The Duel in the forbidden territory | Full Movie | SAMURAI VS NINJA | English Sub

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PERIOD DRAMA SPECIAL Who has the best sword technique? You or me? Let's decide in a final battle! Let's do it! Go heal yourself. Kazuma! Kazuma! Kazuma… You don't have to defeat Heichachiro Ino alone! Stand up! Get up, Kazuma! We, the three Niki brothers, will defeat Heihachiro Ino! I already told you! Why…? - Inform my older brother. - Understood! DUEL IN THE FORBIDDEN TERRITORY Wait, little boar! Don't go! Little boar! Hey! Hey, you! Come here! Wait! Don't run away! Stay still! Hey! Where are you going? Sir, you are so skillful! - He's dead! - He's not dead, just unconscious. - What is it, child? - It hurts. - Let's see, where exactly…? - Here. - I'm hurt. - Did you sprain yourself? Father! This gentleman brought me back! Come, little boar. Let's go! Little boar, walk. Ouch, ouch! It hurts… It seems the child has injured his ankle. Father, it hurts! - Please have some. - Thank you so much. - I really appreciate it. - Of course. You carried him from far away. He will recover soon, right, child? - My name is Shosuke. - Shosuke, thank the gentleman. Father, do it more carefully. I will cook quickly. Please, stay with us tonight. It's the first time we have a guest in these mountains. The atmosphere brightens with your presence. - Sir, will you spend the night here? - Eh? Sir, would it be alright if I stay? - Sir. - Yes? Sir, what is your name? Ah, that's right. What if you call me "Hei"? What? Sir, come here! - I sleep here. - I see. I'm so jealous of you! You will rest in a cabin in the back. - Thank you, thank you… - Ouch! Sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry. - Oh, child, you are very strong. - I'm Shosuke! What? So Shosuke… Alright, now try with both hands. - Ready? - I wonder what kinds of hairstyles are popular in Edo. And what designs do the kimonos have? Actually, I'm not very observant about those things. - Oh! - Yes! Sir, you suffered a defeat. - I won, I won! - What a pity for me. It's a shame that I lost. What happened? I'll bring some water! We did it… Mr. Magician, it's no accident, it was provoked. We have an enemy out there. Hey, you were a great help in letting us know. Oh, it sang. Ah, sorry. I'm very sorry. I was watching you from over there. - Do you talk to birds? - Yes. It took me three years. I'm impressed that you mastered something like that in only three years. And what were you telling them just now? - Well… - Tell me. - It's a deer. - A deer? - Are there deer here? - Yes. If you go to the mountain, you'll find many of them. Many? - Sir, let's go. - Eh? Alright, let's go. There they are. Ah… - Over there too. - Oh, that's true. Enough. Kazuma, I have news. According to my informants, there are indications that Heihachiro Ino is heading to Hobara. Follow him. - Understood! - Very well. If you find Heihachiro, don't confront him. Leave him alone until I arrive. For the honor of the Niki family, we will not take him lightly. I will not allow any more failures. - Mr. Hei. - What? - Where does that river go? - To the sea. - To the sea? - That's right. You know? The sea is as blue and vast as the sky. There are very brave men who venture into it to hunt whales. They go to foreign countries and sell them. Shosuke, in the future, would you like to see the sea? Yes, I would like that. - I never had the chance to see it. - I see. Is it true that sea water is salty? I've got you! Darn… It got away. I've got you! I will succeed next time. I've got you! It can't be. Shosuke! I will do something very useful for you! Alright, this time for sure… - I've got you! - It's ready. Try this. Use it to fish. This time, I will succeed. - Look, there's one there. - I've got you! You missed it… Oh! - There's another one. - I see it. I've got you! It's my turn! - Ah! - How about that? Impressive! Shosuke, you try again. All right. Let's see… I've got you! I found you. You're mine. What? What is that? It shines so brightly. Such beautiful sand. Look, it shines! Gold nuggets. Mr. Hei, what are gold nuggets? It's like sand made of gold. - Secret? - Yes. Adults go terribly mad at the sight of this. Adults? They fight among themselves, become lazy, and in the