The derailleurs barrel adjuster is the "goto" for the common problems.

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[Music] right off the bat I got an issue I'm starting at the last skier here at the bottom that's my home base or your reset anytime you get confused always take it down to the last gear doesn't matter how many gears you have last smaller skier and then always make sure that there's no more down shifts clicks left here always listen for your clicks even if I hit the bottom I always hit it a few more times make sure there's nothing hiding in there now I can go ahead and start from scratch one click at the shifter should get me a gear change right over here so one click and got a click at the shifter but no gear change here right off the bat I'm gonna work with that problem right there so first thing I'm gonna do is go ahead and make sure that chain stays in that small gear I want to keep track of the chain chains in this is an 11 speed so it doesn't matter if you got 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 speed and we also want to make sure that the shifter is all the way in the last downshift which is gonna put the shifter in whatever gear you have here so got an 11 speed here no more downshift that means my shifters in 12 speed right there so I went to go for a shift click nothing happened that meant all I did was maybe pull some loose slack cable not enough to activate the rear derailleur to push the derailleur over to make a gear change so I'm gonna relax that I'm gonna go ahead and use that barrel adjuster think of that barrel adjuster as a screw right now I want to unscrew it like you're backing the screw out of something in this case I'm going to be going if it's on the handlebar I'm gonna go backwards just like that I was standing over here if this helps screws going in this way so I'm gonna unscrew counterclockwise lefty loosey and these have little clicks some of them you can feel you can go click click maybe one or two clicks at a time or just give it a turn maybe do a quarter turn or half turn at a time and then test so that's going to be key is you take your time a couple turns and then test so I'm actually going to go one two and then I'm going to go ahead and shift so one click so one click nothing happened so here you can see you can see the the cable get tight derailleur moves just a little bit but not enough to activate and move the chain so if I'd manually do this what the cable is doing is pulling the derailleur over to the left so if I push I can manually move that chain all the way over it's basically what your cable is doing and here's a nice little problem so cable housing popped out of the seating area of the derailleur [Music] just got to pop this back in right now the chain is stuck so it's 11 10 9 as soon as I pop this back in that's gonna release the cable tension which will allow the derailleur to relax and that spring and the derailleur is going to bring that chain down automatically there we go so we're just going to continue that process till we get a reaction so what you can do also a little more advanced you can go ahead and pedal keep a nice easy cadence here with your left hand you're gonna go ahead shift one click still no reaction now I'm going to continue peddling and you can go ahead and unloosen the screw that was 2 turns I'm gonna keep going until I get a reaction over here and this one got turned quite a bit so I'm gonna continue to turn until that derailleur gets enough tension to start reacting here we're getting a little bit of noise so right there it's talking to me it's not once to jump but it's still not enough keep going 1 2 you know we keep getting louder boom just jumped up hesitated a little bit but that was pretty good let's go in down shift 1 no more damn shifts here boom 1 click up and we're watching for how quickly that chain jumps up and then once it's there how quiet is it in that gear we'll check again that jumped up pretty quick jump down pretty quick one click I jumped up pretty good so pretty happy with the speed how quickly it's jumping up and then it's quiet in that gear and then you're gonna do this with every single gear so you can dissect every single gear I got 11 gears here and once you get to the top you can dissect on the way down too so one click down shift to watching how fast it jumps from one gear once it's there needs to be quiet if it's not quiet give a turn or the barrel adjuster if you turn the barrel adjuster and know he's got louder if it goes into the gear you need it to then that's great if it doesn't go into the gear and it annoys is getting louder that means in the wrong way so just go the opposite direction but again quarter turn or click click at a time and test just be patient you'll finally get what you need and that's that if you like this information just go ahead and give me a thumbs up subscribe and comment down below if you got any questions
Channel: Bike Teacher
Views: 74,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Short Derailleur Tutoral, bike maintenance, adjust derailleur, bike repair, bike maintenance tips in hindi, adjust derailleur front, adjust front derailleur road bike, adjust rear derailleur shimano, adjust derailleur sram, how to, bicycle repair, bicycle maintenance, rear derailleur, barrel adjuster, do it yourself, how to adjust, shifting problems, limit screws, ghost shifting, how to adjust derailleurs, derailleur gears (product category)
Id: ZKyZKkOqkvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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