The Doctor Deemed 'RADICAL' by the Medical Industry

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does the conventional medical world think you're radical type two diabetes high blood pressure coronary artery disease it's one thing to talk about prevention it's another thing to talk about reversal every one of these diseases is curable every single one of them you'll can get real about why they're sitting in front of you doctor Dr Michael Clapper author Health educator speaker and gifted medical practitioner we went into medicine to relief suffering do you think it's going to change oh it is changing plant-based nutrition done right every medical student every physician should see these diseases go away to see lupus go away high blood pressure disappear type two diabetes these are reversible diseases well if you like eggs this is some good news you may not have to shy away from them anymore a new government study finds they're actually 14% lower in cholesterol well the American Heart Association gets significant amounts of money from the egg industry and it's reprehensible it's embarrassing let them think that I'm radical but my patients get healthy right before their eyes in my eyes I don't know any cardiologists who can really see my patients are getting healthier hi my name is Joe best and welcome to plant-based news and we have a fantastic episode with you today Dr Michael Clapper who is another plant-based hero of mine he discovered the secret to disease reversal over 40 years ago and he turned that into a career of promoting a plant-based lifestyle not only to patients not only two centers but also directly into the heart of the medical establishment and this is a this is a phrase that you're generally not allowed to say disease reversal and yet he has been saying it for a very long time and in this interview we are going to explore the moment that he had this Awakening about how diseases caused and what the solution is and then the trial and tribulations of his journey to share this mage message with as many people as he possibly can and then finally what is his vision of the future for the health of this planet but not only that on the way there's going to be some amazing health tips that you can take and apply to your life today so with that said stick with us to the end enjoy this riveting conversation and let's hear from the great Dr Michael Clapper welcome to the show how are you today thank you lovely to be with you and your viewers excellent it's it's my it's my pleasure so the first question I'd like to ask you is I came across your work many years ago maybe 15 years ago it was so long ago it was like a square video and it was you showing the effects of eating a high fat animal meal and a plant-based meal and you had two tubs of the blood after that experiment what was that moment like for you cuz for me it was so eye opening what was it like when you first discovered that oh well it happened uh over the course of about 72 hours I was first I was working as a resident in anesthesiology in Vancouver and I was on the cardiovascular anesthesia service and I was were're dealing with people's hearts and blood vessels and a patient who was scheduled for surgery in a couple of days for a four vessel bypass needed some blood drawn and the nurse asked me if I would draw his blood and so I did I drew the blood and uh got busy on the work and when I went back to get the blood tube to take it down to the laboratory I looked at it and the the the serum the liquid part of the blood floating on top of the clot was it should be Crystal Clear yellow his was thick and greasy white it looked like glued stuck to the sides of the tube and I shook it I went back and I said do when you were out with your family on this day pass did you did you stop anything on the way to eat and he saides I said what' you have said I a double cheeseburger in a milkshake I love that and I realized what I was looking at was all the fat and the beef burger the butter fat and the cheese the egg yolk and the mayonnaise and the bun and all the fat that he'd eaten oozed out into his blood and turned his blood fatty well three days later we we have him on the operating table and the surgeon opens up his chest and opens up the arteries in the heart and pulls this yellow thick rubbery guck out of his arteries called atherosclerosis and the light went on and D no one it was matter where that was coming from it was was quite quite clear and variations of that started showing up in all my patients you know the German philosopher Guta said what you know about you see and once you know about something you start seeing it and once I realized I started seeing at all my paent so it really announced itself in a very dramatic way in that way and and what was it like terms of the environment you was in because this was a long time ago right this is a good 45 years ago or something did you feel like I should not say anything or like I should tell absolutely everyone wonderful question um just being a second year anesthesia resident I uh in this time when it was just a matter of uh of bad what's the cause of this oh just bad genetics and uh uh and too many T-bone steaks uh but of course it's more than T-bone steaks and uh so I I basically chose rout a there I kept my mouth shut I I this was uh so intimidating and but again you know like the emperor has no clothes here I was uh working with these surgeons uh pulling this stuff out of their arteries thinking that they're curing these patients and they're really not you know there there Band-Aid medicine it was excruciating so much so there within a year I left anesthesia training I went back to General