The Disabled Alien - Flatwoods Monster Revisited | Fallout 76

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[Music] what's guys it's wooden TV here back when fallout 76 was announced one of the things I was personally most excited for was West Virginia's real-life folklore coming to life in the forum of its famous cryptids I was so excited I made a whole series of videos detailing their origins appearances and speculated how they would be implemented into the game using clues from each monsters origin story it's fair to say that I missed the mark on several of these but I had a blast making the videos and I always intended on revisiting these cryptids after the game came out well now several months later and after exploring most of fallout 76s game world I no longer have to speculate about these mythical creatures in this video we're going to answer one question about one specific Krypton what is the flatwoods monster welcome to flatwoods home of the Green Monster even though it's not green or a monster it's more like a purple alien but this sign is modeled off a real sign in flatwoods West Virginia so I think we can let this one slide in flatwoods we can find the first Clues to uncovering this creatures story across from the responders clinic set up in this church we can see the flatwoods tavern heading into this very familiar building we can head over to the kitchen behind the bar on the kitchen table we can find the first of two radio dramas called who goes there these radio dramas are kind of long but they are very important to what we're going to be talking about later so listen close welcome back dear listeners it's time once again to put aside all you think you know all you believe to be true time to open your mind to the strange bizarre and sometimes terrifying world that exists in the shadows and bridges of our own where myth legend and Roma are made real yes it's time for more thrilling tales from the West Virginia Hills tonight's episode who goes there a strange encounter in flood woods is brought to you by sugar bar the breakfast cereal with explosive great taste and 100% of the recommended daily allowance of sugar get your morning started right with sugar bomb power tale begins on a fateful night when a young pioneer Scout Fred Fisher finds himself in quite the predicament having taken a spill and fallen into a dark place [Applause] Jack yep mr. Bailey can anybody hear me I can hear you who's there all right I can't see you me my name's Sally what's yours Fred are you okay Fred I think so what I mean is I was camping with my sculpture by the lake near but woods there were these rights kind of dancing in the sky anyway and the guys so I did a very good question indeed tune in next time to find out the answer in the chilling conclusion of who goes there the strange encounter in flat words [Applause] in this tape we get introduced to Sally and Fred at the end Sally says that there are others keep that in mind as we move forward the second part to this radio drama can be found in a mailbox immediately north of Dilbert [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] ah that's where they come in to bring food I want it to play darling what's that thing you're wearing [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] fred fisher was found days later wandering by the river outside plant woods he was disoriented but unharmed save for two small rooms on each temple so this day fred is convinced his strange encounter was real and even continues to search high and low for a missing girl named Sallie whom he swears he met so I leave it to you to decide dear listeners was this simply the wild imagination of a frightened boy lost in the woods or was Fred Fisher in fact abducted by brainwashing aliens from outer space be sure to tune in next week for another thrilling chapter of tales from the West Virginia Hill these hollow tapes serve to introduce the flatwoods monster species of the Z tens and yes the flatwoods monster is a zadan we will be talking about that more here in a second but the zeedans are the long-running alien race in the Fallout universe starting in Fallout 3 and have since been featured in every fallout in Fallout 3 there was even an expansion revolving around these extraterrestrials where you are abducted by a zine mothership and tasked with freeing yourself from hostile custody in the DLC you meet several other people that have also been abducted and if we think back to the first holotape at the end Sally also says that there are other people on her ship also and it just so happens that one of those people you meet is a younger girl named Sally Sally sounds like she has been on the ship for quite some time and helps you navigate the ship by opening doors so this made me think is the Sally from the radio dramas the same Sally that is in the mothership Zeta DLC well it sure seems like it but there are a few problems like the fact that the story that the radio dramas are based on came from before the war and fallout 3 takes place 200 years after the Great War that means this Sally would have to be over 200 years old in the Fallout universe there are a few ways that this is possible things like gula fication can extend your life for hundreds of years we also have things like cryostasis in fallout 4 well luckily for our theory there is in fact some sort of stasis suspension device onboard the Zenon mothership in fact while you're playing the DLC you can find several characters not from the same time periods for instance this feudal period samurai so it sounds like the stories from the radio drama who goes there are in fact based off real abduction stories at the beginning of the first radio drama we hear a short description of an encounter with the fabled flatwoods monster and one time when I returned to my campsite I was lucky enough to get an encounter of my own I found myself face to face with a flatwoods monster there's a few interesting bits I noticed while fighting it the first thing that I noticed was the fact that the turrets I had placed all around my camp were charmed by the flatwoods monster making them essentially ignore it altogether later when a wild mongrel showed up it also was charmed by the flatwoods monster and headed straight for me ignoring the flatwoods monster altogether and finally after I finished it off I headed over to inspect the body if we get in the right angle we can easily see that this creature behind the helmet is a zeiten alien the size texture and shape of the head matched that of a Zenon in the flatwoods monsters mouth really gives it away so why does it look like this we have seen others Eden's not require this encapsulating suit and hover thrusters well again if we look close we can see that the flatwoods monster is normal-sized above the waist but it looks like this is some sort of deformed is eaten or maybe some sort of subspecies where the lower half of the body is shrunk and that's why it requires the thrusters over at the hunter shack in the northern part of the mire we can find some more information about the flatwoods monster cryptids flatwoods monster descriptive traits alien glowing eyes may or may not have arms but strongly suggested cowl like helmet with dress like garment often accompanied by bright lights or a burning metallic smell evidence log bright lights above the mountain region took photos but sadly didn't amount to much investigated possible site some strange burning was present among the trees but no smell it may have disappeared overnight so it says there was a potential sighting in the mountain region where there was burning trees we can assume that meant the savage divide I searched around for a while looking at some of the obvious spots it may have showed up but the savage divide proved to be too large so if you have ever seen bright lights in the sky or a spot that resembles that that was described I would love to hear about it in the comments below hopefully there will be some DLC to further expand this famous cryptid story but for now that's all I have so I hope everybody enjoyed the video if you did make sure to LIKE and subscribe it really helps out my channel also if you made it this far in the video consider joining my channel's membership you get a cool little moth man or flatwoods monster symbol next to your name when you comment and it goes a long way in supporting my channel so thank you also consider following me on Twitter it's the best place for me to keep in contact with you guys but anyway this has been Wigan TV thanks for watching guys [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 399,422
Rating: 4.8777418 out of 5
Keywords: Flatwoods monster, flatwoods monster monster quest, flatwoods monster fallout 76, flatwoods monster fallout 76 location, fallout 76, fallout 76 the flatwoods monster, fallout 76 creatures, fallout 76 mythology, fallout 76 lore, averagebaters, fallout 76 folklore monsters, the flatwoods monster, flatwoods monster, west virginia folklore, flatwoods monster folklore, about flatwoods monster, flatwoods monster information, fallout 76 folklore
Id: 1eF1bdllS80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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