The DL - Episode 2 - TEXA USA

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welcome to the DL the podcast show that talks about everything to do with truck repair and diagnostics for the heavy truck and construction industry I am your host Tyler Robertson CEO and founder of diesel laptops [Music] hello everyone this is Tyler Robertson your host to the DL show I am here today with a gentleman from Texas so Dario why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about Texan and and who the heck Tex is and what you guys do okay so first of all thank you for having me here it's it's awesome so I'm Dario I'm the general manager of Texas USA texts USA is the North American branch of Texa so Texa is a European company we're based in Italy and what we do is Diagnostics that's what we do best that's our core business so the company was founded in 1992 so we are young 27 years old and that's not that's not a lot but if you think about Diagnostics that is a lot yeah absolutely because easy use were introduced those days and and then the company branched out to different things so AC recovery machines telematics scopes everything that is going to be in the shop then it started you know everything got bigger and bigger and they opened up branches so let's talk about a couple of them so the diagnostic side what what modules do you guys have what do you cover and for diagnostics yes the the nice thing about Texas that we covered a lot and that's not I'm not I'm not lying we cover everything that's got an ECU so we go from from trucks and our highway which is what we do with you guys but also marine but the marine software is excellent outboard inboard engines jet skis and then we have the motorcycle software so quads off-road stuff motorcycles we have some great we partnerships India in the motorcycle side of our business and then of course cars car software was the very first one and it was just cars so you're an Italian company so I think it's a lean I'm thinking like you know fancy purses and and you know clothing and motorcycles and you whatever the you know I'm not a big auto guy but yeah you know the big fancy cars the Maseratis and horses is that is the auto side more focus on those supercars and those high-end stuff or is it everything well I already guessed later yeah what kept software was more into European cars up until now actually in the last year we worked a lot on the on local cars Asian cars so now Texas also an option for four guys working on on Chevy's and becoming everyday stuff yeah so I mean so I got involved with Texa about four years ago so I'm gonna tell the story just because I it's crazy how my company got founded because these really pivotal moments here that if they didn't happen I'm not sitting here today diesel laptop's never exist into what it is today so you know the quick story here is I quit my job four and a half years ago I'm I'm decide to go to this trade show for isn they sell their distributor for tools down and down in Orlando so I go to this show I go down there to the show and I'm looking I'm just kind of hanging out at one a little kiosk stations just magazine there and I don't refers p10 or who it was but I it's a diagnostic tool review oh my god cool it's the stuff I'm doing so I quit my job to do was still diagnostic tools let me see who's in here and I open it up and there's a company called Texa I'm like what the hell's tech so like I don't know who these guys are right I just kind of just miss it and I go through the show and go through life and about two months later I'm I'm talking to my good customers that's been buying OAM software from me and some aftermarket stuff his name's Brian North Texas fleet I remember the name of the company still and he he goes hey have you have you heard of this company called Texa and I'm like well now no I see the same two times I gotta check this out I gotta figure it out so I go I called a couple distributors and dealers and I start talking to them and they're there tell me how great the tool is and then I I'm like okay well I heard the song and dance with Bosh and Bosh told me the same thing and customers got and it didn't do what they promised it would do and this the same spiel I'm here and for some of the dealers so then I go talk to my email text at USA and I'm like hey I'm interested and they get a hold of me and they tell me how great the tool is and I'm like dude I heard this story six months ago yeah yeah like verbatim from the Boche guy and that was a disaster so I'm like I will buy this tool and I will test it out but if it doesn't do what you told me who's gonna do you're taking it back like I want a full refund and he's like no problem charlie yes yes after yeah cool so I get it I go through the installation procedure I do all that and he had specifically told me call me before you go out there so I can kind of explain some things to you but I'm like I don't need this help man I'm some diagnostic tools there was a service manager I I know what I'm doing here and I went out in the shop and it didn't connect to a damn thing like so I call him up I'm all pissed I'm like dude I want my money back this wasn't cheap you lied to me give me my refund and and his name was Lee right so to Lee's credit he talked me off the ledge and he's like look just go back out there you know I did tell you to call me first there's some things you need to know on how it works and I go back out there and I walked away and I was like holy this is by far the best diagnostic tool I have ever seen in my life but there was a couple little nuances there and I think it's like