The Drowned Ancient Civilization Beneath The Black Sea | Dark Secrets of the Black Sea | Odyssey

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this channel is part of the history hit Network [Music] the Black Sea it has been a source of Amazement awe and mystery from the very beginnings of recorded time some experts theorize that the infilling of the Black Sea which began when the ice agent it was actually the flooding mentioned in the bible during the time of Noah other scientists take into consideration ancient Greek historical Recollections of global scale flooding then as it was written on Ancient Greek Papyrus squirrels the Black Sea seemed to swell ever higher with each passing year those ancient scribes reported how this rapid Ocean's Rising occurred during the Reigns of several prominent Greek Kings one of them dardanus after whom the Region's Dardanelle Strait was named and another sea crops were both mentioned in passages pinned by Plato he concluded that these Kings were alive to witness the world's oceans rising to consume much of Greece creating some now submerged offshore Islands a few Generations later by the end of the Bronze Age Jason the explorer who claimed to have sailed the entire length of the Black Sea had differing accounts of what was seen over their pitching deaths furthermore elaborate myths and fanciful fables along with colorful Sailors lore of what dangers lie beneath the surface of the Black Sea have always abounded teams of modern day scientists from the Ukraine Russia Bulgaria England and America are sorting out the amazing truth supposition and first-person reports of significant discoveries seemingly exist side by side mystery swirls about the history of the Black Sea a Vortex of uncertainty throughout every Century onward from prehistory to today all of the newest evidence and developments all centering around the baffling unfathomable origins of this eternally changing body of water the Enigma that is the Black Sea are only now being brought to light here in this documentary foreign scientists have tried through the years to determine the actual origin of the Black Sea they hypothesized that melt water from the end of the Ice Age likely raised sea levels by a few hundred meters this caused the seawater to gradually rise flooding in to form a river valley then pouring out Inland as a freshwater lake not surprisingly there is evidence of some long-lost civilizations on the now submerged Shoreline of the old black sea some other sites are occasionally visible at low tide conditions below the surface near the Breakwater and what about the unusual often poisonous chemical reactions and strange otherworldly physical properties of the Black Sea do they exist today merely to give us an indication of the Ice Age environment these and other issues will be explored here perhaps to discover if the scientists who called it the northern cradle of civilization are really on to something history hit is like Netflix just for with exclusive history documentaries covering some of the most famous people and events in history just for you our extensive catalog of documentaries covers everything from the rise of Hannibal Barker to the illustrious Treasures of King tuts so sign up today for broadcast quality documentaries uncovering the mysteries of the ancient world not only that but we have a huge podcast Network releasing new episodes every day so you'll always have something to listen to sign up now for a free trial and odyssey fans get 50 off their first three months just be sure to use the code Odyssey at checkout modern day researchers in Russia call The Old Black Sea Shoreline 100 meters underwater the camarion shoreline it used to be the water's edge of that vast Inland Lake during the Ice Age and there is ample evidence that the entire shoreline became suddenly submerged completely sunken underwater rather rapidly astonishingly within perhaps just 30 years on our 1983 expeditions we were astonished not only us our Russian colleagues because the dunes that we could see in the reflection profiles were absolutely pristine there was no evidence that any sculpting any washing any eroding any beveling of the dunes so a sand dune exposed to the washing of waves and surfs surface it would gradually drown by a slow transgressing sea would no longer be there or it'd be heavily eroded amazing thing is the Black Sea Coastal Dunes are as pristine as they were the day before the flood [Music] the Paleo Shoreline of the old black sea which averages about a hundred meters deep is pristine it was covered rapidly because the berms of beets sand dunes the Paleo river valleys the estuaries at the mouths of the Paleo river valleys a hundred meters deep in the Black Sea were covered over rapidly with muds and Sands so there was no erosion gradually as the blacksley slowly filled it felt relatively rapidly within a matter of decades and many scientists are coming around to seeing this scenario probably among them is uh William Ryan at Columbia who hypothesized the filling within only a few years but according to my research it's looking more like it infield within a two three four decades the evidence that the old black sea infilled rapidly is the simultaneous