worst case, end up killing each other. They would destroy the beauty of these mountains without hesitation. Therefore, let's both forget about the gold, understood? Never talk about this. - Not even to my parents? - Correct. It's a pact between us, among men. A pact among men? - Do you promise? - Yes! Alright, we'll swear with the sword. With the sword? It's an ancient samurai oath. Sword oath! Taro! Taro! Taro! Taro! Taro…! - What is it? - Looks like Taro is going to die! Let's see… He drank from that vessel. Surely, someone poisoned his water. TARO'S GRAVE Is there something I can do to help? For instance, chop wood or clear some land. It was someone's cruel joke. Such a cruel thing. Shino, let's go somewhere else. Eh? Let's leave this house. It's better to leave. I like this place. You planted cedar trees behind the mountain. They will take 30… No, 50 years to grow. For them to be thick, it will take up to 70. Shosuke or even his grandchildren will see that. After moving so much, we found peace, didn't we? I'll go to the village tomorrow if the weather is good. To the village? - I'll buy some things. - No, not tomorrow. Why? There's no rush. Besides… I'll also take my fabrics. I'll go with Shosuke because he's sad. Where is Shosuke? Again in Mr. Hei's cabin. Shosuke clings to Mr. Hei as if he were his playmate. It's clear that he is very fond of him. Shosuke, every living being, dies at some point. That's why the little boar became your friend just before your puppy passed away to the other world. Hey, do you understand? - Yes. - Shosuke. - It's late. - Alright. - See you later, sir. - See you. What is it? Did something happen? Would you accompany Shino and Shosuke to the mountain pass tomorrow? They are going shopping. Very well, I will. - Well, we'll return soon. - Excuse us. Sir! Hurry up, hurry! Sir, I entrust my little boar to you! Don't worry! Your fabrics are famous for their good quality. - Right, Sawa? - It's true. Is that one made of bear skin? And that raccoon dog one looks warm! My soy is truly delicious. - We could make a trade. - Of course. Shino, would you like some tea? Oharu, thank you very much for always being so kind to me. - But what are you saying? - Step aside! - It's those samurais again. - That's right. They visit the village chief whenever they can. The chief likes to surround himself with strong samurais. - I have a little boar as a pet. - How dirty. - But it's very sweet. - Doesn't it wallow in mud? By the way, do you want me to show you this? - What is it? - Something interesting. Magoichi, you have no escape. - Until you showed up, leader. - You don't abandon the ninjas. It's a rule. You will die! Magoichi! We did it. It's over. These guys were from the Koga clan. I'm a deserter from their group. I feel that I'm finally freed from this life on the run. I'm happy for you. What's your story? You must have a past. Me? I'm fine. Aren't you nursing any wounds, Hei? Nothing to tell. Let's worry about the boar, or Shosuke will cry. Oh… What a surprise. It's an honor for two of the three Niki brothers to visit me. Please, make yourselves comfortable. Our elder brother Kurodo will join us soon. And this time, what matter brings you the three brothers here? It seems that Heihachiro Ino is in the vicinity. Do you know anything? Heihachiro Ino? Is he a samurai? We will challenge him to a fight. A duel to the death. How interesting. Your servant Seibei Abeno will do whatever is in his power to find him. Remember that I have my dojo. At least ten of my men are suitable for the task. Use them, although I would like you to give them some advice first. Join me at the dojo. We are sorry, but we don't have time to chat with small fry. Small fry? I expected that from you. Father! Oh, are you alright? Yes! - We're back already. - It was very tiring, right? Did anything in particular happen? No, nothing. Well, let's head back home. Mr. Hei! Over here! Mr. Hei! Shosuke, even though you barely knew each other, he missed you a lot. Of course! He eats plenty. Look at him. You are a great support to us. That's fine, thank you. Delicious… "In these mountains, I came into the world. In these mountains, too… I will die." When this short summer is over… the mountains will feel the arrival of winter. Everything