The DUMBEST Hearthstone Deck I Have EVER Made!

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all right deck intro time and this time  boom goes to dynamite so for this combo   we're going to use some combination of Baron  umbra boom wrench and wreck'em and deck'em   to trigger the testing dummy deathrattle as  many times as possible and if we happen to   need even more damage we can use inventor boom  to resurrect multiple copies of testing dummy   so I think that's pretty much it for the deck  intro this time guys I hope you enjoy absolutely   wrecking your opponent remember to like and  subscribe and thanks so much for watching okay renathal Paladino so not a racist Paladin good start though actually probably can  make this deck renathal if I   really wanted to not sure it really needs to be big old dummy how bizarre I guess I put the weapon up don't know  if I really swing on that though it's kind of silly okay that's not great I guess it's still better to forge  this one I could well I could Forge this   one now and play is that worth yeah  it's probably fine I can probably play   the trial next turn if I have to whatever  it's probably a little bit of a waste but whatever imagine he's going to play something  big here or go wide one or the other so going wide he said Duty I could use my weapon too sure I'll take the extra damage was that the right sequencing it probably  wasn't that was probably wrong I probably   should hit a two three I'm not that  concerned about my health total to   be honest so okay not sure I've ever seen  that card before at least it doesn't have Rush I mean I probably could just about play that I could break this weapon too it's not  going to work these aren't mechs but I'll hold the weapon I guess I don't have the   other one if I had the other one  in hand I probably would break it but he's buffing it would be really nice if he can't kill this how much damage is this already it's already   a lot isn't it one two five seven  one two five seven like a million damage how much board space  do I need should be fine right a lot of screen shake yeah it's like a million damage like a million okay sure well we might get ice  blocked but what can you do chugga chgga is it full on Mech  Mage in renathal that'd be weird   all right actually it kind of matters a  little bit if my face is frozen for the   weapon but not too much to be honest  and I'll probably clear this in time I mean they both have merit let's play this one sure whoa yeah he probably has ice block then  if I play this do I draw too many cards not yet okay yeah he probably has ice block up but that's okay he's a freeze Mage I get it now is that  premature can't really play the weapon here   because I'd mill I do have a fire spell right  not forged though it's probably fine to do this   take care of the board test ice barrier I guess  too it was barrier okay I imagine he has block though it'd be weird if he  wasn't running it at this point oh my God I like this guy's style incredible sadly I don't have a fire spell now wow is that good enough for thaurissan missing what one wreck'em one  boom wrench the other testing dummy and   inventor boom it's probably fine I guess the  other to the front technically okay make him   deal with that I guess I could have played the  boom wrench first my hand's a bit clunky though Blizzard oh snap feel like that wasn't  worth feel like that wasn't worth at   all I could play double Boom  wrench if I want to get real crazy do I want to get real crazy I guess I swing with the first one  doesn't really matter I'll just take the mill how much does this cost one two three six seven eight I couldn't play the wreck'em then but  I don't think I need it oh my face is frozen maybe   I wait then maybe I wait what did I mill that  doesn't matter I'm kind of tempted to wait to be honest that's probably too expensive though at this  point all right make a big board a real big board okay I mean he's still  like super duper dead but you know oh Lord have mercy boom boom boom easy clap okay sure I'll coin it very nice lame so many plague death knights in   Wild it's so boring like there's nothing  fun about playing against plague death knight great I hate this game it's just the worst   game it's the worst game good it's  the worst game I've ever made that's absurd fun having fun it's very fun game I mean I could play that  seems a bit overkill to be honest that's surprising plated  beetle what in the world but why actually does reduce but I think I'll play on curve booming on through how strong is it well the Flames clears do I  even care though maybe I get   the weapon up although if I do that  I mill I probably could almost play   thaurissan but it's probably a little  premature I mean I could play that fine it's pretty good value maybe we bash and boom wrench next turn or   something I'm missing the dummy  that's like the big thing I'm missing I probably could play thaurissan here but  I'll wait it's better to reduce the one one   weapon but it probably doesn't matter  too much since I have double wreck'em maybe I play it anyway one dummy for your boy one big old dummy  I could be dead he could have that what   it's called the one that gives him  like three attack the bloodlust card that one okay I mean sure like he 100% missed  lethal but okay cool doesn't bother me that's really annoying actually could hit it fine got lucky lul imagine missing okay a druid a c'thun druid sure and renathal hopefully he gains  a lot of armor that'd be fun for me thirsty oh my God I mean that's  relatively fine unless he kills   me super fast which he could I mean it's certainly possible that helps sadly I  don't have a fire spell right   now maybe I'll draw one up the top not  so much good draw though but not a fire spell oh my God he's raging against the  machine I guess I hero power play that over I didn't mean to play  that but that's okay it's fine whoops well maybe I just waste this then all right I actually have a  really good hand I just need   like thaurissan now I need thaurissan and a boom wrench I mean I don't want to mill  oh my God this guy is memeing out of control here I mean I could  just play this I do have boom I have another dummy as well okay if for some reason he doesn't  kill it I could wreck it as well that's fine thanks I actually could double wreck it if  I want to I guess we'll see how the first one goes probably fine okay save the other one for combo I actually  get to play this card hooray I haven't played it yet surprised he didn't play a minion first  oh that's why he finished it he can play barnabus that was amazing my man's in trouble  especially if it play Barnabus here oh my God outrageous memes do I even need the to the front  doesn't really make a difference right bye
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 27,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, hearthstone otk, markmckz, mark mckz, mark hearthstone, markmckz hearthstone, mark mckz hearthstone, showdown in the badlands, new hearthstone decks, control warrior hearthstone, control warrior deck, wild control warrior, legend decks hearthstone, meta decks hearthstone, big warrior deck, whizbang's workshop, inventor boom hearthstone, inventor boom deck, testing dummy hearthstone, mech warrior deck, deathrattle warrior deck
Id: u4flYyBnM0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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