any other software there's a little bit of a learning curve that you go through to learn those things and I know you guys did update the interface and everything after that but it was just it was a cool story to me because if I if I didn't see you guys in that magazine or have those conversations or if Lee never talked me off that edge I'm probably still in my garage and my dining room table just doing my thing and my business goes a whole direction and the hundreds of employees we have aren't working here so it's crazy those little pivotal moments like that can really can really change your life but you know come back the software is that something you guys do a lot is it do you guys go through and do you update the the interface a lot and try to change things and how do you guys do improvement how often you guys do updates to the software it's a changing world with Diagnostics there's a lot of new models out there new cars and new everything how do you keep up with that how does that work at Tech well that's that's the challenge so you know having the latest and greatest it's a challenge so and and a lot of changes like super quick it's an industry that it's it's all the mature but at the same time there's innovation every two three days so we have to keep up with these technologies so we have Texas got overalls more than 700 employees all over the world yeah more or less 500 of these of these employees are based in Italy at the headquarters okay that's where we develop the software so software developers are more or less I don't know the exact numbers but at least half of these guys are technical guys so software developers testers so that it takes a lot it takes a lot of energies and resources to have a good software so it's a constant improvement the software use of four years ago five years ago as changed dramatically in terms of coverage so it's a challenge and now we are leasing software updates on a weekly basis minor updates and then we also release patches to fix bugs because you know technology is it's complex so whenever there's a problem we are able to address it right away and fix it I'm not I'm not gonna say that we can fix it in two hours it may take two weeks but we have that that level of commitment and we write our own software so we're not relying depending on anyone else everything is in-house that's a good thing about tech sign so I have one of your text boxes here yeah and I've seen a lot of different boxes over the years right like I think that mexic one I could probably break with my hands apart this thing man but I think I'm telling engineering man this is like you guys are hitting it here like this thing is durable and solid right oh my god it's unbelievable you know and the crazy thing is is this one box works with I would have everything right automotive every automotive every off-highway yes every boat every commercial truck every jetski it that just blows my mind that you guys are able to do that with one box yeah and all that so again high quality Italian engineering yes looks like it's going into this stuff yes you know when I show the our tools to people I always say okay this is box this is aluminium it's not cheap plastic literally you can kill someone with and they like yeah but it's kind of true yes it is solid it was built to last the same thing same thing for our for our tablet so we are known for the for quality yeah no I mean that goes right on line with what I think Italian engineer he's known fear is that high quality sleek looking at stuff even it comes Diagnostics like that with this guy you can work on different kind of machines is is amazing then of course we have a different BCI as you know for bikes and boats yeah smaller plastic more like convenient also to use and bikes yeah but the txt potentially can work on on everything ya know it just it's mind-boggling what you guys able to do with your saw one plat 1 software platform yeah one hardware platform and the mix and match is appreciated because you have your track guys also working on excavator just so you can have track enough I wait together but those guys they also have ATVs UTVs so you can add also the bike software to work on Polaris or you know we had a client that had literally he said his mobile trucks his guys out there had eight laptops with eight different adapters from highway Diagnostics they literally built like these little storage units on their truck to haul all that stuff and it was a constant pain because he goes we had now we have eight laptops that have eight times the issues they're trying to keep different licenses updated different software updated and five or six years ago multibrand diagnostics on one to one platform didn't really exist in the US right yes like this has been a this is a newer thing that people don't realize I think I'm a truck market people know now there's multi brand tools but when we talk to people in the off highway world or the marine world and you say oh there's one tool with one software that can do virtually everything your OEM software can do and by the way the renewal licenses aren't required it's not a paperweight not it's not an ongoing space you have to buy yes highly recommended you do of course to get those updates or support it's just it's just truly amazing so talk about amazing I've in my hands here I have your your X Oni tablet hmm so this thing is unlike any tablet I've ever seen before can you kind of tell me some of the features and and and a little bit about this guy and show me how this piece comes off here I guess yes this is a very nice piece of of engineering actually