The Dragon Ball Z Movies "What-If" Theory

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all righty guys it is qua man here today and I'm bringing you a nother Dragon Ball Z segment and I am joined with hey guys it's Mike here from laughingstock media and what will we be talking about in today's video Mike today we're going to be talking about an interesting Dragon Ball Z timeline which is going to talk about the different possible what-if scenarios that happened to split off main timeline into the movies right and this was actually brought up by one of my subscribers on my Facebook page I'll leave his name anonymous for his personal reasons and this was also created by hi rose so in today's video Mike and I are going to go through this Dragon Ball Z movie timeline theory that this guy created and we're going strictly gonna share our thoughts on what we agree with what we disagree with and we're going to share our overall thoughts on this as a whole so without wasting any more time let's get straight into this videos so let me just start off by saying that this starts off obviously with the episode of Bartok and Bartok the father of Goku obviously putting those movies I had even though it's technically a movie special and I just wanted to point out that episode of Bartok is not canon it was clearly created to illustrate a potential timeline that would have caused the fear that freezes ancestors and Frieza had for the Super Saiyan threat it makes absolutely no sense to have Bartok going back in time by being hit by a planetary destroying energy blast so that's essentially you know what but in terms of chronological order it would obviously make sense for episode of Marduk to come first and then Bartok the father of Goku would obviously come afterwards even though there's some inconsistencies with that because as we look at the jaw code the Galactic patrolman manga volume we actually see that there you know in the in the story in which we actually see Goku's mother Jeannie it was completely different how this story was told so the whole Canon ASSA T of that is a big question but in terms of order I'll just mention that it does theoretically make sense for these to take place first Mike dude would you like to comment on that um yeah I completely agree with everything that you just said none of them really makes sense but yeah I mean the reason why we see Bardock the father of Goku after episode of Bardock is obviously because in episode of Bardock at the end of Bardock father goku he goes back in time to well before that ever took right so I mean that basically concludes like the Bardock aspect of this so Mike would you like to take us on to the first movie which would have branched out from Gohan being bored okay now the reason why we see here that the dead zone is on one particular side or timeline as one with battle rabbits is is because the fact that there's a big thing that happens in the dead zone that does not happen initially in the battle with Raddatz and for example I would have to say that perhaps this branched off because Skaar junior came in this particular timeline now the reason for that is because in with about with Raddatz when goku first shows up with Gohan the Master Roshi's house no one knows who Gohan is no one's ever met him before however in dead zone everyone meets go on for the first time so obviously these two cannot coexist so somehow garlic jr. is coming and the battle with him split this timeline into two diverging branches hmm right and I think that it's pretty interesting too and then you know later on Mike you're gonna go back down and we're also going to mention the PO where we see how this kind of branches up with the you know the other elements of the actual timeline but what makes these movies pretty interesting is how they create all these what if scenarios and as we see over here to the right we have the battle with Raddatz and obviously we know the events go who dies piccolo trains Gohan de z fighters prepare for the same threats and then we have the battle with the Saiyans however there are also two branching off timelines here that I think make pretty good sense a scenario in which we see Goku arriving on time instead of being late and obviously the other Z fighters being dead and this is a timeline where we would see Goku and you know the rest of the Z fighters actually defeating the Saiyans the the obviou obviously beat the Saiyans are obviously uncertain but it would obviously make a lot of sense because when we look at the world strongest when we look of Treatt might and when we look at Lord slug Goku clearly knows kaio-ken so it makes a lot of sense why we're go could have gotten that from because he would have obviously have trained with King Kai at that point and considering the fact that the Z fighters would have been alive it also makes sense to add additional information in supporting the fact that this would have been a scenario in which the Z fighters were but the sands were obviously defeated in some case and obviously this would have been prior to Goku actually going on Namek and and you know be defeating freeze in achieving Super Saiyan now when we look at the other time to the right we see Goku arrives late Goku defeats the Saiyans Jerry dynamic hunt for the Dragon Balls battle with the Guinea force so this all essentially leads off to a completely different point now obviously this is not perfect we don't know the exact specifications of the what-if scenarios