The Disaster of the 50th Anniversary of Walt Disney World | A Troubling Milestone

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[Music] right so i didn't intend to make this video because i wanted to focus on things more topical for october but we have to talk about the 50th anniversary at walt disney world it has been well a disaster in all respects all the shows that premiered in the parks are just lazily executed and reflect a pretty significant turning point for the company towards cheap entertainment that's in addition to the chaos and lack of crowd control in magic kingdom on the actual day of the 50th which was october 1st just reveals an overall decline to the company that i've already highlighted in my other videos a lot of people in my comments have also referred to me as a universal shill because they don't actually watch the videos but if you were looking for criticism of universal parks i'm definitely thinking about doing a more extensive look at the issues that those parks do have likely sometime in november so without further delay let's talk about the 50th anniversary and see why this is a pretty concerning turning point signaling the decline of disney parks [Music] last month on september 15th epcot's new creation shop just opened it was met with a pretty significant crowd of people however one issue with the opening was the chaos of people flooding in to rip merchandise off of the shelves and even out of the hands of cast members as they were rolling out cards to restock the merchandise this isn't a unique phenomenon to just the opening of this store and it definitely indicates a larger problem that disney has been facing the issue is that there's a demographic out there that i like to call ebay price gougers people who swarm disney shops for merchandise releases trying to get their grubby hands on it first so that they can sell it at a ridiculous upcharge and price gouge people online when the merchandise sells out quickly however despite disease measures like limiting two of each item to a customer or even blocking out the passes of people who they can track down who are doing this the issue still persists that's why on the 50th anniversary of the magic kingdom when people were quite literally getting into altercations over merchandise the lack of planning from disney comes off as a bit astounding like you saw the chaos at the creation shop when it opened just 15 days earlier and i would have assumed that crowd control measures would have been put into place granted disney did later adopt actual cues but it feels as if not enough is being done to combat this problem a lot of the 50th anniversary merchandise that people were fighting over was easily available in the world of disney weeks before and much of this can be found online with plenty of availability on shop disney as well i have to admit that i personally have no idea as for how to combat this but i also think that disney has a lot of experienced people who know how to control crowds and this could have likely been avoided if the effort was put into it going forward i expect the new retail shops or merchandise drops will be addressed with orderly queues i do feel that sometimes events like these can be unpredictable as i've certainly been in parks during peak attendance before so i don't put the blame entirely on disney because sometimes it just has to happen in order to learn how to control it that being said this quite literally just happened at the creation shop half a month earlier so i'm a bit surprised at how unprepared they were for this they've been creating pretty extensive cues for the world of disney when new merchandise lines drop so i find it a bit difficult to believe that disney didn't expect this kind of behavior when they know it's a consistent factor [Music] moving on disney has premiered three new shows to celebrate the 50th anniversary and they're all pretty bad marking a definitive turning point in the decline of the company if you've watched my video essays one of the most significant issues that i pointed out is how lazy new disney attractions are they simply just shoot for what i describe as aggressive mediocrity and with few exceptions none of their attractions are compelling or interesting we've also seen an almost complete absence of the details and effort that went into putting an attraction over the top that wants to find the disney experience to help solidify this new era of disney just shooting for good enough these new shows are probably some of the laziest i've ever seen are they bad well no and i wouldn't fault you for finding them entertaining however what has always defined the disney experience and put it over the top was the level of artistry that went into the experience if we take epcot's illuminations for example it was a show that told the story of humanity coming together using fireworks and lasers to represent abstract ideas of creating order out of chaos uniting all the world cultures together under one tribe of unity looking towards the future it's a show that worked as a thesis statement for epcot exploring the optimism of the future showcased in future world and juxtaposed among the many different representations of culture in the world showcase the many different countries on display is a celebration of different cultures but the show was an optimistic look at how the world could unite in the future the show itself was full of artistic merit pushing boundaries and proving that fireworks displays were not just simple entertainment but could be used as an expressive art form in and of itself now though it has been replaced with harmonious which is an absolute stain on the disney name is it a bad show no and i'm sure that plenty of people will find it entertaining however it showcases an overall decline in the artistry of disney is certainly a failure in that regard the show consists just simply of water effects images and fireworks synced to popular disney songs that have a vague international theme it possesses no artistic merit or message beyond hey you like disney cartoons right it's interesting that some songs have small portions done in the language that the characters of a certain culture are based on but it's all just ultimately superficial if not a little insulting at times how is africa portrayed in this show well with the lion king of course which has absolutely nothing to do with african people or their cultures the same applies with central asia where the music from the jungle book is used to portray india and the surrounding countries in addition these massive barges that sit in the world showcase lagoon just absolutely destroy the sight lines at the park perhaps i wouldn't mind as much if the show was something more than a disney sing-along but even the central barge can only be seen clearly from the north or south and not all around the lagoon the issue of hey let's play some disney music and call it a show also persists with the new lakeside entertainment at animal kingdom called disney kite tales there are two variations of the show both of which are also the lion king and the jungle book the concept is that disney music plays and kites are flown around the lagoon depicting animated characters from these films again not a bad show but certainly a lazy one just playing songs from disney films is as creatively bankrupt as you can get and the whole show seems hastily put together for some reason a lot of people like to defend disney and tell me that the shows are just intended for kids but that's really kind of stupid