The Don'ts of Cruise Travel

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hey fellow travelers mark here with Walters room today we're in V score Asia for the don'ts of cruising because we're really gonna focus on things that you don't want to do when you do cruise so you can have a better time whether you're doing a river cruise a coastal cruise or a round-the-world cruise or whatever anyway the first don't I have for you when it comes to cruising is don't assume every Cruise Line is the same or every cruise is the same just because a cruise has a similar itinerary to another cruise does not mean they're equal the itinerary ie the ports of call where they go is only part of the cruise you also want to look at is how big this ship is my bail data out of the yacht Deek only has 200 passengers so I got to know a lot of nice really older French people when I was here but if you're on other ships that can have 3,000 or 4,000 passengers it's gonna be a different experience also the excursions that are on offer could be different usually in Europe your basic excursions are doing a tour of the city but you got a bigger ship you might have well we've got an option to a tour of the city or maybe we're gonna do sip lining or maybe we're gonna go to a bike ride or something like that you can have those options so just realize don't think that every cruise is the same so you really need to do your research when you do cruise now ii don't i have for you when you're gonna go cruising is when you're coming into the town that the cruise leaves from don't fly in the day that the cruise leaves because if there's any delay in your flights and you miss that your cruise when it takes off it's up to you to get to the next port they're not gonna say oh that's horrible we'll wait for you that won't happen okay so what I recommend is flying a date beforehand one you get to adjust and maybe there's a big time change of something like that you can get things cleaned up you can move your luggage around and stuff like that but just don't flying that day that's you that you're gonna take off because there's too many things that can happen also I've seen some travelers come in the day their cruise this but they get in late and so they missed the orientation they miss ideas where they're supposed to go those kind of things and that can have a big ramification on your cruise so give yourself that extra day beforehand to see that first port city before you take off okay now the next stone I have for you is don't lose your ID now I'm not saying your passport or your driver's license because you know that but when you're on a cruise they're gonna give you some form of ID because that ID will be maybe to get into your room but also that you check in and out of leaving the boat but also since most cruise ships are actually kind of a cash free society let's say you might be paying with that as well so do not you lose your card because that can be a problem also kind of going along with it don't lose your audioguide if they give you one because you might have to pay to replace it so just try to keep keep track of those things now my fourth don't for you is don't skip the introduction where they explain the excursions safety procedures those kind of things don't skip that meeting why because you need those to understand us here's when breakfast is here's where lunches here's where the buffet is here's with a nicer restaurant is and it gives you that nice background now if you travel a lot on cruises you understand how these things work but especially for first time or second time cruisers it's really important to go to those to get an idea of who the people you need to talk to are where things are how the excursions work so you're making sure you're on the first tender if you're on the English speaking tour and you're on the third tender if you're on the Spanish speaking tour so you want to look at those kind of things alright now the next don't I have viewers don't assume that that price is all-inclusive look some cruise lines put everything together with you with the price which is awesome but not everyone does so you might be paying extra for the excursions okay or you may be paying extra for the drinks and stuff like that and in Europe you'll see a lot of times the cruises will come with the basic beer and a basic wine kind of stuff so you get those for free but if you want some brandy or if you want some whiskey that might be an additional charge so you do have those things and some cruises offer drink packages that might actually include soda too if you're if you've got kids and what you want to look for in those is kind of judge like how much is their average drink and it was like $50 a day for your drinking package are you gonna drink $50 worth of alcohol you might want to judge those things you might say you know what it's easier for me to buy one at a time versus buying the package but don't think that one price you pay it's gonna cover everything because there's always gonna be some incidentals here and there okay and kind of going along with that with the prices and those excursions and stuff like that don't feel like you have to do the excursions from your boat now summit some some cruise lines there cruises are really good I've been very happy with my micro sea cruises their guys have been top-notch like they answer the normal questions and then ten times deeper information it's been great but sometimes you're going to ports a call and you might feel like man that excursion they're offering seems a bit expensive or the excursion isn't what I really want to do well the thing is you don't have to do the boats excursions you can set up your own look online to find travel agencies tour guides stuff like that that can set things up for you so you can enjoy that destination on your own or that protocol with what you want to do for example here in visa I can go across the street and go rent a scooter on my own I go drive around the island hit the beaches and stuff like that and have a nice time and it's a cheap little extra thing out there so don't feel like you have to do the excursions also our next Donuts don't feel like you have to do an excursion every single day look if you're on a two-week cruise and things like that and you're doing excursion every morning and every afternoon you're gonna get burned out so maybe if you see that there's a town that the excursions don't really call to you maybe you don't go on one maybe you just walk through town or maybe you just enjoy the bar in there and the hot tub and stuff like that