appearance of marine sediments on top of lake bed sediments everywhere across its submerged margins and we dated the first shells the first Marine shells to colonize that new underwater world and to our astonishment the dates from carbon 14 measurements were identical of all the shells that sat on that Horizon and all the cores along the transit several years ago in the process of laying an oil pipeline across the Black Sea to Turkey Russian scientists simultaneously conducted a detailed survey map on it they reported that the same type of shells were found along the caucus margins additionally they noted the presence of sand dune fields in the area French teams have also mapped these strange sand dunes stretching all the way down from the Armenian outer shelf to Beyond under the Bulgarian Ridge After the flood after the global ocean reconnected with the Mediterranean the Black Sea became saltier and saltier and saltier within a very short time 10 20 50 100 years a few years the green shells the Marine clams and mussels could all um inhabit the the Black Sea seabed and they completely replace the freshwater cheese we can look today and with reflection profiling in the Bosphorus Straits image we call Bedrock the old hard bedrock at a depth of about 75 meters but this Bedrock itself was eroded By the Waters coming through the strait when it broke open the Gateway now some have hypothesized such as William Ryan that around 5000 BC it broke through and poured in rapidly over a ledge like 50 Niagara Falls however the debris that we see at the North End of the Bosphorus where the Bosphorus enters the Black Sea currently we see modest sized Boulders Pebbles cobbles with mud over such so this suggests a gradual infill a gradual overflow as the world ocean gradually Rose so that's where we're looking at we're looking at a matter of meter or two per year with no precipitous drop off like that Niagara Falls but a gradual rising of gradual rising and connecting with the old black sea and then gradual subsequent infilling until the Black Sea approximated its current Shoreline levels several centuries later so the the Breakthrough spewed out versus debris and then the when that flood ended the waters rapidly Rose the Mediterranean water continued to flow into the Black Sea as it does today because it's salty it's heavier it sort of falls into the Black Sea Under the the Black Sea fresher outflow and that that has put a cover a blanket over this old fan and actually put mud ways you can see migrating mud waves that represent that in fact that's this this map up here is uh those stripes those are the mud waves that uh that sit on top of this old uh this debris fan well the huge amount of water or it was a black seed Basin it uh broke the isostatic balance of the earth Crest in this area and uh as a study had to restore this balance but the way it was been restored was uh dependent on physical properties of the Earth crust at every specific area where it was more flexible it just distorted but where it wasn't flexible but there was a rock monoliths like Limestone monoliths in the area of modern Yalta it cannot be just distorted flexibly and broke and cause the block fault which we can see around so we see that it was different way in different areas of the modern black sea shore the survey that was carried out by the French science yield lyrically invited me aboard reflection profiling back and forth across the Romanian Shelf a little bit up on the Ukraine shell found out in the outer shelf some faults with a seafloor had been modestly uh offset down down down further you go see word The Faults that we met were in the range of a fraction of a meter to a few meters of offset and they clearly offset the old terrestrial Terrain they offset the seafloor by less magnitude so we would infer that they have been somewhat continuously active or intimately active since the flooding [Music] after the huge amount of water poured to the Black Sea Basin from the ocean the weight of all this amount of the water changed the isostatic balance of the earth Crest and so the Basin had to distort as a result and in the places where this Distortion was solved it just going down softly but when there was a monolite blocks like Crimean mountains Limestone monolites it's actually broken and made the great flock for that we can absorb at the south southern coast of Crimea like area of Yalta when the water of the world ocean infilled and poured over the Bosphorus Strait all that volume all that mass of water pushed down on the crust at the bottom of the Black Sea so it pushed down and there became vertical block falling as a result and this is because the great weight when the world ocean water poured through the bostrous the world Ocean Rose it eventually poured into the Black Sea region increasing its depth rapidly and this Mass pushed down on the crust of the earth and caused this vertical faulting like stair steps down and it happened to a greater degree in the Southeast area of the Black Sea and to a lesser degree in the north and Northwest sectors the the main effect of the feeling in the Black Sea Basin with salted water of the world ocean is a killing of the waste vegetation of this area which produced