The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment – A lecture by Dr. Stefan Söldner-Rembold

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thanks everyone for coming tonight to listen to me talking about health science I hope I will be able to entertain you I'm have been introduced already I'm from the University of Manchester in the in the UK Manchester is the second largest city and the UK and has a very famous University Rutherford was there you might have heard of him he he he split the atom as we say but even more importantly it has two of the biggest football clubs or soccer as you would say on the planet Manchester United and Manchester City and it is known for its rain so I'll be talking about the deep underground neutrino experiment the the biggest experimental project planned here at Fermilab and before I can introduce you to the experiment I have to spend some time just introducing the general concept what is a neutrino and why are we so interested in in studying it so let me start with with what all particle physicists ask which is what are we made of and we all know that all the matter surrounding us is made of atoms and in the centre of atoms are nuclei and the nuclei consist of protons and neutrons and on in orbit around the nucleus electrons that is more or less enough to describe the majority of matter surrounding us but for us particle physicists we always want to go to the elementary and if we look a little closer what we see is that the protons and neutrons that are make up the nucleus of the of the Atem are actually not elementary and contain particles which we call quotes and we now understand that these are indeed elementary the difference between a proton and a neutron is just the combination of quotes they have two up one down or two down and one up now over the last 50 years particle physicists have extended this family of elementary particles and the picture you see here encapsulate our current understanding of what the fundamental particles are that make up our world so the up and down quote shown here so these are the ones which make the proton Neutron but then they repeat again and again with in a second and third family of heavier quotes specifically here the top quark should be mentioned there Fermilab because it was discovered at the Tevatron and then there are the leptons here electron and again the electron comes back as a heavy electron which is the Mian and then again as the Tao here are the neutrinos these are the particles we are were interested in and they also come in and three and what we call here flavor is indicated by this subscript so they always come in pairs a charged lepton a neutral lepton there are the particles that mediate the forces we are aware for forces the strong force which is mediated by a glue on the weak force which is mediated by heavy particles we call W and Z bosons perhaps the force which is most familiar to everyone the electromagnetic force which is mediated by the photon and then gravity which is actually not on here because it is too weak to be really studied by particle physicists the neutrinos are special here because they are electrically neutral so this we call the matter particles they don't have electric and they only feel the weak force and of course if they have mass and we know they have mass gravity so why do we actually need the neutrino and that goes back to more than fifty nineteen thirty's nineteen eighty nineteen years ago something like that time flies where the radioactive decay beta decay was discovered and what what was seen is that nucleus transforms by emitting an electron and the process underlying this is a neutron that decays into a proton and an electron now people studied and this is from 1935 the distribution of energy of the what they call beta rays the electrons coming out and they were really confused by the fact that this is a continuous spectrum because it shouldn't be a and the fact that it is a continuous spectrum meant there was some energy missing now at the time people actually like Bohr for example they were actually prepared to give up energy conservation to explain this these days what particle physicists always do when they don't understand something is they invent a new particle now Wolfgang Pauli an Austrian physicist who actually worked in silicon Switzerland he actually did what modern particle physicists do he invented he said there's just an other particle must be neutral in order to conserve charge which is emitted in this process and he wrote a letter to a conference which he couldn't attend and I've reproduced it here and don't worry I've also translated it so he says I've hit upon the dear radioactive ladies and gentlemen I've hit upon a desperate remedy so far I don't dare to publish so I just tell you first dear radioactive people with a question of how likely it is to find experimental evidence for such a particle which he postulated would be in that emitted in that process to fix the problem of energy conservation so what you can see from that text is actually that Paulie wasn't entirely comfortable a bit this idea and one of the reasons was that he thought there was no way we could ever realistically prove that the neutrinos exist now we know now that this was correct there is a particle admitted this is this particular case an anti-neutrino and because it comes with the electron it has this flavor as we say of electron neutrino now actually Pauli called it the neutron now the neutron is already used the word and then Enrico Fermi after with whom this lab is named he care then changed the name to neutrino which is adding an Italian ending which means like the little Neutron and then little the little neutral one at this point there was one neutrino this we know now is the electron