however one interesting thing is that both of these timelines branch off into the battle with Frieza would you like to mention this Mike um well prior I would say that maybe the main reason why they didn't go dynamic initially even the Lord's love does kind of mention them going to Namak in his own movie would possibly because goku is able to intervene before piccolo was killed and obviously if he intervene before piccolo was killed they would have been able to use the Dragon Balls bring back the other Z fighters but I feel the reason why it goes into the battle with Frieza is because at that point that particular timeline could only end up ending either that or enough damage has been done or enough with the Z fighters had been killed that although even though all that other stuff preempted them they still had to go dynamic to try and get the Dragon Balls to bring back some of the others who couldn't have been brought back with Connie's Dragon Balls so they would initially have to fight Frieza in this way and of course the main timeline leads into that to begin with so essentially what you're saying Mike and yes guys I do say essentially a lot so what you're saying Mike is basically even though Goku could have still had piccolo around you saying that because of the fact that some of the Z fighters could have been killed in the process would have led to them going to fight freeze the only inconsistency that's brought up with that is when we look at the previous movies Lord slug tree of might the world's strongest we still see the other Z fighters so that's where the inconsistency comes and do you have anything you'd like to add to that well again Lord slug specifically says oh I've been to Namak in and I know of the Dragon Balls in his own movie so that would kind of imply that they must have been to Namak already and they know of the Dragon Balls in that one but I mean that's an entirely different thing altogether and that opens a can of worms that we really don't know how to expand upon right but I mean essentially the point is guys is obviously that the movies were never really thought of to be canon but essentially the main point is they would have to find some means even though it's kind of unclear to fight freezer or to go dynamic for any non known cause for what Mike was saying it makes a lot of sense for them to go you know obviously for the dragonballs to wish back any of the Z fighters who could have been temporarily of killed or anything off the screen and then we would have come back I know that sounds a little bit inconsistent but essentially it does make sense for these movies to take place prior to freezer instead of taking place after freezer it just makes significantly more sense however when we go over to the next arc here Mike would you like to take on what happens with the return of garlic jr. along with the cooler arcs okay well first off it would appear that when it comes to the cooler arc there's two diverging branches which happen during the battle with Frieza in terms of coolers coming this could explain a little bit as to why Goku during the coolers revenge movie cannot just naturally turn into a Super Saiyan um Goku is able to defeat Frieza with the Spirit Bomb so he comes back to earth after that much stronger Krillin is still alive and he doesn't have to like he doesn't have the Super Saiyan ability necessarily or he can't really tap into that on its own however it makes sense in terms of how he was able to beat Frieza because there is a possibility that Frieza could have been killed with that spirit ba and on the other side of course goku defeated Frieza as a Super Saiyan and that goes into normal 1 hmm but if you scroll down a little bit we could see that coolers revenge kind of goes off into its own little into its own little timeline in which goes again into the return of cooler now perhaps that's off to the side because they couldn't exactly figure out where to put that within the overall timeline but the garlic jr. saga is one that's very interesting because it seems that both the deadzone timeline that was caused initially and the main timeline Bo three emerged into the same line and that makes sense because of course during this period time goku is off in space on yard rat because the after the defeat of Frieza and of course this happens during a spot where we could fit it in but there is still the possibility of how did the original movie happen to allow this to come into the actual plane of this timeline right and you know as we can see here like they're they're little they're graphic is pretty solid but the one thing that we were talking about off the air Mike is what do you think it happened in this long stretched from dead zone all the way to where we get to coolers revenge Adi are you suggesting that similar events to the main timeline happen or dead zone kind of like had its own events and kind of led up to that I would have to think that they took place like using events that happen in the main timeline because it fits in so well with the main timeline it's just kind of weird that they have it off to the side kind of like they couldn't figure out exactly what's happening I would think that it would have probably emerged back into the timeline at much earlier point since I mean the dead zone aside from a couple of things doesn't really change much with the original timeline and considering that the Garlic jr. saga is filler in the main story we would have to assume that pretty