practice it just was so discordant for me not to be able to act on this very powerful information yeah because how I kind of imagine it it's like the weight of the medical establishment is now against you in some way rather than before you probably felt supported by it now sudden it's like oh this is a problem and so you went into practice to access patients directly yes and and what kind of results did you start to see oh it was dramatic um not everybody who uh you give your advice to Follows it as every doctor knows uh but those who who could I found a uh I had changed my own diet I went through a whole food plant-based diet my body responded dramatically a within 12 weeks a 20 pound spare tire of fat melted off my was my high blood pressure went to normal my high cholesterol went to normal I felt great waking up in a light lean body every day and despite eating all these wonderful curries and chilies and and uh and filling Foods so I said this I need to share with my patients so I left anesthesia I went back into general practice and instead of putting people to sleep as for my career I went back to try wake them up and uh and so I found people in near my office who uh were experienced plant-based chefs I would I would send my patients to them to learn how to make simple breakfast lunches and dinners and those who could uh follow that dietary style achieved the same wonderful results I did they lost weight their high blood pressures went down or high blood sugars went down and I was able to do things I was told you're not supposed to do in medicine namely stop people's insulin well they no longer have diabetes you have to stop their insulin if they're going to go hypoglycemic on you the same thing with my high blood pressure folks I'm getting calls saying I'm standing up and my blood my getting lightheaded I feel like I'm going to pass out because they're on these potent medicines for high blood pressure that they no longer have they've lost 20 pounds their arteries are opening up and they don't have high blood pressure and so I said those faithful words stop your blood pressure pills well when I said those words I looked around I thought there'd be a puff of smoke and the ghost to my internal medicine Professor which say what what did you say stop it blood pressure pills no this is Lifetime medication this is the Dogma that we're T but truth is he doesn't have the disease anymore it's not opical to keep him on a a potent medicine he doesn't need he's going to get in trouble so medicine changed completely my patient started getting healthy I wasn't prepared for that but they Med didn't really do that but um they started getting healthier I get to discontinue these medicines I turn into the happiest doctor I know and and now I just want to share that with the young medical students uh so they understand that as well how long did it take you to be confident to use the phrase disease reversal well boy um I I felt it in my clinical intuition but I must admit it wasn't until I joined the American College of Lifestyle medicine 10 12 years ago that that I that those two words started showing up in the same sentence disease reversal soon as I saw it I said yes that's what I've been seeing and again I wish someone had told me when I was a med student these are reversible diseases type two diabetes can go away high blood pressure can be reversed that changes everything if you if you understand what you're looking at when you walk into the patient's room so again uh I'm giving that message to the students that I'm giving them the lecture I wish someone had given me 50 years ago that these are reversible diseases what do you think is the common factor in the people that take your advice and apply it oh my there's a whole range of factors where we human beings we're complex folks and uh we're we're pulled backed by our comfort foods and our fears and what we read on the internet and and family members uh who take it as a threat if you start eating differently and you get all sorts of grief from Spectators there's a lot of resistance people run into but um those who actually make the change um a couple of things happen there you know it timly comes out they're ready to make the change now how do they get there some of them just had a hellacious Health scare they they were in the emergency room that weekend with ch pain and a hints of a of a heart attack oh boy that gets their atten that MO at folks really uh in a big way uh but some folks um their kids have been telling they got teenage kids who are saying it's bad for the environment and bad for the animals how can you be eating this and I had a few parents say you know my kids right and I I started eating like they did and I feel great and uh they just put their toe in the water and got the benefits from it so everybody's different uh and you've got to be a sensitive physician shut up and listen to where everybody is at and and work with their strengths and uh there's a whole art to motivating people to eat in this different way but it's really not that hard it's just food and it tastes great and uh you can eat all you want and so there's a lot of good selling points haven't you um do you have any advice for people that don't get or or maybe don't get as fast results in my own example I was diabetic quite strongly and when I first started trying the high carb lowfat path I would just get blood sugar spikes which would pan Panic me back into a lowfat version of a vegan diet and I do know some people carry extra weight they're not so many but there's a subset of vegans that like well I didn't lose the weight so what what advice do you have for people who are maybe a bit