a lot of hydrogen sulfate and Black Sea Basin is filled with uh hydrogen sulfide by now it's still turn metal into the black which is the reason the sea is called Black and from time to time especially during the earthquakes some amounts of hydrogen sulfide comes to the surface and inflammates and we see the uh like and sometimes people can absorb very interesting effect of the Flaming of the seed we surveyed across one of these faults that offsets the sea floor and there was evidence of little gas bubbles coming up out of the fault scarp Nicolette penin told me that in the 1920s there had been an earthquake offshore and the whole sky at night offshore had lit up and the fishing fleet never returned and that the shaking of the ground must have released vast amounts of methane which then caught fire in somebody's smokestack and the Sea surface ignited many scientists claim that the immense Inland Lake known as the old black sea was brought into contact with the then Rising World ocean around 6000 BC according to Carbon 14 dating of submerged organic material however many other scientists now believe that Carbon 14 dating results are less reliable when dealing with water drenched samples from that far back into antiquity well uh carbon dating method in general is quite questionable even Olivia who got the Nobel Prize for it understands that 2 000 years is a maximum for its uh uh application without too much positions and involves uh presupposition and the major presupposition it has is that amount of carbon 14 and carbon 12 was always the same in our atmosphere but we know that they are not in Balance even by now and informal times this this balance was even bigger so I would be very careful with the carbon dating data if there was much more volcanism back in the time of say The Exodus when Santorini exploded and there were Mount Aetna was going off as well from historical records so the carbon dioxide from all these volcanics going on at those times would have greatly deluded the amount of carbon 14 in the atmosphere by the carbon-12 which is in the carbon dioxide which is within the gases which are emitted from these volcanoes which are documented to have been going off around 1500 BC and earlier so with the rampant volcanism also mentioned from ancient Turkish literature as the volcanics going off in the Caucasus mountain of the northern turkey region at the time of Sargon the Great the great Assyrian King and around 2000 BC legend about him says rampant volcanics in Turkey as well so Santorini Aetna turkey all these volcano mechanics going up that diluted the carbon 14 in the atmosphere therefore the results we get from that time frame are greatly exaggerated the ancient Thracians lived on the western shore of the Black Sea where Bulgaria is today nowadays submerged offshore you can find Bronze Age ruins and artifacts and some pieces which indicate that there were people who lived at this site even earlier during the Ice Age evidence that proves the existence of a massive Inland Lake one whose Shoreline is now about 100 meters beneath the water's surface it is a river that feeds the Black Sea presumed to be about 60 kilometers from the ancient Shoreline and it has a depth of 90 to 120 meters from the old Shoreline to the current one after the post Ice Age flooding it was once a very beautiful river system and it's likely that ancient people lived along the banks of the Old River we have found traces of an action village now submerged there and in this respect the nose plate that we are going to show you now was discovered from there at the depth of about 100 meters it seems the environment and the beauty of the nature near the river were very special to the people who lived there the Paleo River delta at the mouth of the provenskia river in a Bulgaria is at 90 meters of water about 40 kilometers offshore at the old paleo Shoreline of the old black sea when the old black sea was a freshwater lake the outflow of which went down where the Bosphorus is now it was a river that went down to the Aegean Sea which was lower during the Ice Age so the sea level Rose it poured into the Black Sea eventually and covered up these river deltas which are now anywhere averaging around 100 meters deep and this proven sky or river valley where where relics ancient thracian relics have been discovered is in pristine condition once again demonstrating that the Black Sea overflow was relatively rapid the plate of gnaw has been discovered during one Expedition back in 1985 on July 16th we had been searching for ancient Villages and there any of the old pre-flight shores of the old black sea some of this ancient Villages had been discovered such as the one called necra Hall and the place where the owners played artifact had been found it has been extracted and excavated using a mechanical hand tool from the Russian submarine Argos and because it was found in the Black Sea area where the flood of Genesis was presumed to have occurred the plate was given the name Noah's plate it is formed very elegantly and symmetrically of sandstone we must presume that the plate was made by the ancient inhabitants who dwelled in the area so Bob Ballard's extraordinary expedition of cenop and his widely