The Dubliners 50th Anniversary Concert 2012

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good evening a hungry feeling came over me stealing and the mice were squealing in my prison cell [Applause] [Music] [Music] to begin the morning the screw was ballin get upsies and clean out your cell [Music] [Applause] god ah as the lag lay sleeping home because he was peeping as i lay dream dreamin of my girls [Music] oh 75 women on a team among them i wish i did dwell [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] oh thank you the dublin gospel choir thank you very much indeed and you're all very welcome to this special concert to commemorate our 50 years together as a group half a century we never we never imagined it would happen it's a wonderful feeling and thanks for joining us for this special concert we're mindful of course of the wonderful legacy that we inherited from ronnie drew and luke kelly and kieron burke and bob lynch thank you and uh when i met michael d and sabine there we were just i was just thinking of the wonderful connection we had over the years because luke kelly and his uh actress wife deirdre o'connell they founded a little theater called the focus and we had some good nights and gatherings and great plays there together so lovely to see you michael and sabina you're very welcome thank you yeah but we're going to play what has become i suppose our signature tunes we open almost every show with these two reels the pharma lassies and sporting paddy so if you feel like dancing don't you can if you like right [Music] so so [Music] let the grasses grow and water's flowing the free and easy way give me an off the railroad stops dismayed near glory bay come get yourself some dummy girls thank [Music] enjoy [Music] is [Music] you can light it up [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] um [Music] utilities this is banjo barney from donny kearney well as well as playing the banjo of course barney sings a few songs and uh i think you might give us one now are you ready for a song barney ready for anything i think right barney no rest thank you folks thank you john okay bernie please give carjackers years ago i learned this little song it's a comic song and he was called the the comical genius what where does it go john please yeah which one bone or the one you're going to do how many genius it's called a karmical genius was thinking one day how he'd sleep up the job and receive happy pay he did not like begging and [Music] genius was thinking one day how he take up the job and receive handy day he did not like begging and work was too hard so he caused the bright notion to [Music] got a new suit of blue as bright as new tints they drilled and they drilled them they drilled them so hard the old sergeant proclaimed him a fully fledged guard [Music] he was stationed somewhere near the town of a tie another roads of that district he had the closer for the girls day admired him as all women do fall in love with the guard and his new suit of blue [Music] on duty on a dark winter's night he cuddled out cycling without any light gradually miss said he for an answer said she it's next to me liver where you'll never be kidding me diddly i don't know one and only barney right back to the banjo now barney and we're going to play a hornpipe and a reel to wonder horn pipe and a reel called just checking to make sure we're playing the same same chance here i think we're joking i forgot to introduce her special guest here this chap on the what's it called the cello the big fiddle anyway neil martin from belfast a wonderful musician neil toured around europe with us about 25 years ago and he found me a couple of months ago and reminded me that this year is going to be his 50th birthday as well and he said there's no better way he'd like to spend it than playing a few concerts with us so thanks very much neil for happy birthday so we're going to play the wonder horn pipe and a reel called the swallow's [Music] tail [Music] my [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] cool thank you we're going to be joined now by a couple of fiddler friends for a tune or two mara brannock and sean kane i wrote this about 25 years ago i wandered into this beautiful building one day out of curiosity i knew it from the outside like a lot of dubliners i was absolutely enthralled with the the wonderful architecture here and i was inspired to write this little piece i often dreamt about the the idea that i might be able to play it in the cathedral itself someday and in addition to that to be able to play it with the cathedral organ and my dreams come true tonight because my friend over here neil martin i sent him the the basic melody and neil wrote a lovely arrangement two tin whistles string quartet and the church organs so this is a special night for me to be able to play my own piece here it a go nail yes sir [Music] me [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] me uh so [Music] bye [Music] this time i'd like to sing a little song that i learned of the late great kieran burke who was a past member of the dubliners and it's called all from a grog and it goes like this so here we go i'm sick in the head because i haven't been to bed this first day came ashore with me plundered i've since undefeated snakes beheaded [Music] i swear [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] then where is my shirt me knocking nothing shirt it's all sold for beer and tobacco for the sleeves got worn out the color turned inside out the tail was looking out for