neutrino but it was soon suspected that there would be neutrinos also corresponding to the heavier leptons and the muon neutrino was discovered and of course this is the Nobel Prize which was award in 1988 and I'm sure everyone here in the audience knows Leon Lederman the former director of the lab who he recently passed away who got who shared the Nobel Prize with Melvin Schwartz and Jack Steinberger for discovering the muon neutrino so again I said this before they come in pairs this is a property we call flavors and there are three three types of neutrinos and in the meantime we have discovered all three so why is this exotic particles so important well even though we don't see much of it in our everyday life it is actually very very abundant and if you look anywhere in the universe and you you see that on average there are billion more neutrinos that are left over from the Big Bang then we have the classical if you want proton neutrons and electrons if we if we looked anywhere in the universe in a box which is 1 meter times 1 meter times 1 meter or 3 feet x 3 feet x 3 feet tall then you would find on average not here obviously there are lots of protons here just most of the universe however is empty you would find 10 protons and 300 million neutrinos so that makes neutrinos actually the most abundant matter particle in the universe at any given moment for example now lots of neutrinos also reach us from other sources specifically the Sun in the Sun you have fusion processes and these fusion processes among protons they create neutrinos and the flux of neutrinos is gigantic so in every second 10 to the 11 so a number with 11 zeros 10 to the 11 neutrinos pass through the your fingertip that you don't worry about this or if we generally don't worry about this is just a consequence of the fact that neutrinos don't do very much they don't interact very often and only feel the weak force and we'll come back to that in a moment so already quite a while ago about 40 years ago in in the Homestake mine in south dakota and we'll come back to that place later in the talk an experiment was started by Ray Davis who wanted to measure neutrinos from the Sun and this is the detector and the process he was looking for is so if you remember the beta decay this is actually just a variant you put the new in the front and that is allowed in particle physics so sometimes it's called inverse beta decay so you have a neutrino and you needed a something where you had a large probability for this process to happen so use this material this liquid which is actually just cleaning fluid and almost 400,000 liters of it which contains chlorine and you create an argon atom and an electron this was not an experiment which as we do it now extracted the information online as it happens but what they did they had the detector run then they emptied the the cleaning fluid and they looked for for argon and they did this something like once a month and they did this for many many years and these are the measurements and at some point people got worried because this red line so this is the rate of neutrinos you expect and these are the years 1972 1994 it turned out that you know even if you have large individual uncertainties on this which are shown by these bars if you averaged it out only a third of the neutrinos were arriving here on earth now that is worrying of course it could be that our model is wrong it could be that the Sun is dying because actually it takes a photon a light particle 50,000 years to leave the Sun because it's being Rees catted in the Sun it's not transparent whereas a neutrino not doing very much can actually get out of the Sun instantly and some of you have might have watched there was a science fiction movie about this a few years ago where some neutrino detector discovered that the Sun was dying because of a now don't worry the Sun is perfectly fine and what is actually happening here we'll come back to in a second to do it to explain this I have to talk a little more about why neutrinos are special one of the things is that this is again the same picture of elementary particles and the size of the animal you see here is corresponds to the relative mass so from the top quark which would be like a blue whale to some other quacks and the electron and the muon which is like the electron is like like a squirrel and this is like a gorilla or chimpanzee and of course here at Fermilab a bison for the Tao and other neutrinos and this is a bit outdated so I have to actually put this on top we now know the neutrinos on this scale are like a fruit fly now that's weird in two ways first it's much smaller than the other masses much much smaller but it's also not 0 for a while we were thinking that the masses are zero something I will not talk about but you know might have heard about the fact that when the Higgs boson was discovered at CERN a few years ago that the Higgs is responsible for the mass of elementary particles we believe now that is not directly true for the neutrinos in house and the reason for this is that the mass is so light the other thing is that because the masses are so small neutrinos are truly quantum mechanical objects and it is you know we tend to think of particles like little balls or so which go through space that's not true when you have an object like this and this has consequences because the neutrino particles is actually not what I showed you before the ones which have the flavor the neutrino particles in order to for it to be a particle it has to have a mass and it turns out that you have to look at the neutrinos in a different way when you talk about them in terms of mass or when you talked about them in terms of what we call flavor and one is a mixture of the other and I show this here so if I look at the neutrino