acclaimed discovery of evidence of human habitation the depth of 90 and more meters below today's level has raised lots of fascinating questions when they first heard the news we said all right that's it clearly was a Black Sea flood bearing these old cell myths now Fred Hebert archaeologist Who sampled the sediments uh India told me personally that there are high levels of acids and so on those soils that suggest the presence of Corrals with animals in them because of and high urine contents Paratus said the Sumerians or the khmerians lived all along the northern shore of the Black Sea he said that entire region was settled by the camarions and remember too that the old paleo shower line is called the chameleon Shoreline by the Russian geologists so they at least indirectly or subconsciously are thinking that yes that was the old black sea of freshwater lake when the chamarians were living there as Herodotus said such so here we have an interesting contradiction within the mainstream scientific thought process that the Ice Age actually ended Millennia before The Chameleons existed whereas they seem to also realize that yeah the Black Sea may have been filled much later than a lot of people think and this in fact is evidence with Bronze Age sites evidence of Bronze Age sites on this paleo Shoreline now one of the astonishing things we find in the Black Sea our old Bronze Age harbors they're pilings deep beneath today sea Surfers at depths much deeper than the harbors of the similar age in the Aegean Sea or the Mediterranean Sea and this has been a puzzle it is very hard to speak about submerged ruins here at the shore of Crimea first of all because of a huge block fault which should destroyed most of the ancient Shoreline and most of settlements we know now at the shoreline we just submerged belong to 4th Century BC only so the ancient Sumerian sites should be on the much uh bigger depth and if I would be a hercologist I would study the Herodotus description of the area and follow the beds and river deltas because uh during the raising of the water in the sea people had to step back move back by the river deltas and most of uh modern towns and ancient cities are at the river mouses so the most ancient ones that are submerged now should be at the ancient river mouth [Music] this is from here and suddenly in the Ice Age people were using bones they were using Ivory they were using them as Spears they were using them to hold their clothes together they were also using them as ornaments as decorations as jewelry and it's fairly sophisticated things Mama bones were also used for example to hold together skins on the outside of people's dwellings at some point so there was an extensive tool used so Ice Age animals and their bones their antlers their tusks at that time [Music] and in Korea it was a really big diversity of fauna but mainly it was the Fauna of the step for a step character so it is Echoes gidrontino's small horses saigata tarika small Antelope and as well as memos and sometimes we have the animals which migrated from the Northern Territories the the main species was also horses but another type of horses Echoes latipus this horses was adopted for the soft and humid soft surfaces and humid places and mammos was one of the main hunted species in the northern part of them Eastern Europe they only collected the bones of memo produce the fireplaces [Music] the mastodons another Ice Age animal which ostensibly should have gone extinct also when the ice age ostensibly ended at 10 000 BC they are known to have existed in BC so this suggests that in fact the Ice Age and the Ice Age conditions were ongoing on up and into the Bronze Age there's no getting around this we have animal tools Bones from Bronze Age people a mammoths Mammoth bones were used to build fireplaces to make tools that Bronze Age people use so the ice age in fact ended much later than his properly advertised [Music] we know two types of elephants today the Asian and the African elephants but of course they're just the end of a long lineage of about 30 different species perhaps the most charismatic of which were the mammoths and the mastodons huge beasts and maybe sort of three well certainly about up to about four or five meters at the shoulder and covered with immense strands of hair and of course we know a lot about these animals because their bones their skin their hair has remained intact in some of the sort of Perma ice in which they live indeed a mammoths probably existed until historical times and the last populations dying out in islands of Siberia and Russia about 4 000 years ago so around the black seed during the Ice Age there was three to four times the amount of rain there is today rather than arid steps with little vegetation and few trees it was rich pasture lands thick dense primeval forests rainfall 50 inches a year rather than 10 inches a year or 100 centimeters per year four times what they have today so it's a completely different world the rivers were twice as wide as they are today in the Black Sea region huge amounts of rainfall so it's a completely different world at that time with completely different flora and fauna of course there are lots of predators around from predators we