2016 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 80 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

"I would kill to get head like that........" Looks at Hila

👍︎︎ 74 👤︎︎ u/cappo40 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

Come on guys what the actual fuck. What savages just let the water run while brushing their teeth.

👍︎︎ 93 👤︎︎ u/CactusFanta 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

"I don't know if I can blame the dipper for that, but I'm going to" -half the reviews on Yelp.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

I miss the intro.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/MachoDagger 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2016 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/Attila039 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

The utter disgust and following cough attack starting at 15:25 till 15:45 had me in tears. I've missed that kind of cough of utter disapproval.

Goof and a gaff!

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Kalamando 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2016 🗫︎ replies

Is no one going to comment on how Hila's better dressed pillow is wearing the same shirt as Filthy Frank? I mean this can't be a elaborate reference or coincidence. Filthy Franch is more than a friend. s/

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/iNinjaFish 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2016 🗫︎ replies
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