slow to respond yes uh my heart goes out to folks who've uh got that metabolic set that um their their genetics gives them a muscular square body they they really holds on to muscle fat all sorts of tissu they've got AOL inertia in their tissues and it's hard to to get it going as far as weight loss goes there is usually a collection of five to eight pounds of fat in the abdomen that needs to slowly be melted away and so what uh what's the way to do it um and just talking the physiology here outside of real reality here um if I took a person like you and locked them up a True North Hill Center for for 90 days and and put you on a diet of of vegetable juices and soups and salads and steamed vegetables and that's it no no starches no legumes lentils you could have but but certainly no breads or or flour products at all no nuts etc for again for a good 60 days 90 days days you the body would have no choice but to reach into your stor fat and you you'd come out trim so um and that would change everything your diabetes would be gone that would change everything now that's pretty radical it's doable it's just food just just juices and soups Etc but man that's a hard thing to do in this world so but how about two weeks of that or three weeks of that now two weeks up every other month you know to you know do a real intense that for as long as you can't seven days 10 days you you know we're not talking about water fasting here you could do this for five days to start with three days five days you know bite off literally you know what you can what you can really chew there and um and then if you and start lengthening them you know every month add a couple days to that that really lean clean intensive and um and eventually would come off perseverance furthers if the says there that is really really solid advice because the advice that I kept coming across was quite extreme like long fa fasting or just juice fasting and what I would find is it would work but then I would rebound and it's really interesting because the natural path that I ended up going along was what you're saying I started to I called it above ground vegetables I'm just going to eat above ground vegetables steamed and souped and that started to work so it's really great to hear that confirmation and the other thing I want to add to that was um what about mindset because I feel that what some people do is they go on a plant-based diet and then they have this mindset like I've already given up everything else so now I want to have my vegan Treats but you can't make a deal with the body so what do you say to people who who have that mindset absolutely you know who are you kidding at this point your body your body is never not looking I mean you can't tell your body look over here you have a vegan cheeseburger there what was that I didn't do anything you know are we kidding you know your your liver knows your arteries know your body your metabolism knows so Shakespeare should have said to th know Health be true he didn't but Dr Clapper just said it and you know it's really that's who you have to answer to but every but we're human and if once a month or whatever you want to have a big sloppy veggie burger with vegan cheese go ahead and do it lightning won't come out of the sky and strike it there it's better than feeling deprived that you're a nutritional jail they you know you're afraid to eat something eating should not be a fear-filled anxiety producing event you know it's joyful nourishment so keep it as clean as you can and they walk every day and thank heavens you're alive and you work on it does the medical conventional medical world think you're radical yep they probably do I think they're radical too and and it's sad they're all right right in front of the I have a slideshow in my slide in my presentation to the medical students at the end saying knowing how reversible the diseases that you're going to spend the majority of your careers treating know how reversible they are with a whole food plant-based diet question you want to heal these patients or you just want to manage their chronic disease you why are you going into medicine really you want to heal them then get real about why they're sitting in front of you Doctor overweight hypertensive diabetic and inflame from what they're running through their bloodstream every four hours you want to deal with that truth or don't you if you don't then you're just going to manage their chronic disease and you're going to leave medicine it's a dismal way to practice medicine they all get fatter and sicker and clogged up and have their strokes and their heart attacks and I should have sent them to the cardiologist earlier no the cardiologist would have made any difference really so um so yes let them think that I'm radical but my patients get healthy right before their eyes and my eyes I don't know any cardiologists who can really say my patients are getting healthier why do you think a basically a scientific Community which is the medicine Community can look at something that's so obvious and say oh it's uh it's jeans it's random it's we don't know why a man sees what he wants to see here's what he wants to hear you they it's so locked in you ask your my I asked my colleagues you taught your patients about nutrition said listen I don't know anything about nutrition I was never taught it I don't have time to do that counseling I don't get paid to do that counseling don't bother me it's enough for me to uh to not miss their impending stroke and and send them to the neurologist so there's this this this inertia that uh hear no evil see hear no nutrition see no nutrition uh you know it's it comes down to that and