The Dirty Truth About Tax Deeds

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the dirty truth on tax deed investing revealed in this video the stuff that the gurus don't want you to know let's dive in so you're thinking about getting into tax deed investing maybe you've seen lots of uh roses and fairy tales and rainbows leading to pots of gold well here's what I can tell you for most people that's not going to be the case Okay most people are going to fail in this business I said it I said it and I'm the guy who has the book on it uh so why do they fail what's going to happen to you so one of the big reasons why people fail in this business is honestly a big part of it is they're just soft the world of so many people in the world today with the internet have lost their grit okay and here's what I mean you may be the person who maybe you like tax deeds maybe you're fired up about it and maybe you go to your first tax deed sale and everything gets bid up to market value in fact oh man what if things get bit up past market value what a terrible business that you should run away from right you know what if you go to a second auction and things get almost bit up to market value then then this business is terrible then you have to go online and start trashing this business right and here's the thing some folks are going to have this experience and you know what that's great the more people who give up that's perfect for folks like you and me who actually have some grit and stick with this business because this is a business of averages okay if you want to do creative real estate and use a different tool it's not going to be easy if it were easy everybody else would be doing it right so this is the approach and how the mindset you need to have some of you watching you're going to go to your first tax detail and you're gonna hit an absolute life-changing home run and in fact I could probably tell you for every 100 people watching this they're going to go to the first deal or their first sale and they're going to get an amazing an amazing deal okay and it's probably going to change their life as it happens all the time my first property was 40 acres for 4 200 bucks I sold it for 20 grand boom nice and easy however then I went to auctions I drove places I flew places and the auctions were terrible they were absolutely terrible so for yourself you have to prepare yourself and this is I just want to give you the truth and the lowdown on this business So for anybody tuning in I'm Dustin Han specializing in tax liens and deeds if you want to learn how to make this business the most profitable real estate business you've ever gotten into make sure to subscribe give this video a thumbs up if you like it leave a question in the comments I love to ask anybody that subscribes I give you a totally free tax lien indeed mini course below it'll walk you through this stuff literally step by step exactly how to do it so that you don't screw it up and you can make 18 to 36 percent that's below click more info and subscribe for that so back to the dirty truth of this business you know what it's gonna be hard right it's gonna take some time it's gonna take some focus and most people are gonna give up however look at this video and I'm gonna start saying this because for every 100 people who watch this video there is guaranteed to be one person who's going to get a life-changing home run there's guaranteed to be probably five people who might go to a sale and maybe things get bit up or think don't go their way and then there's going to be a couple other folks who go and get like very reasonable deals maybe 50 40 50 60 70 below market value so you need to develop grit in this business and if you want like predictability you can always go on Zillow and pay full market value for properties you know you can go and maybe you have millions of dollars and you just want to pay full market value then there you go things will be consistent you'll be able to uh get those consistent results that month but what I can tell you about the dirty truth of tax deed investing is as long as you stick with this business it'll work out things will average out you'll start to average out months and years but you have to stick with it because this business will eat up anybody who gives up easily and unfortunately with the internet these days the average man I was just having a conversation about this today so many people are soft now and they're just not willing to put in the grit and put in the time but yet it's perfectly fine still to go to university to become a doctor or a lawyer and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to make a hundred or you know hundreds of thousands a year now I'm not do missing that in any way but that is okay and I'm contrasting that to real estate to where oh man you went to a tax deed sale wait a minute you spent four or five hours researching properties you spent 12 hours maybe looking at a hundred properties and then you went to bid and uh things got bit up to market value you know boohoo maybe you put in 20 hours so what think of anybody who's done anything are people in the Olympics did they uh you know did they put in 20 hours and then you know go try out for the Olympic team and then cry and complain that oh I didn't make the team you know I watched a video on Michael Phelps swimming and I I didn't make the team so I'm just kind of uh you know I don't mean this to be a little bit of tough love but this is just what you need to hear because this is the truth of this business okay you need to approach it and be okay practicing in this business and what do I mean by practicing find a sale go to the sale with no intention of buying okay don't put life or death pressure on yourself to buy at an auction or even over the counter for that matter because then you can relax you can go there's no pressure on yourself and you can say oh this is how it works this is how people are bidding oh I'm gonna watch this guy he's buying property let me pay attention to what properties that guy's buying and then you can go research and see you know what he paid maybe some people are paying more money because there's going to be a university or a football stadium or that area is going up massively in value so there's all sorts of Dynamics to look at so this is great this is a competitive business but most people are going to give up so here's what you need to do if you want to do this put in one hour a day five days a week and treat this business as a real thing and expect upfront that there's going to be some challenges and what I mean by that is maybe you don't get a property uh maybe you have to go to a few sales I've mentioned before one of my friends Brad he went the whole first year driving down from Canada to auctions all over the U.S for um a whole year actually every single month driving down or flying to the U.S just to attend an auction and he didn't buy anything his whole thing was I'm not even going to buy anything for the whole first year I'm gonna go and I'm Gonna Learn and I'm gonna study this business and basically he got his bachelor's in tax liens and deeds and then from there in the second year he's like all right I get it he made a war plan he made a game plan he went and from there the next year he bought 2.8 million dollars worth of real estate for 280 000 okay so that is the power of this business now the next dirty truth is don't compare your results to other folks okay you're gonna hear people you're gonna hear me talk about other folks um because it is inspiring that to get those home runs on the first sale it does happen but if it doesn't happen to you don't cry about it um remember everybody's different you have your unique area where you live you have your unique goals you have your budget okay this is a formula with a million variables there are 3 300 counties uh maybe you're interested in liens but you live in a deed State maybe you're interested in Deeds but you live in a lean State you know maybe you have credit maybe you have savings so it's it's a beautiful business to where you get to customize it for yourself so that is the dirty truth on this business and you know what another dirty truth some people aren't going to learn how to do property research they're not going to learn how to do due diligence and they're going to buy up maybe a lot or something that has gas tanks in the ground they're gonna buy a commercial building that was maybe a former auto body shop and there's all these environmental issues so do your due diligence learn how to research property and this business can be absolutely life-changing for you so if you want to buy property up to 90 below market value get the book I walk you through it here step by step so you don't screw it up so that you can optimize your chances of getting properties I got an on-demand training tax lien you need investing one-on-one if you already have the book and you're watching the video maybe it's time to click the link below and book a call with us and we'll help you get a custom game plan set up so that you can do this business so click the more info if you want our help once again if you're not subscribed go ahead subscribe hit the give the video a thumbs up if you like this stuff and I appreciate you tuning in thanks a lot for watching and we'll see in the next video foreign
Channel: Dustin Hahn
Views: 5,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tax Lien Investing, Tax deed Investing, Tax Deed horror stories, tax deeds, tax liens, real estate investing, dustin hahn, tony martinez, saen higgens, tax lien certificate school, US Tax Lien Association, tax deed investing dirty truth
Id: AOt03PV_oJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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