particles the one which have mass small mass they have different masses and the size of this splitting this distance corresponds to the fact that they have how different the masses are it's on a very small scale but if I look now at these new one new two and new three which are those three neutrinos and look at them in terms of the flavor type of neutrinos they represent mixtures so like a new three is like half of one flavor and half of the other flavor that is a bit weird I have to admit but this is how it how it works now what happens now is if you have a neutrino emitted by the Sun and let's say we emit an electron neutrino it will also be a mixture of those three mass type neutrinos and it will travel through space and because things that are not massless bill it can only travel with less than the speed of light and it depends how much less on what mass they have they will travel with a different speed now I start with a neutrino here and then it has these three components which different masses they go through space and they actually arrive here in a simplified picture they arrive here at a different time and the mixture has changed and we certainly therefore have a different type of neutrino another way of thinking about this is to think about them in terms of waves so I have one neutrino and the other and they because they have slightly different mass are out of phase and have a different velocity and if I overlay the two I get this interference pattern and this corresponds to exactly what we see one neutrino flavor let's say the electron neutrino it oscillates as we say to another one in a cyclical pattern like the muon and then it comes back and so on and so on so I hope everyone has understood this because if you think you understand quantum mechanics you don't understand quantum mechanics now if you haven't just believed me they oscillate so when I start with an electron neutrino something can this electron neutrino can become another type of neutrino and that explained this experiment and there was another experiment in Canada that proved that that actually the reason this is about a third is because the other 2/3 have gone into the two other flavours of neutrino so the neutrino rate from the Sun is fine but they have just changed their identity like it's changeling now something very similar is done in d'un we we start here at Fermilab and we create our own neutrinos like the Sun we create our own neutrinos they go through the earth and are detected about 1,300 kilometers away this detector and what we want so we start with a one flavour and in this case because it's easier to make them its me on type neutrinos that we start with 100% of those and then they change their identity and at the end we check how much the identity J have changed and that teaches us a lot about the science in order to build a project like this we need four ingredients we need scientists we need a neutrino beam a detector and we need money okay now this is polite company I will not talk about the money part these are the scientists Jun was formed in 2015 by true predecessor projects one in Europe and one in the US and now has become a global project and this global project has countries because here's the United States South America Europe and Asia with more than a thousand scientists working on Jun from 31 countries which is 30 real countries and one is actually CERN which is an international laboratory and in Geneva which also counts as a country here now how do we make neutrinos we imitate nature because there's another source of neutrinos which bombards us all the time it's from cosmic rays cosmic rays are protons that hit the upper atmosphere produce PI ons another particle they decay into me ons and they decay into neutrinos this process we can imitate in the lab and we do this with accelerators under controlled condition here at Fermilab so we start with protons they decay into pi ons as long as these particles are charged we can still use electromagnetic forces to kind of steer them once they decay then into neutrinos they actually are gone and we just can send them in a general direction where our detectors now why do neutrino experiments have to be so big as you will see in a moment and the reason is that neutrinos do almost nothing if you took a neutrino and you took the distance between the Sun or the earth doesn't matter to the next neighbors star which is alpha Proxima Centauri and that is about a million times the distance of the Earth to the Sun and you filled it all with water then a Trina would see a single water molecule so it is really blind I mean again this is the reason why we don't cry all the time because all these neutrinos hit us and it doesn't hurt yeah so in order to get anything where we see something from a neutrino interacting with a with some material we have to build huge experiments with a lot of stuff in them and we have to get as many neutrinos as possible about where we get the neutrinos from I will not talk in detail I just remind everyone that this is a big part of why Fermilab is a you know the leading lab in accelerator neutrino physics because it has this unique facility here that allows us to have a very intense neutrino beam and there is a new program for the next decade which has just they had its ground breaking last about two weeks ago here it's called pip two proton improvement plan which will even further increase the the intensity of neutrinos we can produce this is the most complicated plot of the talk so just bear with me for 30 seconds so neutrinos oscillate so we start here with an muon neutrinos and I said that before and that means if we go so this is a distance here effectively it's actually distance over the energy of the neutrino so for like 1 GeV that's our unit neutrino that