better [Music] the western ocean when the sheets got all warm the matches got all torn the springs were looking out better and it's hard to throw me johnny jelly [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right across the western ocean [Music] thanks for your help there well done folks crazy thank you well we have a special guest for you now ladies and gentlemen a fine young man a great singer songwriter and uh this man i think is a good example of the way our music and luke's songs have passed from one generation to another and he's going to come on and sing a couple of songs his name is declan or rook how are you doing thanks john my parents had great taste in music you know when i was about six or seven uh santa claus brought me my first sample of of music you know my first tapes one of the two i got it was uh it was called luke's legacy i remember when my dad got up later that morning i said to him who's luke's legacy dad you know it was the start of a great musical education and you find in your life that some things you listen to as you get older they become a little uh faded and you don't like them anymore but with these guys it just gets stronger and uh it's amazing to be here we're going to do a song which i love called school days over [Music] is [Music] come on it's time to go [Music] it's almost like [Music] it's [Applause] [Music] song [Music] is [Music] screw these [Applause] so uh i'm so honored that the boys asked me to do one of my own as well and uh i don't think i have to tell you all that this is actually the coolest band on the planet and you know people talk about rock and roll and the rolling stones and all these crowds and these fellas put them to shame i think about 20 times over so uh so no matter what else happens in my career i know from this point onwards i've made it you know to be up here to be invited to do a song with these fellas so i'm going to do this song it's called galileo and it's great to have these fellows playing on thank you galileo fell in love as a galilean boy and he wondered what in heaven who invented such a joy but the question got the better of his scientific mind and to his blind and dying days [Music] he looked up high and sometimes cry who puts the rainbow in the sky [Music] who dreamt of someone so divine [Music] someone like you would make them love can make you ask some funny questions now and then but just remember the alternative for i remember when i was lonely and unhappy and my lips were cold as eyes but you kissed me and good heavens now i'm here in paradise so if ever i'm not kissing you looking in your eyes i won't be blind and i won't try i'll look up high [Music] who puts the rainbow in the sky [Music] who dreamt up someone so divine [Music] someone like you won't make them someone like you would make them thank you very much thanks boys and i led down the country one day he says to me tell me lads do you read music or are you gifted well sean and marta they do read music but they're gifted as well before we uh play this tune i'd like to dedicate a short poem to well the three of us that's a kind of a big fiddle over there as well four fiddlers here it's based on the notion that we all leave our mark after us we have a notion that we'd like to leave our signature our america operas when we pass into the next life and i suppose the architect leaves his signature on a beautiful building like this a sculptor his signature is a statue or a carving and that was the notion that was in my head when i wrote this so it's called signatures and especially for me fiddler friends here let's see why in a minute the playerman leaves his trace on field and furrow the sculptor's mark is etched in chiseled stone with sheaves of gold the thatcher's name is written in rings of clay the potter's name is known when day is done and evening firelight beckons when tradesmen all are free from toil and care we linger in the shadows with our fiddles and softly leave our signature in air we have the megans of a string quartet here now and uh we'll try this arrangement for you to mourinho casino we're right there lads and lassie so [Music] so [Music] so foreign [Music] so [Music] so we're going to welcome back the dublin gospel choir now for the next song yeah lovely and uh an interesting connection here just like to mention that uh i joined the dominoes with a trap called bob lynch back around 1919 what was it oh 1964 yeah the last century anyway just like to mention that there's a granddaughter of bob lynch's in the choir here siobhan lynch so barney is going to are you ready bernie barney's ready for another song i think now so i hope you're ready for barney i love song this time okay this little song it is a love song and years ago it was called i think they used to call it the prisoner's song but it is a love song but it's the type of a love song that you could sing to a little infant as a lullaby oh you could sing it for little children and teenagers middle ages senior citizens for all the song called i wish i had someone to love me that's the name [Music] well i wish i had someone to love me or someone to call me someone to sleep with me of sleeping alone meet me this evening tonight all alone i have a sad story to tell you i'm carrying it under the moon [Music] me [Music] is tonight is our last time together [Music] together to shred it and turn had well to love me someone to call me [Music] of sleeping oh i wish i had ships on the ocean place them silver and gold everything to the bark of my true love and i see just 19 years