The destruction of Titanic submersible

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the Titanic submersible that gripped the world's headlines met its end in what the U.S Coast Guard calls a catastrophic implosion that killed all five passengers aboard but the search that led to this discovery and the Race Against Time to find the passengers alive became a five-day multinational rescue operation that captured Global attention not least due to the connection to the Titanic the unsinkable British ship that met its tragic ending in 1912. here's how it all unfolded and what we know so far about what happened this is an incredibly complex search operation we're losing time and we're losing opportunity to find them alive Ocean Gate shouldn't have been doing what it's doing on Saturday the 17th of June ocean Gates Titan sub mobile prepares for its Voyage to the sen century-old wreck of the Titanic that day British billionaire and adventurer Hamish Harding one of those aboard the sub posts online saying a weather window has just opened up and we're going to attempt a dive tomorrow he doesn't Post online again at 8am on Sunday the Titans submersible begins its descent triggering the 96-hour countdown which is the window of oxygen supply The Vessel has from the time it's sealed it should be a two-hour descent to the wreck of the Titanic which lies at a depth of 12 and a half thousand feet in the North Atlantic Ocean but one hour and 45 minutes after setting off Communications between the sub and the surface vessel are lost this moment it later transpires is seemingly important the submersible has been scheduled to return to the surface at 3 pm but it fails to appear the Coast Guard is notified at 5 40 pm by Monday U.S and Canadian ships and planes are swarming the area some dropping sonar boys that can monitor to a depth of 13 000 feet search teams stress that this is a remote area and a challenge to conduct a search officials also asked commercial vessels for help on Tuesday noises reported to be banging sounds are detected over several hours by a Canadian aircraft which is equipped with gear to trace submarines the noises temporarily offer hope that the Titan is still intact and that its occupants are alive and trying to communicate by banging on the hull officials later say analysis of the sound is inconclusive at this point Hamish Harding's friend says hopes are not high as it stands right now it would be a miracle if they are recovered alive at 2 am on Wednesday the U.S Coast Guard announces it's deploying remotely operated vehicle searches to the area where the sounds were detected French research ship equipped with a deep sea diving vessel makes its way to the search area the surface search is now approximately two times the size of Connecticut and the subsurface search is up to two and a half miles deep on Thursday at 6am eastern time the 96 hour oxygen window closes diminishing any last hopes of finding the passengers alive at 2PM a debris field found on the seabed is confirmed to contain pieces of the Titan submersible the pieces were found by a robotic diving vehicle deployed from a Canadian ship lying some 1 600 feet from the bow of the Titanic the U.S Coast Guard confirms the debris is consistent with the loss of the pressure chamber and an implosion and that there were no survivors so when did the sub meet its fate during the search operation sonar boys in the water didn't detect any loud or violent noise that would have been generated by an implosion that suggests it happened before the search began the position of the debris field near the Titanic seems to suggest the failure occurred near the end of its descent all the way back on Sunday around 9 45 AM when contact with the sub was lost it's been reported that acoustic data detected by the U.S Navy had an anomaly consistent with an implosion or explosion near the submersible's location when its Communications were lost in an interview with Reuters James Cameron who directed the oscar-winning movie Titanic and has ventured to the wreck in Subs himself said he learned of the acoustic findings within a day and deduced what it meant search search four days of search they're searching everywhere they're run they were running around with their hair on fire the sub was right where it was it was literally on the sea floor below its last known position look Monday morning when I first found out about the incident within an hour and a half I had the following information they were on dissent they were at 3 500 feet they lost comms and tracking we got confirmation within an hour that there had been a loud bang at the same time that the Subways that Toms were lost I knew what happened sub-employed I I sent emails to everybody I know I said we've lost some friends the sub has imploded I really hoped and prayed I was wrong but I knew I wasn't [Music] foreign
Channel: Reuters
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Keywords: reuters, news, top news, headlines, breaking news, news today, thomson reuters, reuters youtube, markets today, bloomberg, world, death/injury
Id: 0gO2e0IOVxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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