would be a thousand kilometers so the neutrino muon neutrino disappears and the other two types start appearing because the sum has to add up it's a probability and this goes on and on there are two frequencies here which are given by the distances and these frequencies are actually given by the mass difference between these neutrino types and there are two mass differences so there are two frequencies if I want to build an experiment I want to have this effect maximal I want to see the maximum amount of oscillation from one flavor to the other so let's go here well that is where it's maximal and that is where we have L over e 500 kilometers almost all the one blue ones have disappeared and the red ones are on a peak if we have a typical energy at Fermilab of two and a half GeV and these units doesn't matter exactly what they mean we can just calculate which length this corresponds to and this corresponds to 1300 kilometer now the next step in building the experiment is go to Google Maps and see where you can get from here in 1,300 kilometers and that is actually in lead South Dakota it takes a little longer here because you don't go it's almost it's almost direct there happens to be a mind and that's the same mind we talked about before the Homestake mine which was where Ray Davis didn't you neutrino experiment many years ago and you can see like neutrinos are coming home so this is the mind this is the shaft this is how the mind looked 240 year 140 years ago gold was found there it's in the Black Hills in South Dakota and you can still see that because there's a huge open cut where people dug down just to find the gold and then they built a mind to go deeper and deeper and I think the overall depth of the mine is of the order two miles now why a mine well first you know sometimes like we had a journalist here filming something for the BBC and then the first thing they ask where is the tunnel through which the neutrinos go there is no tunnel the neutrinos just go through the earth and you could actually go above surface but there are all these cosmic rays bombarding us and they really fill your detector with signals you don't want so you go as steep underground as you can and this is a mile underground in this mine and so you built the detector so this green thing is where we were built you and this is actually where the Davis experiment I talked to you about it was there are two shafts going down there this is how it looks down there it's a mine and now I will just show you a little bit of a summary how it looks like in this little movie what I just told you so this is where we are and the high rise the beam is produced the protons are produced in the accelerators here on site they go through the they go through the different acceleration units we have here at Fermilab sorry and so this is a charged particle yes so protons they can go on a on a path like this then you sent them with a slight downward angle into the ground and you create neutrinos the neutrinos go through the earth you put a detector here I'll talk about this why this experiment is actually going to be here at Fermilab and then the neutrinos go through the earth something like 30 miles and then a deep and then they come out in South Dakota this is a supernova they'll come back to the supernova and this is the detectors and then things happen not that often there's one and you see a new trainer interacting producing either electron or neon or something else the data goes up there these are zeros and ones yeah and then they go out and are analyzed good so you saw these modules there were four of them and the film and this is where actually the neutrinos aren't detected they are filled with liquid argon and they are pretty big because you need that to see any of the neutrinos so there each of these four modules are 60 meters long and about 20 meters high and 20 meters caesars like 200 feet I hope you appreciate that I translate everything into feet online yeah and and and 60 feet and 60 feet this is liquid argon at a temperature of minus 184 degrees Celsius or minus 300 years for night and you have to put that in a cryostat but fortunately the technology for that exists why because we constantly transporting liquefied gas natural gas over the oceans you would never you know gas to make it efficient has to be liquefied so it's compact and the same technology which is used for these kind of ships can be used here too in case the argon and and keep it cold just to give you a scale if we take the four modules and the liquid argon which is in there we could fill the inner part of the of the highrise back there with liquid argon that is a lot of liquid argon so they are the four so these cabins where each of these four detectors will be built and in the middle we have an extra one which is a service cabin there is from the mind space there but not enough space to to built these detectors and that has to be excavated it's a big part of the project and the way this is done is that the rock comes to the surface and then will be put into this huge hole here which is the open cut I talked to you about which was the original part of the mine where people looked for gold and it's so huge that all the rock we take out I think only feels like 1% or so of that whole ground breaking has happened the typical ground breaking picture you can rest assured that no none of these people will contribute to the shoveling so this just shows how it will look short-movie down there so there are these four detectors there is the service cabin and in the middle and [Music] walk through and there will be a you know a lot of space here in order to access the the caverns then you go in you will have one detect to the right we look to the right now and this is where what was in green before one of