The Difference between useMemo and useCallback | useMemo vs useCallback

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Hello everyone and welcome back to another  react tutorial. In this video I will discuss   the difference between useMemo and useCallback  and when to use each. In this tutorial,   I'll clarify any confusion so you can  confidently use them in your project. Make sure to subscribe and press the bell icon so   you won’t miss out on future  updates. Let's get started. Good performance can improve search engine  rankings, visitor retention, and conversions. To achieve an end goal, you need to apply   memoization which is a technique  used to speed up programs. React knows it that's why it gives  us useCallback and useMemo to prevent   unnecessary re-rendering and propagation in React.   They both solve performance problems  but with different types of values. They both take in a function  and an array of dependencies. The first difference is useMemo memoizess  values while useCallback memoize the   callback function itself. Let me show you the example.   Here I’ve Factorig Calculator  that find factors of a number. If I input 25 we get 1, 5, 25 factors of  the 25 and if I type 100 and here it gives   us factors of 100 as well. Let's take a look at code.  Here I used state to manage the factors  and calculate them on input change,   handleClearInput function to reset number state. Then I calculate factors using a loop  that iterates from 1 to specified number. Then we render all factors of number that   we calculated. Also I’ve child  component Button to clear input. Button component is very flexible that accepts  all types of props from parent component. If user put numbers into input to find  factors then it’ll run the calculation   but sometime we don’t need to perform this  calculation like suppose if inside component   I’m running countdown let’s just suppose we  have countdown state to update and this state   is changing every miliseconds then it would  cause performance problem becuase component   would re-render on every state update  and re-run calculation and re-create   functions again and again. Like if I have  multiple zeros here, it won't make sense   to recalculate again if the number is same. There we wanna skip the re-calculation and   function re-creation. In that situation I wan  to memoize loop and handleClearInput function,   because handleClearInput I'm passing it to my  child component. The question is which one:   useMemo or useCallback?  Let's go further one by one.  If your programs contain mathematical calculations  like this for loop here, that are time consuming   you can optimize them with useMemo. First I'll import it here useMemo,   then I'll use it inside functional  component. Because useMemo accept   function and dependencies so here I'll declare  const use the variable name factorize, useMemo   takes callback function and it returns function,  close this curly braces dependency array and close   parenthesis, also I'll return factors here. I'll  also need to pass this factorize variable here,   and I'll also pass number as dependency array. useMemo will execute the function and it'll then   store the result of function execution that  are called inside of component functions.  If its inputs are the same as its dependencies  have not changed means numbers are same,   useMemo hook returns cached results. Now if I  clear it and put the number again this time 17   you'll see it's running fine but now it's memoize. useCallback works exceptionally well with   event handlers, especially when  dealing with child components. If I open dev tool you'll see our Button  component re-render 24 times even though I'm   using memo. If you want to go deep down why?  Then check useCallback complete guide later. Basically useCallback creates a reference  of a function and then on each render,   it returns the same function reference as  long as its dependencies have not changed. Let's import useCallback as well and then I will  wrap handleClearInput function with useCallback,   an empty array and close parenthesis. Now in  browser if I clear it you will see we memoized   the function successfully. 23 and here we are. The second difference is useMemo optimize   expensive calculation and useCallback  optimize function reference.  Let's take a look at Impact  of both hooks on re-rendering useMemo does not directly control  component re-render itself,   it plays a crucial role in optimizing  specific parts by memorizing the results.  If a component relies on memoize value  and that value remains same due to   useMemo that part won't re-render  even if the component itself does. usecallback main impact on re-rendering  is related to child components.  usecallback simply ensures that the  child component does not re-render   unnecessarily due to changes  in parent component's state. So simply use useMemo when you  want to avoid re-calculating a   value and use useCallback when you  are dealing with callback functions   or functions that need to maintain a  consistent reference across re-renders. I hope in today’s video you understand  these points the difference between both   hooks and when to use them. I hope  you enjoyed this video please like,   share and comment and follow me on  instagram. I’ll see you in the next one.
Channel: Elpeeda
Views: 16
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: usememo vs usecallback, useMemo, useCallback, important hooks, react js, performance optimization, stop re-renders, memoize components, good user experience
Id: oM0sY5nOWAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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