much everything that happened normally like oku defeats freeze that Super Saiyan happened in the first place hmm all right well I mean that makes a lot more sense in clearing it up like so so far out of all the ones we did the only ones that kind of is still a little bit up in limbo or the world's strongest tree of mine Lord slug and I did a whole video on what time placements those movies could take place in to make the most sense and which ones make sense which ones don't make sense and it's just still kind of inconsistent with what you're saying about the whole Lord slug thing making a reference dynamic and then why would they have gone to Namak if all the Z fighters were alive that's the main inconsistency here but when we move on to you know what we get to the trunks arrives point and we're going back to the main timeline the branch off here is let's see they think of a scenario where Goku would have taken the antidote ahead of time and in this scenario the Z fighters would have defeated the androids and if you guys actually remember from Super Andrew 13 we actually saw a little clip at the beginning of that movie where we actually see them you know actually killing dr. Joe and we just see like the doors open and what's funny about that it was done in a very similar style too what we saw in the actual Dragon Ball Z series and it was in and we see like outside the door like it was wide open they didn't show the Z fighters so we don't know what happened but we see that the blood is like running down and it's kind of weird because you would think well what happened to the Z fighters in that situation and it's just implied that you know the Z fighters somehow managed to defeat the androids of any cause I've always looked at this scenario Michael we've talked before in conjunction with my alternate timeline theory with the unseen timeline that could have been something that was similar in the unseen time where they somehow defeated the androids even though we never saw it and that would obviously have led to super engine 13 but that's a much bigger discussion what do you have micron I have with this is that you can see that this takes place before the cell saga in this particular timeline so it seems like what they're saying is that after Goku takes the antidote and is perfectly fine when the other Android show up it's almost like that they're trying to say that Goku along with the other Z players because if you notice can't erase defeat Z fighters happens pretty much at the same time Sofia does he virus if he Androids it's almost like they're saying that Goku teaming up with Vegeta and all the others would have been able to beat 1718 which I think isn't entirely impossible because if Vegeta who is supposedly stronger than Goku and Trunks were not able to to stop them I don't think that Goku would have any chance whatsoever of being able stop them either well the thing is Mike is that although they do write them at the same point in time it's it's a little bit inconsistent but I do want to point out that I think the scenario is that if Goku was alive at some point they would have managed to defeat the androids of some unknown cause it could have been hyperbolic time chamber even though it kind of doesn't make sense because Gohan you know obviously looks different and that could have diverged in many different ways but I think the whole point that they're trying to say is Goku's presence being there somehow impacts them to defeat the androids maybe you know Goku instant transmissions away uses you know the remote control device which I actually think is the most logical you know explanation in this I think the most likely scenario to explain all of this is that they somehow survived Goku transmission's everybody away cuz obviously 16 and 17 well we didn't see 16 and super Andra 13 in the opening clip but you know Goku would probably want to like fly away and you know use the device to actually stop them as opposed to you know fighting them because it's very unlikely that you know Goku would be able to add that much of a difference and I thought for talk on that I'll post that in the outro for you guys to check out which me and black canvas talked even if Goku was there you know with 16 or just 17 and 18 around considering the fact that 17 and 18 were able to handle Vegeta and trunks so easily it doesn't mean it leads me to believe that Goku who is probably at max not much stronger than Vegeta and it's theoretically implied the Vegeta stronger than him he wouldn't have made a lot of a difference in that fight itself so I mean honestly I think that's a pretty interesting scenario it's just kind of weird to like factor it in with the whole power scalings because Goku probably wouldn't have made that much of a difference but I think we could all agree that super Andrew 13 kind of makes sense on its own in terms of you know this alternate scenario considering the fact that Gohan looked the way that he looked and everybody seemed at peace so obviously the only factor would have been Cell and like I said if it's the unseen timeline cell wouldn't have been makes perfect but but when we move on we see this Goku's in capacity but the heart virus androids defeat the Z fighters so while we're going back to the main timeline and that we get to the point where cell arrives so this obviously is different from the super Andrew 13 one for alternate reasons obviously it's just a movie and we see an interesting scenario that Mike and I