know today like arctic fox and wolves too animals who have modern relations but these guys were bigger Cave Bear cave lions for example possibly about the size of a modern horse at the shoulder and very very sort of stocky animal that could take down the huge um giant deer or the aurog so the wild cattle Cape hyena as well existed and many of these things were hunted out by people but possibly their populations became smaller first as a result of climate change cave Lions persisted until about 2 000 years ago in places like the zakistan in Central Asia for example during the Ice Age is in the northern Europe climate here was much more mild it was cool it was uh twice as much of participation than we can now with a lot of Snows during the winter and not a lot of rain during the summer and definitely the Flora and Fauna of the region was completely different which we know from the archaeological data so they were the forest Hunters so as usual the balance was a festival they made the pit and then some kind of construction on the bed uh how big was the construction above the pit nobody's known but we have some traces of the sticks around the meat and it means it was the structure I know uh which have the present day analogy of Tomb in chukkotka style or Eskimo or Wigwam of the northern American Indians Forest kind of the Guam and usually they have the hearse fireplace in the middle and sometimes in one case at least we find the burial in it the world that consists of animals these are the horses and it is known that it was The Chameleons that learn to ride horses you can see the armor and it shows us that it was the warrior ancestor [Music] this is the advanced tooling of the ancient Thracians the scythians and the camarines ornaments and jewelry have been found with a fantastic Precision the tooling skills were spectacular and also people have heard of the anti-cathera device which was made out of brass with 10 with 50 to 70 gears in it finally tooth gears working interconnectedly they're tooling capabilities were spectacular as witnessed with the jewelry and whatnot which have been discovered with these ancient Thracians they had much wherewithal from the tooling skills well geometric patterns of long bone tools usually it's connected with culture in the mid Dome they never been in Korea but they have very impressive gold Technologies some of them was made from mammoth's bone long bones and looks like the shower vowels as another was the pendants made from a different kind of bones of a birds as well as the pendants made from mammo's Ivory geometric patterns are usual for that time it's rounded with a hole in it that's all so they use it like a Knuckles something like this a very raw are found of Jewelry in this in Durham mounts but it it was sometimes a silver plates silver spirals medallions amulets maybe I don't know with the Rings and crosses on it Pottery is the only one reliable way of age dating all the rest are like tools usage of the metal of lint it is a cultural issue and at the same time different cultures can live in one area like today in Australia you can find the nuclear missiles and Aborigines with the Flint tools at the same time and definitely in area where there's no sources of copper copper tools are much more expensive that is why people are more careful with them and most of sites which are found here doesn't have metal there are hundreds sites here with Flint tools and only a dozen with copper tools this is a huge problem for archaeologists who follow traditional progress idea that everyone who was older use only Flint tools everyone who are younger culture all cultures that younger use metal tools but all the sites could belong to the same period is just the size of more prosper and more poor people that that is why they had different tools [Music] in the find of our excavations was a bronze X on for catacomb culture on a 2000 Barrel mounts barrels was just four bronze axes and one of them is in our University Museum we found the ancient peppermines near near town it's 30 kilometers far from kurgan we were today and there were different type of Mines they collected Cooper ore and they work with it and made tools bronze and brown stones [Music] all style of Gorgon is a stair style when we can see that the Greeks have a stair construct in 19th century this uh stairs called Egyptian arts [Music] these burial shrines known as kurgans are thought by many to have been built during the Bronze Age this is the time when the chameleons were assembling fortifications with these types of megalithic blocks the Mycenaeans of Greece Circa 2000 BC were building citadels with sculpted megalithic blocks it's obvious to see that the climate there was much different than it is today foreign [Music] yes it's interesting in argonautica the story about Jason the organized when Jason the arganized sailed up through the dark Nails in the Bosphorus they mentioned the bithnians or the people of bifnia and bithnya was one of the 10 or 12 most ancient tribes of the Thracians and the Thracians namesake is tiras a guy a fellow named tiras that became the name thracian there are 10 tribes under them Bethany it was one of them they lived in the area of Troy now Dory is another