but the thing is this don't burn yourself out by doing too many discussions sometimes you can do it sometimes you can't I'm on day seven of my cruise and I've been hitting you know one after the other the excursions and I can tell that I'm getting a little tired of like man this is awesome here but man I'd like to just you know to the bar for a bit relax and soju be careful with that and especially if you're gonna be traveling on cruises with kids they burn out as well because you're always on the sea and with the air the Sun they can really get kind of worn down quickly now by eight don't for you is when you're doing these excursions maybe do an excursion that's with someone else make sure you are back before they say they're going to sail off our boat here says look you have time here these be back by 4:30 why because they're gonna pull up and leave and the bigger the ship you're on the bigger the ship you're on the more likely they're going to leave you behind now I'm on the bell Dale Adriatic Adriatic and we only have 200 people so they're pretty cool is waiting a little bit and we got River Cruises they're pretty good with that just everyone kind of booze you when you're late but if you're on the bigger cruises like the Mediterranean ocean loot liners if you're not there when they say to be there they will leave you there and it's up to you to get to the next port so if you want to get your passport you want to get your stuff that's on the ship you're gonna have to go get it and you're have to pay to get there and it can be very expensive okay so make sure you do not miss that last tender back make sure you are on that boat where before you're supposed to go otherwise you may be waving as they take off and that does happen okay like I said the bigger cruise ships more likely they're gonna leave you behind now my night don't for you is don't be afraid to ask for help look the people in the boat they're there to help you they want to help you I mean that's one of the awesome things about Cruise Lines they do everything for you and they want to do everything for you so let them so if you have any questions or anything like that just ask the staff is there to help so for example one of the couples that were traveling with he had a dodgy stomach and she doesn't eat red meat so we had a beef dish that was fantastic by the way and she said hey I don't eat red meat they went out of their way to make her a nice fish dish instead and when they told them that his tummy didn't feel well they they're like we get some medicine for you we'll make a light meal for you and they did that for them and but the thing is people get scared to ask so make sure you ask and if you're too scared to ask what the what the itinerary for today is make sure you don't forget to look at the newspaper that they give you like every day you'll get like a new thing saying here's what we're going to be your sunset sunrise here the excursions that are on offer here's when you have to be backed by because we're leaving don't make us leave you behind they'll have those things for you so that can help out as well now the 10th don't I have for you is don't expect to get along with everybody on the cruise like whether it's a hundred people on our River or 5,000 people on a big cruise liner you're not always gonna get along with everybody and that's one of the biggest kind of complaints I've heard from people when they've done smaller cruises because some smaller crews is usually you're gonna be assigned to one table for the whole whole trip so you're gonna be the same people every single meal so if you don't get along politically or ideologically or whatever there can be issues like that and sometimes it's not even a political discussion kind of thing sometimes it's a language barrier thing I talked to an English couple on here they said last trip we were on there was you know three German couples and there was three you know French couples and then us and no one talked to us they only talked amongst themselves and they kind of like made it tough but don't expect to get along with everybody and that's okay it's just like the real world you don't get along with everybody but do try to be respectful to each other just so you can all enjoy the meal cuz it's gonna be good I'll try not to overeat too much but I'm not gonna put that as a dump because you'll enjoy it anyway and the last don't I have for you is don't try to bring things on that you're not supposed to look a lot of the cruise lines will have things they'll send out saying these are prohibited items for when you're on the ship and a lot of it is for safety reasons you know they'll say no candles or know things with heating elements because fire is the most dangerous thing on a ship and that's what you do not want so usually heating elements they won't let you have on there so like I said candles use you're okay with like a curling iron or something but you know some people want to bring an actual iron that's a no-go kind of thing the bigger ships you're on they might have like airport x-ray machines and say no no you can't take that in man smaller boats are usually less checky let's say so you can get some of those things through but you don't need to bring it because it can be an issue and if you need some of those things like an extra plug or or an iron or something like that again go back don't feel scared to ask for help because there might be stuff in there for there okay and obviously with it with it don't bring those things also you know you don't bring weapons you don't bring drugs alcohol on some of the bigger ships they have restrictions you know you can only maybe bring wine but if they have any of those things don't try to strip you know jump over the rules or or think they don't apply to you because they do and a lot of times it comes down to a safety thing anyway those are my like 11 or 12 don'ts for cruising whether you're on the big cruise ships or a nice smaller one like this to enjoy you will have a great time cruising because you don't have to worry they take it all care they take care of everything for you anyway if you want to learn more about cruising or maybe visiting Croatia check us on our website at Walters WorldCom we're also on Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube and we really appreciate your likes subscriptions
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 141,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy
Id: RcB1XdJiG30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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