kinda was scratching our heads one where we see Vegeta defeats semi-perfect cell and then this leads to broli the legendary super saiyan and then bolejack unbound and then this obviously contrasts with the events to the right where we see cell reaches perfect for him Gohan defeats cell and then other World Tournament now here's the reason why Mike and I kind of find this a little bit weird if Vegeta defeated semi-perfect so you don't even have to say Vegeta you could even say a scenario where trunks defeated semi-perfect cell you could even go as far as to say a scenario in which piccolo could have possibly have defeated him excel but that wouldn't have made sense considering the fact that the whole differences with the teen gohan appearance and all that so we can't rule in you know piccolo killing you know cell in this situation so factoring all things in if Vegeta or trunks were able to defeat you know semi-perfect cell this would lead to obviously a peacetime on earth where we see the Broly the legendary super saiyan and mike and i've already explained before that the only point in time Rolly the legendary super saiyan could take place would have been in that 10-day gap before the sub games the only point in time it can make sense and it's kind of hard because everybody seems like you know life is just pretty good and they're taking Gohan to school whereas you know there's basically a big cockroach that's about to wipe out the planet so when you factor all of these things in I think the problem with this is when I skip ahead a little bit to the 7 years past and broadly Second Coming Goku is dead and because of the fact that Goku is dead that leads me to believe how would Goku have died if Vegeta had defeated semi-perfect cell there must have been some cause that led to Goku dying seven years later so that's the only major inconsistency I find with this and you know obviously dealing with the boat Broly legendary Super Saiyan following that we see Bojack unbound and in Bojack unbound it's also we also see Goku being dead in that movie as well so there obviously had to be something that killed Goku so clearly it wouldn't make sense for Vegeta to kill cell and then Goku somehow dies but obviously they did in fact all these things in here Mike do you have anything you'd like to add or you think could have altered an even bigger inconsistency with Bojack about coming after ProLiant the legendary super saiyan and that's that Gohan is a Super Saiyan too so it would have to have taken place after go hunt defeat cell in the main timeline because of the fact that there's no way it could take place after legendary Super Saiyan because not only is Goku still alive but though a Dohoney is a Super Saiyan 2 and that's like this is after Gohan is defeated cell and he's basically the era of the earth so either that would have to be on its own timeline like something completely separate from parolee or would have to somehow be fit right before of the world tournament well to add to what you're saying Mike another major point is you remember in my alternate timeline theory I pointed out that you know even though it's a movie and it's non-canon trunks could have theoretically have come back at the point of the bow jack and bow movie to tell everybody how he did he had defeated his androids and that obviously could have taken place the inconsistency with that is that this is also taking place after trunks had already gone back to his future and defeated the androids right so that also adds more reason to explain how that kind of causes a problem Bojack gunbound is actually just fine on its own following you know the actual defeat after you know cell but the whole problem with vegeta defeating semi-perfect cell and Broly kind of causes a confusion only because of Goku's upcoming death but mike why don't you take the next era where we see the seven years past and then we get the twenty-fifth 10khz Boudicca well of course there is a seven-year gap after the death of goku at the hands of cell when he blows himself up and this is of obviously the seven years which Gohan is not training so this this seems to take place during the same period time in which role he could have come in poorly Second Coming which again doesn't really seem to mesh with the whole Vegeta defeating imperfect cell or semi perfect cell because once again obviously that wouldn't make sense with Goku being dead and go on like seeming the train for the Tenkaichi Budokai that's coming up but of course we're the big thing diverges now is that bob derives just like he does in the main timeline of course as we see the main timeline coming off majin buu is hashed vegeta dies just like he normally does but there's another diverging possibility which Moffat he is thwarted now how do we figure out how he's warded I mean there's a bunch of different theories as to maybe perhaps the Z fighter is instead of like fighting amongst themselves teamed up and just killed de Bora and bobbidi and just stopped him from bringing out boo but neither core I'll also add to that Mike it's also a possibility what if they switch the order and they had Vegeta fight de Bourgh instead oh yeah I mean he definitely would have won considering what she Fujita said and if he won I I don't see any real reason why he would have felt the need to turn Majin you know he probably would have you know but there probably wouldn't have been any real possibility of it happening because the fact that bobby was the one