will be covered in snow. We'll gather wood… and light it. I will prepare something hot… to eat. It's cold, isn't it? Shosuke! Shosuke! What? Here. Sir! This way! Hey, Shosuke! - I caught a rabbit. - Cute! - Shosuke, come to eat! - Alright! I was thinking of cooking it, but it's very pretty, isn't it? What do you think…? It hurts so much! Shosuke, hold it for a moment because it bit me. - There's a festival tomorrow. - A festival? I promised Sanae we'd meet there. Sanae? She's Mrs. Oharu's daughter, from the village restaurant. She's the same age as me. So, you're going to meet her? Well, I've never been to a festival before. FESTIVAL Shosuke, what do you want? What could it be? I don't have much money, but I can buy you one thing. - Shosuke! - Ah! - Shall we go? - Yes. - Don't go too far away! - Understood! Who is he? Is he your father, Shosuke? - He's like an uncle, Mr. Hei. - Mr. Hei? Like this? Don't tell anyone. It'll be our secret. Wow, what beautiful sand! Eh? I wonder who you are. Who might these little foxes be? I caught them! I have them now! They won't escape. - Who bought the masks for you? - Sanae's mother. I see, she gave you something very pretty. Well, let's go! I also must give you something. What could it be? Welcome! - This one! - This! - Flutes? - They're two mons each. Alright. - Here you go. - Thank you. It was a pleasure. Is something wrong? Come on, we have to buy it. Kinta came out from inside the candy. Sir! Could it be possible that this man…? He is Heihachiro Ino. Shosuke, I will plant this tree behind the mountain. After many years, there will be a beautiful cedar forest. Mr. Hei. What is it? Do you want to rest? You truly are admirable! What do you mean? - I want you to train me with the sword. - Eh? Teach me how to fight. Shosuke, a sword is just like the sickle, the hoe, or the machete that your father uses. It's only a tool, do you understand? It can be a good or bad instrument, depending on how you use it. The important thing is to have a pure heart. Never forget that. Of course. "Throw one, throw two, throw three, throw four… The children throw one after another nonstop. The balls bounce from one hand to another. Once, twice, three times, four times… The children play over and over again nonstop. The balls…" It's a very beautiful sand, isn't it, boss? - You will come with me. - What? Where are you taking me? Madam! Madam! - Madam! - Madam! Mother! Boss! Don't do anything to her! Oharu, you made this ball for Sanae, right? Where did you get these gold nuggets? Tell me now. I don't know anything about it. I swear I have no idea! I really don't understand this! - Mother! - Do you think you can fool me? Speak now. Where did you get this gold? Sanae! How did you get that? I'm scared! I'm so scared! Shosuke… Shosuke gave it to me. Look! Is this a samurai? He looks more like a lumberjack or a peasant. - Are you referring to me? - Of course. Hey, peasant! - Are you the father of the child Shosuke? - No. Who is it? - My name is Hei. - What? - Cut the nonsense! - Don't mess with me. Bastard, who do you think we are? Everyone in these mountains knows us! Well, you are the minions of boss Seibei, right? Do you think you're very brave? That machete suits you well. Can you still use a sword? Eh? If you have nothing to do, leave. I, on the other hand, am very busy. Are you Shosuke? It seems you have something valuable. Some gold nuggets that shine brightly. And what can you tell us? Do you know anything? Not at all. Where did you get that gold from? Hey! Where are they? Answer! Hey! Enough, or you won't get out unscathed. Damn it! Don't come back here again! Shit! We won't forget this! Be sure this is not over yet! - I gave them to Sanae as a gift. - Alright. I understand. - Sir. - Yes? Don't worry. If someone asks you, just tell them I gave them to you, alright? Shosuke. Is it true about the gold nuggets? Shosuke, tell me, I'm your mother. Today some ronin came, what did they want? Tell me, Hei. You're hiding something, aren't you? Mago, I will soon leave this place. You say a single ronin defeated you? Who is it? What kind of person was he? What was his fighting style? Was it Heihachiro Ino? If it was Heihachiro Ino, would you kill him for me? We will wait for our brother. It's