The Differences Between the Line of Seth and the Line of Cain

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after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden for breaking God's covenant of works and eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they had two sons Cain and Abel we see the Adam raised his sons as godly men because in Genesis 4 verses 1 through 4 we see both of them bringing offerings to God God had regard for Abel's offering over Cain's because Abel brought the very best he brought the firstlings of his flock whereas Cain simply brought fruit that he had Cain could not deal with this rejection and he committed the Bible's first recorded murder when he killed his brother Abel after this event God appointed another seed for Adam in the place of Abel and Adam named him Seth the two sons of Adam were then Cain and Seth and although they were from the same parents these two sons became ancestors of two very distinct lines the contrast between these two lines clearly shows that the Saints who fulfill God's plan for redemption are to lead lives set apart from this world Seth became the ancestor of the genealogy of chosen people who obeyed God's Word and advanced the fulfillment of his plan for salvation whereas Cain became the ancestor of the genealogy of people who challenged God's will persecuted his chosen people and hindered God's work of salvation these two lines flow distinctly through both the old and the new testament today we're going to examine the differences between these two genealogies the genealogies of Cain and the genealogies of Seth have two very different beginnings how one begins is important a bad start increases the probability of a bad ending the genealogy of the line of Cain began with Cain's departure from the presence of God the genealogy of Cain in Genesis chapter 4 begins in verse 16 and States then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the Land of Nod to the east of Eden he gave birth to his son Enoch after his departure from God and set the tone for the rest of his line a genealogy with no ties to God regardless of any notable worldly achievements those who leave God will perish Jeremiah 17:5 States thus says the Lord cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength whose heart departs from the Lord in contrast the genealogy of the line of Seth began with God in Genesis 5 1 through 3 we read this is the book of the generations of Adam in the day when God created man he made him in the likeness of God he created them male and female and He blessed them and named the man in the day that they were created when Adam had lived 130 years he became the father of a son in his own likeness according to his image and named him Seth the genealogy of Seth traces back to Adam and ultimately to God who created Adam this genealogy is repeated in the genealogy of Jesus Christ in Luke chapter 3 where we also see the genealogy trace its roots back to God this testifies that God's plan of salvation was being fulfilled through the line of Seth we can affirm this again in Genesis chapter 6 verse 2 where the descendants of Seth during Noah's time were given the title sons of God now there are many verses in the Bible that clearly state that we are the sons of God and he is our Father applying this truth to believers today we can conclude that those who distance themselves from God had forsaken him while those who draw near to his word have their beginnings with him these tomb lines are also different in their lifestyle choices generally speaking there are two ways in which human beings can live their lives on this earth they can either live a self-centered life focused on their own success and happiness or they can live a god-centered life focused solely on glorifying him the descendants of Cain lived self-centered lives these men introduced in Genesis chapter 4 were founders of cultures civilizations and professions they would have been considered successful men by worldly standards after he departed from God's presence came built the first city in the Land of Nod and named it Enoch after the name of his son his way of life involved building a city to protect himself and exalt his own name this kind of lifestyle reached a climax with Lamech his seventh generational descendant Lamech was an extremely self-centered man who murdered a young boy for inflicting a small wound on him in Genesis 4 20 through 22 we read that Jabil Lamech son became the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock his brother Jubal became the father of all those who play the lyre in pipe 2 became their brother was a forger of sharp implements made of bronze and iron however their lives did not exalt God's name their lives were completely self-centered and had absolutely nothing to do with God the Tower of Babel was a clear manifestation of this particular lifestyle the main purpose of building cities and towers was to make a name for themselves in contrast the descendants of the line of Seth lived God centered lives for these men who appear in Genesis 5 there is no mention of earthly achievements new discoveries or anything else that involved making a name for themselves their lives were focused on glorifying God Enoch called upon the name of the Lord and worshiped him Mahalalel sang his praises Enoch walked with God for 300 years as his name indicates Methuselah lived his life with his eyes fixed firmly on God's judgment that would bring the world to an end Lamech hoped that gods rest would be established to his son Noah and Noah built the ark and lived a life of obedience to the Word of God they all live God centered lives that manifested his glory since the beginning of history man has lived a life that is taking one of these two paths no matter how extravagant their lives may have been those who depend on worldly success wealth honor power and fame are like trees twice dead and uprooted like wild waves of the sea casting up their own shame like foam and like wandering stars for which the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever but those who follow the line of Seth and live God centered lives yield fruit in their old age like trees they will be full of SAP and very green because they have horrified God's name this is because God watches over their lives from beginning to end he exalts their name above every name and ensures that their names are never erased as a consequence for the lives as they lead neither the longevity nor the records of the birth or death of in the line of cane were recorded detailed accounts of birth age age appropriation and death age are recorded for all of those in the line of Seth in Genesis chapter 5 but these details are absent in the genealogy of the line of Cain in Genesis chapter 4 since the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God we can see obviously that there are lives to God acknowledges and there are lives that he does not no matter how many people in this world may have praised them or indeed their success God did not acknowledge their years and did not record them in the Bible we see that Cain's line also abruptly ended after only seven generations while the line of Seth continued from Adam to Abraham and from Abraham to Jesus Christ and on to us today those in the line of Seth also enjoyed extreme longevity this is a point in the Bible that causes many atheist to throw up a red flag the longest that any of them lived was Methuselah who is recorded as having lived 969 years old and the shortest of them lived 777 years this was Lamech Noah's father now I could go into the science behind how it is possible for a man to live that long but I may save that for later study for now let's simply observe that the only people recorded as having this longevity in the Bible are those in the line of Seth nowhere in the bible does it say that all of mankind lived lives Islam in fact Moses who lived 120 years old recorded in Psalm 90 as for the days of our life they contained seventy years or if due to strengths 80 years yet their pride is but labor and sorrow for soon it is gone and we fly away the blessing of longevity was God's special privilege awarded to assess descendents but not to Cain's to live out the lives that God had determined for them is a testimony of his grace and protection the longevity of the godly seed was a means of passing on the Word of God next week we'll take a closer look at the line of Seth as it appears in Genesis chapter 5 and reveal how Noah had the faith to heed God's Word when he was told to build the ark hopefully through next week's study the reason for this genealogies longevity will be made a little clearer until then this is deacon saying thanks for watching be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed the study and don't forget to subscribe so you can keep up to date with latest videos when they're released god bless you you
Channel: HistoryofRedemption
Views: 54,587
Rating: 4.757153 out of 5
Keywords: Genealogy, Genesis, Adam, Abel, Cain, Seth, Line of Cain, Line of Seth, Bible, God, Jesus, Christ, Jesus Christ, Messiah, Seed of the Woman, Lecture, Lesson, Study, Genesis Genealogies, Abraham Park, Redemptive History, History of Redemption
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2016
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