the cryostats we filled with liquid argon will be located and then on the other side and just shows you again the scale of this it's it is really huge and then there will be a service space in between and then the second cavern and will house the this bill has the utilities at the center and then there will be space for a third and fourth Kevin a detector so how do we find the neutrinos what do we do actually so I told you we start with muon neutrinos here and we want to see are they still me on the trainer's or have they become electron neutrinos and there's a simple way to do this because they come in pairs you know if it's an electron type in your tree no it always produces an electron if it's a me on type neutrino it always produces a meal you can't even say that's the definition of the game yeah so when I see a neutrino producing a Mian I know it was a me on a trainer if it produces that electron I know it's an electron neutrino and this is exactly what we do so we have to distinguish the electrons and muons and other particles and we have to find these but fortunately electrons and muons are charged and that makes it a lot easier to be fair nobody has ever seen a neutrino you can't see a neutrino because neutrinos as I said only interact weakly the only thing we see is the things they do they create and in this case this is a charged particle so what happens there it's actually very simple there's the big liquid argon volume and we put a very very high voltage on it so you have like 100 200 kilo volts and you have an anode and a cathode very high electric field the neutrino comes in creates a charged particle and the charged particle goes through this argon and it ionizing the argon that means it liberates electrons so it is the argon which is neutral it knocks out many many many electrons these electrons are charged and now they will drift because of this strong electric field to a set of wire planes so these are just thin wires with a few millimeter distance and in different angles and they will record the signal and we do this at different angles why different angles it's like you have two eyes with two eyes you can reconstruct a 3d image so by reconstructing the image in two or three dimensions we can actually create a three-dimensional reconstruction of this track it's actually quite amazing if you think that there is this track so this particle going through argon it creates a track which is about a millimeter ring and then this track drifts it travels through the argon and four meters and then we record it as if you know it you'll see pictures of this it looks like photographs that's actually very amazing why are gone well it's denser than water that's good because the more the merrier with neutrinos the denser it is the better secondly it's actually relatively cheap and abundant I know you probably don't need argon in your kitchen but it's about one percent of the atmosphere and because there are lots of companies out there that make liquid air they actually produce argon as a byproduct the price is actually about a dollar a liter yeah or $4 a gallon so the other advantages it's actually easy to ionize and also produces a lot of light which I will not talk about in detail but it's also useful for us to keep it cold we need a cryogenic system so there are lots of piping where liquid argon is pumped around cleaned it has to be really clean inside we this is how it will look like there are basically a volume a tank filled of argon and then you have these anodes and cathodes and anodes and cathodes which create this electric field and this is all just in very large dimensions now what perhaps we would like to do but nobody would ever who gives us money would ever allow us to do is to just say that's a great plan let's build this everybody expects us to build a prototype and just make it a little smaller and so we have actually built quite a few detectors like this at Fermilab's and at other laboratories that work similarly but are not quite so large one of them is micro Boone which is here at Fermilab and this is actually the Micro bone cryo start where the liquid argon is hosted and the experiment is just a few hundred yards over there and so this is before it went into the detector it's been running for years and it produces these and that's why I mentioned these these beautiful pictures that is what liquid argon detectors can produce so a caveat like a lot of pictures particle physicists and also astronomers show you look like photographs they are not photographs these are representations of data so you have to be a little bit careful but it it's not really like an old bubble chamber picture which you might have seen that this is this is an interpretation of the data as we record it so the first thing which is wrong liquid argon is not blue yeah liquid argon actually looks like water it's just transparent it got to be because otherwise we couldn't see the light in it the neutrino is coming this is real data this is not fake made-up anything so this is the invisible neutrino is coming from the left and then it just interacts and it produces all these tracks here now you see actually other stuff going on and that's because this detector is on the surface and that means that we get a lot of cosmic rays going through which we also see another recorded event as we say this is a me on a cosmic neon it stops and when it stops it becomes red what does that mean well that's what we are as a color so from green to red means it deposits more and more energy that's very typical when a charged particle goes into somewhere ionized and then the end of its life it will deposit most of its energy it decays into another particle an electron and some photons so this is it's just beautiful because you see subatomic physics very