tribe of the Thracians now we've all heard of the dorians the Dorian Invasion the Greek dorians who invaded from the north and took over the Peloponnesus around 2000 BC these in reality were thrations the people of Dory which was a southern province of the thracian Kingdom so the Dorian Greeks in reality were thrations The Offspring of this man named Terry us and it's called on the shoulder artifacts from the original Sage settlements from the area of the environment and do South Lakes the vessel from clay or stone after facts and stone tools and pieces from wood apart from the housing structure of this submerged early Bronze Age settlements very you have a very similar culture with Eastern Mediterranean cultures for example minerals in Anatolia and Phoenician because it's a nearest you know this Pottery vessels are very interesting the typical attractions although it's compared to both companies were and they are similar to the clean pottery with wisdom of the eastern part of the Mediterranean and the chronologically very close to the Troy actually considering the tradition culture allegedly inherited Black Sea culture we can then assume that the ancient were Navigators primarily because of the direct evidence we found such as one piece Wooden Boats also sailing vessels were depicted by using drawings on rocks one of them was a ship complete with Mast and sails is Creations have been assumed to be The Originators of many cultures before we start talking about the links between the Ancients traditions and ancient Egyptians we must point out the links with the Phoenicians the well-known regions of Troy has ties to the Traditions too it would be almost impossible for them not to have been linked with the early Egyptians by ancients ocean Navigators for instance the main suppliers of wheat to the ancient Greeks were traditions true the cultural heritage of the ancient tradition people is very interesting because our Merchants suppliers and Traders with people in other parts of the world by their navigation they did trade with their GNC Villages such as Troy up to now we have found two single piece wood boards dated 15th 16th century BC it speaks for well-developed sailing and Maritime skills as far back as 3500 years ago and must have originated well before that time all this evidence and proof can point out attention to give us circumstantial indirect evidence for the ways that ancient nation has contact with other nations somehow some way these people made contact with other cultures probably by sea here's a point in time whether we can say that this ancient civilization was Sailors just like the Greeks were because of similarities of most ancient necropolis ruins at the site of Duran kulak we can assume the following that the houses were built with stone foundation and that the upper part was made of wood the way of thinking about the daily life of dobrich is shown in the museum exhibit there the way it's finished proves that there was a very high level of cultural advertisement the houses that were made by ancient people clearly indicates that they had free time at their disposal they were also raising and cultivating plants and animals I personally do not like the word Druids these are not true they are actually artifacts treasurers traces and evidence left by one of the oldest cultures that ever existed in Europe artifacts have been found in the bigger island in the Durant black Lake there are six Villages situated on the plot of land on the top of the island one cheered over the other this location is unique for Europe in and of itself too every single house is extended on the large plot of 170 square meters each House was built using stones for the house foundation the upper part were made of mud and Clay as mortar using the striped techniques well-known well represented in India and China the height of the houses was up to about 3 meters each house was divided into two the waterproof roof was made of two layers using the wattle and dark technique and sophisticated building materials a nap [Music] we consider that the metal which was manufactured for and enter ornaments such as jewelry was gold and that the ancient were digging it panning on mining the gold in the area that currently called their adopi Mountain at the time there was numerous evidence showing us that Metallurgy was very well developed the tools were made mostly of copper Canada archaeologists say that they face abrupt decrease of population of this area because they have hundreds of the sides of stone age but only a dozen of the Bronze Age and they say that there was plenty of people who populated this area in stone age but then they disappear somewhere my viewpoint that opposite happened all the Stone Age settlement was found established by people who escape from the flood and populated the steps of the area before the shoreline stabilized and they come back and rebuild their houses and because there is no copper sources in the area they had to use stone tools flint and if we use dating by the tools by artifact we consider them stone age but actually it has nothing to do with the age Phoenicians were presumed to have come from the sons of sidon who was the namesake for the ancient now submerged Port