who was told by Devorah that vecchio was evil you know vegeta pretty much led on to Devorah so if gia is somehow won that rock-paper-scissors he would have been able to you know fighting defeat Devorah but after Bobby is thwarted we see by aurélie happening and of course with bio brouilly happening that once again kinda doesn't make a lot of sense because this seems like it's really back into the original timeline but Rolly seems to happen in the completely different timeline from everything that's happening in the main timeline so it just seems like they're trying to fit Roly into all these different spots in the main timeline but it just seems like everything that happens in parolee just completely contradicts everything that happens in the main timeline well what I wanted to point out here is Myka with the whole Broly second coming the only point in time that that movie could have taken place would have been in the small gap between the the Z fighters prepared for the world tournament and the actual world tournament itself because that's the only point in time it could have taken place and Goten obviously knows how to fly and all those little minor details add to that the only inconsistency would obviously be Goten saying I wish dad was here because obviously he met him afterwards that's the only inconsistency with that and you know because of that it's kind of it's kind of interesting how they show that this leads to bio Broly but in a way it makes some sense because the body was stored and then we could see a scenario where you know you know mr. Satan it would take place right after the tournament mr. Satan owes you know 18 money Goten and Trunks are still around here and we don't know the other events that would that would have taken place like Gohan wasn't and you know bio Broly and krillen was there obviously so it must have been a scenario where bobby was stopped and go to the trunk so I can see how bio Broly makes sense the other two but it's just somewhere out there that it's it's just very confusing and convoluted right and then the whole thing with you know broadly Second Coming world was Vegeta the whole time all of these little things kind of make a little bit complicated but on it's a and buyer Broly does make sense in a scenario where bobbidi was thwarted so i can't think of any better scenario they could have used for the bat that's seems pretty solid on its own but you know when we move on to the next arc where we have the fight with boo do you have anything you'd like to say here Mike well once again it seems like it diverges because the fact that of course we see go 10 trunks doing the fusion dance so in this case it seems like what happens in this alternate timeline the what-if scenario is that go tanks defeats foo and that means that of course Goku never comes back to life and neither does Vegeta and so that leads into the events of fusion reborn where we see Goku is participating in yet another tournament he and Vegeta is able to come back after the barrier what hell is you know is broken and they both fight Ginetta now the thing with that though is that I always kind of viewed this as taking place just during the period of time in which Buu is with Hercule um you know which they're kind of living peacefully and this happens during that point because Goku again mentions that he I mean he mentions that he fought boo and I mean they never say that anyone defeated boo so I always kind of view that they just put this in between back like coupled a period of time but I mean I guess that it could make sense hmm well the thing is Mike you know some of our subs might be asking us in the comment section we got to differentiate which boo are you saying that it makes more sense for them to have killed fat boo or are you saying that this is a scenario where go tanks would have killed Super Buu because if you really think about it go tanks if he wasn't screwing around had a pretty good chance to kill fat boo had he taken that fight seriously and if you also factor it in you know when he actually fought against a super boob when he actually he like was a Super Saiyan 3 he literally had a chance like right at the end of the fight he was powering up a kamehameha and he had Super Buu on the ropes and had he killed him then that could have also have led to the events of fusion reborn but because the fact that Vegeta would have obviously have been dead Goku would have been dead Gohan was infusion reborn leads me to and he was shown to be mystic Gohan infusion reborn that leads me to believe that this would have been a scenario where Gohan probably came back came to earth and like okay well what do I do now like go tanks already killed him I'm just gonna go back like live life everything kind of restores itself and Goku goes back to the afterlife that's kind of how I look at it but this does seem to make a lot of sense though I don't really see any inconsistencies with this it's just which bull we referring to so which one would you say I think both are entirely possible I think he could have killed either fat boo or Super Buu and the thing with Super Buu is that say like if there was a delay with Gohan's training go tanks could just turn back in Super Buu and fish I mean he could have just turned back in the go tanks at this Super Buu off so I mean considering just how he did have him on the ropes and there was a large possibility and for some reason super-boob went to sleep to allow go tanks to power back up I think