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in this video I have a really cool idea to show you guys a little bit about behind the scenes of how I actually film a b-roll scene but this one's going to be a little different in the way that it's gonna be more of a live style and you're gonna follow me along while I film a little b-roll section on this little point and shoot camera this is Sony rx100 we're not gonna use a gimbal no stabilized and nothing it's just this guy handheld and the reason I'm doing that is because I want you guys to see that you can also take your b-roll to a more professional looking style without a bunch of expensive fancy equipment of course all that stuff helps but you can do it with it so you can even do with your foot we're out on the beach here the sun's like almost gonna start setting pretty soon got some nice light going on we've got some cool interesting things we've got palm trees we got all the waves and the beach I am gonna film a little b-roll section in the way that I see a lot of beginners and a lot of people that aren't quite sure how to film like cinematic style videos and just after that I'm going to show you how I would change those shots and how I would do it to make it look way more cinematic and way more professional way more legit we've got a couple cool things going on here we got the Sun setting everything going down over there and we got this nice beach we got to cover these palm trees so if I was a beginner I might do something like this I might be like okay cool let me show that I'm at the beach and I might get I might start over here or something and like show that I'm at the beach I'm kind of pan down here and show this cool sunset and then I might like these palm trees also so I'll like show those and then they come down to the beach again okay that would be one shot maybe these palm trees are quite cool maybe I'll get it started please like something like this I kind of like them and I like those ones down there quite cool yeah and that would be my next shot and then something else might be interesting would be these waves maybe I'd be tempted to get a shot at these kind of get a shot from over here I'll wait till there's like a cool wave and the spectacle as of Edessa a film that and there's a person there you might do something like this of the sunset and then we'll pan up here and show these palm trees they're quite cool and maybe some of these ones too and that's it that would be our little beginner cinematic sequence then we show you guys what it looks like when I cut it together with some cool music in the background [Music] okay so as you can see from that one yeah it's okay it's not amazing it doesn't captivate the audience there's nothing like really that great that's gonna make people want to keep watching it kind of just seems like what it kind of is which is someone just standing on the beach term like pointing the camera at cool things that they think are interesting so what we're going to do for the pro version of this b-roll sequence are a couple of things that I think there's a few things that make the biggest difference and the first one is to shoot with intention and to isolate subjects that you want to film so one of the biggest problems that I see beginners making is that they all pan around they'll see something interesting over there like the beach and then they'll be summing over their like the palm tree and they'll pan from the beach to the palm tree where's what you actually want to do is separate them and you'll notice in the cinema and in a lot of more professional-looking videos you very rarely see a pad and the camera turning like that it's nice to add movement to your shot what you want to do is you either want to go in or out in smooth movements and if you do want to go from side to side it's more of a slide like this it's sliding across and it's not really turning like that it's kind of a weird look when you do this in things so the thing that we're going to do is we're going to break it up we're going to say here's a really cool Beach that's something that's very interesting and we want to get a shot of that and there's some cool palm trees over here and we want to get a shot of that too instead of panning to the palm trees we're gonna get one shot of the beach first so let's start over here and what we can do is maybe we can start down low which is also something super useful is just to change your perspective filming from eye level like this yeah it kind of looks average that's what you see all day when you walking around if you do something like go down like this all of a sudden everything looks like quite grand and cool you're like looking up and everything so let's start down here and we're going to do like a smooth like this and we're going to reveal everything I'm just going to try to super steady like it's handheld we're gonna begin below anything we can start looking straight down into the sand and as we push forward we're gonna reveal up I think that one works really well so now we can move on we've got our like opening shot of the beach now we're going to go cool these palm trees look really cool so let's get a shot of just these palm trees by himself against something like that's pretty cool the other big thing about the difference between amateurs and more professional style looking stuff it's move around so if you want to film those waves don't film them from here they get in the action walk around get all the different angles like move around get like get involved with your environment so this notion looks really cool we're gonna go right down to the edge of the shore and get some shots of the witch this is looking quite cool so I'm gonna get one more shot over here and again I'm just going to do a slow punch in okay I think I'm happy with that one let's head down to it so now we got our big wide shot of the ocean and we also got a close-up we can cut them together they're gonna work really nicely so I definitely think that we could get another shot of a palm tree maybe a wider one so looking back on these ones is pretty cool and something I love to do in my b-roll is to get some foreground in your shot it adds so much depth so instead of just getting your shot of these palm trees I think what we're going to do is go behind this palm tree and start with the camera behind it get some foreground and do a bit of a reveal of these palm trees of the other palm trees it's going to look super cool so let's try that okay okay so we're going to start a little bit zoomed in and we're going to be behind this palm tree and we're gonna slowly reveal out like this first Rhino one okay I'm happy with that one come and look over here this guy kind of goes right down there and creates a really nice leading line so let's try get a shot from just behind it looking over this river is looking really cool with these kind of lines on the side of it how it's cut through the sand and all the water is going down there to the waves let's see if we can get right down in here get some close-ups of this water moving and our next one we're gonna go get the close-up of the waves that we're going to cut just off this another thing that I like to do with my cinematic Bureau sections is if you noticed when we first were starting the video out a lot of our movements were punching in and they're all moving forward and that's a really nice way to kind of give it a viewer feeling of going further into the scene and getting immersed in it more the same way that we would start off with really wide shots and then the next shots would be close-up detail shots and all of those things are kind of just bringing the viewer further into the scene and what we're going to do now to import our b-roll section is the opposite so we're going to get some shots that are moving out and getting bigger wider ones to end on let's get a couple of those quickly before the light completely disappears and then we should be good that still keep it learns make it interesting we're gonna do a slow pullback and we'll do it even lower one that's going to be it for the second b-roll section I edited this one to music as well and I did a couple of editing tricks like some slow motion and some speed ramping added a bit of cool sound effects and this is how the pro version looks check it out [Music] okay that's it for this one let me know what you guys think if you enjoyed this one let me know down in the comments because I would like to do another video like this that features a subject so the same style but it will involve a person and filming a person I think that could be really interesting let me know if it's something that you guys want to see otherwise hit that like button hit subscribe all that good stuff and I will see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Sean Kitching
Views: 706,517
Rating: 4.8767304 out of 5
Keywords: B roll, pro, best, tutorial, how to, difference, beginner, hack, tips, tricks, cinematic, videos, behind the scenes, demonstration, thomas alex norman
Id: xkOMaMuk6jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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