it's sad and it's tragic people are dying on real operating tables from operations they don't really need that could be to fix in the Outpatient Clinic with a referral to the plant-based dietitian and get these people eating healthy and and that's why I'm going to the medical schools but and reach the first second third year medical students before pharmacos sclerosis sets into their brains and they think that drugs and surgery are the only treatments it's the food so start with one that's why they're sitting in front of you get them on a plant-based diet and these people get get leaner and healthier right in front of you and there are plant-based dietitians who will do this counseling for you Doctor you don't have to do it send them to the plant-based dietician heard R the C you see them back in a month and see if they're not healthier so that's that's answer one of my questions because I I was thinking is it because they don't want to get engaged with the person like if I just have to give a body medicine that's a different function to having to encourage someone to adopt a lifestyle change but you answered that because you said they can just hand them over to somebody else who wants to do that absolutely and uh said there's going to be more more and more plant-based dietitians who will do this counseling for you all the doctor has to do is to recognize the person sitting in front of them has a diet-based condition and and you know and just you got to be diplomatic and honest with the patient would you like to work on because the patient knows that they're 30 pounds of weight and they're huffing and buffing going up the steps and if you ask would you like to get yourself in a leaner more fit body and get off these statins and Tra most of them say sure well I want you to see Miss Jones down the hall she's going to talk to you about what to eat uh she's going to show give you some handouts she's going to show you some video she's going to take meet you at the store on sary takeing shopping through the produce department you eat like she's telling you and you come back and see me in a month let's see if you're not leaner and healthier see let's see if we can get you off some of these medications that's how medicine should be practiced in the 21st century and pull the dietitian onto your primary care treatment team when you first see the patient in the Outpatient Clinic doesn't matter what what specialty You're In Obstetrics Urology Pediatrics mer it doesn't matter you're all seeing Mr and Mrs America overweight diabetic hypertensive clogged up and inflamed from what they're eating um all these folks uh will benefit you know after you see the doctor he do he does Doctor things take a medical history do a physical exam order your lab that's how medicine practice but then before you let the patient leave say I want you to see Mr Wilson in 42 three over there he's the plant-based dietician eat like he's telling you and come back and see me that's the model that you should have uh when you get out in practice no matter what specialty you're in get a dietician that you can refer to and let him or her really help these patients get healthy because what you're saying here is really close to my own heart because I I was remembering when I first got diagnosed with diabetes my blood sugar was like 20 or like 800 in units and they put me into the hospital and then in the morning they gave me like cereal frosties toast I would eat that then a different nurse would come and take my blood sugar and say it's high then another nurse would give me insulin and and I said is there anything I can do and they they give you this lecture it's probably softer now but back then it was like there's nothing you can do you're diabetic for life it's only going to get worse and I said well is there some kind of diabetic meal plan and they said no just eat normal food but take this and it went on for about three days and I checked myself out I just said I'm not staying here so I'm just reflecting if someone have said to me it's okay you can reverse this this is about your habits let's get you to a nutritionist let's would it just changed my life so it's really important to work you're doing it's embarrassing and and it's one of my the chief emot I feel when I'm in front of the audience as a physician as a scientist boy we can we can identify a genetic mismatch on gene a21 on chromosome 13 boy we can home in on that with Precision but the thought that cheeseburgers and pepperoni peaches and buffalo wings might be clogging up our patients arteries this is too abstruse a concept for most of my colleagues it seems it's embarrassing already and almost dishonest because most of them know that that is the standard American diet very often my presentations I wind up apologizing uh for my profession uh to everybody out there who ran into a doctor that was completely nutritionally ignorant as most of us are I sincerely apologize nobody told us about this and uh and you folks are suffering the the consequences of they that for which I apologize but we're trying to make it better by getting this word out well I'm also grateful for all the people that you have touched as I as I said I did come across your video eventually so it's great to have that inform out there do you think it's going to change or is it changing oh it is changing and there's some powerful forces because it's easy to be cynical and most of my colleagues say ah America they're never going to change what they eat it's a waste of TI don't bother they're not going to give up there but a lot of things are different now um one there's so much social media for good or bad and a lot of it is