a battle between our clan and him. So the two of you are incapable. - I will show you how to defeat him. - Can you do it? We've already devised a plan. I need a volunteer. He will fight against weak subordinates. We will approach cautiously. At that moment, he will be attentive to our movements, but we will make him step back with his left foot. And he will attack from that awkward position! Did you see it? When our brother joins us, Heihachiro Ino will have no chance of survival! I think it's the right place. This place will work. We will occupy three fronts. The rocks will block the fourth, there will be no escape. Good, it's decided. We could beat him alone, just the two of us. No, we'll wait for our brother. Brother! When did you get here? You! Did you hear everything? - No, I didn't. - Then why did you run away? Are you a hunter? No, I'm a peasant who lives further ahead. Then, are you the one hosting Heihachiro Ino? - Let's kill this man! - Wait! It's convenient for us. We will use this man. Give me that. Mr. Hei. Do you think of your wife and children? I was wondering if you have people waiting for you. To tell the truth, I was kidnapped and forced to marry. However, later I had the feeling that he didn't do it without reason. I was to his liking. It happened… in a battle, when his clan burned down my village. Be happy with your present. At this moment, you have a family and a home to live happily in. I have none of that. Welcome back! Hei. Give me a hand. Yes. I'm coming. I will return to help you. It will soon get dark, why not do it tomorrow? Mago. Has something happened? Hey, Mago. DUEL CHALLENGE PLACE: AKAMEZAWA NIKI BROTHERS KURODO, RYOMA AND KAZUMA I understand. Hei… Mago, you don't have to come with me. Just telling me the way is enough. You are at a total disadvantage. When you go to the duel, I will accompany you. Two samurais are better than one. The skills I have retained will be of some use to you. Mago, this doesn't concern you. I'll go alone. Come, please. I will help you with that tomorrow. Mr. Hei will sort his affairs soon. Did you know? I knew… that sooner or later an occasion like this would come. Mr. Hei will face a duel, right? Shosuke will be saddened by his departure. Actually… I don't know the details, but I think you will do what you believe is right. So you don't live with regret. I've thought about it a lot. And… Please, stay by Mr. Hei's side. Support him as a samurai. Shosuke will always be with me, so don't worry. I must finish this sewing. Have they left already? Good! Let's go! That ronin named Heihachiro should be on his way to Akamezawa by now. - Mother! - I've got you! - What do you want? - Kid, come here! Don't resist! Get moving! - We know nothing about the gold. - Nonsense! I swear it! You've searched the house, and found nothing. Stop with the stupid lies! It's impossible for the parents not to notice their child has gold! These are the gold nuggets that kid gave to Oharu's daughter. Will you insist on denying knowledge of the situation? What do you say now? I know nothing. The mother is in the way! Come! Stay away from the child! Help! Help me! He…! Help! Help! - Mago! - Someone! There she is! Save me! Hel…! Please… Help! Help! Help! - Shosuke and his mother are in trouble. - Shosuke and his mother? The village chief and his samurais went to Shosuke's house. They think the gold sand is hidden there. Child! - Tell me where it is! - I will not! - Do you want me to hurt your mother? - I won't speak! Do you wish for me to kill her? I won't stop at mere threats! Shosuke… You decided not to speak, right? You promised it to the sir. Then, honor your commitment. That's what I think. Damn it! - Shosuke… - Listen. Do you know how a man tastes? Do you want me to show you? Well? I will do it right in front of that little one! Mother! Mother…! Your husband will not return in time. And you will never again see that ronin alive. At this moment, he's walking into an ambush by the three Niki brothers. Is he already dead? There are five people at the entrance. Child! Won't you tell me where the gold is? Eh? Mother! Hei… What are they doing in there? Why such silence? Mago, I'll draw Seibei's attention. Can you take care of the others? Sure. Hei, where will you take him? Seibei's