that there is a high possibility that he could have killed Super Buu whereas there's very little time which go tanks actually could have fought faboo and BM hmm I see what you're saying so you're saying the timing makes it a lot more sense to be Super Buu as opposed to fat boo okay that makes a lot more sense I actually agree with that a lot more all right so when we see the scenario here where Buu defeats go tanks and that's obviously what happened in the main series Goha knows obviously defeated too and then we get the scenario we all know what happens go who defeats majin buu with the Spirit Bomb obviously they use the spirit bomb to indicate that and then we get wrath of the dragon now Mike would you like to say your thoughts on wrath of the dragon in terms of its you know what ifs I in terms of wrath of the dragon happening I think it just comes down to the fact that that wizard comes and tries to bring out her ood Agarn and I think that that whole coming of him seems to kind of make it where it diverges however honestly it seems like this goes into history of trunks timeline and wrath of the dragon in that of course wrath the dragon goes into your son Goku which you'll talk about a little bit but with wrap the dragon I always felt rather the dragon probably fits in the out of any of the movies because it seems like it fits in in a perfect time when there's nothing that can contradict it coming like the ten-year gap um similar to blogs it seems like it fits in at a perfect time so I feel like instead of this being some sort diversions it could possibly actually take place in the main timeline because yo son Goku and his friends return takes place in the main timeline whereas history of trunks is something completely different and I feel like the only reason they have history trunks here is because the fact that history and trunks you know happens in a separate timeline that's later in future hmm I think it makes a lot of sense and quite frankly like we said before we've always said Bojack and wrath of the Dragon are are like the two movies were it fits perfectly with almost no inconsistencies at all like like the inconsistencies are literally like laughable to point out about those two coolers revenge is also another one that could fit perfectly in the gap between the Z fighters preparing for the Android that the only problem is Goku not knowing how to go super saiyan that's a pretty big detail to discount but um I agree with this I mean it kind of makes sense coming right after Goku defeats majin buu as a matter of fact even though it's an it's movie in its non-canon you could theoretically write wrath of the Dragon into the main timeline and people can wink it off because it fits Toriyama said tomorrow Raph the dragon's cannon people would you know there wouldn't be an issue is I can't really even think of any big inconsistency the only thing that I can think of is that at the end they try and make it I kind of bridge between tapi on giving trunks the sword in Future Trunks having the sword right I don't think that that's really meant to do that it's more like oh this is what trunks would have gotten is sword from or this is how it could have happened I don't think that uh I don't think that it really matters I think that it pretty much could be can and if it if they wanted today yeah and I've already made a video on how it's virtually impossible for trunks to have gotten his sword from tape Aeon so yeah I mean I'm also referring this to them to the Future Trunks it's impossible for future drunk to have gotten his sword from tape and it's impossible but you know when we factor in like you know why drafted the Dragon and then we go to yo son Goku news friends return that's it a bit of a jump special would you like to give a little bit of a brief before I explain it Mike ano Sandow you son Goku and his friends return is a story that was originally created in the first draft was written by Akira Toriyama in which all of Goku and his friends are together at a party similar to battle of gods which we'll talk about a little bit later and essentially what happens in that is to Tarble of Vegeta's long-lost brother who is sent off into space because he was too weak and not much of a fighter comes to the earth and tells him about how to of friezes renegade soldiers have broken off from his army and then came to and then they're following him so he needs somebody strong to help defeat them because they're terrorizing his new home and pretty much I kind of view as canon because the fact that of course Kara toriana wrote the original draft and came up with the whole story and of course the fact that it makes perfect sense that it could fit in the timeline aside from certain contradictions which you might want to talk about but I think that essentially because of where it takes place it seems like it could at least fit right well I mean for those of you who might not know yo-yo San Goku's Friends of turn it it kind of is like a precursor to battle of gods because in battle of gods when they were actually powering up the Super Saiyan God they make a reference to Vegeta's brother Tarble and they said he was on another star or another planet you can also translate that a little bit more better and in that sense that's saying that yoson Goku took place before battle of gods yes now the whole Canon ah setia battle of gods is now for question with super we all know all that stuff but essentially the point is is that yo son Goku and