City off the coast of Lebanon in addition the Thracians were also presumed to have come from Tyrus a son of jopheth ancient historians even linked the ashkanaya region of the Ukraine with ashkenaz who was also a son of jothif the chamarians are linked with Gomer another son of japheth known to the ancient Persians as gemara this seems to represent further evidence that the roots of the ancient people around the old black sea are corroborated by the biblical counts in Genesis these earliest tribes of the Black Sea Basin were evidently already living there when the salt water from the then Rising World ocean began to pour in the Black Sea Basin created Rivers outflowing back such as the dawn Danube and the dinesta rivers these Rivers surge huge volumes of Ice Age runoff water back into the basin when the Volga River was flowing as a torrent into the caspians many many times as president was charged fill in the castle the Optimus Outlet which is the Mac straight then that equivalent outflow would have poured in the black seed black seed would have risen to its outlet and the same amount of outflow and even perhaps more from the Black Sea rivers from the the Danube rivers draining the ice of the Alps all would have been poured out of the Black Sea yes and so the fact that we see the Delta deposit of that River south of the Kirch Strait and we see it's top of the delta the subaqueous Delta at minus 50 meters would say that that flood took the Black Sea Lake up to a level of about minus 30 meters so it's outward at that time was about minus 30 meters and then decades after this infilling had been occurring another temporary Shoreline was established at negative 30 meters but it is always at negative 30 meters it doesn't vary from negative 20 to negative 50. so it indicates definitively that all this faulting all this block faulting to call these cause these stair-step block faults going down deeper and deeper along the Continental shell occurred at the end of the Ice Age and before this secondary Shoreline was formed at negative 30 meters so all this faulting all this isostatic Readjustment from the weight changes of the displaced water the water moving in caused all this faulting all this catastrophic tectonic activity at the close of the Ice Age Now the argument's a little complicated but when the ice caps melted in the global oceans and they shrank the weight of the ice caused the land that the ice caps sat on to rebound we see this dramatically in Scandinavia the water pours in the ocean the weight of the extra water in the oceans causes the ocean floor to Sag and essentially the plastic metal deep beneath the crust moves from the areas where the water is added to the areas where the ice is removed when the flood occurred in the Black Sea you poured in a hundred liters of water the weight of that war then causes the margins around it to subside [Music] think about it with warmer ocean waters and a greater evaporation rate so you get your dense cloud cover for your snow blitzes and the extreme latitudes and much more rainfall in the middle latitudes ancient Egypt the Old Kingdom Egypt ancient Sumer they're all much wetter think about it those people couldn't live there today though they would not set up a grand civilization there and those those desert wastelands it was much Rainier there during the Ice Age because of dense cloud cover because of higher evaporation rates off the ocean because the oceans were warmer to cause the Ice Age what causes the ice caps to come and go we used to think it was caused by the amount of sunlight because solar insulation that arrives at the high latitudes in the northern hemisphere but just a few years ago our young students here began to preach an opposite gospel that is actually caused by changes in the equatorial circulations it's linked to such phenomena as the El Nino it essentially has to do with Heats transports from the equator northwards and so the engine for climate change and the engine for Saint Clair shall meltdown May no longer be the amount of sunlight that forms of high latitude but might actually be how the equatorial ocean behaves and this is fantastic when your students prove your ideas wrong now to end the Ice Age you know paradoxically it does seem strange they I say Janet when the ocean tempers temperatures had cooled enough to where there was less evaporation off of the oceans to cause less cloud cover so you didn't have the dense cloud cover for the great snow Blitz in the North and the much more rainfall in the central latitudes so you there's less cloud cover so you had hot summers because the cloud cover was gone and the clouds in the summer Shield the Earth from the Sun so you had hot summers for a rapid snowmelt and the winters became much colder because the cloud covers an insulator during the winter are around and Hitman publication came late 90s but Russians was writing about the same things of the forming of Black Sea much earlier and the republication of 1960s and earlier and they even relate this event to the dardanas flat from Greek mythology so most of the Legends they have is the oral Traditions that came from previous groups and mostly through written documents of Greek mythology and also it's related