so this is made by us this shiny made tablet Italian that's a chinese tablets I'm University and it was made to work with our software so this is the best you can get 12 inches so big screen Gorilla Glass really hard to break and you really have to put an effort to break this guy but still it's a windows open software so you have this magnetic it's like a it's like a magnetic yes it's attachment ports that goes on it holds USPS you put it on is there other attachments you can get for these things now here you do everything with the USB okay so the important fact about being an open software is that you can also load different kind of stuff in these in these in this tablet so it's not just EXA you can buy it and you can also run the the shop software or additional technical information it's we are very flexible with everything that we do so the the BCI can do boats and tracks at the same time same same idea applies here so it's an open Windows tablet I mean I mean this step like floats on water and it's yes proof and it is water-resistant its shockproof it's really again it's really hard to break it and we want some Innovation Awards Microsoft got in touch with us oh really yes so it's really they weight a Microsoft want do they know you were did you guys work with them to say yeah okay cool yeah no it's uh like I said I knew you guys won the award for this thing it is an unbelievable tablet you know you know obviously like anything well made and Italian engineering it's definitely not cheap no but it is definitely worth worth paying the money for for that person that wants a tablet that's gonna be rugged and lasts forever and so very high quality made you know obviously text is a big part of what we do here at DISA lap times I mean I really feel that without Texa decent laptops is nowhere near where it is today right so obviously I really appreciate everything you guys have done for us and Diezel laptops been working with you guys for a lot of the years I know we had a lot of big things cooking and you have you have other things here in the u.s. to do you want to talk a little bit about each Rock and and what that is where you're going with it does there's a lot going on actually a textview si because tax in Italy in Europe all over the world they branched out to different products here in the US we started with track Diagnostics back in the days and then we are focusing more on everything else so we're gonna bring the AC machines on the on the car side on the optimal if side the ADA's calibration targets okay for cameras and readers that's gonna be interesting etrac in track is when i when they first told me about etrac i was like seriously we can we can do that are you sure we guys can do it so ii track is basically an extension to a DC v and it's remote diagnostics so until now remote diagnostic was just read you could read parameters you could you could read codes now with etrack you can read but you can also do stuff so you can force region remotely so we are here in south carolina and one of your tracks is in nevada and it's stuck on the rate so that's a problem what are you gonna do so you got a tow the track you have to to ask for someone to go there it's gonna be a lot of money with a track with this dongle you can remote in through the drivers cell phone and you tie that from here from South South Carolina you can force region remotely so you can you can force it of course the track is gonna go out of tr8 mode and it's gonna be back on the street and you know that a track that is not running it's a track that is not making money yeah so that cuts cuts the cost dramatically so I've already run I've already bought my Texan unit I can buy one of these etrack modules the physical hardware that I had stolen the truck and they're not too terribly expensive right for one of them it's well I came from deandre than something by which one you buy one adapter and you combine 5 packs and 25 a stand yeah yeah so you you buy one easy trucks I'm a fleet I go put him in my trucks and I can actually monitor my trucks in real time yes and see what they got going on what codes they have like I said I can do that DPF region on it while it's parked on the side of the road if needed and other commands you can change speed limiters okay so you are going to a different state with different speed limits you can either increase it or decrease and then you can check whatever is going on with the track you can schedule maintenance activities there's a lot you can do yeah we do you see that that tool working outs I mean you go to other modules marine a highway automotive all that do you see it eventually getting into those other markets as well yes absolutely the the idea is its groundbreaking but actually I can tell you it's gonna be applied also to different to different environments so for example on the off highway world we have the same problem DPF filters yeah absolutely that wait for the environment right yeah we're not saying they're a problem but in some ways they are so etrack can also work on your I way side so so here's a way so people the EPA I I am I am definitely not a fan of the EPA I think they're overly restrictive I think they they really tie a lot of companies hands you know behind their back but they really put my company for me exactly they created a lot of problems that everybody's seeing across a lot of industries now that's the reason why we saw scandals it really is it's crazy when you think about how much the government I've always said before this I have the government their decisions don't impact my life but at the end of the