bad but the word is out they're plant-based eat eating is a healthy thing to do nobody's really there's a few folks but by and large every it's a generally white hat good good Kai concept yeah eat more plants everybody agrees with that but the but the real power behind it U is uh the medical truth of it that these reversible diseases and it and there's going to be more and more articles in every medical journal about reversal of hypertension with plant-based diets reversal of type two diabetes plant-based diet reversal of Auto immun dis plant-based dietes it's infiltrating into the literature so that's a powerful force but also the money the the insurance companies um especially the folks that are self-insured these big corporations who have to pay out for every coronary bypass for every extin that's placed it's in their benefit to help their patients get healthier and uh there's going to start being uh there are hospitals that give lower rates for people people who you know come in or agreed to eat a a plant-based diet there's there's ways to incentivize people's eating habits there it can take U uh buing off their income tax bill uh if they're not over their ideal body weight if they've got normal blood pressure and cholesterol uh you can you can drop their income tax by 15 or 20% there there's ways to motivate patients and money will be saved there's also a concept of quality-based Medical Care um for every time some executive in a some chief executive officer in a in a corporation in town goes down with a heart attack or a stroke it's a catastrophe for the company production goes down they have waste money finding a new uh uh CEO Etc so for every CEO that doesn't have a heart attack in a given 10year period the insurers who are going to pay for his quarter of a million dollar bypass are on that money they should give the doctor $10,000 for keeping his patient healthy give the patient $110,000 for staying healthy you there's ways to and the insurance company still winds up making money there there's ways to jiggle the way the bean counters can jiggle the way the beans are flowing to reward people and doctors for promoting good health so it can be done and uh and I think it's going to be done mostly just to save money from the big corporations but fine uh any that gets us there I'm I'm okay with the motivation but that seems to be the most likely path forward because there just is so much money invested in the current system of ill health I sometimes ask myself if all doctors became like you or or many doctors become like you what would the other doctors do yes and I run into that um there are there too many cardiologists possibly but they will they would go into Community Cardiology they would go into congenital heart disease or they would go to uh the third world uh medicine or the there there they wouldn't be out on the street with a Tin Cup you know medicine has to change you know what happened to the buggy whip makers when automobiles came in well they wound up doing something else what about the harp poers on the Wailing ships you know when way they you wind up doing something else and and Industry is always adjusting to demand and uh and supply and medicine will do it too and it shouldn't be a reason saying that no you're threatening my job I'm I'm opposed to it if we're for the patients then we have to be truly for them so Dr Clapper I have a document I want to share with you and get some advice and opinion on basically this is the health practitioners download from incredible eggs and it's advice to health practitioners on on how to view eggs and how to discuss eggs so I'll just read some quotes of it and you can respond if that's okay so the first thing it says is eggs can be included as part of a healthy heart healthy diet for adults according to the American Heart Association well the American Heart Association gets significant amounts of money from the egg industry and they are certainly going to say that oh you absolutely can fit it into a heart healthy diet because everybody else is dropping dead from heart attack and uh and if you uh eat eggs um you won't have much higher risk of dropping dead from heart attack than most everybody else does so it's probably okay for you to eat and uh that that's the lukewarm endorsement that they give it as far as room in a healthy hard healthy diet I think it's an oxymoron so common knowledge hasn't caught up with Decades of science science says that eggs do not impact heart health eggs are nutrient rich and widely acknowledged to be part of a healthy diet for every age and Stage uh and the Egg industry is notorious for using uh quoting medical studies that have been done by researchers hired by the egg industry who have set up conditions to make it look like the eggs aren't harmful they give a person uh three eggs a day uh for a couple of weeks saturate their body with with cholesterol they get a high level and then they give them one more EG to eat and the and the cholesterol level doesn't go up at all they say see eggs don't raise your cholesterol and they've already preloaded the patient so badly with saturated fast cholesterol that one more egg doesn't make a difference so they can say see it doesn't raise your cholesterol and and this has been called out by numerous researchers and it's reprehensible it's embarrassing I didn't know they went to that extreme oh read the study the this was not a low-fat cholesterol egg-free diet these folks around they were eating eggs all along then they added one more and nothing B happen if you're already eating loads of eggs one more egg isn't going to be a problem absolutely that's really what's behind those studies but