target is the gold. In that case, does the gold even exist? Mother! Heihachiro Ino is here! What? Heihachiro? Stop! Bring the two of them. Sir! Is your sword duel over already? It's none of your business. Is Magoichi hiding around here? He's safe, in the forest. Waiting until everything is over. What a cowardly guy. Is the true coward not the one who harasses a woman and her child? What? Please, let them go. I would only release them in exchange for one thing. The gold, right? That's right. I see all the greed in you. Shut up! These mountains and valleys are mine, therefore the gold belongs to me. Here I'm the one in charge. If I please, I can kill them both, and you as well. I have total power in this territory. Fine. I understand. - Secret? - Yes. Adults go terribly mad at the sight of this. The adults? They fight among themselves, become lazy, and in the worst case, end up killing each other. They would destroy the beauty of these mountains without hesitation. Therefore, let's both forget about the gold, is that clear? Never talk about this. I accept. If this belongs to you, I will show it to you. I will guide you. Good! - Oath with the sword! - Oath with the sword! Sir… Well, shall we go at once? You're too compliant. I don't trust you! I only ask you one thing. - Leave them here and don't hurt them. - Don't come closer! - What? You don't want the gold? - I do. But it's hard for me to believe your words when that sword still hangs from your belt. Throw away the katana. Sir! Will you break our promise? You made a sword oath. - Won't you keep it because I'm a child? - Shosuke… Don't be treacherous! Shosuke, that's enough. Bastard! I'll beat you back! Sir! I will not defend myself anymore! Damn it! Wait! I need him to lead me to the gold. Here. Boy, go in. Ah… What is it? No, it was nothing. Damn it! Hey! Stop moving! - Father! - Dear… Where did you find the gold? - It's our secret… - You fool! I want to help Hei! - Dear! - Father! Where did Heihachiro Ino go? Where is it? Across that stream. These guys are Seibei's men. So, did Heichachiro kill them? Hey! Has Seibei been around here? - Shosuke, bring medicine. - Yes. I thought Seibei was a wretch we could use, but… Listen. Seibei is searching for the gold, isn't he? Brother, It seems there is gold hidden in these mountains. Does it hurt? I see, so Seibei intends to outsmart us. Damn… He plans to keep all the gold. That's why he came here before us. Isn't it great that we can get Heihachiro's head and the gold. It's that way. Scoundrel, you tricked us! Wait, stay away, don't kill me. Mercy… You will never have the gold! Sir! Sir! It can't be. So those three went after Shosuke? Shosuke… Shosuke! Sir! Shosuke! Shosuke! Shosuke! Shosuke! Sir! Sir! It's gold! Brother, the gold! Sir… Sir! Shosuke, don't come closer! Heihachiro! The time has come! The swords of the three Niki brothers will finish you off! Well, come for me! Shosuke, toss it to me! Shosuke! Mother! Shosuke! So, I said goodbye to that family. I left at dawn. It was a quiet morning in the mountain. He will be bound to a sword for the rest of his life. That's Hei. Sir…! Sir…! Mr. Hei… Sir, you have suffered a defeat. - I won, I won! - Pity for me. It's a pity that I lost. Look, are you ready? Here goes one. - Ah! - How about that? Impressive! Shosuke, a sword is just like the sickle, the hoe, or the machete that your father uses. It's only a tool, do you understand? It can be a good or bad instrument, depending on how you use it. The important thing is to have a pure heart. Never forget that. Mr. Hei… Subtitles @ CALIGRAMA EDITORES
Views: 361,987
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Keywords: SAMURAI, free movies on youtube, jidaigeki, samurai movie, ninja movie, movie, free movie, full movie, action movie, subtitles, Japanese historical drama, English subtitle, old movies, bushido, sengoku, NINJA, sword, jdrama, katana, drama, Japan, Japanese culture, Martial Arts, history, edo, kimono, historical, vintage, period, justice, warriors, fairness, fraud, traditional, tradition, weapons, yt:cc=on
Id: kiQwc3GZoDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 37sec (5497 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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