clearly here not the only prototype we have another one at CERN which is the international particle physics laboratory and CERN is a partner on this project and this is the prototype there it looks already more like June just a bit smaller this is about 18 feet x 18 feet and this is how it looks inside this is a human why does it this is the cryostat inside why is it folded like this because of the cold it you know it has to expand and contract so you have to do that and show you so this is a few pictures just quickly going through inside this is these wire planes beautiful detectors this is another prototype again from the inside before the liquid argon obviously and another of these detectors just to show you that this is their really really very very beautiful but we then fill them with argon and this is a picture and they don't worry about the green that is something to do with it taking the photograph and this photograph shows actually my camera inside how the liquid argon is being filled in here so there are like pipes and so and you see here the surface of the liquid argon arising each of these contains about a few hundred tons of liquid argon now this detector which we call proto mune has also recorded tracks and this little movie shows you again real data you see that's where the particles come in and they produce other particles and you see that actually there again there are you know these tracks going through and actually most of them have been filtered out if you look at the whole thing you see a lot of these cosmics that is because at any given time there are so many cosmic tracks going through and that is okay here because we just want to show you that the technology works but if you want to do real physics science with it that's why we have to go deep underground again these cosmic neons come from the sky and just to give you a feeling every second and per square meter about a hundred of these charge tracks go through us at any moment but if you go one mile underground they're all gone so back to June what I showed you this picture before we talked about the fart detector in our in South Dakota this is where we are there's another detector here that's actually quite an important detector which we absolutely need for this project because the problem is what we want to measure is how many of these neutrinos changed their identity in order to do that we have to measure how many of these neutrinos how are produced here at Fermilab and that means we also have to put a big neutrino detector here not quite so big as the one in South Dakota but big enough and it will be based on site about 500 meters in this direction close to Kirk Road and it will measure the neutrinos before they go to South Dakota so we know how they look like and then we can compare so let me use the last few minutes to talk about something else which is really one of the primary science goals of the experiment and that is to understand the role of a matter and antimatter so matter and antimatter goes back to Paul Dirac British physicist who actually wrote this beautiful equation which you don't have to understand but it's beautiful it just looks beautiful and it predicts there are particles and antiparticles and actually only two years or three years later see Dee Anderson in cosmic rays actually discovered the partner of the electron which is the positron and this is the first positron ever seen it goes from here to here now the problem in matter and antimatter is that we assume that the Big Bang produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter so like well there wasn't earth then but on earth and an anti earth the problem however is that over time antimatter disappeared and what's left over is is only matter obviously in our observable universe you only need a small symmetry between matter and antimatter to be able to do that but it is quite a strange effect which we haven't really understood and the the buzzword so if you want to impress what you learned here is here to understand CP violation so what does this mean CP violation goes back to this is mr. Sahara for famous physicist he Russian physicist he postulated that one of the conditions or the for the universe to be in a symmetric state is that a symmetry which we call CP is being violated in order to have as we see here a universe which at all scales all scales we know is dominated by matter and so what does CP mean well it's actually not that difficult when you go from a particle to an anti particle you go from an electron to a positron for example so what you do you turn around the charge from a negative to a positive charge that's where the sea comes from and the P means parity because the electron actually is like a spin it spins and you turn around that spin we say it becomes goes from left hander to right handed and when you do that then you get from particle to antiparticle so CP actually means nothing else than making an anti particle out of a particle now with doin what we want to do is to study exactly that and the way we can do this is by selecting the type of neutrinos here and selecting the type of neutrinos we can do because actually in our beam we have the option to choose the charge so we choose the charge a the positively charged ion or a negatively charged ion and then we know that's the same see like you go from pi minus 2 pi plus from particle to antiparticle and if you do both and we do this for several years we run in this mode for a few years and this mode for years it could be compare the results we can tell you whether CP whether we get exactly the same result or whether CP as we say is violated so these are some of the questions you can answer and I haven't talked really about the first one but the important one here is do neutrinos violate CP symmetry