they'll say see doesn't raise your cholesterol it's h healthy wow I think you like this one brain health choline helps support lifelong brain health at every age and Stage including memory thinking mood and more eggs are one of the most concentrated sources of Coline in the American diet indeed it is however one there's plenty of other plant-based sources of Coline it's abundant in in beans and and seeds flax seeds Etc but the problem is too much coling the problem is you eat a couple of eggs a day you keep dropping these bolts of choline down your gut you're going to summon up microbes in your intestine that love to see that choline coming in because they turn it into a molecule called trimethylamine that your liver oxidizes to trimethylamine oxide tmao this is a molecule from hell this drives cholesterol into the artery walls keeps your good HDL from pulling that out it promotes artery disease uh this is what Co concentrated col in the diet summons up in your gut this is not heart healthy this eventually leads to heart attacks and strokes so again uh to to say aha choline is good for you and we have lots of choline uh does not tell the story you really want don't want to beating lots of Coline so Chine does help with brain health if it does uh it's just part of many nerve cells have choline involved in the milein sheath yes it's part of the the structure of nerve cells as I said you get plenty of choline out of plant-based Foods vegans are not short of choline it's in all the nuts and seeds and beans uh so it's not an issue and the choline from an egg uh say egg white um is a concentrated bolt of it it's going to have an effect on the microbiome it's going to change microbes and DEP there where the the little bit of choline that's sprinkled through the flax seeds and the uh uh and the beans aren't going to have that kind of effect on on your microbiome they're different food sources so they take the positive aspects of a particular nutrient and then they use it to mask the damage that's being done by having it through absolutely absolutely well said so weight management eggs fill the tank without breaking the calorie bank with six gram of high quality protein eggs can help you feel s satisfied which can help you maintain a healthy weight well all the fat in the egg yolk the yoke venz is most concentrated glom of fat and cholesterol on the planet it's made to run a baby chicken for 21 days with no outside energy and when you drop a couple of those uh down into your stomach uh your your blood turns fatty you get lots of fat in the blood now um if you are eating the fat with sugar like a piece of toast with your egg in the morning that fat sugar combination uh put you at risk for weight gain and the when the sugars and from the bread and the fat enter the blood at the same time your body says oh Sugar's fat let's burn the sugars let's store that fat for later and so that egg Yol fat winds up contributing to obesity as well as clogging up your insulin receptors increasing the risk for diabetes they don't want to talk about that they just said it it's it's uh increases your satiety makes you feel full yeah but it's also going to make you pre-diabetic and and more obese so uh toh to think that they're they're doing good things in your body again it's marketing but it's not scientifically based this reminds me of something I I heard you say I'm I'm not very good with technical terms but it something like the way the body prioritizes calorie usage and if you give it carbs and fats it will burn the carbs and store the fats can you what's that term called again right that's called oxidative priority it um the your mitochondria would rather burn sugars and so if you give your body sugar and fat at the same time pour oil on your pasta put jelly uh peanut butter and jelly on your toast um you're creating that fat sugar combo when when they enter the body uh the the sugar gets burned and the fat gets stored and not that's just what egg yolks do or eggs do because who eats it without some kind of carbohydrate I've never seen anybody eat an egg without toast right exactly so rare it's so fattening for that reason bone health eggs are one of the only foods that naturally has vitamin D which along with calcium is critical for building and maintaining strong bones well no one says that you need Vitamin D in your food vitamin D is made by walking out in the sunshine in your shirt sleeves and letting good old sunfall in your skin you make your own vitamin D and uh nowadays if you want some vitamin D they added to soy milk they added to most multivitamins have it there's no reason to eat an egg and put a big bolt of fat and cholesterol in Coline into your bloodstream just because you want some vitamin D it's a really silly rationalization for eating a a food that causes more damage in your body than then does good all right okay there's two more muscle Health eating high quality protein like eggs in combination with carbohydrates post-workout can help refuel muscle and optimize recovery maybe it can but again it's loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol is going to damage my arteries if you want uh some protein and fat after a workout then then have a homus sandwich have a couple of scoops of last night's lentil stew um have a tofu sandwich there's no reason you have to go eat the egg of a chicken uh and I think you're far better off if you don't okay last one I Health lutein and zathan are carotenoids found in egg yolks that can help protect eyes from Blue Light uh maybe so but again why damage your arteries just because you want to take good care of your eyes which by the way have tiny little arteries that you