day that decision they made years ago for all this in Mission Control really impacted my life and for the good so I just hope there's not someone out there that it impacted for the bad you know in Reverse but no you guys you guys make some you know great great great tools your text a truck enough highway stuff we were near in I mean I think in a couple months we'll hit 10,000 units old of then and I know we talked to customers all the time that love the product we obviously put a lot of things around it to support it and you know live humans to talk to a diesel techs and repair information and training classes and I I think it just fits really really well together yes with Texa on you know so here well here's one of the questions people always ask me you know when I first started this people I told myself diagnostic tools they're like hey we don't we don't think you know what you can do you know what do you do when somebody has one or how many diagnostic tools can you really sell on you know to me it seems like a huge market would you agree that it's a pretty big market out there for people needing this kind of stuff absolutely I'm so ready and I and everything is shrinky and I think when you start looking at truck off highway off highway I've asked this question to other people ask you what's the bigger market alright is it on highway diesel trucks is it off highway diesel engines or is it pickup trucks with diesels in them what what what's what's the bigger market there when you when you look at those three in your opinion on I weighed well off I weight I would say me I agree with you I mean highway you know when you start opening your eyes to how much off highway equipment there is out there I was just down the lunch room yesterday watching a little documentary they had gone on TV about farming hmm and they showed a guy with the farm tractor then they showed him with his action to and mining and I went to the airport the other day and it was a diesel truck that filled up to put fuel in the airplane it was a diesel truck that rolled up with the the steps coming down it but those little tuggers they have coming around those have Diagnostics on him it's just it's just a huge huge world that I don't think people realize how big it is and I just had someone else visiting us from from texted a vyd and and he was showing us some of the stuff they're putting is he Amazon now and I couldn't believe it like yes he was so miss chainsaws are getting ECMs on him I had the same reaction I was like seriously yes it is it is it is true there's an ECM on many different things and if we just move away from diesel for a second if you look at motorcycles and you guys do some bikes too motorcycles are getting as complex as cars as in racks even maybe even more than trucks because a high-end motorcycle like a BMW or Ducati holiday visa they might have 10 15 different issues well I have no idea there's that many on a motorcycle absolutely the brakes and the transmission and of course the engine immobilizer and the dashboard and then well there's a lot yeah so with vehicles getting complex of course there's a need for Diagnostics and it's not gonna it's not gonna get smaller it's the opposite what what I always tell people is I people always ask me that question like how many diagnostic tools in your cell and I always say well do you think trucks are gonna get more complicated or less complicated right more electronics or less there's gonna be more on them as as things go that way and you know so you started asking those kind of probing questions like that and people really quickly realize like there there's a there's a lot of people out there that have a need and you know part of the problem the industry is the dealers the manufacturers they provide information to their dealers on how to fix all these things and give them training classes and tools but what's the guy do that as a fleet and he's an independent repair shop like what resources does he actually get access to to fix these things on and and that's where DISA laptop steps in and in partnership with Texas say here's the tool here's the training here's the support here's the service repair information and we try to give you a complete package yes for these places so but anyway do you guys make a great product over at Texa I just wanna say thank you very very much for coming on the show any any parting words or last things like to say about tech so that we didn't cover well um I would only say that the best is yet to come yeah like you said it's it's gonna get bigger so this is just the beginning actually so I think it's a it's a long-term commitment for us here in the US us in Canada and all over the world actually could stack size worldwide so there's a lot to do it's gonna be fun yeah we say the same thing you're just a laptop there's a lot of runway ahead of us there's a lot of potential out there in the marketplace and I think once people start thinking that things differently and looking at problems differently like Texas does hmm all of a sudden you really so much opportunity there is yes so again Dario thank you very much come on the show man I really appreciate it love to shake your hand here and I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of you man awesome thank you guys thank you [Music]
Channel: Diesel Laptops
Views: 1,270
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: The DL, DL, Dario Peruch, TEXA, truck, auto, bike, marine, agriculture, construction
Id: tCH0Kw8V16I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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