and can possibly thereby contribute to explaining why we have a matter-dominated universe other questions is it actually only three neutrinos how do we know that could there be fourth ones that's this thing we can also studies and of course perhaps the most interesting bit for any scientists are their stuff which we haven't found yet new and unexpected so I'm a bit over time but this is good so I'll just another thing we can do there's this [Music] so nobody can't make a star explode but this is actually a animation of the supernova that happened in the year 1054 we know this because it was actually recorded by Chinese scientists at the time and supernovae are star explosions and these star explosions they work basically they're different types but the ones we are interested in according to a certain pattern where when the star runs out of fuel it starts to collapse the gravitational energy like I have a ball and I let it drop there's gravitational energy which is transformed into kinetic energy when I drop it in the same way when the star collapses I have to create this after to transform this potential energy or gravitational energy to kinetic energy and this kinetic energy is so vast it has to be emitted somehow and what many people don't realize is because what happens when the the protons and the electrons get squished together in this process you create neutrons a neutron star and actually because again this is almost like the beta decayed we're at the beginning it is it Elektra there's a neutrino 99% of the energy of a supernova is carried away by neutrinos which is actually quite amazing 1987 there was a neutrino was a supernova in the Millar's Magellanic Cloud and they were smaller neutrino detectors online at the time and they actually saw 23 neutrinos within a time of about 10 seconds that's the time in which this supernova happens with June if we can actually see a supernova which is not too far away not too close either please then we will see thousands of neutrinos within ten seconds this will give us enormous information about neutrinos and about supernovae which are one of the most violent events in the universe so let me wrap up with a two or three slides which just shows you that we are not alone this is great physics if you do great physics you have competitors this is us the is a competitor experiment in in Japan and this is called hyper kamiokande and super-kamiokande but this is hyper camaçari still in the planning stage and then there's also a similar experiment which is not really a competitor because it doesn't use beam neutrinos on the South Pole these experiments work differently they work with water water has a lot of advantages one of them is that it's abundant you can build huge detectors the disadvantage of water is that the reconstruction those beautiful pictures have shown you that's not possible with a water detector I will just flash through these few slides so that we have some time for discussion and I can talk about this detectors too but let me summarize what what I hope I have convinced you of Dune is ahead of its competition and is expected to break new ground in understanding of neutrinos and their role in the universe it is the largest sign international science project on US soil or actually under US soil to be more precise and a global project with more than 1,000 scientists from 31 countries together with June there is a another project which we call Albion F that's the facility that is extremely important provides us with the neutrinos and you know the excavation you know the physicists built the detector but there's a lot of stuff going around it and this is important because it actually makes Fermilab the ideal place to do this physics because it has the world's highest intensity neutrino beam and this facility provides the necessary infrastructure to do the discovery science we want to do June and also L BNF will bring benefits and I think this is something we always have to stress because it is important to the not only the global chrome science community but also to the local communities in this case here around Fermilab and of course in south dakota's and this will continue to be the case for several decades the timeline of Dune is roughly like this and of course this is still developing we are currently in the prototyping stage and planning stage I showed you that and these prototypes are working perfectly is really really very exciting with such a challenging technology the the far side we have to start very soon to physically excavate the the the cabins for putting the detectors and then in about five years we'll start installing the detectors in a few years later we will have the beam available from Fermilab and then this is a science program which will go on for at least a decade I am pretty sure it will actually be significantly longer and it will you know make this lab you know the crime lab for doing neutrino physics with accelerators for the for the next generation and I hope there are some younger I can't see anyone by the way this is all effective you know because I'm in the light so if you are a high school student or a student you know you do you do your degree you become a scientists at Fermilab that's the experiment you are you will do your research so let me thank you for the attention for coming here tonight for listening to this I hope you I could convey a little bit the excitement we all have about this project you
Channel: Fermilab
Views: 20,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fermilab, Physics, DUNE, LBNF, Accelerators, Particle Accelerators, Neutrinos
Id: lE_L12eqML0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 46sec (3226 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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