don't want to be plugging up that's the old door to Immaculate degeneration all sorts of retinol problems um no if you want U some heart healthy nutrients there that's what yellow vegetables are about that's what carrots and squash and sweet potatoes are full of zanthe and carotenoids the old idea that carrots are good for night vision Al there's there's really truth in that and and you could certainly get those nutrients out of a whole food plant-based diet with lots of dark green and yellow vegetables in there so again why poison your arteries just to get some nutrients that you can get out of yellow vegetables so what strikes me from this is that it's effortlessly refutable by you so what is the mindset behind an entity that creates a document like this to spread into the Doos spere of course you know it basically all comes down to the venality of money of people willing to say anything in order to increase their bottom line profits even if it hurts the health of their customers um if it increases their their the profits they can show to their stockholders and sell them anything and people do like the you know bacon and eggs you know it's a it's a intense flavor on on the tongue that we grew up with it's a comfort food and they're just taking advantage of it just beating that horse for all its worth because it keeps putting money in their bank accounts uh but to say that they're helping the health of the public uh is uh is a losery to say the least do you think they like what I've and I don't know if this is true but what I've noticed is that obviously only some people a high percentage get very ill from these American food I mean it's a lot of people let's not be let's not minimize it but it's not everybody do you think that the people who produce this kind of stuff maybe they don't eat as much maybe they just they're getting by maybe they're a bit younger and they think well eggs are quite good and I think this this looks like do you think it's rationalized the way to be able to produce this the toxicologists who deal with poisons they their adage is the dose makes the poison you know everybody can handle a little bit of arsenic take a lot of it you're going to wind up in trouble and yeah every if everybody had one egg a month you probably you wouldn't see any differ in statistics of death or mortality or morbidity Etc that's true and you can have a little bit of this a little bit of that and and especially if these are younger people in your 30s your 40s your body can you can get away with a lot of stuff you don't really get away with it but the body can handle a lot of abuse uh of course it's cumulative it it catches up with you in your 60s and 70s uh but uh but a lot of these younger researchers whatever can handle these forbidden foods and nothing bad seems to happen to them so then they're not half wrong in saying you know yeah you can have some a little bit of this but uh at what point uh you know does the body blow the whistle on you and oops you get that chest pain at 38 you know where did that come from well a little bit of cheating builds up on you there so yes you can can L get away with a lot but just because the body's forgiving but again it usually catches up we're seeing cancers in younger and younger people now uh the statistics are all over the news we're seeing heart attacks and strokes in younger people again your body's never not looking you know you you're not fooling anybody so um these ones appear because of they're a bit irresponsible it's like saying this steep slope is totally safe but you're not catering for people who are elderly you're just saying it's safe for everybody yes well good example good very good good metaphor right okay so to end this one then what would you say in an egg pamphlet to doctors unless you're a baby chicken and waiting to be hatched um you really have no use for the the eggs of hens and your body is better off without them with all without all the saturated fat and cholesterol and choline they are unbalancing foods in a diet that we're trying to balance so ask any gorilla eat plants and you live a long healthy strong life so one of the things that you mentioned which I don't hear so many other doctors mention is about your uh discovery of a hza or your adoption of a hza like a a Do no harm lifestyle do you think that's that's the kind of approach that that might help or is that just really way too radical for for doctors to start think about taking on that approach the reason why I mentioned it is because I was struggling to stay vegan until I also decided that I was going to approach it from a a h of attitude so I put myself back a little bit and focused on not causing harm to animals and that helped no end in my dedication good for you what what a beautiful story and that's the truth of it when you asked a while back what motivates people to change as I said some of them coming through the health door they've had a health scare or whatever some from the concern about the planted we're cutting down the trees to make grazing land for cattle and there their teenage kids have on on them to change for for the sake of their kids' future but then there's that other door uh and that's the door of the heart where the the truth of meat you cannot put meat on the plate without killing some sensient being that loves its life as much did you and I do and I spent my first 14 Summers up on my uncle's farm and I watched the violence involved in putting meat on the table I chopped the heads off chickens i s all the old dairy cow shot in the head you and and it's violent and uh and I don't want to be part of it I don't want to pay for it I don't want to uh subsidize