his friends return could theoretically just take place in that huge gap after the Buu saga and in yo-yo son Goku is for to turn interestingly enough at the very beginning of that move or I should say special we actually see Goku you know working with wrought radish very similar to what we saw in Dragon Ball super to actually highlight a lot more you know in correlation with the series that we're seeing now so I definitely think that you know yo son Goku fits fine there really is nothing else to really discuss with that and then we get the history of trunks whoa even though this is a little bit older this was created a couple years ago would you like to add Mike you know the new movies for the more modern you know fans where we have bottle of gods and fukatsu no f divorce leading from yo son Goku his friends return we have first battle of gods of course that of God God's story that takes place I think four years after the defeat of Buu in which the god of destruction reawakens and fights Goku and I seem to think that it takes place the main timeline is I mean super seems to be making it pretty dubious but at this point in time it seems like bow of gods and then leading into fukkatsu no web seemed to take place in the main timeline normally and they there's nothing really that contradicts it aside from say GT but GT isn't typically regarded as can in the first place so now God seems to take place four years after Buu and which would be after you have son Goku in fukatsu no f or resurrection F it's known the English seems to take place nine years nine months to a year afterwards because as we know in battle of gods we find out that the del is pregnant with pan and then in the beginning of fukatsu no f we see that pan has been born so it seems like it takes place not that long afterwards right but I mean honestly like if you go back the main timeline like obviously this branches off into the history of trunks this kind of doesn't make sense how they put the history of trunks graphic here you could I could see what they're doing though they're putting this here kind of like to show like the graphic of the time placement because as we see before we see like all of these events that also branched out into you know obviously the main events in the series and obviously it kind of doesn't make sense to put history of trumps like right after Goku defeats Pooh because go who did not defeat Buu and it has none of drunk style or even can write and uh uh yeah and if he did I mean he would have had no problem I mean he would really have no reason because there was no serious energy on earth other than future Gohan who was not that strong as compared to the main timeline counterparts so I mean honestly if you really think about oh and not to mention future Gohan would have been a lot weaker considering the fact that you know the events of the history of trunks takes place thirteen years after as opposed to seven so future Gohan it would have actually have been a lot younger and a lot week or two so it would have given bobbidi no reason to come to earth so that essentially concluded guys we've done a lot of discussing in this basically analyzing all these alternative you know outputs and quite aussi at the other day my point is this I mean you really can't give a much better alternative to a lot of these scenarios because quite frankly it just causes a lot of inconsistencies with the series I think that highroad did a great job you know for the most part you know highlighting a lot of things some things don't make sense and it's not his fault because there are movies and they're not supposed to make sense but I think that this was a pretty good discussion to share with you guys so you guys can obviously see like a different perspective on how all of these different what-if scenarios came into movies if you guys have any ways that you think you can improve these what-if scenarios you know for example like Vegeta defeating you know semi-perfect self you could think of a better way that they actually stopped cell like you know but at the end of the day guys I thought this was a pretty fun discussion I'm really glad I had Mike here to you know fight back with a lot of his you know input on this obviously this is in Canon it's a nice fun thing to discuss with you guys and I hope you guys like this discussion I hope you check out laughingstock media in the description and I'll also post two videos which I'll point out my alternate timeline theory and my time line placement analysis of the movies to add in conjunction with this so you guys can check it out but most importantly over everything else what Mike don't forget to rate comment and subscribe and as I always say to have a great day guys see you later
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Keywords: Dragon Ball Z (Adaptation), Dragon Ball Z movie, dragon ball z theory, Qaaman, Dragon Ball Z Alternate timeline theory, Dragon Ball (Comic Book Series), Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan (Adaptation), Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge (Adaptation), Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug (Adaptation), Dragon Ball Z: Wrath Of The Dragon (Adaptation), Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn (Adaptation), dragon ball z movie 2015, Dragon Ball Z fukkatsu no f, Dragon Ball Z Resurrection F
Id: mnxkrmgjZT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2015
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