disney has never been just for kids and has always been an industry leader i don't think such laziness and poor quality is acceptable when the appeal of disney parks has always been the artistry and effort that went into the experiences to excuse this type of nonsense with well my kid liked it is irrelevant to the conversation finally i want to talk about the new fireworks show from magic kingdom called disney enchantment as with the other shows it's not inherently bad by itself but it lacks any sort of artistic merit because it's just hey let's throw some songs together and sing some fireworks with it that being said magic kingdom has always featured songs from disney films and that's fine because that's what i expect from the park fantasyland was always intended to portray the fantasy of disney animated films and so extending that idea into the hub with the fireworks show on the castle is a perfectly acceptable theme however previous fireworks contained a lot more nuance and were just simply better crafted the theme for wishes was writing the name in that the show was all about the granting of wishes this extended to a number of different disney characters and even their villains the show didn't have any more depth than this but the incorporation of disney music was picked strategically to fit in with the overall theme of the show it's also important to note that like with illuminations the fireworks is used here as an abstract way of defining certain concepts and emotions its replacement happily ever after was an even better show that incorporated disney music in a whole new way the show is divided into distinct sections that define disney characters and story which are dreams [Music] journey friendship love [Music] adversity and triumph [Music] by breaking down the common elements that define disney storytelling and incorporating disney music in with these themes it's a show that takes things a step beyond wishes in addition the projections included in the show are a fantastic visual element that elevates it far beyond what wishes ever was not that wishes wasn't great in its own right but happily ever after is a significant step up in artistic ambition however we now have disney enchantment which follows harmonious in just being lazy and poorly constructed the show itself is just a series of disney songs thrown out of the audience with no cohesive theme to tie them together the title of the show enchantment is just a vague corporate buzzword that allowed whoever put this show together to just stick in whatever popular disney songs they wanted with no more thought needed there are some small and random attempts at tying themes together such as one segment where under the sea is played to represent aquatic disney characters or you've got a friend in me to represent pixar but those segments feel superficial and meaningless [Music] the pixar portion also includes wreck-it ralph for no discernible reason although they couldn't find another place to fit him in i will say at times i do like the projections for the show because they're often cleaner and less busy than what's happening and happily ever after even some segments like knight on bald mountain are visually impressive however the animation style is overall less interesting and serves to just kind of shove disney characters in your face rather than incorporating them into an overall theme or artistic vision finally whereas shows like wishes and happily ever after were these ambitious and epic finales to a night in the magic kingdom enchantment just feels rather casual in contrast because the music doesn't even blend together very well it feels more like one of the projection shows that you're meant to watch in passing it was not actually intended as a nighttime spectacular the lack of impact with the mix of the score even allows tinkerbell to be missed because she just kind of flies out randomly there's nothing in the build of the music to signify her presence approaching and so she might have already flown by before you even had time to notice because the rest of the show was too busy just kind of chugging along let me just sum up all these points together though whereas shows like wishes and happily ever after incorporated and focused on disney music they did so with the intent of fleshing out a larger theme the use of fireworks in these shows was also used as an abstract expression of ideas and emotion and in the case of happily ever after the projections were far more interesting and dynamic in contrast enchantment follows in the footsteps of the other new shows for the 50th anniversary taking the lazy route of just simply playing a series of disney songs and syncing fireworks to them because characters there's just simply no nuance or overarching theme to tie them together and the overall quality of the shows are quite diminished in comparison to what came before [Music] i think then that's easy to point to the 50th anniversary of walt disney world as a definitive turning point in the history of the company we've continued to see a decline in the disney parks experience since bob chapek became chairman of disney parks and resorts in 2015. beloved and unique experiences have continued to be replaced with attractions that are just good enough and are executed lazily the disney retail experience has become increasingly generic and a number of anti-consumer measures meant to unapologetically milk your wallet when the experience just continues to grow increasingly worse is rapidly becoming more commonplace many of these changes have come quickly over the last few years but i think that the 50th anniversary marks the definitive point where we can look and say yes the disney parks are in a state of decline yes this is the era about cpec and the destruction of what made the disney experience stand out from everyone else are these new shows entertaining sure but what we cannot deny is that they are vastly inferior experiences to what came before i'm kind of sick of people apologizing for the continued decline of this company why would you settle for such lazy mediocrity when you're paying disney prices and expecting much more why would you be okay with these massive eyesores covering up the artistry of the pavilions in the world showcase just for a disney sing-along why would you come to a milestone celebration for the resort when you know that someone is going to steal your commemorative merchandise right out of your bag disney is turning the 50th anniversary as a celebration of the company's legacy when in reality it's a clear and distinct turning point in its destruction not enough people are talking about this or are excusing it so spread the message share this video around and don't hesitate to call it disney when it needs to be called out don't let the 50th anniversary be a victory in screwing over the people who have held the company in such high regard for so long as consumers we can change the narrative and it starts right here you can share the video you can hit the like button to boost it into the youtube algorithm or if not that's fine too but regardless i think it's important that we acknowledge what a disastrous turning point this is for the company the disney brand is quickly becoming damaged beyond repair and that should be concerning to you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Poseidon Entertainment
Views: 169,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2fivV5pk5kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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