all the suffering from these hundreds of well there's hundreds of millions of chickens and cows and pigs and turkeys and the massive factory farm sheds I don't want to pay for that they're living lives of Agony and you don't have to you know rice and beans don't complain and I've never heard a carrot scream and uh and and I feel so much better when I lay my head down the pillow at night knowing that I haven't contributed to the death of such beings any more than you know there inevitable surely to grow the my kale here I'm sure the a couple of earthworms and grasshoppers got cut up in a uh in a in a mower of some sort but it wasn't intentional and it wasn't cutting down vast Forest to make grazing land for cattle so I can have one small piece of their muscle um involving the death of those Cows as well it's a totally different level of uh of of harm of injury there and so I want to minimize I'm not going to fantasize that I cause no harm as I go through the day right step on beetles I'm sure but I don't do it intentionally I want to minimize the amount of damage that I do and it starts with what I order in the restaurant and what I put into my shopping cart right amazing so what occurred to me just then was how much of responsibility is it for those of us that have had a recovery or even a reversal for a plant-based diet to actually go back to our old GPS because what I just realized is I exited the system once I real realized I could do it a different way I haven't been to my doctor in over a decade and I'm thinking I'm visiting London soon I should pop by and have a check up and tell him my hba1c is 5.6 so we kind of leave the system and I was thinking maybe I have a responsibility just to go back and at least tell my former caregivers I did it this way you absolutely should do that quotes around should here with the caveat that you have to be prepared that he's ah B I'm not interested don't don't bother me expect that that's going to be the result yeah and be pleasantly surprised if he says well good for you bear well tell me more about it tell me and did you see a book or did you read a book or see a movie tell me how you did this that might be the response and you might have a one sheet handout with Forks Over Knives and what the health and you know some resources for the doctor read just be light about it and uh and and see but don't don't be don't expect him to say oh thank you for inviting me they're not going to but it's I just feel like it's planting seeds of evidence that are irrefutable and all I was really seeing was like I just completely said okay I found a new way goodbye and I think maybe if if you're out there you're trying to educate doctors then why shouldn't the former patients good for you absolutely sir Absolut agree what a power every doctor knows we learn the most from our patients not from our professors as our patients are our best teachers well man you are a walking powerful lesson for your GP yes pay him a visit shake his hand I'm gonna do that so the last question what is your um vision for the future in if if all your work that you're doing comes to fruition in in even more of a major way because it's already pretty good um how do you see things being differently oh um I see a far more plant-based kind of medicine where there's no fast food restaurants in the lobby of the hospitals where the trays coming up from dietary are truly healthy Whole Food plant-based and every young doctor has heard the message of course I I I send my patients to the plant-based dietician of course I give my patients handout uh of course my patients are encouraged to eat plant-based where it's no big deal anymore and in fact there's nothing left for me to do because it's they already know it and that would be wonderful I could go to my grave a happy happy doctor so uh so uh yes it's a more plant-based style of medicine and we're getting there inch by inch I'm speaking at Harvard in two weeks by a by a remote but the students are interested they want that that that knowledge I'm happy to share it with it we'll make more plant-based medicine for everyone yeah that's amazing because at the end of the day every one who goes into medicine has the patient well-being that's their motivation so when you tap into that that's going to like you just have to tap into that in a different way right absolutely absolutely no doctors in for the money they they really want to help people and uh the best thing I can do I set a good example be plant-based yourself and share this information with your patient and you'll help save their lives and that really is why we're all going medicine amazing so thank you very much for this talk I just wanted to say how do people find out more about your work oh please go to our website H go to Dr Clapper decom it's all spelled out U those spaces I'm sure you'll have it in the show notes there and if you want to find out about our work uh teaching medical students and we could sure use your support uh go to moving meded so we have both of those website tags on the on the show notes there and can read all about what we're doing amazing thank you for your work thank you for your dedication and thank you for coming on the show today I really appreciate it thank you it was a great privilege I really enjoyed it [Music]
Views: 47,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cure for diabetes, diet, doctor, eggs, heart attack, intermittent fasting, plant based, plant based diet, plant based doctor, plantbasednews, standard american diet, vegan, vegan doctor, weight loss
Id: QzvLlCdWoQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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