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g'day Brewers in this video I'm going to show you six things you probably didn't know about dissolved oxygen in beer and boy B is probably already oxidized let's get Brewing [Music] so every Brewer knows that dissolved oxygen in beer is a Bad Thing dissolved doctors can cause all sorts of damaging beer and if you're not in control of it you're going to have much less flavor stability and a much shorter shelf life of your beer now if you're putting a beer into a can and out into the market it's really important that you make sure that you don't pick up dissolved oxygen in your beer prior to sending it out into the market g'day my name is hendo I'm from the Rockstar Brewer Academy I help professional Brewers all over the world Brew amazing world-class award-winning beer with quality consistency and passion if you want to know more about that check out my website I'll leave a link in the description below so the first thing you need to know about dissolved oxygen in beer is the difference between oxygen Ingress of actual dissolved oxygen versus oxidation so the word oxidation or oxidized gets thrown around quite a lot by professional Brewers and it's often misused oxidation is basically a chemical reaction that causes the loss of electrons oxidation is the loss of electrons and reduction is the gaining of electrons if you think about types of oxidation that's out there rust is a type of oxidation if you think about getting an apple and slicing it in half and leaving it on your kitchen bench top it's going to go Brown after a while and that is indeed oxidation at work work oxidation can be caused by oxygen oxygen is the quintessential oxidizer but it can also be caused by other chemicals as well for example hydrogen peroxide which you can find in lots of the different Brewery cleaning chemicals out there oxidation is one thing which is basically the chemical changes that occurs but dissolved oxygen is the Ingress of o2 molecules into your beer and because oxygen is the quintessential oxidizer it's the main chemical in beer that causes oxidation so the next thing you need to know about dissolved oxygen and beer is what damage can be caused to be by dissolved oxygen we all know that it causes damage but what damage can it cause for example loss of hot Aurora and flavor is the very first thing to go pop Aroma and flavor compounds are very very delicate and they disappear very very quickly ever wonder why after you spend so much money on dry hot that you don't have that punching hot Aroma that you'll desire well chances are it's because of dissolved oxygen the next thing is going to happen is conversion of residual Alpha acetyl lactate which is the diacetyl precursor into diastole so if you don't care to be which is a d-bomb a diacetal bomb oxygen and oxidation May well be the reason why that's happened the next thing that usually happens is oxidation of malt compounds so having a nice malt sweetness and being fresh it can dull down into compounds like sweet toffee and Sherry and all that sort of stuff that doesn't leave the beer tasting fresh the next thing can happen is trans2notal so transitional is a papery or cardboard taste that can happen in your beer another problem that can happen is beer discoloration so if you've ever had a can of beer which is heavily oxidized putting it against side by side against the beer that's not so oxidized you'll see that that color is darker it's the same principle that happens when you cut an apple in half and leave it on your kitchen bench and it turns brown but overall oxygen and oxidation of your beer leads to less flavor stability and loss of that sense of freshness in your beard the next thing you need to know about dissolved oxygen and beer is that measuring dissolved oxygen is very very challenging it doesn't take that much dissolved oxygen in you'll be here to damage it so in the brewery we measured dissolved oxygen in parts per billion so you may have heard of a part per million or ppf before maybe when you're doing your water chemistry one pup billion is one one thousandth of a part per million so it's tiny tiny tiny amounts of oxygen that can damage your beer typically a hundred parts per billion is an acceptable level of dissolved oxygen in beer but if you are Brewing sort of the modern hazy IPA styles half that amount so 50 parts per billion is usually the maximum acceptable amount of dissolved oxygen in beer now let's just go back to 100 parts per billion let's not set the bar too high with regards to dissolved oxygen okay so what does a hundred parts per billion look like in terms of a volume of air in a volume of beer if air is 21 oxygen that means that we can Ingress about 0.45 milliliters of air per 1000 liters of beer to get 100 parts per billion if you are an American Brewer that's 0.018 fluid ounces to seven barrels that that's not a lot to play with it's certainly not zero but it's not a lot to play with and as Charlie Bamford once said a thimble full of air can ruin Olympic-sized swimming pool full of beer because the amount of dissolved oxygen in beer or the threshold before serious damage occurs in beer is so small we need to be able to measure it because the amounts are so small the instruments that a brewer requires are very very sensitive and therefore they're really really expensive so that's the challenge in measuring dissolved oxygen in beer the next issue that you probably didn't know about dissolved oxygen and beer is the disappearing nature of dissolved oxygen this is where dissolved oxygen becomes really Insidious in beer so once dissolved oxygen ingresses your beard it begins the process of oxidation almost immediately so what causes molecules in the beer to start throwing electrons and when they start throwing electrons and going through the process of oxidation those chemical compounds become unstable and need to react with something to become stable again therefore following those staling compounds in the process of losing the electrons and the oxygen doing the oxidizing the oxygen itself is consumed so when the oxygen itself is consumed it can no longer be measured by your expensive do meter that's really really Insidious stuff so if the oxygen bonds with other