to the names Greeks gave to the Sea so my viewpoint that the in the beginning there was a very powerful flow of water from Black Sea to the again sea which was hard for the salesman to go against but after the Black Sea catastrophe Arena Pittman talks about talk about the strong counter flow will was replaced with a mild full flow that helped aegeans to come to the Black Sea and it caused the change of the title of the name black sea is anoxic its bottom waters are all poisonous they interface between its oxygen rich layer and its poisonous layer today is about 90 meters in the center of the Black Sea when the anoxic level gets shallow enough that it gets into the level of sunlight a photosynthetic bacteria appear to produce a purple pigmentation this purple pigmentation is in the Black Sea cores which meant that the Black Sea poisonous water was very close to the Sea surface and could have been exposed by big storms poison the surrounding lands the time of the early scenarios in Mesopotamia the fact remains that rainfall residue created poisonous chemical reactions in the Black Sea these resulted in an unusual hyperpigmented bacterial incursion in the sea salt water from the rapidly Rising World ocean came in contact with the brackish water of the old black sea Inland Lake additional poisonous deposits were found clinging to the ancient ruins and upper Mesopotamia this clearly indicates also that the old black sea in filling at the end of the Ice Age was concurrent with the epoch of several ancient civilizations Mesopotamians Greeks Thracians scythians and chamarians yes according to the evidence in ancient legends ancient histories of Sir James Frazier around 1900 traveled the world collecting ancient uh Legends and one of the Legends which comes from semothrace which is an island just south of the Dardanelles just south of the Black Sea the legend says that samothrace was part of the Greek mainland but then the sea level began to rise the people were terrified and began to run to Higher Ground And this is when dardanus who was the namesake of the Dardanelles this is when he sailed and his sons troas founded Troy and this the this samothration Legend says that it was at this time that the Aegean Sea connected to the Black Sea now dardanus according to ancient Greek historians lived around 1500 BC he he did not live at 8 000 BC so we've got to look hard at a much later end for the ice age in historical times at the end of the old Bronze Age there was a huge climate change across the world the middle latitudes dried out the ice packs disappeared sea levels Rose at the time of dardanus which is according to ancient Greek historians around 1500 BC [Music] controversy swirls today around black Seas ancient history and the reality of flood is a hypothesis it's a working hypothesis we think it best explains the bulk all the observations but it's hypothesis it could be nullified tomorrow so controversy has been extremely good for Science and good for the Black Sea and I relish controversy because it stimulates new thinking controversy stimulates thinking out we call out of the box well certainly our model is out of the box if someday some new evidence appears that nullifies the hypothesis ask her to say well okay I can sleep better now and that's just great because we've learned we've learned something if the flood hypothesis holds up it gives us an entirely new picture of our European Origins this is a new picture of the appearance of farming in Europe and where it came from and why it spread so far it would seem that this entire region in fact the second cradle of civilization was just north of ancient Mesopotamia the old black sea region was born immediately after the ice age when it rained a lot more back when ancient humans built structures of sculpted and fitted megalithic blocks using wood Timbers from the Lush Forest of the area the post-ice age Black Sea region saw those ancient tribes smelting copper gold and silver crafting fabulous works of art with their highly sophisticated tooling abilities and all of this was before the great post-ice age sea level rise it was back at the time of the ancient Greek Kings as mentioned by Plato himself in his book Timaeus and credius when much of Greece according to Plato was submerged into the sea when King dardanus whose namesake the Dardanelle Strait now the Waterway connecting the world ocean in the Black Sea was settling his villagers in a Countryside facing a new Coastline one which now holds mysteries of its own as it lies underwater a long way out 100 meters below the sea
Channel: Odyssey - Ancient History Documentaries
Views: 467,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ancient history, classical history, ancient civilisations, classical antiquity, history documentary, classical documentary, Black Sea, Crimea, black sea documentary, black sea shipwrecks documentary, black sea flood documentary, Black Sea History, flooded civilization, ancient civilizations, ancient civilizations documentary, bronze age collapse, noahs ark
Id: m319IgeYaoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 5sec (3305 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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