old oh i wish me someone to call me [Music] i wish i had the wings of the swamp flying out over the sea i would fly to the arms of my true love and bring her home safely to me when i reached to call me of sleeping well here's a little song i'd like to sing for you it's a song that was written for myself way back in 1977 by pete saint john and it's called dublin in the red old times so sing along with us raised on songs and stories heroes up renown the passing tales are glories that once was dublin town hallowed [Music] haunting children's rhymes that once was dublin city in the rare hour [Music] oh my name is [Music] that ceased to be by trade i was a cool barn lost out to redundancy like my house it fell to progress by trades a memory and a quoted number as pretty as you please i wrote a child of mary from the rebel liberties then i lost her to a stupid shop with skin as black as coal when he took her off to bear being home she took away my souls [Music] well the years they've made the gargoyle's dimmed me brain because dublin it keeps on changing nothing seems the same the pillar and the net have gone the rise not since pulled down as the grey unyielding concrete it makes a city of my town [Music] city i can no longer stay and watch the new class cage spring up along the king [Music] my mind's too full of memories to old to her new giants i'm a part of what was dublin in the rare el times [Music] in the red [Music] i remember dublin city [Music] in [Applause] [Music] i met my love on the cast works wall dream the dream by the old canal kiss my girl by the factory wall are we ready for this now all together dirty old town dirty old town i heard a silence saw her terrain set the night on fire smelled the spring [Music] in that smokey window dirty old town dirty old town while clouds are drifting [Music] a from the streets at night dirty old town dirty old town by the way there boys [Music] i'm going to make a big shot of ice shining steel [Music] dirty old town dirty old town once again that i met my love well the cast was [Music] factory wall dirty old town dirty old town dirty old town dirty old town thank you very much ladies and gentlemen well there isn't just enough time to get all the songs and shows that we know so we'll run a little medley together of some of the popular songs of the dubliners and we start with this one called the black velvet band [Music] [Applause] [Music] little [Music] is [Music] lovely becky cooper our maggie mary wouldn't get put off to shame what was worthy of the name and the name of the same was this [Music] is [Music] so in the year of our lord 1806 we set sail on the fair fall apart we were sailing away with a cargo off bricks for the grand city hall in new york we'd an elegant craft which leaked for enough power [Music] while we sailed seven years the missiles broke [Music] i'm the last of the irish [Music] we're going to invite on maura and sean again now to play a set of reels with us yeah thanks marla we're going to play uh three reels this time the first one is called coolies cool is real [Music] the second one is a tune called the dom and the third the mullenger races that's the last one but we'll start at the beginning i'd like to mention a very hard-working man and a group here he's the engine driver it keeps the rhythm going keeps us all on the same beat eamon campbell over here is the kaley band ready here we go [Music] do my [Music] do [Music] we've had a wonderful time here in christchurch cathedral wonderful building and thank you all for coming along and we'll do another little song here now which is very popular it seems it's called whiskey in the jar [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] early in the [Music] if i can find [Music] jenny [Music] is [Music] in the morning [Music] is we do thanks very much thank you just like to thank everybody for supporting us over the last 50 years and as barney says it's too late to stop now so thank you michael and sabine of course for being here thank you so much [Music] thanks john that's lovely what about a very very famous possibly one of the most famous dublin songs of all time it's called molly malone so let's see you all china good night and god bless you in dublin's fair city where the girls are so pretty i first had [Music] [Applause] muscles [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] she was a fish monger sure was no wonder so were our father of mother before [Music] i oh [Applause] but she died of a fever no one could save her and that was the end of the sweet volley now her ghost wheels [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is uh appropriate to a church it tells of a biblical story of the prodigal son better known in the folk circles as the wild rover so here we go i've been a while [Music] [Applause] [Music] over i asked her for credit for she answered such a question like yours [Music] [Music] summer [Applause] [Music] she said i have whiskey and wine of the best and the words which you told [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] and if they caress me as off twice before i swear [Music] one more time [Music] god [Applause] [Music] thank you very much you
Channel: Dexmusic
Views: 122,134
Rating: 4.9254169 out of 5
Keywords: Dubliners, Luke Kelly, Ronnie Drew, John Sheahan, Barney McKenna, Sean Cannon, Eamonn Campbell, Patsy Watchorn
Id: wxNj2X3V5II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 32sec (4892 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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