molecules and causes them to oxidize that means that you can no longer measure the amount of do in your beard even with your expensive do meter so you're probably wondering how long it takes for this chemical reaction to take place well it happens in as little as 20 to 25 minutes so that basically means that within about 25 minutes almost all of the dissolved oxygen that was introduced into your beard disappears and can no longer be measured by your do meter so let's have a think about that for a second what that means I had a brewer come up to me a few months ago and said oh hey hendo I've got this beer it's gone stale and old and I I took some cans and I took them around to a friendly brewery around the corner rather through their do meter and I didn't have any dissolved oxygen what happened and I said well when did you can this beer and this Brewer said well I can it's three months ago and I said well the dissolved oxygen has already done its damage and it has disappeared because it did its damage in the first 20 to 25 minutes of it being introduced dissolved oxygen is just plain evil in that regard okay the next thing you probably didn't know about dissolved oxygen in beer is the cumulative nature of do and the Damage that it can cause so if you Ingress oxygen in into your beer and then it oxidizes and consumes that oxygen and the dissolved oxygen is no longer detectable via meter that means that any dissolved oxygen measurement that you take with a doometer only reflects a real-time shot of the level of dissolved oxygen in moment any previous Ingress of oxygen is not counted in that real-time measurement using your really expensive beta and so for example let's say you've transferred a beer from a fermentation vessel to a bright beer tick and you let's say you Ingress about 75 parts per billion of oxygen during that transfer well the next morning you're going to come in and all that do is going to be gone and not measurable and then when you can you'll be it let's say you take a can of beer off your canning line and you go and take a do reading of that care and it is also 75 parts per billion that doesn't mean that the beer has only ever been exposed to 75 parts per million of do what that means is that initial 75 parts per billion from your transfer from FV to Bright has disappeared and now you've ingressed another 75 parts per billion as you've canned the beer so it's not 75 parts per billionth that your beer has been exposed to it's actually 150 parts per billion and that's why dissolved oxygen is so evil before I tell you about ways in which you can minimize the pickup of oxygen in your beer I invited join my free Facebook group it's called quality Focus Pro Brewers I'll leave a link to it in the description below so what are the things you should do in a brewery in order to prevent dissolved oxygen Ingress into your brain now if I get it do meters are very very expensive now my advice to you is if you can afford one get one okay they're not cheap that I think the cheapest one starts at about six thousand dollars and they go upwards to about thirty thousand dollars I can't stress enough they are an amazing tool and probably the number one investment you can make in order to prevent dissolved oxygen and pick up in your gear there's a few different models out there you've got the Hamilton Beverly you've got the pentaga halter meter you've got the Hark orbuster and you've got my personal favorite which is the Anton Parc box whatever you choose to get having a do meter in your Brewery is the only way to prevent dissolved oxygen pickup in your beer yep let's say for instance you can't afford a do meter you got to put a price on your beer let's say you're about to build a brewery and you've spent say half a million dollars on stainless steel and caring equipment and all that sort of thing would you be prepared to spend just five percent on protecting that beer that you're going to make because the cost of your equipment is nothing compared to the cost of the beer that you're going to put through your Brewery week in week out so if you think about the inputs that go into a tank of beer into a batch of beer you've got raw materials labor energy all those sorts of inputs go into your beer and if you Ingress oxygen into that beer well all of those raw materials and labor and energy are gonna be wasted it's all for nothing basically if you can't afford a do meter at this point in time in your breweries history then what I would suggest to you is to take my Mantra on dissolved oxygen Management in the brewery and that is think small act big think small basically means being mindful of every little looking cranny where that 0.45 milliliters of air or 0.018 fluid ounces of air can be it might be in lots of places and it's hiding somewhere and you need to find it one of the things we talk about in the Rockstar Brewer Academy is minimizing dissolved oxygen and strategies around doing that and there's lots of places where do can hide in your Brewery when I say think beer big that means wherever you think small and find those little looks and crannies of air perch it excessively with a gas that's not oxygen such as CO2 and if you take the think small act big approach you'll find that you will be able to get better management over do pickup in your beer and wind up with longer shelf life and better flavor stability of your beer if you like this video I suggest you watch this one next all my videos are about Brewing award-winning beer using quality consistency and passion thanks heaps for watching I'll catch you in the next video cheers
Channel: Rockstar Brewer Academy
Views: 7,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beer off flavours, dissolved oxygen, oxidised beer, dissolved oxygen meter, dissolved oxygen meter ppb, brewery quality control, beer quality control, dissolved oxygen in beer, dissolved oxygen (do), anton paar cbox, hach orbisphere, gehaltemeter, anton paar cbox, anton paar cboxqc, oxidized beer, oxidized beer, oxidized beer color, oxidized beer taste like, oxidized beer smell, oxidized beer off flavors, measuring dissolved oxygen, minimizing dissolved oxygen
Id: Syca7YPydwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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